DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
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Anger Unleashed
1st PlaceAnger Unleashed
Joey Lawrence

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Moods (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Olympus D-600L
Location: Ontario, Canada
Date: Apr 27, 2005
Aperture: /
ISO: /
Shutter: /
Galleries: Emotive, Action
Date Uploaded: Apr 27, 2005

This is the type of challenge I was waiting for and this was the first idea that popped in my head when I read the description. I went out and took something like the submission you see now, edited it and saved. The next day...

My dad- "Hey Joe- Can you go e-mail some pictures I took of a customer's coke machine? I had to delete some of yours though."
Moi- "WHAT?"

Anywho, I ended up retaking them in case I needed proof (I'm lying, I just had nothing better to do.) They turned out better because there was a lot more available light and cooler clouds in the field I took the picture in. I had to focus on that nearby tree and then run into position while the camera was on timer. I also brought along a sheet of white paper this time to reflect some more sun on the lighter side of my face. There's some pretty funny outtakes, I-tell-you-wut. The first version's pose had a greater impact but overall my retake was much better.

Editing consisted of things like dodging and burning, heavy contrast, a duotone of black+red+yellow, an abused unsharp mask for a funky glowing effect, zoom blur with history brush and ect ect...

Seems on the border of digital art, but it's the best I can do to obscure the lacking quality of my camera (1.4 mp)

Place: 1 out of 183
Avg (all users): 7.3440
Avg (commenters): 8.5254
Avg (participants): 7.3118
Avg (non-participants): 7.3631
Views since voting: 38201
Views during voting: 560
Votes: 250
Comments: 146
Favorites: 80 (view)

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03/22/2010 02:10:51 PM
This was taken with a 1.3 mp camera?!!! Wow !!! Fantastic job!!!
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04/03/2008 06:32:22 PM
I don't know if you know who this is but this picture reminds me a lot of Criss Angel pictures and commercials with him screaming.
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12/12/2005 01:16:04 PM
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09/07/2005 11:35:24 PM
Originally posted by christie3:

You need to brush your teeth more. : P

its the huge unsharp mask, my teeth are as white as a blackman's
09/07/2005 11:20:13 PM
You need to brush your teeth more. : P
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08/30/2005 12:23:19 AM
You're so lovable
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07/02/2005 10:53:56 PM
I am very, very impressed with your work. I'm not worthy.
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06/25/2005 08:30:30 PM
have you ever seen Mike Bohatch's work... you would really love it.
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06/10/2005 11:09:49 PM
great work...keep at it. how about trying some other emotions?
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05/15/2005 12:53:47 AM
I really like the intensity in this, congrats!
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05/14/2005 06:37:55 AM
Great! With a 1.3 camera is realy a great work...! Congratulations...
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05/14/2005 02:48:43 AM
Perhaps the second time you shot this picture, your rage at your father for deleting your first pictures came shining through. :)

Great job, congratulations on the blue!
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05/13/2005 11:27:21 PM
Very fun and exciting image, Joey! Yeah, we've been waiting for you to get one! Now's a great time!
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05/13/2005 01:03:29 AM
wow! just logged on for a sec and nothing coulda made me happier than seeing you with the blue...you go! :)
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05/12/2005 09:28:08 PM
From the critique club:

Well, what to say about an image that bubbled up to the very top and grabbed the coveted Blue Ribbon?

My immediate impression left very little wanting in concept and in execution and I am not about to tinker with it and twist its direct meaning into something else.

While the image has a touch of post processing, it has been done with so much good taste that it is useless to suggest alternatives to bring out a different image. Instead, let me say what it is that I really like about this image.

I placed an entry in this challenge called 'Humiliation.' The moment I started to vote and ran across the many other good images, I realized that I had been beaten hands down. No argument. However, this image splashed across my screen and I do not recall experiencing such internal emotional movement. This is a winner.

First, the well thought out angle. This rage radiating down on me. I looked again, the eyes wrapped in darkness and the nose contorted with the wide open mouth presenting the apex of the frustration: the scream of the wild. Then those radiating lines to bring all the intensity on the savage face.

The turbulent sky, the thin fragmented branches. Who did this, I asked myself. What a potent image that has rightfully stolen this challenge. Well, I do not usually comment on my initial vote but here I was obliged to make a comment and so I did.

This image is not easy to execute and according to your bio, you are a very young member and smart enough to take a reflector into the field. Rest assured that this is an image that many pro's would approach on a hit and miss. I say this, because to visualize an image and to execute it are two different things. Oftentimes, much is lost in the execution unless the photographer thinks within the limitations of the camera. Yes, sometimes things turn out better but as a rule there is always something wanting.

Finally, the sepia adds to the drama. So here we have an image where all the decisions turned out for the very best.

Congratulations on this outstanding achievement: Now go and show us more.
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05/11/2005 06:17:34 AM
What a great job! Perhaps it is bordering on digital art but as long as it's this good it doesn't bother me. Well done!
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05/11/2005 12:53:49 AM
you kill people with d70's and rebel's with your camera, nicely done
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05/10/2005 11:09:22 PM
I didnt vote on this challenge but this is a fantastic image
Congrats on your blue ribbon
I have just read that you are only 15 Wow! awesome work

Message edited by author 2005-05-10 23:11:21.
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05/10/2005 10:24:29 PM
oh man .. i feel for you.. you should realy consider getting a Canon 20D
with your skills i can only see good work resulting from it. there is no excuse for not having atleast a 6 megapixel camera
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05/10/2005 10:19:50 AM
i would say desperation ...
05/10/2005 10:17:42 AM
absolutely brilliant work. you captured something truly raw.nicely done!
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05/10/2005 08:53:51 AM
Congrats on the Blue this is such a powerful and emotionally charged image.
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05/09/2005 11:03:08 PM
Congrats on your first ribbon!
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05/09/2005 09:38:28 PM
This is Brilliant!!!
My hat off for you man!
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05/09/2005 08:55:59 PM
Congrats man. You've been deserving a ribbon for a long time now. Don't forget about me when you're a famous director. I have ideas man, ideas...
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05/09/2005 08:53:09 PM
congratulations on your blue ribbon! Wonderful mood shot; perfect for this challenge.
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05/09/2005 08:52:19 PM
Nice blue Joey!!!
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05/09/2005 05:27:40 PM
Congratulations on your Blue for this excellent visual of anger!
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05/09/2005 04:00:36 PM
Un-freaking believable shot! What a great gift your imagination is, congratulations and I'm sure we'll be seeing lots more firsts!
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05/09/2005 01:38:29 PM
Congrats on your first ribbon and taken with a very modest camera! This amazing image proves once again it is the photographer that captures and creates winning images and not the equipment and lenses they own.
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05/09/2005 01:05:05 PM

Conga rats on your first first :)

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05/09/2005 12:45:42 PM
Congrats Joey!!!! :)
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05/09/2005 10:46:57 AM
Congratulations! I just knew you would win a ribbon sometime! Keep up the great work!
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05/09/2005 10:25:37 AM
a great entry. well-deserved blue! congratulations on the win and may you have more!

this picture is awesome...right light, right colors, and great emotions. very very good.

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05/09/2005 10:01:14 AM
Phenomenal... Outstanding job - congrats.
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05/09/2005 09:47:48 AM
Excellent shot! Just love it! Congrats!!
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05/09/2005 09:21:27 AM
Your work is incredible. You also prove that one doesn't need a 5 megapixel camera to take professional quality photos.
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05/09/2005 08:23:57 AM
Well look at this. You won! Congrats on your first.
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05/09/2005 08:08:04 AM
Hey Joey, I knew it wouldn't be long before your unique style came through for you with a ribbon. This is a great shot, a well-deserved win, and a new fav for me. Congratulations.

PS. I noticed when I added this that you weren't in my photog favs (or at least it didn't warn me that you were already in there when I just tried to add you!). You certainly deserve to be, so there you go.

Message edited by author 2005-05-09 08:09:40.
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05/09/2005 07:54:45 AM
Well done, Joey!
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05/09/2005 07:30:38 AM
What a thrill to wake up this morning and find this blue ribbon for your image!! Congratulations, Joey! Well-deserved. I'm thrilled to see your little Olympus beat out all the 20Ds!! he-he-he :)
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05/09/2005 07:20:05 AM
Congrats indeed! This was my favorite :)
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05/09/2005 07:14:24 AM
Excellent - congrats!
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05/09/2005 06:47:57 AM
Innovative >>
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05/09/2005 06:39:00 AM
Congrats Joey! This was my favourite during the challenge. A well deserved blue ribbon! I absolutely love your photo!
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05/09/2005 06:22:23 AM
congratulations on a very unique and dramatic shot.
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05/09/2005 06:16:40 AM
Mate you rock... 1.3 megapixels of terror is spot on. Great idea, and ridiculously cool processing.
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05/09/2005 05:33:03 AM
it makes me feel good u won this this ribbon Joey
(hope it is not going to effect ure wayward style..im sure it won't)
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05/09/2005 05:29:33 AM
Way to go Joey! Congrats :D
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05/09/2005 05:06:23 AM
...and blue it is. damn, you rock. :)
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05/09/2005 04:06:18 AM
Great job, glad I was wrong about DPC!
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05/09/2005 03:24:39 AM
hey congrats on the ribbon dude:) well deserved;)
getting a blue one with that kind of camera requires alot of creativity:D

Message edited by author 2005-05-09 03:27:44.
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05/09/2005 02:49:22 AM
Congratulations, Joey. Glad to see you recognized with a blue.
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05/09/2005 02:41:06 AM
Very cool shot...very creative. Well deserving of the blue
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05/09/2005 02:24:49 AM
WooooooHooooo!!!! I told you you would ribbon!!!
Congratulations Joey!! You certainly deserve it!!!

Hmm... Do you think I can add you twice to my favs?

Edit: typos

Message edited by author 2005-05-09 02:34:12.
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05/09/2005 02:19:06 AM
Way to go Joey on a great, imaginative entry!
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05/09/2005 01:59:53 AM
I knew it was you ! Congradulations ! Brilliant and unique stuff. I've always liked pretty much everything you do, but has to the best so far. Keep 'em coming.
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05/09/2005 01:56:24 AM
Excellent work, very powerfull. Very nice Post processing as well.
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05/09/2005 01:54:53 AM
This is awesome. Congratulations !
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05/09/2005 01:50:18 AM
Kind of looks like Kramer, Between Pedro's and yours? a toss up. Great job.
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05/09/2005 01:36:11 AM
Congrats Joey, way to go!!

This is awesome :)
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05/09/2005 01:14:36 AM
I congratulate you Joey. You proved that a young creative mind can get an incredibly strong image out of a crappy (sorry) camera. You sure deserve this ribbon! (Is it possible that you're the youngest ever blue-ribbon winner? You should do some research!)
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05/09/2005 01:09:28 AM
congrats on your ribbon...HAS to feel awesome..swear you remind me of my 17 yr old son...outside the box...gj and gl
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05/09/2005 12:49:15 AM
way to go man, awsome shot.....way to go on the blue

well done
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05/09/2005 12:45:45 AM
Would make a great album cover too! Congratulations!
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05/09/2005 12:43:43 AM
Congratulations on your blue!!! Great job. You're definitely very talented.
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05/09/2005 12:43:14 AM
you little beauty!
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05/09/2005 12:36:37 AM
excellent job - exactly your kind of challenge and you nailed it!
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05/09/2005 12:25:19 AM
Very nice, congrats on the ribbon.
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05/09/2005 12:19:40 AM
Hooray and Waaaahooooo, Joey! Big congrats on your Blue!
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05/09/2005 12:08:15 AM
congrats on your first ribbon, Joey! you make that little cam ROCK!
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05/09/2005 12:07:34 AM
you defidently earned that blue, great photo!
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05/09/2005 12:06:42 AM
Ah, a well deserved win. Congratulations on your first ribbon - and a blue to boot!
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05/09/2005 12:05:23 AM
I did not vote on moods, but if I had, this would have BEEN A 10. Great shot and much deserved blue!!!!! Nice job.
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05/09/2005 12:04:25 AM
This was my pick and one that could have also won in the dreams. Outstanding effort and a congratulations on your well deserved blue. This image rocks with visual power. It also goes in my favorites.

Message edited by author 2005-05-09 00:05:03.
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05/09/2005 12:04:13 AM
This is awesome! My favorite of the challenge! Congratulations!
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05/09/2005 12:04:02 AM
Great job, gave out lots of 9's, this was my only 10...congrats
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05/09/2005 12:02:54 AM
Incredible talent at an incredible age...WTG Joey!!!!
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05/09/2005 12:02:39 AM
Congrats on your well deserved blue...awesome shot
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05/09/2005 12:02:22 AM
1.3 megapixels of terror. way to go bro. you're a wiener!
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05/09/2005 12:01:59 AM
congrats Joey!
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05/09/2005 12:01:00 AM
Congrats on a great image!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/08/2005 11:44:42 PM
I'll be interested in seeing how you pulled off this extremely moody shot.
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05/08/2005 11:13:47 PM
Very artistic work. Very strong mood to it. 10
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05/06/2005 09:36:52 PM
powerful, haunting image. the zoom blur works very well here. bumping from 7 to 8. i'll be surprised if this isn't in the top 10 at least.
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05/06/2005 07:03:26 PM
Ribbon worthy photo. Great dark angry mood, dark reddish tone and hard contrast works well with that.
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05/06/2005 06:12:31 PM
Yes! winner!
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05/06/2005 02:54:12 PM
wow...wouldnt want to meet this guy in a dark alley or anywhere else...excellent job...sure got that mood across....great great job.....9
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05/06/2005 11:23:22 AM
WOW, great photo, pshycadelic, LCD trippin' . captures the anger very well. a big 9 :)
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05/06/2005 02:32:12 AM
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05/05/2005 09:06:46 PM
Very powerful! Excellent contrast, expression, effects and cropping1 10
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05/05/2005 08:57:05 PM
Cool. Very powerful. This would amke a great album cover.
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05/05/2005 08:51:35 PM
Many wonderful photos in this challenge, but I haven't seen any other with such strong expression!
The dark-but-not-black tones work here beautifully. The blur around the face add the sound of the scream. The mood is loud and clear.
This one just has to ribbon! 10

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05/05/2005 06:00:59 PM
Wow! That is scary looking. One of my favorites though. I'd be surprised if you don't ribbon. Good luck
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05/05/2005 04:34:30 PM
very abstract and 'psycho' image.
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05/05/2005 09:23:28 AM
Powerful and brilliant..this would make a great poster
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05/05/2005 08:25:15 AM
another reason why you are in my favorites... I'm assuming this is theodor...
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05/05/2005 07:33:09 AM
Wonderfull shot the colors are rich and enjoyable. The emotion realy stands out fitting the challenge perfectly. If this one dosn't ribbonI will be very suprised. Spectacular Job!!! My only 10 this challenge.
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05/05/2005 07:32:31 AM
very creative use of subject and editing
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05/05/2005 05:27:49 AM
awesome effect, love it, good art work, 10+
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05/05/2005 02:42:42 AM
A very strong entry captured with lighting and effects to seize the moment of the passion. Fantastic.
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05/04/2005 06:26:45 PM
thats reely scary! remind me not to get on the wrong side of you :)
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05/04/2005 05:56:01 PM
Wow! That REALLY looks angry!!! Good job.
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05/04/2005 05:00:08 PM
intense. one of my ribbon picks. the coloring, composition, background and emotion is an extremely congruent and scary mood.
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05/04/2005 04:54:39 PM
I like the tones and staging of this shot..the blurring around face and sepia tones with the tree silhouette seems to add to the intensity...9
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05/04/2005 07:25:14 AM
Exquisite image capture and pp that borders on digital art. I really like how the teeth are bright and the lines made by zoom during exposure (which was done perfectly without excess). Very well done.
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05/04/2005 05:21:14 AM
Great!! Not much to say... 10
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05/04/2005 02:21:36 AM
Excellent shot
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05/03/2005 11:17:34 PM
work of art!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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05/03/2005 11:11:42 PM
um yeah--this is freakin awesome. it doesn't get any better than 'freakin awesome' in my book! ;) this better win blue.
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05/03/2005 10:09:25 PM
Can't comment... Too impressed. 10,10,10,10,10,10,10 is all I can say.
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05/03/2005 08:18:47 PM
Interesting, looks like a still from the incredible hulk, artistic and scarey at the same time, the brown goes well too.
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05/03/2005 06:16:12 PM
cool effect. the blur with the teeth put your point across. this should place high
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05/03/2005 05:29:06 PM
Really neat! Pretty powerful image of anger. I love the darkness associated with the image and the apparent manipulation to make the eyes direct towards the face.
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05/03/2005 05:23:17 PM
Wow - what a powerful image. This really stands out in the crowd of entries. Superbly done - nice job! (10) (Only the 3rd time I've ever given a 10...)
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05/03/2005 02:03:53 PM
Wow, this sets a mood alright. Negative moods tend not to do so well on DPC though, which prefers a 'would I hang it on my wall' approach to most photography. I think it's a great photo though.
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05/03/2005 12:05:24 PM
Cool. The radial blurr does alot.
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05/03/2005 07:55:52 AM
This one scares me every time I look at it, so I guess you captured the emotion well.
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05/03/2005 01:52:06 AM
I suggest this represents rage, beyond anger. But that's just a play on words, not to take anything away from this fabulous shot. I like the low key exposure - hollows out those eyes and creates the right mood. 9
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05/03/2005 01:14:55 AM
this is my underdog pick to win the challenge.
I love how stylized this is. In many ways it borders on japanese anime in its visual qualities. I love everything about the shot and would have given you an 11 if i could. great entry, very expressive and excellently done.
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05/03/2005 01:11:37 AM
Excellent interpretation of the challenge. 10
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05/02/2005 10:00:00 PM
Very artistically created.10
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05/02/2005 08:39:49 PM
definitely interesting...nice tones- would like to see the teeth lighter 7
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05/02/2005 06:40:40 PM
Well done! Very effective background too.
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05/02/2005 04:50:54 PM
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05/02/2005 03:56:15 PM
Oh wow - certainly has anger in there. Well done.
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05/02/2005 02:26:15 PM
Absolutely amazing. I normally don't like processed images, but your treament with this is perfection. Really surreal and spectacular 10
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05/02/2005 02:12:08 PM
Brillaint !!!!!!!! I love the use of sepia here ,,, it really conveys anger in a gd way... and the facial experssion ... superb ... congrats looks like a ribbon winner ....9 (and thats rare from me)
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05/02/2005 01:05:38 PM
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05/02/2005 11:49:49 AM
A little too overprocess for me, but I still think it's great .... ** 8 **
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05/02/2005 11:38:50 AM
Thats pretty scary LOL, would have been great for dreams. well done.
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05/02/2005 10:43:57 AM
OK I sat back when this came up. MOODS, you want MOODS, you got MOODS. Very well done, however I can only see fit to give this a 10. PS I don’t give 10s often.
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05/02/2005 09:49:31 AM
scary teeth
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05/02/2005 09:44:08 AM
This is a great photo. The zoom effect gives the image more force.
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05/02/2005 07:33:14 AM
Wow. Interesting shot. Very little detail, but still an image worth studying. The mysterious eyes (or lack of) capture my attention. <7>
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05/02/2005 07:15:28 AM
i can definately see anger, great take on the challenge!
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05/02/2005 05:42:04 AM
very good shot! bravo
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05/02/2005 03:14:27 AM
Interesting! The face expression is of anger and pain also... In my opinion is one of the best shots in this challenge. Good luck. [10]
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05/02/2005 02:39:56 AM
This stood out a n excellent shot 10. should ribbon IMO.
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05/02/2005 02:16:46 AM
interesting effects on this one
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05/02/2005 02:05:42 AM
10...definetly artistic...scarey...but artistic..gl
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05/02/2005 01:43:32 AM
Very Good! Speaks rage more then anger to me. 9
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05/02/2005 01:06:01 AM
Wow, this is one intense picture. Nice shot.
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05/02/2005 01:03:08 AM
Brilliant and powerful. The angle is superb. One of my top picks! Good luck.
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05/02/2005 12:24:06 AM
The tree branch seems distracting, but I love the picture otherwise.
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05/02/2005 12:08:13 AM
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