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    Friends II :: Just You and Me
    Beauty in the Everyday III :: Hook and Chain
    Medication :: Fish Oil - Good for the Heart
    Title Tale :: The Day Everything Stopped
    Fruits & Vegetables IV (ARCHIVAL) :: Behold The Cabbage
    Extended Free Study 2019-09 :: Early Morning Visitors
    Tracks :: Tracks of Life
    Eggs :: Rise and Shine
    Extended Free Study 2021-08 :: Feeding My Soul
    Black & White Landscape IV :: Michael's Path
    Free Study 2022-09 :: Sitting Pretty
    Free Study 2023-10 :: Spread Your Wings
    Color Portrait III :: beauty in the woods
    Abstract Nature III :: Water Ballet
    Still Life with Two Light Sources :: Birds of Wisdom
    Extended Free Study 2023-07 :: Nectar
    Diagonal II :: Along Came A Spider
    Dead Flora II :: Long Forgotten
    Extended Free Study 2019-05 :: The Guardian
    The Beginning of the End II :: a slow death
    Sound III :: Signal
    All Things Being Equal: Three II :: bulbs
    Blue VI :: Let's Dance
    Beginnings II :: Brand New Life
    Wabi Sabi II :: Creeper
    Channeling vawendy :: Spring Tea
    My Left Foot II :: Best Foot Forward
    Contre-Jour V :: Glowing Faces
    Sensuality Without Nudity :: Unfurled Petals
    The Egg III :: Remnants of Spring Past
    Fish II :: Fish Noir
    Chiaroscuro (ARCHIVAL) :: Wistful
    Magazine Cover III :: Chocolate Fig Cake
    Early to Rise :: Foggy Morning
    Before :: I've Got It
    Painterly Scenes :: First Llight
    Doors, Gates, Knobs, Locks & Handles III :: Semi Secure
    New Year's Resolution XV :: Take More Early Morning Walks
    William Shakespeare II :: My  hour is almost come, when I to sulphurous and tormeting flames must render up myself - Hamlet
    Quiet :: Morning Approaches
    Panic :: Night Terror
    The Orton Effect :: The earth has music for those who listen - Shakesphere
    Fallen II :: Just The Beginning
    All Things Being Equal: Three III :: The Pitcher Family
    Extended Free Study 2022-09 :: Sayonara
    Friday the 13th II :: Watching and Waiting
    Black and White Still Life IV :: Webs and Relics
    Portrait: Life in a Miniature World :: Land of the Lost
    Low Key VI :: Heart On My Sleeve
    Flour Power II :: Guaranteed - 70 and still sifting
    Free Study 2022-06 :: Just A Memory
    Extended Free Study 2021-11 :: Keepers of the Herd
    Pet Portrait V :: Dessert for the Princess
    Extended Free Study 2021-12 :: Portrait of a Titmouse
    The Secret Life of Food :: Cupcake Bridesmaids
    Film Noir II :: Mysterious
    Abstract Landscape III :: Through Van Gogh Eyes
    Symmetry V :: flaps down
    Still Life With Vegetables :: Spring Salad
    Toy Story III :: Turf War
    Bokeh VIII :: splendor in the grass
    Extended Free Study 2021-09 :: Changes
    Extended Free Study 2024-04 :: Heron Portrait
    Severed :: The Interrogation
    Hotel California :: welcome
    Extended Free Study 2023-04 :: Spring Rendezvous
    Still Life IX :: The Last Pumpkin
    Shapes V :: going down
    Extended Free Study 2020-10 :: Give nature a hand, plant a tree
    Extended Free Study 2021-04 :: The Donkey and The Crow
    Extended Free Study 2019-06 :: Book of Dreams
    Still Life VII :: Low Hanging Fruit
    Free Study 2021-12 :: Remains Of The Day
    Fictional Characters (Archival) :: Lady and The Tramp
    Sunlight & Shadow (ARCHIVAL) :: Wall Flowers
    Holiday Cheer III :: All Is Well
    Pi III :: Aqua Pi
    Something Old IV :: The Way We Were
    Extended Free Study 2018-06 :: Pink
    Earth Day, 2016 :: Yay for Earth Day
    Extended Free Study 2016-10 :: Birds and Blooms
    Boxy Composition :: two to one
    Rule of Thirds IX :: Dreamy Reality
    Abstract Nature II :: Last Light on Willow Pond
    Make it Square III :: Majestic
    Hearty Fun :: Heart of the Forest
    Fish :: A Fish Tale
    Apple IV (ARCHIVAL) :: Apples of My Pie
    Billy Joel Song Titles/Lyrics :: River of Dreams
    Glass VI :: Making A Splash
    Textures And Materials :: rustic fruit
    Philias & Phobias :: YIKES, I Hate Snakes (Ophidiophobia)
    Delicate III :: Nature's Delicate Balance
    Macro X :: Eastern Pygmy Blue
    Underwater :: The Secret Garden
    China On My Mind :: Good Luck and Fortune
    Vase :: peace
    Shallow DOF VI :: spread a little sunshine
    Song Title/Lyrics: David Bowie :: Lazarus
    Doors, Gates, Knobs, Locks, Handles, and Windows :: under lock and key
    Extended Free Study 2022-08 :: Sentry
    The Moment Before :: Wait For It
    Books II :: Preserved
    Subject Out of Frame :: The Wait
    One Becomes Two :: Narcissist
    50 Ways To Leave Your Lover :: Via the Underwood
    Extended Free Study 2022-02 :: Sunshine On A Cloudy Day
    Extended Free Study 2021-02 :: Window To My Obsession
    Light on White VIII :: Spring In A Teapot
    Deja Vu IV :: Pears and Pitcher (Still-Life with Fruit)
    Pastels III :: tutu
    Extended Free Study 2021-05 :: A Few Of My Favorite Things
    Books III :: Old Collection
    Extended Free Study 2023-03 :: Hanging Out
    Extended Free Study 2023-09 :: Home On The Range
    Black & White IX :: A Beautiful Ending
    Abstract: Black and White III :: Autumn Leaving
    Extended Free Study 2022-07 :: Abandoned
    !deppilF :: Boat Dreams
    Spring or Fall :: They Have Returned
    Extended Free Study 2022-03 :: Dream Interrupted
    Panoramas Up Close :: blush
    Free Study 2021-06 :: Regal
    Macro Without Bugs or Flowers V :: Bubbleology
    Paper II :: love song
    Surreal Still Life :: Time's Up
    Flip'n'Blend Abstract :: Bejeweled Fish
    Still Lifes : a Mentor Challenge with Grahamgator :: Winter Squash with Shallots
    Extended Free Study 2023-01 :: Waiting For Spring
    Pushing the Envelope to Oblivion (Archival) :: She was chaos and beauty.  A tornado of roses from divine. -- Shakieb Orgunwall
    Negative Space VI :: blue water world
    Free Study 2012-03 :: Balanced
    Recipe (Food or Beverage) II :: Lemon Blueberry Cake
    Free Study 2022-03 :: The Breakfast Club
    Collage :: Mother Nature
    Weather III (DPL4 WK5) :: Downpour
    Off with their Head III :: Opulence
    Valentine's Photo II :: sweet heart
    Puzzle Macro IV :: End of Day Breeze
    Art of 2015 :: In Between
    Extended Free Study 2018-10 :: Funky Pumpkin
    Silhouettes VIII :: Evening Tea
    Low Contrast :: Sand and Sea
    Extended Free Study 2020-02 :: Azaleas
    Painterly Scene II (ARCHIVAL) :: Simply Lemons
    Local Flavor :: Sweet and Juicy
    Chiaroscuro II :: Past Prime
    Trees V :: Alligator Point
    Kitchen Art II :: Limone
    Fruits & Vegetables III :: Sand Pears
    Extended Free Study 2019-03 :: The Tulip Affair
    Pink and/or Red :: Lady In Pink
    Extended Free Study 2017-01 :: The Sentinel
    Fences V :: Broken
    Beds & Sofas & Chairs :: Her favorite spot
    Kitchen Tools :: Pie Maker
    The Eleventh Commandment :: nurture the earth
    Still Life with Fruit II :: Naval
    Still Life VI :: Signs of Spring
    Image Grain V :: where have all the flowers gone.....
    Free Study 2020-04 :: Sitting Pretty
    Composition with Light :: Light Painting
    Extended Free Study 2020-12 :: Musings
    Free Study 2022-04 :: Titmouse
    Abstract In Green :: Phoenix
    William Shakespeare :: Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under't - Macbeth
    Free Study 2022-08 :: Yellow Bells and Ribbons
    Broken III :: Broken Light
    High Key IV :: fragrant magnolia
    Update Your Avatar II :: The Cover Up
    Extended Free Study 2022-05 :: And there my little doves did sit, with feathers softly brown and glittering eyes...
    Wildlife VIII (ARCHIVAL) :: Please Mom!
    Square Crop V :: Angry Bird
    Extended Free Study 2022-01 :: Cypress in Winter
    Recipe (Food or Beverage) III :: Mocha Chocolate Cake - Last Slice (true)
    Global Warming :: Meltdown
    High Key V (ARCHIVAL) :: Hint of color
    Dreams IV :: Beckoning
    Free Study 2020-08 :: Milk In Motion
    So Bad It's Good :: Gone Fishing
    Free Study 2022-05 :: Tipsy
    Extended Free Study 2020-06 :: Moonlight Rendezvous
    Extended Free Study 2019-08 :: Melon and Wildflowers
    Surrealism II :: Eye of the Storm
    Ghost :: awakening soul
    Off-Centered Subject IV :: view from the top
    Famous Paintings (ARCHIVAL) :: Whistler's Mother - 2020
    Good Vibes for Jan (Cutout) :: Take My Hand
    Let's Get Minimal! :: Hug
    Smoke IV :: Smokey Sweet Cupa Joe
    Country Life IV :: A Day In The Life
    Wabi Sabi III :: Southern Drapery
    Free Study 2024-06 :: Low Flyer
    Best of 2015 :: Just a Girl
    Painterly Photo :: Citroen
    Missed Focus III :: morning condensation
    A Vegetable Bestiary (DPL4 Final Challenge) :: Yellow Crookneck Squacker Squad
    Retro :: sentimental keepsake
    What is this Pencil II :: Spring Bouquet
    Textures in Nature (Archival) :: Slipping Away
    Extended Free Study 2017-08 :: Floral Fantasy
    Dappled Light II :: just breathe
    Bokeh VII :: The Assassin
    Foreground Bokeh II :: adrift
    Separation II :: Glass Houses
    Honorable Mentions
    Light On White VII :: Ephemeral Beauty in Winter Light
    Still Life with Pure Sadness :: Unhappy Birthday
    Decorate Baby Emilie's Nursery :: Magic Mushroom Forest
    Crockery :: Heirloom
    Clean (and/or) Dirty :: Dirty Frog Footprints
    Soft Focus, High Key :: Spring Fling
    Square Crop IV :: Granny Smith in the Square, in the Dark, in the Rain
    Free Study 2019-04 :: Purple Beauty
    Extended Free Study 2016-08 :: It's My Birthday
    Cliche with an edge or twist. :: Have a Good Day Twisted Water Drop
    Horror :: Buried Alive
    Artificial Lighting II :: A Sense of History
    Still Life With Pairs :: The Dumping Ground
    Nude VII (Archival)  :: Each body has its art...Gwendolyn Brooks
    A Mess :: I'm A Mess
    Flat Lay Still Life II :: Noel
    Cubism :: Tea Time
    Inspired by Victoriana :: Remembering Bessie Jane
    Your Sink (or Basin. Or Trough) :: Crime Scene
    Randomness :: No Boundry
    Trace :: The object of art is to make eternal the desperately fleeting moment -- Tennessee Williams
    Beauty in Overwhelming Numbers II :: Farewell
    Car/Automobile II :: Out To Pasture
    New Year's Resolution VI :: Day 1
    Photographer Quotations :: A camera didn't make a great picture anymore than a typewriter wrote a great novel. - Peter Adams
    Negative Space VII :: off-season
    Free Study 2020-05 :: A Side Of Cherries
    Extended Free Study 2023-05 :: Country Bluebirds
    New Year's Resolution XIV :: Improve My Posture
    Self Portrait in Minimal :: Pisces
    When DPC Breaks :: We're all mad here - Cheshire Cat
    Flowers III :: Delicate Balance
    Composite III (ARCHIVAL) :: Snowy Chickens
    Free Study 2019-07 :: Golden Stairway
    Extended Free Study 2017-06 :: Just Before The Great Fall
    Extended Free Study 2018-07 :: Peonies
    Free Study 2022-07 :: Lost and Found
    Extended Free Study 2020-03 :: Harmony
    Macro XI :: Tiptoe Through The Pollen
    Extended Free Study 2023-02 :: Passing Through
    Still Life VIII (DPL5-7) :: A Ray Of Sunshine
    Free Study 2013-08 :: I only ask to be free-the butterflies are free - Charles Dickens
    Opening Lines :: It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.
    From the Ground Up VIII :: Beam Me Up
    April Foolishness :: It's A Wonderful Life
    Hair II :: Braids
    Macro VIII :: I am smiling
    Ridiculously Disproportionate :: Dreams of My Memoirs
    Extended Free Study 2020-08 :: The Princess's 7th Birthday
    Magazine Cover IV :: Spring News
    The Eyes Have It! II :: Soulful
    Book Cover :: Give Them Wings
    Faceless III :: Book Light
    Squats & Lifts :: Sun Bonnets
    Original Artwork :: Just Because
    A Bug's Life: Insects, Bugs, Beetles IV :: Tiptoe Though The Flowers
    Free Study 2023-04 :: Great Egret En pointe
    High Key :: Oopsey-Daisy
    Free Study 2023-03 :: Phaon Crescent
    Abstract: Black & White VII :: Sticks and Stones
    Flowers in Garden & Field :: Outstanding in the Field
    A Glass of Water :: Against the light
    Pet Portrait VI :: Hmm...Smells Like Peanut Butter
    Extended Free Study 2021-03 :: Sunset Flyover
    Best of 2022 (Extended Editing) :: Here Comes The Sun..doo, doo, doo, doo
    Family IV :: Hugs and Kisses
    Droste Effect :: November
    Icons of the Macabre :: punkin head
    Toy Photography :: Barbie With The Pearl Earring
    Free Study 2014-09 :: Clouds Over Laramie Peak
    Motion Blur VII :: Flight of the Egret
    Framed! :: No Eyes and a Hat
    Free Study 2019-05 :: Roses with Hydrangea
    Sports VI :: Sand Spikers
    As-Found Filter :: Bejeweled Daisy
    Extended Free Study 2023-10 :: Meeting In The Meadow
    Food In Black and White :: simple feast
    New Year's Resolution XIII :: Keep On Squeezing
    Motion-Blurred Landscape (ARCHIVAL) :: Blow
    Holiday Lights :: Tabletop Decor
    Free Study 2020-03 :: Lace and Sunshine
    Umbrella III :: floating on sunbeams
    Orange VII :: Orange you happy to see me?
    Get Well Bear_Music :: Wishing you A Speedy Recovery
    Lines & Circles :: Clock Works
    You Name It III :: You Name It
    No-Sky Landscape :: in the meadow
    Asymmetry :: left behind
    In the Spirit of Kiwinick :: For Nick's Love of Labs
    Orange III :: Here Comes The Sun
    Bovine III (Archival) :: Back Off
    Lines & Circles II :: Window To The Sunroom
    Body of Water III :: At the Edge of the Lake
    DNMC II :: still life with fruit
    Cooking Tool(s) :: Essentials
    Free Study 2017-01 :: Peace is Always Beautiful
    Norman Rockwell III :: Tractor Repairs
    Free Study 2023-11 :: My Girl - 10 Years
    Flour Power :: Organic Flour
    Book Cover II :: Dearest Mary Ellen
    Lawn II :: Weeds Rule
    Celebrating the Vision of Grahamgator :: Autumn
    Extended Free Study 2016-09 :: Trick or Treat
    Liquid III :: DIADEM
    DPL Album Cover II :: Dandy Puffing Lions
    High Key III :: Lilies
    Extended Free Study 2018-05 :: Garden of Dreams
    Black and White Still Life II :: My Favorite Things
    New Years Resolution X :: Find Beauty In The Unexpected
    Extended Free Study 2024-06 :: Making A Memory
    In the Style of Vincent Van Gogh :: Alstroemeria
    Extended Free Study 2019-12 :: Lemon Drop
    Macro IX :: Big Dreamer
    Abstract Motion Blur :: winter reflected
    Plants: No Trees or Flowers :: Grow Where You Wanna Grow
    B Is For _______  :: Bookish Blue Beta and a Bird
    In The Spirit Of: docpjv :: His eye is on the sparrow....hoping your pain flies away
    User Profile
    Name: Mary Ann Andrews
    Username: grahamgator
    Gender: F
    Type: Member Location: Florida
    Cameras: Nikon Z7II
    Apple iPhone 12 Pro
    Apple iPhone 14 Pro
    Nikon D600
    Nikon D80
    Nikon D810
    Lenses: Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
    Moment Macro lens 25mm, 10x
    Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.4D
    Nikon AF Zoom-Nikkor 18-135mm f/3.5- 5.6G ED DX
    Nikon AF Zoom-Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 VR DG IF-ED
    Nikon AF-S Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8 VR
    Nikon NIKKOR Z 24-70mm f/4 S
    Registered: Aug. 9th 2009
    Private Message
    Biography: I enjoy DPC so very much and especially viewing other's work. There are many talented people on this site. DPC is highly addictive. Novice at best; learning every day and having a great time along the way.

    Some images are signposts,
    a mark of where you̢۪ve been,
    and others, guides to where you�ve yet to go.
    Destination never was the point, for any line is many points,
    each an opportunity to stop and turn and look at what you find,
    and what finds you, along the way.
    It only matters how � not when or where or even what�
    you see. (unknown)

    for and Thank you Wendy


    for Thanks Shez for Thanks Shez thumb]1025373[/thumb]

    for Thanks Anita
    for My first.; an honor. THANKS posthumous
    for THANKS posthumous


    ] for and for and this THANKS MARCIA!

    for and this and this and this Thank you Julie

    for for and THANKS Tate

    for THANKS John

    for and and and for THANKS GeorgesBogaert


    2013 Points and Ribbons Race 2014 Points and Ribbons Race 2015 Points and Ribbons Race2016 Points and Ribbons Race

    High Five Shooters Member TPL 2 Member of World Wide Shooters TPL 2014]
    Proud member of DPL 2015 Team "Hit Squad" Third Place Winner DPL 2015

    View this photographer's portfolio!
    Add this photographer to your favorites!
    Highest Rated Photographs
    Chocolate Fig Cake
    1st PlaceChocolate Fig Cake
    Magazine Cover III
    Average: 7.9714
    Lady and The Tramp
    1st PlaceLady and The Tramp
    Fictional Characters (Archival)
    Average: 7.6667
    1st PlaceMysterious
    Film Noir II
    Average: 7.6129
    Just A Memory
    1st PlaceJust A Memory
    Free Study 2022-06
    Average: 7.6111
    The Donkey and The Crow
    1st PlaceThe Donkey and The Crow
    Extended Free Study 2021-04
    Average: 7.5200
    Back to the 60's - curtpetguy image 939454
    Back to the 60's - curtpetguy image 939454
    Morning Run
    Morning Run
    when no one is looking
    when no one is looking
    I only ask to be free-the butterflies are free - Charles Dickens
    I only ask to be free-the butterflies are free - Charles Dickens
    Challenge Entries
    Last 10 Forum Threads Posted To
    Thread   Section   Date
    Posthumous Ribbons VI   Challenge Results  6 months ago
    Unofficial DPC Point & Ribbon Race   Side Challenges and Tournaments  8 months ago
    Renewed on a couple of levels...   General Discussion  12 months ago
    DPL (Digital Photography League) is Returning!   Administrator Announcements  17 months ago
    OMG!   Challenge Results  21 months ago
    Something's broken   Challenge Results  24 months ago
    One of Those Contests   General Discussion  26 months ago

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    All digital photo copyrights belong to the photographers and may not be used without permission.
    Current Server Time: 08/31/2024 11:54:24 PM EDT.