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Chaise Pet.
Chaise Pet.

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Hidden Gem -- 1,000th Challenge! (Advanced Editing VII*)
Camera: Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
Lens: Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6
Date: Dec 14, 2008
Aperture: f4
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/160
Galleries: Animals, Studio
Date Uploaded: Mar 9, 2009


Place: 15 out of 1129
Avg (all users): 6.9587
Avg (commenters): 8.0072
Avg (participants): 6.9862
Avg (non-participants): 6.7917
Views since voting: 3874
Views during voting: 841
Votes: 508
Comments: 161
Favorites: 62 (view)

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05/24/2010 10:35:43 PM
:O So cute! I think this picture made my day. Great work, these pets are adorable.
05/22/2009 06:10:04 AM
This is such an amazing shot! I can imagine it on a magazine cover.
03/19/2009 10:52:18 PM
Very cute! I can only imagine the frustration trying to get them all to stay!
03/19/2009 01:01:38 AM
this should have won - hands down.
03/18/2009 10:08:33 PM
What a riot! I absolutely love this. Vanity Fair cover material.
03/18/2009 03:14:46 PM
Great concept and astonishing that they would all stay still !

Cool photo and good finish.
03/18/2009 02:32:24 PM
yup, this is a 1st rate image. just awesome. Congrats on the high finish and the amount of attention it has been getting
03/18/2009 01:16:32 PM
Great Shot. I loved it instantly. Look at all those favorites!!! Congrats on top 20.

Message edited by author 2009-03-18 13:16:49.
03/18/2009 12:40:00 PM
Hey Dan, congratulations on such a great photograph!! This is really a gem that should sell well on pet products commercial, it is extraordinary in many ways!!
Now, please tell us how you managed to pose all the animals like this!

Message edited by author 2009-03-18 12:40:17.
03/18/2009 12:25:36 PM
This should have won.
03/18/2009 12:12:53 PM
Now this took some magic :)
03/18/2009 11:49:37 AM
Great shot. I love how you posed them. Brilliant composition.
03/18/2009 10:37:54 AM
I really love this one. A true classic gem.
03/18/2009 02:54:25 AM
Really a great image - I like the B&W and the lighting and the subject matter (normally I don;t go for animals).

Congrats on the top 20 finish.
03/18/2009 02:23:04 AM
Oh man....I love this image...awesome work.
03/18/2009 01:44:22 AM
congratulations on such a wonderful photograph .. 15 out'v 1113 aint bad ..
to me this has so much more going for it than a scene .. personality, humour and style .. just excellent .. :)
 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/17/2009 11:50:15 PM
Charming! :) This makes my top10 list. Love it all. This looks a lot like Idnic's style, is that you? (no vote)
03/17/2009 10:57:30 PM
I don't really know how to describe how much and why I love this photograph. It's very well executed and the black and white choice you made works with significant strength. I think one element that intrigues me as much as anything is how this diverse collection of pets posing for a studio portrait creates a sense of family through personification. If these were my pets, I'd have a 16x20 print of this photo matted and framed hanging on a wall in my home somewhere for sure. Excellent work :)
03/17/2009 10:54:49 PM
Having tried something similar with four cats, I can just imagine how many outtakes you must have! Excellent result!
03/17/2009 10:48:33 PM
Pets animal photo of the challenge. I'm amazed that you managed to get them all sitting and looking at the camera so well... Brilliant. And the photo itself is outstanding... composure and contrast are perfect

I'm particularly fond of the boxer.
03/17/2009 10:21:16 PM
Outstanding! One of my top picks.
03/17/2009 09:56:09 PM
Totally cute. did you employ industrial velcro or repeat placement?
03/17/2009 09:38:02 PM
Great composition! Great idea and nice shot!
03/17/2009 09:02:00 PM
What a terrific picture. One of my favorites. Great job.
03/17/2009 08:33:14 PM
Seriously, this is great. Perfect chaise for this shot! I love the flow, and that they're all looking at the camera. If these were my pets, I'd totally get a big print of this.
03/17/2009 07:08:47 PM
three good dogs and a cat. This is great, nice lighting-7
03/17/2009 06:10:02 PM
Excellent portraiture! Very classic! 7
03/17/2009 05:28:26 PM
You know, you might be able to sell this for one of those "More bars ..." wireless commercials ... ;-)
03/17/2009 05:09:34 PM
hmmmm. I do not like pets pictures, in fact I never given more than 5 for any pet photo; but this is outstanding. This is flauless and perfect. I think this sould end up in top 30.
Good luck 10
03/17/2009 03:36:46 PM
This is completely compelling, LOL. I gave it a 7 passing by the first time, but I'm sending it to 9 on the bump round. What a composition! Well done!
03/17/2009 02:14:06 PM
03/17/2009 12:40:29 PM
03/17/2009 11:55:14 AM
Great b/w capture, cheering!!
03/17/2009 10:27:52 AM
I love this shot. It looks like it either took you lots of time or was a lucky grab. The cat and dogs are intent on something and very well behaved. It looks like a reverse of the cell phone commercial that always shows vertical bars going up to the right.
03/17/2009 03:01:24 AM
What a fantastic and professional pet portrait! I am so jealous of your skill here. I love the lighting.
03/17/2009 01:41:00 AM
This makes me smile. Awesome arrangement!
03/16/2009 11:03:54 PM
Classic! I like the austere setting.
03/16/2009 08:59:56 PM
Cute group.
03/16/2009 08:55:22 PM
This should be published. Wonderful work! 10
03/16/2009 08:01:39 PM
HAhaha, I love this. Great composition, great lighting, fantastic pet portrait.
03/16/2009 07:40:29 PM
This one belongs in a gallery! ...but the front page of DPC would be fitting as well. Absolutely the best pet portrait I've seen.
03/16/2009 06:14:34 PM
lighting is perfect..classic work!
03/16/2009 04:44:33 PM
lol, this is too cute!
03/16/2009 04:36:41 PM
As a pet owner, the first word that came to my mind is ENVY !!!
Be glad to not be able to see my green face... LOL
I love this one, it's delicious, sweet...
Are they hipnotized? Sorry for my poor joke, I hardly can imagine how you were able to keep them all so quiet and posing !
Besides that great difficulty there is quality in the image, the editing fits the mood you created.
my vote 9
03/16/2009 03:29:33 PM
this is the most standout shot in the entire challenge for me .. could be that i'm very partial to dogs and increasingly cats since being in dpc .. but i just love this photograph .. i even spoke of it to someone the other day after i'd seen it when i did a run thru without voting ..
to get them to pose like this is just amazing .. three extremely obedient canines and one unusually obedient cat ... anyhoooooo .. i just know this will end up on the front page .. that's thinking positive for you .. !! .. well i hope it ribbons actually .. its just so good .. love your b&w treatment .. this is fantastic .. :) .. oh .. 10 .. !!
03/16/2009 01:49:56 PM
Cute X 4
03/16/2009 01:16:03 PM
HAHAHA - Very funny image! The B/W works well.
03/16/2009 12:34:44 PM
I like how they all agreed to pose for the photo :)
03/16/2009 10:36:24 AM


03/16/2009 08:17:44 AM
Picture perfect. Congrats.
03/16/2009 07:59:15 AM
Oh, how did you do this? They must be stuffed! :) Such brilliance!
03/16/2009 07:23:54 AM
How nice and tidy. I would love to see the studio seconds after this shot was over. A fave from me.
03/16/2009 06:02:17 AM
This is cool! Love your models!
03/16/2009 04:26:17 AM
Awesome capture and presentation. Gorgeous.
03/16/2009 02:30:35 AM
This is the coolest pet portrait in the history of the world.
03/16/2009 01:57:43 AM
This is priceless. I love it. 9
03/15/2009 11:08:29 PM
I don't know how many $$$ you payed to train them so well!! Great capture with excellent lighting and of course the poses are awesome!!
03/15/2009 10:56:46 PM
phenomenal! one of the best in the challenge!!
03/15/2009 10:41:33 PM
Very nice. Unique portrait, and I like how the cat is thrown in their. Looks like they are all on a therapists couch. What did you do to them??? :D
03/15/2009 10:04:50 PM
Too cute!! You have very well behaved models.
03/15/2009 06:39:33 PM
This is great! very well done! was it one shot or one of each pet and then put together in PS? That does not affect how good this picture is though.
03/15/2009 04:59:52 PM
Wow. Beautiful portrait in B&W and what a nice models. How long could you keep them this way?
03/15/2009 04:54:36 PM
Clearly you're a pet whisperer to get them all to sit there long enough to get the photo...very cute! Works very well as a black and white.
03/15/2009 03:56:20 PM
great pet portrait and well exposed - superb compesition
03/15/2009 02:56:54 PM
Interpretation of Topic:Great Choice!
Photography: Very Nice,I'd also like to see this in color.
Viewers Reaction: Awesome! To get one to sit and stay is often more than a photographer can handle. Congratulations.
03/15/2009 01:31:13 PM
Whimsical, nice shot, all looking at the camera, very nice
03/15/2009 12:05:14 PM
Ha, so cute. This is really a hidden gem and it's hard to capture in a single exposure. 10
03/15/2009 12:02:55 PM
I think you would sell a lot of this print!
03/15/2009 11:58:29 AM
What a family portrait! the toning is great
03/15/2009 10:42:15 AM
This photo gives me a great big smile. Your pets are so well behaved, mine would never sit for such a portrait.
03/15/2009 10:15:09 AM
Oh this is so cute! It would make a fabulous framed print for a vet's office.
03/15/2009 10:02:17 AM
lol! Thats cute!
03/15/2009 09:30:25 AM
Nice! Really unique pet photo.. Nice B&W conversion. The only think that might have improved this is if the chaise were lighter.. It's extremely dark and might have offered a litte more contrast between it and the animals. Still like this a lot though.
03/14/2009 11:35:59 PM
How did you get them all to look at you? A bit dark with too hot upper right.
03/14/2009 11:32:03 PM
LOL, that's really funny
03/14/2009 10:09:53 PM
Must have been quite a task to get all these critters to pose.
03/14/2009 09:26:24 PM
Love this!!! Great composition and wonderfully behaved pets.
03/14/2009 07:32:56 PM
This is great. You did a very nice job with the lighting. 9
03/14/2009 04:20:23 PM
Not THIS is a pet portrait. How did you EVER manage to get them lined up like that. Is this a composite? You have an incredible eye, and patience. And perfect pets. Love the arrangement, and the chaise is perfect. Great lighting. I could go on and on. A fave.
03/14/2009 01:11:05 PM
Superb - how DID you get them all to pose like that? You must have a magic touch with animals. Works really well in b & w.
03/14/2009 01:09:01 PM
Could be an ATT cell phone commercial! (More bars). Great shot.
03/14/2009 12:27:53 PM
Very cute!
03/14/2009 11:38:52 AM
This is a classic. Definitely.
03/14/2009 11:30:15 AM
Voted earlier coming back to leave comments. Black and White tones are wonderful and very dynamic in this shot! This is a great pet portrait shot and I love how you arranged them from tallest to the smallest ....well maybe not the smallest for the one dog at the end is laying down relaxing:-) But you do have a slope of size which interestingly mimics the shape of this chaise sofa. And how the heck did you get all four animals, especially the cat, to cooperate with you and actually sit for the shot?!?!?! That must have been an excercise in patience that was rewarded with this 'family' style photo:-) Last thing I wish to comment on is that you have some great catchlights in the eyes of the doggies.
03/14/2009 09:41:11 AM
you should send this to AT&T for the "bars commercial"...this is great!
03/14/2009 09:09:55 AM
gorgeous shot - nice story telling. would love to know how that poor cat was feeling! 9
03/14/2009 09:07:56 AM
Delightfully posed and executed image. Quaint and adorable foursome. Nice lighting, detail and contrast. 8
03/14/2009 08:52:56 AM
haha! Very well behaved! I love that you have them tallest to shortest. Nice composition! 9
03/14/2009 08:18:46 AM
One of these things is not like the others...
7 10 8 9
03/14/2009 07:22:36 AM
:) This is just so quirky. The way they're lined together in such a mundane fashion is just so ironic. I can imagine this hanging on someone's wall.
03/14/2009 05:15:12 AM
excellent family potrait, 7
03/14/2009 04:49:06 AM
You got a boxer to sit still? wow! Nice image as well, maybe a touch more light so we can see some detail on the little back fella. (Minor nitpick).
03/14/2009 04:40:30 AM
Lovely setup and lighting. Not sure how you got them all to sit still like that, you're either very lucky or very patient :0) Great pet portrait
03/14/2009 01:48:17 AM
:) !!! What a cooperative menagerie of models :)
03/14/2009 12:13:54 AM
Wow. This needs to be shopped to magazines right now. How did you ever manage to do this?? 10
03/13/2009 10:25:15 PM
Amazing obedience...I wonder how long you waited to get this one! 8 for the photo and an extra point for your patience. 9.
03/13/2009 09:32:16 PM
Excellent work, fav so far! 8
03/13/2009 09:06:27 PM
Nice composition - quite a line up.
03/13/2009 08:08:35 PM
Very sharp, great black and white. 10
03/13/2009 05:49:02 PM
Extra marks for patience in setting this up, or for having amazingly well-trained pets, or for being willing to stand between them and their favourite treats!
Composition spot on, the skirting board line on the third, the size of the animal mirroring the line of the chaise and throwing a light top right to lift the background.
Excellent and creative idea, very well executed.
03/13/2009 02:17:54 PM
Great control!
03/13/2009 11:47:56 AM
What a great composition. Excellent. 9
03/13/2009 11:35:58 AM
creative and unique
03/13/2009 10:22:32 AM
HEE HEE - this is rather in the style of Wegman, but without any costumes. I like it. :~)
03/13/2009 09:09:43 AM
All 4 looking in the same direction ... I am in awe. Have to fave this :-)
03/13/2009 06:10:48 AM
A terrific, funny, clever photograph. Something like Elliot Erwitt in a wistful mood. 9.
03/13/2009 05:37:50 AM
WOW! No idea how you managed to get them all to stay, im guessing some kind of treat with the way they are all stareing!!
Fantastic, one of my favourties so far!
03/13/2009 04:00:17 AM
what a torture it must have been to keep them sitting there, you must be the most patient person in the world. a tad on the dark side, a reflector from low left would have helped. Besides that excellent shot and in my top 10.
03/13/2009 01:43:29 AM
what a brave cat nice capture
03/13/2009 01:20:01 AM
So cool. I love it. You were able to catch everyone looking at the camera.
03/13/2009 12:45:09 AM
Such obedient pets you have. This is really a classy shot.
03/12/2009 11:48:38 PM
Haha, nice composition, great portrait.
03/12/2009 11:39:44 PM
a composite or all together? awesome job 9
03/12/2009 10:34:02 PM
Awesome portraits. Love that they are all lined up and attentive
03/12/2009 09:43:38 PM
I'm impressed that you got 4 animals to sit still at once, let alone adding a cat to the mix! Great pet photo.
03/12/2009 08:58:26 PM
Lol. I love it. The usual suspects! Nice tones and fine details on the subjects. Great composition. HOW THE HECK DID YOU GET THEM TO SIT STILL? Excellent!
03/12/2009 08:25:54 PM
this is priceless, great capture!
03/12/2009 08:07:19 PM
the usual suspects .... great shot 8
03/12/2009 07:13:41 PM
too finny, don't know how you managed to get 4 animals to line up on a chaise, never mind one of them being a cat, this is great
03/12/2009 06:40:50 PM
This is just awesome. Would love to know how you got them all to sit so nicely for the shot!
03/12/2009 04:15:30 PM
How long did it take to get this shot. Good shot.
03/12/2009 04:03:31 PM
Oh! How precious! I can never get my animals to stay still long enough, let a lone LOOK at the camera.
03/12/2009 03:54:51 PM
03/12/2009 03:21:25 PM
How did you get these cuties to sit still?
03/12/2009 03:11:55 PM
Funny and classy. Excellent
03/12/2009 01:05:32 PM
I don't give many 10s, but I think that's amazing!
03/12/2009 12:45:47 PM
Wow you've got a talent getting them all to sit still! Great light, set up, everything.
03/12/2009 11:19:29 AM
Nice! looks like an old photograph. Nicely done
03/12/2009 10:08:48 AM
great shot, great composition, and b&w works perfectly here, very well lit as well.
03/12/2009 09:56:07 AM
Great job to get them all to stay still like that.
03/12/2009 08:19:39 AM
Amazing...are they real? Of course they are but I can't believe you got them to sit like that! FANTASTIC B&W, 10 from me. Best of luck.
03/12/2009 01:44:44 AM
Pom! (I think...). Ha, this photo is whimsical to me. Its great.
03/11/2009 11:37:48 PM
Priceless humor. Well done.
03/11/2009 10:25:40 PM
Cute shot. Needs to be a little closer and a shade lighter IMO.
03/11/2009 09:37:15 PM
ok .. first thing that comes to this mind ... how many animal treats did you end up using for the animals to stay put like that ... second thing ... holy smokes .. there is a cat in between three dogs!!!!! Love the furniture piece!
03/11/2009 09:24:17 PM
now this is cute, adorable and completely a brilliant photograph. love the stark colours, excellent, well done indeed! 9
03/11/2009 08:45:23 PM
Brilliant portrait. I bet this would sell as a poster or hallmark card.
03/11/2009 08:38:13 PM
im loving the composition and idea
03/11/2009 08:28:07 PM
I love it!
03/11/2009 06:35:05 PM
I hope your photog notes have a link to the outtakes for this, as I can only imagine how hard it was to get those pets lined up so perfectly. :) Fantastic image. Superb. 9
03/11/2009 05:50:35 PM
This one made me smile, big time. Outstanding pet portrait. And how you got them all, especially the cat, to cooperate is beyond me.
03/11/2009 05:05:29 PM
How wonderful! It's amazing you caught them all in these perfect poises - at once. Made a great b/w! Faving!
03/11/2009 03:42:51 PM
wow, how did you manage to organise them so well?!
03/11/2009 02:40:05 PM
03/11/2009 02:17:56 PM
This killer shot is getting a 9 from me.
03/11/2009 01:29:05 PM
Well done pet portrait!
03/11/2009 12:59:35 PM
YES!!! What a GREAT pet portrait all round.
03/11/2009 12:25:28 PM
This begs the question...how in the world did you get them all to pose like that!? Surely you must have cast a spell of some sort? Did you glue them somehow? And certainly they are not stuffed previous pets, no?...totally wonderful.
03/11/2009 11:34:13 AM
Love the pose but not as fond of the lighting. Appears too bright coming from the right of the shot. I do love how patient the cat is!! I may have liked this better in color.
03/11/2009 11:24:49 AM
lol Very cute shot. They're all so good for you! How fun.
03/11/2009 10:18:11 AM
Oooo great! Love the chaise and all of them just posing. Very very good!
03/11/2009 08:47:37 AM
Aaawwwwww! What a cute family portrait! Excellent work!
03/11/2009 08:31:54 AM
Love the photo!
03/11/2009 08:13:28 AM
Ha ha great idea
03/11/2009 08:11:30 AM
wonderful portrait. it's a tad to dark for my eyes
03/11/2009 04:25:34 AM
This is super cool. How did you ever get them all to sit still? Especialy the cat?
03/11/2009 04:22:34 AM
how do you get them to pose like that? my animals would NEVER do that for me.
03/11/2009 03:00:38 AM
ahah, well trained animals!!
03/11/2009 01:28:29 AM
They're stuffed right? Not physically possible to get them all sit like that otherwise.
03/11/2009 12:53:35 AM
Wow..... I'am at a loss for words...10 and a fav.
03/11/2009 12:11:49 AM
cool one..

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