DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
Challenges Entered: 84
Votes Cast: 8,637
Avg Vote Cast: 5.3772
Votes Received: 18,508
Avg Vote Received: 5.5528
  • Made: 943
  • Helpful: 826
  • Received: 1,204
  • Helpful: 1,204
  • Posts: 2,214
  • Threads Created: 46
    Profile Views: 26,446
    Total Image Views: 143,714
    Total Images Viewed: 15,266
  • Favorites
    Selected by other users:
  • Photographer: 35 times
  • Photographs: 70 times
    User's favorites: (view all)
  • Photographers: 94
  • Photographs: 198
  • Status
    User is currently offline.
    Indulgence :: Cheers!
    Honorable Mentions
    Tools of the Trade :: Dancer's Necessities
    User Profile
    Username: pidge
    Type: Registered User Location: Does it Matter?
    Cameras: Canon EOS-7D Mark II
    Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
    Canon EOS-40D
    GoPro Hero4
    Registered: Aug. 19th 2004
    Contact: Private Message
    URL: http://www.pidgephotography.com
    Biography: Happy to be a part of The Raw Losers for the 2015 DPL!

    Before you walk out the door, make sure you give that person a hug and kiss and tell them you love them. You never know what's going to happen.

    Save the planet. There's only one of them. (And no we will not be colonizing the moon anytime in our lifetimes)

    Blogs of my travels
    East Africa

    If you want to use my pictures for a thread (not that it will ever happen), please PM me.


    View this photographer's portfolio!
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    Highest Rated Photographs
    Self Portrait IV
    Average: 7.2262
    2nd PlaceCheers!
    Average: 6.8323
    Good Day Sunshine
    Good Day Sunshine
    Beatles Song/Lyrics
    Average: 6.7865
    Dancer's Necessities
    Dancer's Necessities
    Tools of the Trade
    Average: 6.7273
    Seaweed Farmers
    Seaweed Farmers
    Best of 2008
    Average: 6.3843
    Challenge Entries
    Last 10 Forum Threads Posted To
    Thread   Section   Date
    Rollover screen on my photo?   General Discussion  117 months ago
    Happy Canada Day, eh?   General Discussion  119 months ago
    You have 45 minutes...   General Discussion  119 months ago
    Are gay rights, including gay marriage, evolving?   Rant  119 months ago
    Bread   General Discussion  119 months ago
    DPL Season 3   Administrator Announcements  120 months ago
    Birds and fish dropping dead   Rant  177 months ago
    HELP!! 40D is acting up!!   Hardware and Software  190 months ago
    Airplane Cary ons for US flights   General Discussion  190 months ago
    Photos from DPC being used without permission   Individual Photograph Discussion  190 months ago

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