DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
Challenge Details
Healthy Food
An Exclusive Open Challenge using the Basic Editing rules.

For some, healthy food has the reputation of being unappetizing. Take a photo of any kind of healthy food and make it look delicious. The photo should be good enough to appear in a health food magazine.

Submission Dates:
  Apr 23 2008 - Apr 29 2008

Voting Dates:
  Apr 30 2008 - May 6 2008

Submissions: 109
Disqualifications: 1
Votes: 28,646
Comments: 2,179

Average Score: 5.356
Highest Score: 7.5423
Median Score: 5.3065
Lowest Score: 2.2702

Results for Healthy Food:
Challenge Results for Healthy Food
We're Having FIsh Tonight!
by imagesbytlp

1st place with an
average vote of 7.5423

Views: 10596 (526 during voting)
Votes: 284
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 7.500
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 7.550
Tomatoes are good for you
by IreneM

2nd place with an
average vote of 7.5338

Views: 13432 (513 during voting)
Votes: 281
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 7.348
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 7.570
An Apple a day keeps the Doctor Away
by danielcheong1974

3rd place with an
average vote of 7.2790

Views: 8400 (437 during voting)
Votes: 276
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 6.978
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 7.339
100% Pure Apple Juice
by Moose408

4th place with an
average vote of 7.2657

Views: 8800 (558 during voting)
Votes: 271
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 7.068
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 7.304
F R E S H !
by bubeltrubel

5th place with an
average vote of 6.9780

Views: 2959 (399 during voting)
Votes: 273
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 7.098
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 6.957
An apple a day...
by jrmyrnsm

6th place with an
average vote of 6.9113

Views: 2985 (472 during voting)
Votes: 282
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 6.422
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 7.004
Insalata fresca del giardino con filetto di pollo
by h2

7th place with an
average vote of 6.7585

Views: 2802 (421 during voting)
Votes: 265
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 6.756
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 6.759
by Wenders11

8th place with an
average vote of 6.7250

Views: 2235 (448 during voting)
Votes: 280
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 6.455
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 6.775
Philly Roll
by todbedy

9th place with an
average vote of 6.6667

Views: 2640 (421 during voting)
Votes: 267
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 6.455
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 6.709
mmmMMMmmm Fungus!
by violinist123

10th place with an
average vote of 6.6533

Views: 2370 (414 during voting)
Votes: 274
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 6.364
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 6.709
314 Calories: Oven Baked Tasmanian Salmon, Butter Bean & Thyme Salad with Lemon Chilli Jus
by hotpasta

11th place with an
average vote of 6.6487

Views: 3841 (448 during voting)
Votes: 279
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 6.733
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 6.633
Berry Yummy
by Limbo

12th place with an
average vote of 6.6360

Views: 1608 (389 during voting)
Votes: 272
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 6.488
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 6.664
Lettuce Alone
by k9logic

13th place with an
average vote of 6.6250

Views: 2347 (397 during voting)
Votes: 272
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 6.372
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 6.673
The Vegan's Palate
by jrjr

14th place with an
average vote of 6.5842

Views: 2089 (520 during voting)
Votes: 291
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 6.404
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 6.619
The Perfect Pear
by rinac

15th place with an
average vote of 6.5756

Views: 1761 (404 during voting)
Votes: 271
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 6.256
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 6.636
Refreshing Citrus Splash
by OddBall7

16th place with an
average vote of 6.4868

Views: 1717 (433 during voting)
Votes: 265
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 6.262
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 6.529
Garlic: A cure-all food.
by pearlseyes

17th place with an
average vote of 6.3696

Views: 2107 (397 during voting)
Votes: 276
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 6.122
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 6.413
by photobuddy

18th place with an
average vote of 6.3370

Views: 1269 (419 during voting)
Votes: 270
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 6.500
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 6.305
In search of a miracle
by quiet_observation

19th place with an
average vote of 6.2518

Views: 1396 (438 during voting)
Votes: 278
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.891
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 6.323
by LMA128

20th place with an
average vote of 6.2276

Views: 1196 (383 during voting)
Votes: 268
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.955
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 6.281
Healthy Lifestyle
by sherpet

21st place with an
average vote of 6.1519

Views: 2039 (436 during voting)
Votes: 270
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 6.000
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 6.181
Sun Kissed, Vine Ripened, Home Grown Tomatoes
by scarbrd

22nd place with an
average vote of 6.1241

Views: 1299 (396 during voting)
Votes: 266
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.844
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 6.181
Melon Boats
by Thai

23rd place with an
average vote of 6.0852

Views: 2206 (408 during voting)
Votes: 270
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 6.068
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 6.089
An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away
by project365

24th place with an
average vote of 5.9703

Views: 1092 (385 during voting)
Votes: 269
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.932
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.978
by Camabs

25th place with an
average vote of 5.9664

Views: 1136 (391 during voting)
Votes: 268
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 6.233
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.916
It won't bite...
by LanndonKane

26th place with an
average vote of 5.9631

Views: 968 (412 during voting)
Votes: 271
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.773
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 6.000
Tender Asparagus
by Nobody

27th place with an
average vote of 5.9599

Views: 1018 (388 during voting)
Votes: 274
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.733
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 6.004
Decadently Delicious
by jprezant

28th place with an
average vote of 5.9294

Views: 931 (384 during voting)
Votes: 269
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 6.136
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.889
Fresh Mango & Mahi Mahi !
by Noel_ZH

29th place with an
average vote of 5.8868

Views: 1230 (409 during voting)
Votes: 265
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.727
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.919
A Hint of Lemon
by photokariangel

30th place with an
average vote of 5.8718

Views: 1567 (490 during voting)
Votes: 273
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.732
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.897
Water, healthy water! (STOP drinking soda)
by ahmedelphi

31st place with an
average vote of 5.8377

Views: 1341 (446 during voting)
Votes: 265
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.413
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.927
Broccoi Heals from Within
by boyhuntsforbliss

32nd place with an
average vote of 5.8358

Views: 1244 (397 during voting)
Votes: 268
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.640
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.881
"A Raisin in the Sun"
by PeteT

33rd place with an
average vote of 5.8008

Views: 1272 (416 during voting)
Votes: 261
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.439
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.868
Healthy refreshments
by martinkulik

34th place with an
average vote of 5.7978

Views: 1860 (412 during voting)
Votes: 272
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 6.109
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.735
Milk does a body good.
by Dirt_Diver

35th place with an
average vote of 5.7739

Views: 1499 (433 during voting)
Votes: 261
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.356
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.861
Petite Ensalade avec Fleurs
by IndigoButterfly

36th place with an
average vote of 5.7399

Views: 986 (397 during voting)
Votes: 273
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.809
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.726
Salad Days
by salmiakki

37th place with an
average vote of 5.7331

Views: 966 (391 during voting)
Votes: 266
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.861
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.709
Mango Soy Nugget and Ginkgo Bean Stir Fry w/Nut Brown Rice
by pawdrix

38th place with an
average vote of 5.7022

Views: 1605 (409 during voting)
Votes: 272
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.830
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.676
Turkey & Spinach Roll Up
by shamer

39th place with an
average vote of 5.6931

Views: 1375 (406 during voting)
Votes: 277
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.651
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.701
Death of a Pepper
by StOlafPhotographer

40th place with an
average vote of 5.6654

Views: 1780 (378 during voting)
Votes: 266
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.302
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.735
4/5 of Your Day
by LN13

41st place with an
average vote of 5.6543

Views: 964 (364 during voting)
Votes: 269
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.591
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.667
A Petite Pâté
by LaMas

42nd place with an
average vote of 5.6500

Views: 1263 (398 during voting)
Votes: 260
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.524
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.674
by mb2006

43rd place with an
average vote of 5.6388

Views: 1465 (387 during voting)
Votes: 263
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.674
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.632
Pears: So Delicious and Sensuous, we can't show you a whole one.
by Lydia

44th place with an
average vote of 5.6084

Views: 1595 (359 during voting)
Votes: 263
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.405
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.647
by tryingtostayinfocus

45th place with an
average vote of 5.5833

Views: 994 (394 during voting)
Votes: 276
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.805
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.545
Vegetables are good for you
by Abstract

46th place with an
average vote of 5.5741

Views: 1041 (410 during voting)
Votes: 270
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.512
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.586
by ahudson

47th place with an
average vote of 5.5204

Views: 706 (386 during voting)
Votes: 269
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.544
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.516
Rambla - Barcelona
by tiby_dicu

48th place with an
average vote of 5.4908

Views: 756 (395 during voting)
Votes: 271
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.170
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.558
by Kliopatra

49th place with an
average vote of 5.4655

Views: 1026 (384 during voting)
Votes: 275
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.605
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.440
by lollipop

50th place with an
average vote of 5.3679

Views: 2173 (393 during voting)
Votes: 280
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.319
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.378
by RulerZigzag

51st place with an
average vote of 5.3483

Views: 813 (362 during voting)
Votes: 267
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.070
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.402
Morning Crop
by AzCKelly

52nd place with an
average vote of 5.3457

Views: 920 (366 during voting)
Votes: 269
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.622
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.290
Colors of health
by Sliekas_Satanistas

53rd place with an
average vote of 5.3398

Views: 856 (378 during voting)
Votes: 256
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.191
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.369
Complimentry Vegetables
by eransh10

54th place with an
average vote of 5.3371

Views: 722 (393 during voting)
Votes: 267
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.429
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.320
Home made bread
by mfoolb

55th place with an
average vote of 5.3065

Views: 800 (357 during voting)
Votes: 261
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.429
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.283
by Ebtehal

56th place with an
average vote of 5.3019

Views: 673 (365 during voting)
Votes: 265
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.500
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.262
Happy Mayo Clinic Meal
by ffennema

57th place with an
average vote of 5.2906

Views: 918 (393 during voting)
Votes: 265
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.302
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.288
by keskeerik

58th place with an
average vote of 5.2251

Views: 806 (371 during voting)
Votes: 271
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.186
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.233
5 a day
by SoulMan1978

59th place with an
average vote of 5.2243

Views: 864 (384 during voting)
Votes: 263
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.093
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.250
by patio127

60th place with an
average vote of 5.2124

Views: 921 (351 during voting)
Votes: 259
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.195
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.216
All this...... in one can???
by kleski

61st place with an
average vote of 5.1512

Views: 942 (371 during voting)
Votes: 258
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.214
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.139
Dutch salad
by hajeka

62nd place with an
average vote of 5.1445

Views: 859 (368 during voting)
Votes: 263
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.136
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.146
Strawberry Smoothie
by love32907

63rd place with an
average vote of 5.0977

Views: 971 (348 during voting)
Votes: 256
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.103
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.097
Healthy Snack
by ozerad

64th place with an
average vote of 5.0674

Views: 646 (381 during voting)
Votes: 267
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.200
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.041
My Healthy Journey
by Someamateur

65th place with an
average vote of 5.0303

Views: 855 (359 during voting)
Votes: 264
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 4.864
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.064
Start Your Day Off Right
by EstimatedEyes

66th place with an
average vote of 5.0302

Views: 816 (370 during voting)
Votes: 265
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.378
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 4.959
by robifis

67th place with an
average vote of 4.9961

Views: 884 (357 during voting)
Votes: 255
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 4.810
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.033
Simply......... Healthy Food!
by rhino_ry4n

68th place with an
average vote of 4.9887

Views: 918 (365 during voting)
Votes: 266
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.238
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 4.942
by dl_maggi

69th place with an
average vote of 4.9884

Views: 742 (365 during voting)
Votes: 258
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.000
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 4.986
Northern Bean Salad
by BAMartin

70th place with an
average vote of 4.9846

Views: 675 (367 during voting)
Votes: 259
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.000
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 4.982
Red and Green
by jorundtm

71st place with an
average vote of 4.9815

Views: 706 (361 during voting)
Votes: 270
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.070
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 4.965
Beautiful and Calorie Free
by jonfrommk

72nd place with an
average vote of 4.9736

Views: 846 (385 during voting)
Votes: 265
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 4.778
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.014
An apple a day...
by TonyT

73rd place with an
average vote of 4.9234

Views: 714 (379 during voting)
Votes: 261
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 4.814
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 4.945
Alternative to potato chips
by snaffles

74th place with an
average vote of 4.9194

Views: 997 (375 during voting)
Votes: 248
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 4.488
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.005
Rye Bread
by jsavinen

75th place with an
average vote of 4.9192

Views: 860 (353 during voting)
Votes: 260
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 4.954
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 4.912
Vit C
by stargazer05766

76th place with an
average vote of 4.8649

Views: 843 (362 during voting)
Votes: 259
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 4.854
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 4.867
Mashed Potatoes
by AmeedEl-Ghoul

77th place with an
average vote of 4.8640

Views: 635 (348 during voting)
Votes: 250
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.000
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 4.836
by menele

78th place with an
average vote of 4.8636

Views: 762 (405 during voting)
Votes: 264
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 4.927
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 4.852
by gunsmith6

79th place with an
average vote of 4.8494

Views: 939 (361 during voting)
Votes: 259
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 4.955
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 4.828
Vitamin C On The Tree, Organic too!
by sfalice

80th place with an
average vote of 4.7744

Views: 903 (354 during voting)
Votes: 266
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 4.682
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 4.793
Brown Rice Kegeree with a Raspberry and Thyme Vinaigrette Salad
by pffree

81st place with an
average vote of 4.7743

Views: 940 (355 during voting)
Votes: 257
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 4.861
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 4.757
by apple1116

82nd place with an
average vote of 4.7460

Views: 885 (363 during voting)
Votes: 252
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 4.714
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 4.752
Fiber...Nature's Pipe Cleaner
by sabphoto

83rd place with an
average vote of 4.7356

Views: 981 (411 during voting)
Votes: 261
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.182
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 4.645
Coffee...Good for you or not?
by andrea22_als

84th place with an
average vote of 4.6176

Views: 804 (369 during voting)
Votes: 272
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 4.435
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 4.655
The Other White Meat
by Goldwing

85th place with an
average vote of 4.5725

Views: 617 (372 during voting)
Votes: 255
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 4.439
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 4.598
Apple a day? No way!
by JimiRose

86th place with an
average vote of 4.5509

Views: 862 (421 during voting)
Votes: 265
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 4.442
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 4.572
antioxidants, protein and gluten free
by truogre

87th place with an
average vote of 4.5391

Views: 717 (376 during voting)
Votes: 256
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 4.590
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 4.530
~-_-~ : Smart & Yummy : ~-_-~
by Love6

88th place with an
average vote of 4.5328

Views: 634 (369 during voting)
Votes: 259
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 4.524
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 4.535
Walnut Crusted Catfish with Glazed mustard and seasoned asparagus
by rarmermann

89th place with an
average vote of 4.4924

Views: 713 (369 during voting)
Votes: 262
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 4.762
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 4.441
by goldgod

90th place with an
average vote of 4.4923

Views: 879 (364 during voting)
Votes: 260
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 4.707
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 4.452
Vegan Lasagna: No Animal Products, No Fat, No Cholesterol, No Guilt!!!
by Sachlichkeit

91st place with an
average vote of 4.4847

Views: 687 (378 during voting)
Votes: 262
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 4.625
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 4.460
Thai lunch
by raish

92nd place with an
average vote of 4.4595

Views: 764 (345 during voting)
Votes: 259
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 4.348
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 4.484
by Funkie_doc

93rd place with an
average vote of 4.4570

Views: 2559 (385 during voting)
Votes: 256
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 4.350
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 4.477
Kids Tear Into Low-Fat Quesadillas
by GeneralE

94th place with an
average vote of 4.3969

Views: 1156 (366 during voting)
Votes: 262
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 4.561
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 4.367
Fish curry and rice
by gaurav

95th place with an
average vote of 4.3333

Views: 945 (369 during voting)
Votes: 255
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 4.523
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 4.294
by valenciaoj

96th place with an
average vote of 4.3065

Views: 821 (352 during voting)
Votes: 261
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 4.357
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 4.297
Good Ol' Italian Food
by prosserwm

97th place with an
average vote of 4.1634

Views: 745 (364 during voting)
Votes: 257
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 4.244
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 4.148
Strawberries and Yoghurt
by pheonix676

98th place with an
average vote of 4.1274

Views: 783 (360 during voting)
Votes: 259
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 4.311
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 4.089
Rainbow Trout
by pillikcam

99th place with an
average vote of 4.0736

Views: 699 (363 during voting)
Votes: 258
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 4.024
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 4.083
These bugs are a healthy source of Protein

100th place with an
average vote of 4.0695

Views: 930 (370 during voting)
Votes: 259
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 3.829
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 4.115
McDonald's Happy Meal
by shabsslg

101st place with an
average vote of 3.8607

Views: 827 (409 during voting)
Votes: 244
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 3.590
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 3.912
Crantastic Oatmeal with Bananas, Walnuts and Raisins
by ccadman

102nd place with an
average vote of 3.8511

Views: 770 (348 during voting)
Votes: 262
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 3.814
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 3.858
by wei1108

103rd place with an
average vote of 3.7326

Views: 735 (403 during voting)
Votes: 258
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 3.717
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 3.736
alf alfa shake.
by kmtregoe

104th place with an
average vote of 3.4234

Views: 625 (402 during voting)
Votes: 274
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 3.500
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 3.410
Fresh and Healthy
by Bruja

105th place with an
average vote of 3.4109

Views: 659 (367 during voting)
Votes: 258
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 3.595
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 3.375
by iskowjen

106th place with an
average vote of 3.3885

Views: 726 (365 during voting)
Votes: 260
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 3.238
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 3.417
Covered through the Centuries
by cyclingtmb

107th place with an
average vote of 2.6207

Views: 1037 (415 during voting)
Votes: 232
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 2.854
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 2.571
by chanta

108th place with an
average vote of 2.2702

Views: 1752 (426 during voting)
Votes: 248
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 2.333
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 2.258
Disqualified Images
Naturally Organic
by beelz

Originally 5th place with an
average vote of 7.1613

Views: 1626 (524 during voting)
Votes: 279
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Disqualification Message:
You must retain your original, unedited file (exactly as recorded by your camera), and provide it to the Site Council along with a list of your editing steps within 48 hours of any validation request. Files that have been saved or altered with any editing or transfer software are NOT originals.

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