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Nasty Reflexion
Nasty Reflexion

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Words (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Nikon D70
Location: Newmarket, Ontario, Canada
Date: Jul 8, 2004
Aperture: f/10
ISO: 200
Shutter: 8
Galleries: Humorous, Advertisement
Date Uploaded: Jul 8, 2004


Place: 5 out of 253
Avg (all users): 6.4401
Avg (commenters): 7.7719
Avg (participants): 6.1870
Avg (non-participants): 6.6075
Views since voting: 3877
Views during voting: 621
Votes: 309
Comments: 84
Favorites: 26 (view)

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05/17/2007 02:57:24 PM
A cracker...

I've never seen that particular washing powder here in the UK... I wouldn't wash my clothes in it!

04/27/2007 08:13:49 PM
lmfao! i never noticed that this is amzing!!!!
03/09/2006 12:22:41 PM
How on earth did you come up with this? Was it a total or partial accident, or did you actively search for it? Brilliant!
12/30/2005 07:57:26 PM
This is hilarious! Some people are so damned clever! Well done.
06/24/2005 09:30:28 AM
This great!
07/21/2004 09:16:31 PM
Good job Bassie. Congrats on your top ten!!!!!!
Ribbon is just around the corner!
07/21/2004 06:07:57 AM
Well done - should have made top 3 though. Just too funny and hellishly creative.
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07/21/2004 03:46:04 AM
Very cool idea man :)
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07/21/2004 03:43:52 AM
Very clever. Very funny! :-)
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07/21/2004 02:19:59 AM
fantastic! i think photoshop at first time
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07/21/2004 01:00:52 AM
you were soooo robbed!! should have been a ribbon for sure!
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07/21/2004 12:58:58 AM
Absolutely brilliant!


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07/21/2004 12:32:34 AM
LoL this one was too funny!
Congrats on top 5 :)
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07/21/2004 12:25:38 AM
I owe you an appology for not really sudying this closer.
I just spent a few minutes looking at it carefully, then BAM! I saw it.
This was VERY clever and I should have ranked it higher than the 5 I gave originally.
Well Done!
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07/21/2004 12:13:48 AM
Congrats on your personal best, Bassie! :o)
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07/21/2004 12:09:01 AM
Congratulations on your high placing. You did a good job. Boy, do we need some humor.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/20/2004 11:47:31 PM
Very creative. I did a second take. you have my 7
07/20/2004 11:24:12 PM
Nice work! Perfect fit for the challenge. This is my favourite of all the entries.
07/20/2004 10:56:01 PM
Too funy!
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07/20/2004 10:41:11 PM
Hee hee!! I had to look at this a few times to see how this worked. A clever idea. I cannot say the composition or the lighting is inspiring, but the photo serves its purpose in making us pay attention not only to the meaning of words but the form of the letters and possible reorganizations.
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07/20/2004 08:39:33 PM
Extremely clever and nicely shot AND funny as well!
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07/20/2004 07:44:24 PM
I'll have to admit that I thought this must be juvenile manipulation from the thumbnail of it but once I saw the strategic placement of the can and straw this jumped a couple of points in my evaluation. Creative vision of a somewhat baser overall message. Good job.
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07/20/2004 07:28:26 PM
Clever composition. "Play" on words.
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07/20/2004 05:30:47 PM
Very wise thinking
great work playing with reflecions and words 9
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07/20/2004 01:55:59 PM
Great idea. You're a genius
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07/20/2004 09:14:20 AM
Great picture! !erutcip taerG
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07/20/2004 08:37:21 AM
We can always use some humor. ha ha ha ha I like that one.
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07/20/2004 05:53:53 AM
I don't know how ya got the idea for this but well done!
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07/20/2004 03:26:01 AM
I don't know how you thought of this, but...that's creative, interesting, and kind of cool. Don't look in the mirror too long.
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07/19/2004 10:58:59 PM
That is awesomely clever composition. A little more DOF would have made this really great.
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07/19/2004 09:35:32 PM
Great photo. I would never thought of this.
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07/19/2004 04:47:47 PM
Ok I got it. Kool. the pic is ok. funny...
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07/18/2004 11:02:55 PM
:D Hahaha ---- excellent!!!
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07/18/2004 10:26:05 PM
this is my favorite - 10
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07/18/2004 05:18:52 PM
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07/18/2004 08:13:58 AM
most clever!
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07/17/2004 10:32:01 PM
wow! ..... ill give this a 10 for ingenuity .... and originality
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07/17/2004 04:20:29 PM
Great concept, and well executed. Bravo!
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07/17/2004 02:12:54 PM
This photo gave me a good laugh for sure. Your idea was amazingly clever; I love it! Honestly, it took me a few seconds to figure out what you had done. I like that it made me think, though.
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07/17/2004 03:38:09 AM
great!!!!!! a 8
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07/17/2004 12:47:39 AM
I don't know if it's sheer brilliance or a deviate mind that can turn Tide to Shit so creatively. I love this - lots of humour and originality. Well done
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07/16/2004 09:00:48 PM
That is "Original". :)
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07/16/2004 03:44:15 PM
This is my favorite pic - I laughed so hard when I saw this, very creative - 10 -
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07/16/2004 04:02:29 AM
wow. going off with that one!!
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07/15/2004 11:36:18 PM
VERY clever :)
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07/15/2004 08:01:18 PM
My voting guidelines for this competiton:

Does the photo meet the challenge (does the photo contain words): 1-NO, 2-YES

If you were to remove the words from the photo, is the photo itself interesting: 0-NO, 1-SOMEWHAT, 2-YES, 3-DEFINITELY

The quality of the actual photograph: 0-NEEDS WORK, 1-GOOD, 2-GREAT, 3-SUPERB

Does this picture WOW me: 0-NO, 1-YES, 2-DEFINITELY

Total Score: 7 - bumped to 9 because I think it's incredibly clever
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07/15/2004 05:19:20 PM
Very creative! :)
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07/15/2004 04:38:49 PM
VERY clever positioning of can and straw! Funnee!
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07/15/2004 03:44:20 PM
You may lose points with some for the content but I think it`s been very well thought out and hilarious into the bargain.
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07/15/2004 12:41:09 PM
good idea, better without the coke cans
07/15/2004 12:00:39 PM
Very nicely done!! At first I thought you placed tape on the mirror...it took a while to see the straw placement. Bonus points for your creativity!
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07/15/2004 11:18:55 AM
This must have taken a lot of patience to set up. Worth the effort, though. Funny and original.
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07/15/2004 09:46:34 AM
This one is really funny :)
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07/15/2004 12:14:56 AM
this is too funny !1111111
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07/14/2004 11:00:18 PM
Very cool idea! <9>
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07/14/2004 09:35:52 PM
hehe, 7
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07/14/2004 09:25:56 PM
High points for being creative. The hot spot on the Coke can is distracting. I'd also like to see what this would look like in color.
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07/14/2004 09:19:07 PM
very good idea that doesn't quite work, somehow. Creative though!
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07/14/2004 08:27:25 PM
Very clever. Nicely done photo.
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07/14/2004 07:11:38 PM
haha funniest one yet. very clever with the straw.
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07/14/2004 06:44:36 PM
Hahahaha, That is great! Took me a minute to see that the straw was helping to create the "s". Very creative, and a good choice to go with the B&W.
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07/14/2004 06:28:16 PM
hahahahahah cool!
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07/14/2004 06:27:23 PM
Cleverly done! The straw turns an oppurtuen spot white. Took me a bit to figure out how you got the reflection. Now what is the corrospondence with Tide and Diet Coke? Image could be a bit larger.
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07/14/2004 05:20:14 PM
Clever. Fits the chalenge better than most.
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07/14/2004 04:19:55 PM
Fantastic..... Nothing more to say!!!
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07/14/2004 02:49:33 PM
Ok, I definitely never would have thought of that idea! Very clever!
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07/14/2004 01:34:51 PM
Wow--awesome. I had to look very closely to see how this was done. I didn't see the straw at first!
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07/14/2004 01:13:35 PM
How did you think of that. Very original.
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07/14/2004 01:04:07 PM
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07/14/2004 11:53:55 AM
hmmm, interesting. :-) I'd like to see a "how'd they do that" on this one. I'm also curious as to how the color version looks. Good shot.
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07/14/2004 11:14:54 AM
Only one problem, there's not way the "e" would reflect as an "s" and the coke on the left doesn't have a straw. Maybe there's no reflectioin, just two of everything? I'd like to hear from you.....on second thought, I see the straw now :)
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07/14/2004 10:52:46 AM
GENIUS! top marks!
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07/14/2004 09:41:19 AM
!oot, si tI .
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07/14/2004 08:17:19 AM
My favorite so far. Very creative. Love it.
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07/14/2004 07:52:10 AM
woah!! this is cool.....hehe
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07/14/2004 06:57:18 AM
My question on this is, How the hell did you come up with this idea. Great idea, good shot 7
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07/14/2004 06:25:28 AM
What a brilliant idea, I thought "this has to be edited, tide does not reflect in shit..." closer look, perfect job with the can!. The image could however use some work, maybe the color version could work(?) but some more contrast and better use of background would suit this shot. Good eye!
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07/14/2004 04:50:41 AM
Very cunning indeed hehe
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07/14/2004 02:31:24 AM
Very clever trick with words, good focus, good luck -6
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07/14/2004 01:57:21 AM
Very funny.
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07/14/2004 01:39:11 AM
Funny! Not a great photo, though. The black and white lacks any kind of richness of tone and it looks a little soft focus. Aside from the humor involved in the set-up, the composition doesn't grab me. 10 for effort and humour. 5 for the photo.
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07/14/2004 01:32:45 AM
Best one I have seen yet...."9". I would love to hear how you got that idea very creative. Still laughing.....
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07/14/2004 01:15:35 AM
very clever and it took me a second to figure out how you did the S..9!!
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07/14/2004 12:17:51 AM
You're not a Diet Pepsi person are you? Wonderful shot. GREAT imagination. Could use a little sharper focus.
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