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Eye Contact
1st PlaceEye Contact

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Singled-Out (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Sony DSC-F828
Location: Paris
Date: Jan 11, 2006
Date Uploaded: Jan 11, 2006

From a series of shots taken from a slightly elevated position of an unorganized and undiciplined French museum line in Paris. No models involved, just the post processing it required (burning, dodging & selective sharpening).

Place: 1 out of 109
Avg (all users): 7.9783
Avg (commenters): 9.0789
Avg (participants): 7.3231
Avg (non-participants): 8.1792
Views since voting: 119068
Views during voting: 618
Votes: 277
Comments: 216
Favorites: 407 (view)

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03/11/2015 05:57:25 PM
Outstanding image.
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02/23/2011 05:01:27 PM
this is a brilliant image
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02/23/2011 03:02:38 PM
This may be the single best street shot ever taken. Certainly the best I've ever seen.
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01/02/2011 11:04:45 PM
4 years later and still my favorite picture on DPC.
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01/01/2011 10:28:23 AM
cool shot, his head almost looks photoshopped on.
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11/24/2010 03:56:36 PM
This is such an amazing photo! In my top 3 ever!
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08/18/2010 07:18:05 AM
I can't believe I've never seen this photo before! I love it
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08/12/2010 10:58:30 PM
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07/01/2010 01:21:27 PM
So powerfull!
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06/13/2010 05:40:56 PM
love it, definitely one of my favourites so far (as I slowly wade through the high quality of images on this site), I may be a bit biased as I like street photography I guess, but still a great capture.
If I could I'd rate it a 10.
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11/30/2009 03:50:06 PM
Amazingly well received image and well deserving it is too!
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05/06/2009 08:00:50 AM
Excellent Capture.

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01/30/2009 03:47:36 PM
Just became a member to DPC. This pic is unbelievable! Gives me chills.
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08/10/2008 05:50:49 PM
If there are no models involved, then beware the man in the hat with the dark coat. I think he means you harm. ;-)

Very nice image. And especially so, since he was not a planted model.
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05/01/2008 01:27:39 PM
Jeez, really great photo and especially because no models were used.
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04/21/2008 03:45:20 PM
This is excellent. I can feel the emotions he is throwing at you with his eyes, and the smirk...
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03/21/2008 10:19:01 PM
This is absolutely creepy. I can not express how much I love this. Wonderful capture.
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03/07/2008 10:42:43 PM
When you look in the photography textbook under "focal point" THIS should be there!!
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01/18/2008 03:03:33 AM
wow, very cool...
he's creeping me out a little!
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12/07/2007 09:44:10 PM
this could be my favorite picture on this site.
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09/30/2007 08:08:06 PM
WOW thats an Amazing photo!!!
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08/26/2007 06:52:33 PM
it doesnt get muhc better than this.
blowing my mind.
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08/10/2007 02:00:53 PM
amazing photo!
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07/23/2007 09:14:31 PM
Absolutely F?@@@@'ng Awesome...

One of the best pics I have ever seen


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07/22/2007 03:58:51 PM
Simple idea, brillant execution. BRAVO!

-- McNolia
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06/21/2007 06:02:19 PM
haha been looking for this pic for ages so i could put it in my favs =]
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06/14/2007 05:35:33 PM
Wow this was the first picture that caught my eye on DPC and it is still one of my favorites. Nice work.
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06/11/2007 02:39:36 AM
i truly think this is one of my favorite shots on DPC

captured me from the second i saw it, and i look at it at least once a week.

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03/09/2007 07:17:03 PM
I am captivated by this shot. Stunning!
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01/31/2007 08:22:55 PM
This is such a cool shot, everytime I see it I am amazed at how you acheived exactly what you planned on!
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12/03/2006 05:29:00 PM
This photo is utterly amazing! i love how your drawn to his gaze, its entrancing, he looks like he could be a mobster, not someone you wanna mess with lol. Very well done, def. one of my favorites. I love the way the people in his immediate vicinity are all facing away so there are no distractions at all. Wonderful, im looking forward to seeing more of your work. A++
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10/20/2006 07:32:16 PM
The depth is phenomenal.
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10/19/2006 03:01:12 PM
brilliant! the photo says it all...
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07/27/2006 03:38:04 AM
I keep coming back to this photo again and again, and I am always amazed by this shot. It is truly stunning. I can only imagine the delight you felt when you first viewed this on your screen.

Looking at your scores for this challenge it escapes me why other voters could possibly give you anything less than a "5". If it was possible I would have given you a 12. I cannot imagine why any voters could view this remarkable image and not recognize an image containing beauty, talent and technical brilliance and still give a score of 1, 2, 3 or 4.

Candid street photography can be a very rewarding photographic vocation when you can train your eye and hone your reflexes for that extraordinary shot.

Please keep perfecting you craft and inspiring us all to do better.

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04/21/2006 01:35:18 PM
Great Photo, also does anyone else see the uncanny resemblance to Robert De Niro.
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02/23/2006 04:55:37 PM
one day ill make one that good myself
and then i will be granted a title : god of photography ;)

seriously - if that is not posed, its the lifetime shot
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02/20/2006 06:58:11 PM
Holy Moses! I was hit with such surprise and fright in the split second my eyes met his ... like a passage of electric current .

I literally gasped and sat back in instinctive reflex.

Amazing capture!
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01/29/2006 11:27:31 PM
spooky, i like it because it takes you a second to spot him spotting you
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01/29/2006 08:54:28 PM
This photo is INCREDIBLE. Congrats on a much deserved win.
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01/28/2006 03:54:58 PM
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01/28/2006 01:39:05 PM
Powerful image. It is great.
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01/27/2006 08:56:21 PM
To all those that wanted this cropped - I think it would have ruined this shot. The crop is perfect as it is. You start out, instinctively, looking at the bright background. It grabs your eye first. Then you look down and start looking at the crowd and then you see him - the man - staring back at you. You feel surprised, shocked, and maybe even guilty.

That's why the crop works.

Great photo JJ! It reminds of what an honour it is to have shared the front page with you at least once in my career.
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01/25/2006 02:56:00 AM
Conrats JJ, good to see you coming back with a good start to 2006!
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01/24/2006 08:57:21 PM
wow.... you better be submitting this to the big photo contests (think PDN, commarts, etc..) this year... very smart image...
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01/24/2006 04:42:04 PM
You continue to find images that susprise and delight - your imaginative facility always prompts the thought 'what if we were to run out of available images?' very glad to see you hitting the heights here again.
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01/24/2006 03:13:32 PM
I love the fact that not only is the main focus staring at the camera, but also some older man in the back right is staring as well. Both seem to be in focus making this photo all the better. Great Job!
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01/24/2006 03:09:25 PM
awesome...good job and congrats
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01/24/2006 12:56:36 PM
Congrats JJ. It's nice to be among the majority of voters once in a while.
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01/24/2006 12:00:36 PM
Now this is just creepy! Excellent image! Congrats.
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01/24/2006 11:21:52 AM
Woooow very good
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01/24/2006 06:31:26 AM
Wow! his eyes pull you in to the picture. Wonderful.
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01/23/2006 11:41:23 PM
Originally posted by CalliopeKel:

While I was looking at the mans face I got an eerie sense of being watched. That it was I who was being singled out. Freaky.

She expressed better than I could have thought to the same thing I've felt myself.

This picture grabs me with almost physical force.

Summa cum laude
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01/23/2006 11:31:21 PM
Wow! I did not vote in this challenge so this is the first I'm seeing it. Excellent and well deserved blue.
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01/23/2006 10:13:03 PM
masterful work..
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01/23/2006 09:41:26 PM
This is such a great shot. Please promise you'll print it, frame it and hang it proudly on your wall. :) This is outstanding!!
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01/23/2006 09:16:42 PM
Congratulation on your Blue. Quite an image!
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01/23/2006 08:14:19 PM
Congratulations JJ perfectly timed capture ! It is duotone ? - it works well on this shot, more appealing than colour version IMO!
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01/23/2006 07:47:14 PM
Man talk about spooky. This is a great image. I love it!!!!
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01/23/2006 06:09:20 PM
Truly one of the best photos on this site. Sorry I missed it during voting, would certainly have gotten the 68th 10.
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01/23/2006 06:04:58 PM
Are you familiar with this??

Your work is outstanding!
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01/23/2006 04:58:45 PM
Congratulations on your Blue with this dynamic candid!
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01/23/2006 04:56:29 PM
Hey JJ, very nice! Almost an 8 in score! Super work, sir!
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01/23/2006 04:36:27 PM
Great Shot...Congratulations..!!
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01/23/2006 04:28:31 PM
very nice !
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01/23/2006 03:03:04 PM
As always Jean, wonderful vision, in the bag it goes.
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01/23/2006 02:54:33 PM
Incredible stare at the camera; mesmerizing image...deserving of the blue ribbon, no question about it.
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01/23/2006 02:19:19 PM
How you managed to take a picture of a crowd and have only 2, maybe 3 people look directly at you is amazing. There's so much to look at this picture and, yes, it demands a viewing that is "3.4x" longer than the average photo. ;) After posting this I'm going to go back and look at it some more!

The dodge and burn is very well-handled here! I think in this case a shallow DOF would've hurt the image because there is so much to look at here and I want to see it all!

Well-deserved 10's, well-deserved 9's, well-deserved blue! A definite favorite! Congratulations!
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01/23/2006 02:13:50 PM
This photo has a perplexing eerieness to it. The returned gaze appears quite threatening and seems to be reinforced by the shade of the subjects coat. It's pretty much the darkest object in the picture. It perfectly suits the "singled out theme" Excellent job!
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01/23/2006 01:44:10 PM
Congratulations on the blue. Very nice work. Love the tones.
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01/23/2006 12:43:42 PM
Simply Spectacular!
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01/23/2006 12:06:41 PM
Having the shorter people in the foreground really aided the impact of this shot. It really is one of those images that after viewing it stays with you for awhile. While I was looking at the mans face I got an eery sense of being watched. That it was I, who was the one being singled out. Freaky. Congrats on the win. Fabulous Entry!
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01/23/2006 11:41:59 AM
congrats! Another great shot!
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01/23/2006 11:28:22 AM
Congrats. on another great shot and ribbon. I love the look on his face.
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01/23/2006 10:38:00 AM
Great job on your blue ribbon! I thought this shot deserved it!
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01/23/2006 09:36:32 AM
congrats, JJ!
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01/23/2006 09:35:11 AM
riviting shot!!
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01/23/2006 09:29:46 AM
Strayed a little from the challenge guidelines on using shallow DOF to isolate the main subject but all the more amazing that the effect was achieved without it.
Very powerful and worthy ribbon winner.
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01/23/2006 09:14:50 AM
Yep, just what I thought... Great shot and a well-deserved ribbon. Congratulations!!!
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01/23/2006 08:23:05 AM
I knew this would win. This was my only 10 in this challenge. I loved it. great job.
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01/23/2006 08:22:29 AM
I commented during the challenge but I want to add this: This is a photo that you have to look at for at least 3.4x longer than the average photo. As I'm sure you know, there are several interesting characters in this captured moment: Guy with tinted glasses, guy with untinted glasses, the mysterious tall person walking away from the camera, guy in the very forefround, woman looking up, the guy in the distance thinking you should not take his picture ... I definitely think the European location allows for a more classic and interesting look considering that there are no baseball hats or Oakley sunglasses. OK ... it's about you now, not my rambling. Congrats.
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01/23/2006 08:18:44 AM
The master is back; maybe he never left...
What I think is really masterful about this shot is the way there is focus and out of focus people, blurred and sharpened, burned and highlighted, and perfect placement of the people that have the good expressions on their faces; and, you didn't go overboard with the contrast make the whites ivory and midnight blacks; the balance and gray tones add to the jumble of faces and staring eyers on center.
You don't need me to say it, but great shot!
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01/23/2006 08:13:38 AM
Congrads on your win. I thought this photo was great. Reminded me of some of the photos I have been looking at as I viewed other photographers work for the tribute challenge. This is timeless, and works on many levels.
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01/23/2006 08:02:12 AM
Congratulations! Very very inspiring. Thank you.
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01/23/2006 07:59:28 AM
Incredible Great Job!
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01/23/2006 07:51:55 AM
Wow, stunning work as always!
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01/23/2006 07:51:12 AM
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01/23/2006 07:34:05 AM
Perfect - congrats!!
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01/23/2006 07:08:55 AM
Congratualtions on your ribbon - SUPERB!!!!
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01/23/2006 06:41:01 AM
Classic quality!
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01/23/2006 06:40:54 AM
Wow! If looks could kill!

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01/23/2006 06:36:05 AM
For the "Tribute" challenge, I was studying famous photographers and their styles. After being on net for few days, going through hundreds of photos, when I came back on DPC, I saw the top three photos for "Singled-Out" challenge. I can't believe how close these photos are to the photos from the 'legends' which I have been studying in last few days. "Eye Contact", "Girl .." and "Dressed .." are all just "wow!" (though I feel better title would have complimented "Dressed...")
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01/23/2006 06:22:29 AM
Welcome back JJ. Glad to hear that I was correct in assuming this was a candid street shot and not a posed model/friend standing in a crowd. DPC likes candids of people they think look like Robert Deniro. This photograph from you is as masterful as usual and I'm proud to have been one of the first people to add it to my favorites.
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01/23/2006 05:19:58 AM
What a shot, congratulations on the blue!
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01/23/2006 04:33:28 AM
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01/23/2006 04:15:18 AM
This photo is perfect, I am happy to see that a photo like this wins in DPC as mostly photojournalism or reportage is ignored in this site

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01/23/2006 03:51:58 AM
(damn car in the background )
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01/23/2006 03:04:46 AM
Good Eye!
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01/23/2006 02:32:56 AM
Thanks to all for your votes and comments.
My appologies to my accidental model for this unexpected public overexposure.
01/23/2006 01:59:22 AM
Great capture! Did the lady in front of him cover her face?? I love the black and white feeling plus all the different characters of the other people in the photo.
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01/23/2006 01:55:32 AM
Congrats! Very well deserved.
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01/23/2006 01:47:06 AM
Originally posted by jduffett:

This is an awesome shot!
The guy looks vaguely like Robert De Niro at first glance.

I didn't vote on this challenge but this definately would have been a 10 for me. My first thought echoed jduffett....I totally thought it was Robert DeNiro at first glance. Great candid capture. Adding to faves.
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01/23/2006 01:45:55 AM
JJ, You once again have amazed me. Stunned me beyond words. I did not vote on all these entries because of time constictions but if I had you would have gotten my first ever 10. This shot is simply stunning. There is a story here to be told. A feeling that is almost universal. It sends a shiver down my spine. You have given me a gift. If anyone ever asks what my all time favorite DPC shot is now I have a choice. It is this shot.
PS. Please amaze me again.
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01/23/2006 01:26:28 AM
Congrats, that's just a brilliant shot!
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01/23/2006 01:15:40 AM
Many congratulations! Excellent work, as usual :)
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01/23/2006 01:11:30 AM
Congrats... I'm not suprised at all the image got the blue. My fave in the challenge.
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01/23/2006 01:04:40 AM
Welcome back to the front page ;) Congrats!
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01/23/2006 12:56:33 AM
God...I think I've been back to look at this photo like 8 times in the last hour. It looks as though everyone in the photo is an actor....it's so amazing. It looks like there are so many stories to be told from this photo. I love it.
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01/23/2006 12:54:26 AM
A truly amazing photograph and very inspiring. Congrats!
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01/23/2006 12:53:13 AM
brilliant! great score as well.
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01/23/2006 12:41:23 AM
Congratulations! Great shot, into my favs!
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01/23/2006 12:39:31 AM
Superb, JJ! Congrats!
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01/23/2006 12:37:11 AM
This is almost too good, amazing photo!
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01/23/2006 12:29:18 AM
This is just an awesome shot. Congrats
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01/23/2006 12:23:26 AM
Well deserved ribbon congratulations! A great result and a wonderful pose.
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01/23/2006 12:19:15 AM
7.9 Well Done!!
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01/23/2006 12:15:57 AM
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01/23/2006 12:15:05 AM
great to see your back on the front page! congrats on a wonderful shot!
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01/23/2006 12:09:29 AM
93 comments during the challenge for the 9.079 avg score!

You have a couple of 2s, 3s and 4s, oh well...

I love this shot. I'm so glad it won! Brings back the good feeling about DPC not losing its sense of quality photography.
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01/23/2006 12:07:28 AM
Should have known this was yours. So utterly perfect.
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01/23/2006 12:06:51 AM
Wow, I am inspired
This is amazing
I almost lost it when I saw the guy
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01/23/2006 12:06:35 AM
wow the eye contact is really scary!
very well done :)
Have always admired your work.
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01/23/2006 12:05:26 AM
I knew it!

Wow...almost an 8!

Awesome shot, one of my favorites ever...
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01/23/2006 12:05:20 AM
Glad to see this shot win the blue! Félicitations! Was my highest score in this challenge!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/22/2006 11:43:27 PM
Wow...if this doesn't win blue...I will be amazed. Absolutely and utterly stunning. I love it....lightyears ahead of the rest of the entries.
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01/22/2006 11:19:42 PM
My eyes went immidiatly to the ëyes".

Awesome shot.
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01/22/2006 10:11:42 PM
Quite a crowd and quite a pay off. Great capture. 7 Returning for another bump 8
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01/22/2006 09:39:59 PM
This is an awesome shot!
The guy looks vaguely like Robert De Niro at first glance.
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01/22/2006 09:35:49 PM
Great image but IMHO it would have been even better if you cropped more from the top.
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01/22/2006 08:42:09 PM
A great idea and piece of art
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01/22/2006 08:24:32 PM
front page material? i hope so!
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01/22/2006 04:58:43 PM
Outstanding photograph. Perfect interpretation of the challenge.
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01/22/2006 04:42:24 PM
I would be disappointed not too see this one have a ribbon. Blue would be fine. 10.
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01/22/2006 03:00:38 PM
pretty scary in a way but a great pic
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01/22/2006 02:55:26 PM
way cool dude, the guys face has awesome contrast to the rest of the shot
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01/22/2006 02:25:27 PM
Excellent excellent shot. My ribbon pic. Such an arresting image, almost unsettling. 10
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01/22/2006 10:56:52 AM
Great image.
I hope this ribbons.
Good luck

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01/22/2006 10:25:38 AM
WOW! That's eye contact!! Perfect singled-out!
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01/22/2006 09:38:55 AM
Best in the challenge!
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01/21/2006 10:16:37 PM
What a glare. Nice hat too. Really great shot.
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01/21/2006 07:11:16 PM
this is the best shot sofar. my only comment is the DOF. would have like a much smaller dof.
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01/21/2006 05:50:23 PM
Very nice, Love the crowd and the stark color and exposure you've used.
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01/21/2006 08:07:08 AM
This looks very professional and artistic and beats the others I've looked at so far: 9
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01/21/2006 06:11:08 AM
8 - Good. Like the b&w/toning. Criticism; the white car in the background detracts, but fairly minor. If the main subject was more prominent, 'somehow', whether this could be achieved in pp with contrast/etc, who knows, but if the gentleman 'popped' out of the crowd just a bit more, make this even better in my opinion. Also, dependent what you had to work with, if the subject was more centered, with a little 'more' bottom and right incorporated into frame (and possibly 'less forehead' at the bottom), may also have made this even better in my opinion. Up to 8 from 7.
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01/21/2006 03:25:00 AM
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01/20/2006 11:18:46 PM
This is good, very good, as I to think the man looking straight at you, is the main person in this image, well done.....

Message edited by author 2006-01-23 08:52:10.
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01/20/2006 10:07:03 PM
Wow - you nailed it! 10
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01/20/2006 05:27:58 PM
This is fantastic! I don't know if it's staged or real, but good job (what an intense look!). And good luck!
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01/20/2006 03:56:53 PM
I think this is staged but I still like the contrast in tones and the use of a duotone for this image ;)8
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01/20/2006 03:21:13 PM
Wonderful shot! This is exactly the type of picture I imagined when they first announced the Singled-Out challenge. Amazing that only 1-2 other people were looking at the camera during this pic. Nicely done. <10>
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01/20/2006 03:09:05 PM
Incredible shot. I hope that guy isn't stalking you. I think he's a vampire. 10
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01/20/2006 01:59:39 PM
I love this image and it's processing, though the challenge was specific that a person be singled-out from by minimal depth of field.
His look and the focal point are superb!
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01/20/2006 09:16:03 AM
This is great! Meets the Challenge!
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01/20/2006 06:51:50 AM
Really intrigue-ing (sp?) love this one! nicely singled-out. Good choice for duotone.
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01/19/2006 11:09:13 PM
Bump up to 10 on the second run-through. If this is not in top 5, I don't know what is. Absolutely fantastic, staged or not I don't care, nor it should matter. Good luck!
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01/19/2006 09:04:51 PM
oh this would have been twice as good cropped further in... with all those faces and the lone man in the middle staring back... very good. you can't get a 12, but i'll give you a 6.
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01/19/2006 06:50:01 PM
Outstanding capture, very emotional when viewing, blacks ok, whites need work, dof good, nice angle, pro quality, overall excellent challenge contendor.
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01/19/2006 06:04:54 PM
Lucky all those people were between you and the guy in the hat!!! cool pic, and one of the best that i've seen so far. bump to 10, good luck
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01/19/2006 03:16:35 PM
So eerie! The guy in the center of the picture appears to be floating in the croud. Great shot!
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01/19/2006 02:19:09 PM
Quite frankly, one of my favorite captures in this challenge. You've successfully isolated one face in a fairly large crowd. That's not an easy task. Good work. 10!
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01/19/2006 11:33:47 AM
Captivating...like an adult version of Where's Waldo. The B&W is stunning and well done, and the deep DOF, rather than the shallow one seen in most other shots here, gives us a lot to see. It's gonna be tough, but I think you have a good shot at the top prize. Regardless of whether you get it or not, this is still one hell of a shot.
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01/19/2006 07:28:44 AM
Wonderful how the subject stands out in the crowd, although DOF could have been shallower. Great expression on the model's face.
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01/19/2006 02:45:49 AM
I like this shot very much, but, with the DOF of virtually infinity here, I don't think it fits into the contest.
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01/19/2006 02:45:24 AM
Fantastic image.
Makes me think of unpleasant names, like "gestapo" or "KGB".
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01/18/2006 10:51:29 PM
The best- superb! I looked at this for a long time. How many other shots did you take? I came back after reviewing the rests- this is almost 3D. Really is the best of the bunch
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01/18/2006 07:42:13 PM
Excellent shot! I think a shallower DOF would have been perfect, but still a shot to be proud of!! 9
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01/18/2006 05:19:07 PM
Ha! Fun.
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01/18/2006 04:17:10 PM
I don't know if this was a plant or not but either way it's very well done!!
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01/18/2006 03:25:47 PM
Great picture! This one is extremely interesting- great use of desaturation
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01/18/2006 03:02:41 PM
...yes...I think this is my very favorite...there is nothing more powerful then eye contact as far as making one stand out in a crowd I think...the tones are also so pleasing...a fantastic image.
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01/18/2006 02:59:56 PM
Fierce! Fits the prompt
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01/18/2006 12:32:48 PM
This picture is haunting. It definately has an oooooo factor to it.
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01/18/2006 09:49:42 AM
uhm... I think he wants to kill me. 10
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01/18/2006 09:21:13 AM
Wow! Was he a plant? I mean he's a friend, not a cactus:)? Great capture. Would make a great poster:)Loving the B&W 10
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01/18/2006 06:26:24 AM
Wow - this is great!
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01/18/2006 01:36:46 AM
Incredible shot. Even with all the grays, my eyes immediately met with the subject's. His gaze is somewhat haunting.
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01/17/2006 11:28:35 PM
great photograph.... the title works well with your photo
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01/17/2006 10:14:36 PM
Great tones and example of the theme. One of the best in the comp. 10
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01/17/2006 09:34:23 PM
Beautifull picture, this is exactly how I saw the challenge.
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01/17/2006 09:18:41 PM
Great PIC....a Favorite..lol
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01/17/2006 08:50:07 PM
I really love this one, the sinister look you have captured and the processing really go well togeather. Almost looks like you planted him there.
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01/17/2006 08:41:43 PM
this looks great
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01/17/2006 05:41:09 PM
Good thing looks can't kill!
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01/17/2006 02:33:35 PM
Brilliant! LOL This has to ribbon. Can't wait to read about your set up for this one!
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01/17/2006 12:27:34 PM
oh wow. this is marvelous. just amazing. all the people are busy and pre-occupied around the one man in the middle who is just still and has his focus on you. i love this.
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01/17/2006 12:19:45 PM
Great, like he's "caught". -10-
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01/17/2006 12:04:37 PM
My highest rated. I like how he stands out, not just for the eye contact but you also have him centered in the frame. Nice work!
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01/17/2006 03:10:27 AM
Great one, I hope you knew the guy, powerful stare. Ok, second look, I mean 5th time I went back to this. He reminds me of Mel Brooks. You really nailed this one, such a busy croud, everyone is looking in a different direction and that hat the subject is wearing, perfect. I'm bumping you up to a 10.
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01/16/2006 11:06:20 PM
i was really pissed off going through the challenge entries and seeing that everyone was relying on poorly executed post-work instead of creative photography. thank mahdi that this one popped up. normally it would really bother me that there is so much space on the top of the frame, but i love that his face is right in the center of the photo. nice work.
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01/16/2006 10:42:46 PM
There's the winner of the challenge. 10 and favorite.
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01/16/2006 10:33:45 PM
Does not seem real, but if it is it's quite amazing. I imagine it's a friend or relative of yours that you placed there for the effect. Great idea and great execution. Toning is perfect. 10
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01/16/2006 09:54:33 PM
ha ha great ... love this 10
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01/16/2006 09:14:48 PM
This is wonderful! His eyes are down right piercing!
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01/16/2006 08:00:51 PM
Lots of things I like about this! Busy chaos on one side of the street and on the other nothing much. The Sepia-like tone lends a journalistic aproach. The fact that no one else but your subject looks at the camera is very dramatic. I smell a ribbon here. :)
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01/16/2006 06:22:54 PM
superb shot,the composition,the gaze,the hat !like a still from a film.10 and a favourite.
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01/16/2006 05:54:25 PM
this is great - my favorite so far. It could've been staged, but it does not matter. 9
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01/16/2006 04:38:11 PM
Excellent shot, sinister looking guy, perfect B&W tones, you might get a few comments on lack of 'blur', but imo it doesnt matter when it's a shot of this calibre. 10
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01/16/2006 03:20:39 PM
Great eye contact. This really captures the essence of a crowd... Not sure the top third of the frame adds much - I like the lower two thirds on it's own far more.
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01/16/2006 02:41:12 PM
i like how you used eye contact to single someone out...creepy 10
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01/16/2006 02:37:15 PM
This is my favorite through halfway in voting. This is exactly what "singled out" is all about. Even though DOF isn't shallow, you can definitely tell what is being singled out here - which is what makes it so challenging and perfect. A+++
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01/16/2006 01:49:13 PM
This is brilliant.....If you dont ribbon you were rippied off!
Without a doubt, the BEST entry in this challenge. Good Luck!!!
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01/16/2006 01:43:29 PM
Very creepy! Well done, my pick to ribbon!!!
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01/16/2006 12:07:15 PM
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01/16/2006 12:05:14 PM
My favorite of the challenge. eye contact means so much more than shallow depth of field to create a subject. Extremely excellent capture. tones very effective. 10
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01/16/2006 11:31:18 AM
GREAT capture.
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01/16/2006 11:04:50 AM
Excellent idea, and well done!
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01/16/2006 08:14:17 AM

this is really something

great shot
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01/16/2006 08:03:06 AM
GREAT SHOT! should be in the top 5...well done
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01/16/2006 06:22:59 AM
His stare just reaches out and grabs you. Did you pose this? Or did he catch you taking the picture. Either way, well done.
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01/16/2006 06:19:10 AM
You win! If not, I'm not happy ;-)
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01/16/2006 06:03:42 AM
What a great image! I love the way my eye was drawn immediately to this amazing face.
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01/16/2006 03:41:06 AM
one of the few that pleased me, you ought to win a ribbon
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01/16/2006 03:22:58 AM
this is *easily* my favorite picture in this contest. i'm tempted to buy a membership just to vote for this picture.
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01/16/2006 01:52:30 AM
Excellent..a winner
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01/16/2006 01:30:38 AM
I like this photo a lot, but if you had actually managed to "use minimal depth-of-field to your advantage to help isolate your subject" it would be really great!
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01/16/2006 01:29:05 AM
That is a fantastic singling out! The expression just makes him ping from the crowd. You didn't have to use shallow DOF to do it either but at least the foreground people are OOF.
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01/16/2006 12:54:48 AM
Meets the challenge wonderfully! Good job!
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