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Storm Front
1st PlaceStorm Front

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Single Light Source IV (Advanced Editing VII)
Collection: 2012
Camera: Nikon D700
Lens: Nikon AF-S Nikkor 17-35mm f/2.8D IF-ED
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Date: Jan 16, 2012
Galleries: Portraiture, Studio
Date Uploaded: Jan 17, 2012

Model: Gabrielle Stone

Shot at a theater for which I took some production shots last year because I wanted a really tall ceiling. And the owner let me smoke it up for this shoot. Gabby is a marvelous dancer and was a real trooper and danced through the smoke storm. We both ended up with teary red eyes. Ironic that in the image I ended up using she isn't dancing at all.

convert from RAW
color balance
cloned out line in corner
save for web

Well I'll be darned!!!! Never thought I'd say this but... I have a full set!!! Thank you all for your wonderful comments and votes, greatly appreciated.

@ sns - sometimes it's the imperfections which make an image special :-)

Place: 1 out of 86
Avg (all users): 7.1938
Avg (commenters): 8.1538
Avg (participants): 7.1522
Avg (non-participants): 7.2169
Views since voting: 6326
Views during voting: 303
Votes: 129
Comments: 80
Favorites: 15 (view)

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02/16/2012 07:39:10 AM
This is a gorgeous shot! I would have given it a 9, maybe even a 10, had I been a (paying) member when voting for the challenge was going on. Great shot and a WELL-DESERVED ribbon!
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02/01/2012 06:01:36 PM
This image is amazing! Perfectly captured. Congrats on your well deserved ribbon!
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02/01/2012 04:15:01 AM
Well done and well deserved!
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01/31/2012 08:22:23 PM
YOU GOTTTT IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT! I am so jealous for your blue. Im going to start competing with you now. lets have fun little battles eh? I used to do the same thing with Judi. Was fun...

I want to go out and start shooting again.
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01/31/2012 11:34:21 AM
I hope I'm not too late to congrats you, my friend. Well deserved Blue ribbon.
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01/30/2012 06:30:18 PM
Lovely shot Johanna. I love the colors and lighting. Congrats!
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01/30/2012 02:54:18 AM
I love the smoke! Congrats on the first (one of many) Blue!
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01/29/2012 07:28:01 PM
Beautiful image, congratulations on the blue.
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01/29/2012 12:46:42 AM
I knew you would be no stopping you once you got started. What a wonderful image! congrats on the blue!
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01/28/2012 10:35:11 PM
Hey, look who captured a blue! Congrats Johanna - your model takes on an aspect of a storm goddess in this shot. She lifts her hand and the storm winds blow. The scarf partually obscures her face but I think that just adds to the mystery of her. We do not need to gaze into her eyes for we can see the power she holds. Great smoke work in that it takes on the look of a storm about to brew. The bold and vibrant colors of yellow and green really pop off the background. The colors are captivating.
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01/28/2012 12:04:05 PM
Beautiful! I love where the light is coming from and the color comp. The green and yellow are gorgeous! I also like the inclusion of the rim of light on her leg. Very nice!
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01/28/2012 08:07:31 AM
Wow, Johanna! You are on fire!! Congratulations on this stunning photo.
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01/27/2012 08:32:24 PM
Originally posted by skewsme:

she is a daffodil!

Ah ha! Yes! That's exactly what I was trying to think of - a daffodil.
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01/27/2012 07:18:54 PM
Congratulations Johanna on your PB and blue (I can't believe that it was your first, but it sure won't be your last!)
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01/27/2012 06:58:38 PM
Sweet! It's about damn time! Congrats on your first blue!
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01/27/2012 06:10:46 PM
Congratulations nice image
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01/27/2012 05:16:22 PM
Wow! Congratulations! Well deserved blue!
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01/27/2012 04:49:43 PM
Congrats on your well-deserved Blue, Johanna! Fabulous image.
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01/27/2012 02:42:37 PM
Always been a fan , thrilled to see you win blue
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01/27/2012 02:01:54 PM
Congratulations Johanna, I'm very happy about your win :-) Finally this most deserved blue ribbon is yours. Much more to come I'm sure!
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01/27/2012 02:01:35 PM
Awesome story telling lighting, can picture a car to the right, which compliments the mystique of her hidden eyes. VWD on your Blue Johanna.
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01/27/2012 01:50:27 PM
Johanna!! congrats on getting first! what a fantastic photo too. the ribbon is well deserved!
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01/27/2012 01:27:53 PM
Congratulations on the well deserved blue. I can't believe this is your first blue, i am sure it's the start of many to come though.
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01/27/2012 12:27:39 PM
Congrats on the ribbon. well deserved :)
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01/27/2012 11:41:17 AM
She anchors the dynamic energy in this image well. Congrats, Johanna!
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01/27/2012 11:17:38 AM
Beautiful, Johanna! Congrats on your Full Set!
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01/27/2012 11:15:35 AM
You have so much talent. Congratulations!
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01/27/2012 11:13:51 AM
Congratulations, Johanna! Wonderful!!!
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01/27/2012 10:58:57 AM
Well done to you,nice image.
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01/27/2012 10:58:12 AM
Congratulations. lovely image.
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01/27/2012 10:49:14 AM
Completeness (right word?), for this image and for your ribbon set! Congrats Johanna!
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01/27/2012 10:31:35 AM
she is a daffodil!
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01/27/2012 08:56:53 AM
WHOHOOOO Well done sweetheart, so proud!!!!!!!!!!!!
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01/27/2012 08:51:14 AM
Wonderful execution Johanna! Congratulations on the Blue and new PB!

Message edited by author 2012-01-27 08:55:44.
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01/27/2012 08:39:50 AM
Great choice; congrats on the blue.
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01/27/2012 08:26:23 AM
Wow Joanna, you have the full set now!! Huge congrats on a lovely image :-)
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01/27/2012 07:57:13 AM
Congratulations Johanna! Wow do I love those deep rich colors!
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01/27/2012 07:47:05 AM
After being so burnt from the WPL I didn't even get to look at the single light source challenge, now I'm disapointed that I didn't.! This is an amazing shot that instantly makes me think of Joe McNally! Congrats on the very well deserved Blue!!
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01/27/2012 07:16:05 AM
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01/27/2012 07:06:04 AM
Superb and inspirational!
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01/27/2012 06:26:10 AM
Absolutely gorgeous! I love it across her face, actually. It adds mystery!

I knew it was only time before you started racking up the ribbons! You are such an incredible photographer! You still need to come out to VA and teach me. :)
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01/27/2012 05:38:25 AM
Well done! Full set, very nice! :-)
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01/27/2012 04:39:44 AM
Wow, go Johanna, you've always been blue material, now you've got the paperwork. Congratulations, a nice moody and colourful shot.
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01/27/2012 04:23:58 AM
Yay! Congrats on the Blue Johanna. Wonderful portrait as always.
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01/27/2012 03:46:30 AM
OMG... Stunning!! Uh huh ya just had to best my red huh?? Your comment was too funny!!

Congratulations on a Well Deserved Blue!!!!
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01/27/2012 03:24:55 AM
Blue for you! Hooooray! Excellent job.
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01/27/2012 02:46:03 AM
This is great! Congratulations on the blue!!!
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01/27/2012 02:38:52 AM
Nice work Johanna. Congrats on joining the blue club!
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01/27/2012 02:14:49 AM
Yay! About time too!
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01/27/2012 01:45:33 AM
Awesome, congrats on the blue Johanna!
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01/27/2012 01:37:19 AM
Finally! congrats on the first Blue, Johanna. Terrific image.
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01/27/2012 01:30:53 AM
WTG as in walk to greatness!
Professionalism is professionalism! Big hug.
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01/27/2012 01:16:40 AM
One of the best images I've ever seen here... there's magic in this shot! Your last images are stunning and you improve week by week. Congrats!
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01/27/2012 01:00:12 AM
Well done J.
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01/27/2012 12:57:22 AM
Look at you! All 7's on your profile page now. Incredible and well-deserved blue. Big congrats!
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01/27/2012 12:53:16 AM
Congratulations, Johanna!
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01/27/2012 12:48:36 AM
Awesome, WTG Johanna, your well on top of things now:)
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01/27/2012 12:36:37 AM
Very nice! I lived the color scheme and the light direction. Gave it a 9; well deserved blue!
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01/27/2012 12:27:41 AM
Really beautiful! Congratulations on the Blue! Well deserved.
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01/27/2012 12:24:42 AM
wow, you've gotta be stoked! nice job.
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01/27/2012 12:24:38 AM
congratulations! just perfect!
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01/27/2012 12:04:41 AM
Beautiful shot, Johanna. Congrats on the blue.
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01/27/2012 12:04:11 AM
Congrats, great color.
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01/27/2012 12:03:22 AM
Congratulations on the blue ribbon, Johanna! Great lighting, model and shot!
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01/27/2012 12:01:55 AM
Oh man I forgot to comment on this, I did think it was brilliant Johanna. Well done on your first blue,,,,,,,,,,,,,wow.
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01/27/2012 12:01:17 AM
Wowow Johanna this is beautiful! What an excellent choice of colors. Strong and magical. Congrats on the blue!
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01/27/2012 12:01:01 AM
Whoa, she WON! WTG!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/26/2012 11:41:10 PM
Very technical. Beautifully done. Top 10 I'd say.
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01/25/2012 12:24:37 PM
A marvelous image deserve top places of SLS challenge.
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01/24/2012 09:18:30 AM
Pure and simple has nice feel to it for me.
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01/24/2012 07:45:26 AM
Such a pity we cant see more of the face. Still a nice image but that would have added a lot to the emotion of the image IMO.
Love the way the lighter areas in the clouds match the shape of the yellow material!
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01/23/2012 01:06:49 PM
Very mystical looking.
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01/22/2012 07:23:26 PM
Great color and lighting, I would have tried to get the scarf off her face
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01/21/2012 12:05:48 PM
Smart shooting, creative thinking, top 3
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01/21/2012 11:55:13 AM
Great colors, great composition
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01/20/2012 04:14:29 PM
Action, Lighting, colors all good....8
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01/20/2012 02:08:13 PM
There is a lot of space in the image. I think the composition might have been stronger with a lower camera angle looking up at the model. The wind and the smokey background strongly depicts the storm, but then the camera angle makes the model appear like she is just standing there posing... the strength of her resistance to the storm does not show. I like the green and yellow colors which pop off the background!
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01/20/2012 09:36:59 AM
Very impressive. Wouldn't be surprised at all to see this ribbon.
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01/20/2012 08:42:45 AM
One of the few artfully presented images in the challenge.
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01/20/2012 08:02:27 AM
Very clear that this is the winner of the challenge. Based on lighting and composure, I assume this is a Christophe entry?
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