DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
Challenges Entered: 11
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Avg Vote Received: 5.5188
  • Made: 8
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  • Received: 267
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  • Posts: 193
  • Threads Created: 17
    Profile Views: 6,287
    Total Image Views: 71,307
    Total Images Viewed: 3
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    Light Source :: Lady in Red
    User Profile
    Name: Joe Cloud
    Username: Seeker
    Gender: M
    Type: Registered User Location: Dallas, TX
    Cameras: Canon EOS-30D
    Olympus Stylus 500 Digital
    Sony DSC-F707
    Registered: Aug. 28th 2002
    Contact: Private Message
    Biography: I am an engineer, a carpenter, a poet, a photographer, a scientist, a lover, a friend, a mechanic, a plumber, a dad (not a father, there IS a difference), a teacher, a student, a masseuse, a man. I tend toward the large side of the male species. I've been accused of being a football player (not likely) and a bouncer (true, but only in a manner of speaking). My smile is not easily won but when it comes out it is real, genuine and from the heart.
    Signature: "If winning isn't important, why keep score?" - Worf

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    Highest Rated Photographs
    Lady in Red
    2nd PlaceLady in Red
    Light Source
    Average: 7.5786
    Will It Ever. . .
    Will It Ever. . .
    Average: 6.1281
    Average: 5.7783
    Reflections on Darkness
    Reflections on Darkness
    Reflections Without Mirrors
    Average: 5.5524
    . . . There Be Thorns
    . . . There Be Thorns
    Average: 5.4709
    Challenge Entries
    Last 10 Forum Threads Posted To
    Thread   Section   Date
    1GB Olympus cratering on anyone else?   Tips, Tricks, and Q&A  237 months ago
    Problems with non Canon lenses and a 30D   Tips, Tricks, and Q&A  240 months ago
    New Camera Just Arrived!!!!!   Hardware and Software  272 months ago
    good books on digital photography??   Tips, Tricks, and Q&A  274 months ago
    Burning Man   General Discussion  274 months ago
    Photos with forum posts   Tips, Tricks, and Q&A  274 months ago
    Googlism   General Discussion  274 months ago
    Mars   General Discussion  275 months ago
    Funny licence plates   Challenge Suggestions  275 months ago
    this has to be a record   Rant  275 months ago

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