DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
Challenges Entered: 68
Votes Cast: 6,757
Avg Vote Cast: 6.0799
Votes Received: 14,108
Avg Vote Received: 6.0749
  • Made: 497
  • Helpful: 181
  • Received: 1,765
  • Helpful: 205
  • Posts: 1,609
  • Threads Created: 86
    Profile Views: 26,246
    Total Image Views: 258,443
    Total Images Viewed: 2
  • Favorites
    Selected by other users:
  • Photographer: 171 times
  • Photographs: 691 times
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  • Photographers: 0
  • Photographs: 5
  • Status
    User is currently offline.
    New Year's Resolution :: New Years from the Needle
    People :: Taking Cover
    Something Old :: Stopped In It's Tracks
    Pencil :: Balance
    Illusions :: Chess Anyone?
    Games :: Hat Trick
    Free Study :: Falling into a Dream
    Landscape :: Crossing
    Curves :: Needle in Red
    Honorable Mentions
    Monuments :: Jimi Hendrix Memorial
    Chaos :: Muddy Mahem
    Your Corner of the World :: Night Life
    On the Road :: Shadow Rider
    User Profile
    Name: Tim Jensen Age: 56
    Username: timj351
    Gender: M
    Type: Member Location: Kent, WA
    Cameras: Sony DSC-F707
    Registered: Mar. 11th 2002
    Private Message
    URL: http://www.timsart.net
    Biography: I am currently freelancing as an artist and my specialty is finely detailed pencil portraits. I have a wide range of atistic interests including illustration, graphic design and, of course, photography. Photography is an incredible medium. It fascinates me to be able to capture split seconds of precious time that will never be repeated with the added challenge of doing it in a creative and unique way. I use photography as an art form unto itself and as a tool that helps me in most of my art projects. My other interests include basketball, pool, running and drinking excellent microbrews.
    Signature: My Web Site

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    Highest Rated Photographs
    Taking Cover
    1st PlaceTaking Cover
    Average: 8.1403
    Print Available!
    Chess Anyone?
    1st PlaceChess Anyone?
    Average: 7.8373
    Hat Trick
    1st PlaceHat Trick
    Average: 7.7537
    Print Available!
    1st PlaceBalance
    Average: 7.6357
    Print Available!
    Needle in Red
    3rd PlaceNeedle in Red
    Average: 7.3439
    Print Available!
    Challenge Entries
    Last 10 Forum Threads Posted To
    Thread   Section   Date
    A oversharpening issue   Photography Discussion  250 months ago
    What does 12mpx do for you?   Hardware and Software  251 months ago
    Paypal Account? Be wary of this email!   General Discussion  251 months ago

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