DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
Other Rule Sets
  • Common Editing
  • Extended Editing
  • Minimal Editing
  • Standard Editing
  • Voting Rules
  • Challenge Rules - Basic Editing I
    All challenge submissions must comply with the DPChallenge Terms of Use.

    Any of the following rules may be overridden by the "Extra Rules" section of the challenge details.
     Image Submission Format
    Any photograph submitted to a challenge must be taken with a digital camera and must follow these standards for submission:
    • File Format: JPEG (.jpg)
    • File Size: No larger than 150 kb.
    • Dimension: No dimension may be shorter than 160 pixels or longer than 640 pixels.
    • Exposure Date: Your photograph must be taken within the submission dates for the challenge unless otherwise specified in the 'extra rules' section of the challenge.
     Image Modification and Content Rules
    Your entry must come from a single photograph, taken during the specified challenge timeframe. You may not post-process your entry from or to include elements of multiple images, multiple exposures, clip art, computer-rendered images, or elements from other photographs (even those taken during the challenge week), and other similar items.

    Any modification done inside the digital camera itself is considered acceptable for challenge submission.

    Post-shot Adjustments may be made to your image in a photo editing program, so long as the modification is applied to the whole image. This includes levels, b&w conversion, hue/saturation, sizing/rotating, curves and cropping (or their non-Photoshop equivalents). The use of certain editing and adjustment tools is restricted or prohibited as outlined below.
    • Filters: The use of filters (or non-Photoshop equivalent) is strictly limited. Any filter or stand-alone utility designed and used to preserve the integrity of the image and/or reduce the effects of noise, scratches, etc, are permitted. These include but are not limited to the Sharpen, Unsharp Mask, and Dust & Scratches filters, and standalone image cleanup utilities such as NeatImage. However, no effects filters may be applied to your image, with the exception of Noise and Gaussian blur, the two of which are allowed. Any filter permitted by this rule must be applied uniformly to the entire image. Selective application of the filter is prohibited.
    • Spot-Editing: Absolutely no spot-editing is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to drawing tools, dodging/bluring tools, and cloning tools. Additionally, the use of any type of selection tool is prohibited except to select a non-feathered, non-anti-aliased rectangular area for cropping.
    • Text: No text may be added to your submission. This includes copyright statements.
    • Layers: Only adjustment layers may be used, and the layer must be applied in normal mode. All other types of layers and all other blending methods (modes) are prohibited. Layers may not be used to apply a prohibited effect to an image.
    • Borders: Your submission may include a border, but the border may not contain any text, clip art, photographs, or other artwork.
    Subject matter must comply with the DPChallenge Terms of Use. The following are additional restrictions on subject matter:
    • Artwork. Literal photographic representations of the entirety of existing works of art (including your own) are not considered acceptable submissions, however creative depictions or interpretations are permissible. This includes, but is not limited to paintings, sculptures, photographs, drawings, and computer artwork.
    • Nudity. Nudity is an acceptable form of art on this site. Photographs may not, however, show a penis or a vagina or any acts of sex. Nudity should be presented in a tasteful manner.
    If the validity of your submitted photograph comes into question, you may be asked to submit your original, unmodified photograph and steps to recreate your submitted photograph from your original photograph. This original photograph must contain valid, unaltered EXIF data. If you are unable to produce your original photo under these circumstances, your photograph will be disqualified. A photograph may only be used in one challenge, even if it is cropped or altered differently to fit another challenge. Duplicate photos will be disqualified. A person may only hold one DPChallenge account and may submit only one photograph per challenge. He will not be able to vote on his own image.

    Any registered user may recommend a submission for disqualification if he or she feels that submission has violated a rule. In order to allow sufficient time for research, disqualification requests should be submitted as soon as the voter becomes aware of a potential rule violation. Disqualification requests should be submitted during the voting period whenever possible but will be accepted up to seven days after the results of the challenge to which the photo was entered are posted.

    For more information please see The DQ Process: A Voter's Guide

     Challenge Voting

    Each challenge will state its dates for voting. Users should rate each and every photograph in the challenge on a scale of 1 to 10 (with "1" being a "bad" photo and a "10" being a "good" photo). At the end of the week, the photograph holding the greatest average of votes will be declared the winner of that challenge. Second and third place photographs will also be recognized. While voting, users are asked to keep in highest consideration the topic of the challenge and base their rating accordingly.

    If you feel a photograph deserves a vote of 1, 2 or 3, it is suggested that you include a comment with your vote explaining why you felt it deserved a "below average" score.

    Users must vote on at least 20% of the entries in order to have their votes counted towards the averages. Until a user votes for 20% of the images in a challenge, his votes are ignored. Voting patterns are also automatically monitored. Users whose vote patterns suggest an intent to unfairly disrupt the system will have their votes ignored and may be suspended from site functions.

    If you feel a photograph has violated the site rules, you may click the "Recommend Disqualification for this Picture" link and enter your reason why. You should then vote on the photo as if the rule was not broken, and leave the determination up to the administrators.

    Users are highly encouraged to leave comments on a photograph by using the comment box under each photograph. Criticism, praise, and other constructive comments are all welcome. Blatantly slanderous, rude, or profane comments may be removed, and the owners of such comments may be suspended or lose their accounts.

    Photographs are shown in the voting area in random order for each user. Absolutely no other preference is applied to non-rated photographs. Once a photo is rated, it is shown on the main voting page along with other submissions with the same rating. Users may adjust their votes directly from this thumbnail-view page only after casting an initial vote for an image -- it is unfair to vote on the quality of a photograph based solely on a server-generated thumbnail of that image.

    DPChallenge also monitors and enforces a strict policy against fraudulent accounts and 'ghost' ballots. Any attempts to alter the point totals in any way for any photograph will result in immediate loss of account and a ban from the site. Photographs by any participating parties may also be removed from past or current challenges.

     Request for Proof

    At any time, you may be asked to prove the validity of a challenge submission. Typically proof is requested during the voting period and the week after voting ends. The top-placing entries will always have proof requested so the photos can be validated by the Administrators and Site Council.

    When proof is requested you will receive email about the request, and a notice will appear on the left-side of the home page when you are logged in. You will then be provided with instructions on how to submit your original, unedited, direct-from-camera file. It is important to keep the camera original for validation purposes.

    To avoid the possibility of disqualification be sure to check that the date and time on your camera are set correctly before taking any pictures you may use as challenge entries. We will no longer accept this an excuse. You have been forewarned.

    Last Updated: Jul. 29th 2004

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    DPChallenge, and website content and design, Copyright © 2001-2024 Challenging Technologies, LLC.
    All digital photo copyrights belong to the photographers and may not be used without permission.
    Current Server Time: 10/06/2024 07:31:44 AM EDT.