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One Stick at a time
2nd PlaceOne Stick at a time

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Progress (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-10D
Lens: Canon EF 400mm f/5.6L USM
Location: Grand Lake, Colorado
Date: Jul 10, 2006
Aperture: f/5.6
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/1000
Galleries: Nature, Animals
Date Uploaded: Jul 11, 2006

Female osprey building nest in anticipation of young. Image captured on the Colorado River, near Grand Lake, CO. Thanks for all the nice comments!

Place: 2 out of 152
Avg (all users): 7.1538
Avg (commenters): 8.2069
Avg (participants): 7.2295
Avg (non-participants): 7.1321
Views since voting: 10473
Views during voting: 420
Votes: 273
Comments: 66
Favorites: 16 (view)

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08/01/2007 12:51:02 PM
Wow...amazing composition!! and wonderful catch :D..congratulations here..
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07/16/2007 09:13:56 PM
Wow! Cool shot!
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07/25/2006 10:15:29 AM
What a great shot & perfect timing. Very clear & detailed!
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07/25/2006 02:50:41 AM
Well cought. Right timing. Congrats.
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07/23/2006 07:15:40 AM
Excellent capture and fits so well in this challenge. Congratulations!
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07/22/2006 11:46:30 PM
deleting unhelpful comment.

Message edited by author 2008-07-12 20:23:24.
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07/22/2006 02:28:00 PM
What an incredible shot.
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07/21/2006 02:46:20 AM
Congrats on your ribbon!
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07/19/2006 11:47:16 PM
Love this picture and love the Osprey for which the Bell Helicopter V22 tiltrotor aircraft is named after.....
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07/19/2006 11:26:25 PM
wow, one of the coolest shots i have ever seen!
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07/19/2006 09:44:48 PM
Congrats on your red. It's a great picture.
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07/19/2006 04:31:50 PM
wonderful capture...congrats!
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07/19/2006 03:31:25 PM
Congratulations on your ribbon, great shot!
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07/19/2006 02:11:38 PM
What an amazing capture! Contratulations! Nice bokeh too ;-)
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07/19/2006 01:48:15 PM
Perfect for this challenge!!! Congratulations on not only the ribbon, but on capturing an amazing photo!!!

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07/19/2006 12:39:39 PM
Beautiful capture. Well deserved ribbon too. Wondering why nest building this late in the summer? My guess a bird not quite adult and attempting to try/practice for next year.
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07/19/2006 12:32:11 PM
Can't fit the topic much better than this! Perfect scenerio for Progress. Excellent capture at just the right time. Well done and congrats.
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07/19/2006 10:45:59 AM
What an excellent capture! Way to go!
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07/19/2006 10:08:07 AM
Great shot, tells a story, captures the moment, dof pulls the viewer to the bird and nest. Now if you could have only had the ospray look at you with a bit of eye highlight :-)

Guess need to bring a fish next time :-)
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07/19/2006 09:19:25 AM
Can´t say this ribbon surprised me like I commented on before. Contgrats on your first!
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07/19/2006 07:53:49 AM
Wonderful capture! Congratulations on your ribbon!
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07/19/2006 06:07:46 AM
A beautiful capture Richard. I love bird pictures. Congrats!!!
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07/19/2006 03:11:56 AM
cool i am happy this one won
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07/19/2006 02:33:51 AM
Great capture. Congratulations on your first tibbon.
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07/19/2006 01:43:37 AM
WTG, Richard! Big congrats on your first ribbon and new personal best! Excellent capture!
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07/19/2006 01:12:16 AM
What a precise capture. Very memorable and worthy of a cover! Congratulations on your RED.
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07/19/2006 12:48:20 AM
No 1s, 2s, or 3s! This is as perfect as DPC allows it! Congratulations on your first ribbon here. Lot more to come I'm sure....
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07/19/2006 12:37:23 AM
A worthy ribbon-winner, and fits the challenge well. Congratulations.
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07/19/2006 12:31:53 AM
Amazing capture! Congratulations on your ribbon!
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07/19/2006 12:29:54 AM
Awesome shot! Congratulations!
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07/19/2006 12:19:42 AM
Congrats on your RED. I really liked this one.
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07/19/2006 12:14:03 AM
Congratulations on 2nd place! Beautiful image - I'm such a sucker for a good bird shot.
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07/19/2006 12:12:55 AM
I am just ao sorry I missed this one, as it is just so perfect for this challenge..... Once in a lifetime shot here.....
Well done on your "red" ribbon, as it is so well deserved.....

Message edited by author 2006-07-21 01:18:55.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/18/2006 07:58:56 PM
amazing capture. lovely background. 10.
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07/18/2006 05:15:28 PM
Very nice capture!
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07/18/2006 05:15:07 PM
Osprey are my favoite birds, and you caught a sweet moment with the wings expanding and the bird working on its nest, great job
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07/18/2006 07:37:58 AM
This shot is pretty cool, awesome moment you captured here. Franky, I think this is likely to ribbon in this challenge, however, I "only" gave it a 7. There is something with the backround that throws me a bit off this image, somehow the difference in lighting and the fact that it´s so busy despite being out of focus draws too much of my attention from the bird and the nest. Like I said, still gave this a 7 and wouldn´t be surprised to see this ribbon or at least make top 10, this should do well here.
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07/18/2006 02:32:24 AM
Nice capture, interesting background, sharply focused and well exposed sticks.
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07/18/2006 12:34:30 AM
Outstanding and very impressive image. I predict a top ten for this one. Well done!
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07/17/2006 02:13:06 PM
Wow, the capture in this is amazing. I will be rooting for you. GL.
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07/17/2006 11:49:39 AM
Fantastic shot.
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07/16/2006 11:07:24 PM
I love Osprey!
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07/15/2006 11:38:27 PM
WOW! Now long did you have to wait around to get this shot? Incredible!
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07/15/2006 07:51:56 PM
holy moley!! What a sweeet shot, I tried to get and osprey at yellowstone. Caught one flying back to the nest with a fish. But I was soooo far away that not even 400mm was good enough. 9
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07/15/2006 07:00:46 PM
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07/14/2006 11:36:38 PM
Very nice capture - love the diagonal formed and the colorful bokeh. Definitely meets the challenge.
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07/14/2006 04:46:01 PM
Great shot. Good composition and good clarity on the foreground. The moment of capture is great and your title says it well.
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07/14/2006 01:54:37 PM
What incredible timing. A joy to look at.
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07/14/2006 10:00:51 AM
Wow, what a nest! Great comp, excellent photo.
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07/14/2006 09:32:56 AM
nice shoot !
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07/14/2006 08:08:23 AM
Excellent work. The composition, especially the position of the bird is spot on and I like the background. I'm looking forward to reading the location and some more details when the challenge is over.
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07/13/2006 11:10:35 PM
Great shot.
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07/13/2006 08:40:34 PM
Fits the theme well and is a great capture. Nicely done. 9
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07/13/2006 11:24:17 AM
Nice subject and capture...could have added a bit more distinctiveness.
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07/13/2006 10:04:18 AM
Nice shot, good concept. With the bird jumped out a bit more.
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07/13/2006 08:08:53 AM
this should do well...fantastic, great title as well
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07/13/2006 07:56:48 AM
wow, excellent catch !
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07/12/2006 10:22:25 PM
Wonderful! This is the best interpretation of a "work in progress" among all the entries. (10)
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07/12/2006 09:57:52 PM
nice picture, I like this one 10
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07/12/2006 05:11:37 PM
nice, i like it!!
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07/12/2006 04:13:16 PM
Beautiful photo and subject. Background sharpness is a bit distracting.
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07/12/2006 01:23:20 PM
Nice Catch, good detail
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07/12/2006 01:12:46 AM
now That is an awesome photo! I can't think of anything to make it better, 10 (now I have to go vote on 20% to make this count, lol)
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07/12/2006 12:52:21 AM
awesome catch!
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07/12/2006 12:46:06 AM
Stunning! Great timing, angle, DOF, composition...... love it all! 10
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