DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
Challenges Entered: 37
Votes Cast: 7,450
Avg Vote Cast: 5.1326
Votes Received: 8,103
Avg Vote Received: 5.5646
  • Made: 908
  • Helpful: 772
  • Received: 508
  • Helpful: 487
  • Posts: 159
  • Threads Created: 18
    Profile Views: 6,353
    Total Image Views: 50,066
    Total Images Viewed: 14
  • Favorites
    Selected by other users:
  • Photographer: 16 times
  • Photographs: 82 times
    User's favorites: (view all)
  • Photographers: 10
  • Photographs: 7
  • Status
    User is currently offline.
    Planes, Trains and Automobiles :: Midnight Run
    Honorable Mentions
    Freedom II :: Just Me &The Open Road
    Everyday Objects :: The Beautiful Side of Desktop Clutter
    User Profile
    Name: Derick Tan
    Username: C-town driver
    Gender: M
    Type: Registered User Location: Los Angeles, CA
    Cameras: Canon EOS-30D
    Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
    Sony DSC-F828
    Lenses: Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 EX Aspherical DF for Canon
    Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II
    Sigma 10-20mm f/4-5.6 EX DC HSM for Canon
    Sigma 50-500mm f/4.0-6.3 EX DG HSM for Canon EOS
    Registered: Apr. 15th 2004
    Private Message
    URL: http://derickt.smugmug.com/
    Biography: I wandered into photography as a hobby after buying a simple Fuji point and click camera and getting bitten by the "bug". I've been having a blast so far and have been learning alot, as well as meeting and talking with some great people. Photography has quickly become an outlet for me that affords me the luxury of expression and creativity.... It has been a natural extension of the thought and creativity that I excercise working in the advertising industry. There is a long road of learning and discovery ahead and I can't wait to see what each new shooting opportunity and challenge will bring!

    Check out my Los Angeles photo project here...
    I Love L.A.

    View this photographer's portfolio!
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    Highest Rated Photographs
    Midnight Run
    1st PlaceMidnight Run
    Planes, Trains and Automobiles
    Average: 7.1754
    The Beautiful Side of Desktop Clutter
    The Beautiful Side of Desktop Clutter
    Everyday Objects
    Average: 6.7895
    Just Me &The Open Road
    Just Me &The Open Road
    Freedom II
    Average: 6.6721
    Quasi Una Fantasia - Moonlight Sonata
    Quasi Una Fantasia - Moonlight Sonata
    June Free Study
    Average: 6.2708
    Architecture III
    Average: 6.1604
    Challenge Entries
    Last 10 Forum Threads Posted To
    Thread   Section   Date
    Cyclists in action! - Photos Wanted   Photography Discussion  186 months ago
    Help! ...Custom photo calendars needed   Photography Discussion  231 months ago
    Help! Trying to order Photo Calendar in Canada   Photography Discussion  231 months ago
    Calgary Stampede   General Discussion  236 months ago
    Is your 30D noisey at times? (RAW)   Hardware and Software  238 months ago
    Rawshooter 30D support   Hardware and Software  239 months ago
    New Camera, coming THIS JUNE!!   Hardware and Software  239 months ago
    I Got DQ-ed   Current Challenge  239 months ago
    48 Hour Free Study - Scores   Current Challenge  239 months ago
    No flowers   Current Challenge  239 months ago

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