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1st PlaceLonely

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-D30
Location: Iceland
Date: Jul 9, 2002
Date Uploaded: Jul 14, 2002


Place: 1 out of 175
Avg (all users): 7.2469
Avg (commenters): 8.1045
Avg (participants): 7.2083
Avg (non-participants): 7.2778
Views since voting: 6474
Votes: 324
Comments: 85
Favorites: 71 (view)

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04/08/2003 09:07:21 AM
Ljómandi, ljómandi

kv, tyrkinn
09/07/2002 08:49:00 AM
I'm new member, this is the kind of shots I like to make. Great work and imagination.
07/26/2002 01:34:00 PM
This is one of those photos that I keep going back to. It simplicity combined with the composition, lighting, etc. make it an outstanding effort.
07/22/2002 04:44:00 PM
Magnað. Til hamingju, verðskuldaður árangur
07/22/2002 03:35:00 PM
glæsileg mynd
til hamingju :=)
07/22/2002 02:46:00 PM
Im so glad you won, this was my favorite out of this challenge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07/22/2002 01:22:00 PM
Þú ert maðurinn ;)
07/22/2002 08:20:00 AM
Congratulations on first place!!!Well done!!!
07/22/2002 07:34:00 AM
Congratulations on a great win. This was very well done.
07/22/2002 05:31:00 AM
Congratulations on a well deserved win!
07/22/2002 01:38:00 AM
I am so glad this took first place...congratulations on the win. This was probably my most favorite of all. Well deserved win!
07/22/2002 12:55:00 AM
Congrat on your win. Very nice.
07/22/2002 12:43:00 AM
Congrats! deserving :)
07/22/2002 12:38:00 AM
Congratulations, Kristinn! Nice work! Very unique!
07/22/2002 12:31:00 AM
Phenomenal photo and a well deserved win :) Kudos!
07/22/2002 12:31:00 AM
Congrats on your win!! I love this shot!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/21/2002 11:45:00 PM
A truly magnificent shot -- I anticipate that this will do very well this week. Great job capturing such emotion in an otherwise emotionless set of objects.
07/21/2002 06:57:00 PM
Very nice. Simple, yet powerful. I think using the rule of thirds and zooming out and putting the flower to the lower right corner would make this shot even better.
07/21/2002 06:16:00 PM
07/21/2002 04:02:00 PM
Very cool shot. One of my best this week. Love the simple almost B&W color scheme with just a hint of green on the rocks and the bright splash or yellow dandelions. The one thing that I think might be improved toward my own personal taste would be the composition. Since I don't know what the area was like, this may be unusabl criticism, but I think I would have done at least 1 of 2 things. First shifted the camera to the left so that the big dandelion was much closer to the right edge of the frame. Because of the shapes of the stems and whatnot, that would let the eye flow down and around and through the picture. As it now stands, my eye kind of "ignores" the right half of the image. Second, I wonder what this would have looked like with just the rocks and no water as a background. Nevertheless, great work.
07/21/2002 03:24:00 PM
Such a simple shot makes for such a lovely photo. Very nice!
07/21/2002 10:18:00 AM
i don't usually like photos of flowers,but this one is better than most
07/21/2002 02:40:00 AM
Great contrast of color - really makes the flowers pop! Good composition. Flowers seem slightly blurry, and they should be totally in focus, the rest is optional.
07/20/2002 09:19:00 PM
Technical Aspects9,
Meets Challenge10,
Average Score8,
07/20/2002 07:35:00 PM
This is a very serene setting. Excellent clarity in the flowers. The color and detail is superb. 8
07/20/2002 02:33:00 AM
This is by far one of my favorites. I love the simplicity of it and the way the yellow screams. great job. 10 cthenk
07/19/2002 03:55:00 PM
Great photo. The contrast of the yellow flower in the gray looking environment is fantastic.
Maybe the composition would be even stronger if the flower would be positioned a little more to the left. It just looks like there's a little too much empty space on the left now. But that's just a minor issue and a matter of personal taste.
07/19/2002 08:23:00 AM
graceful stark and stunningly done. 10 crisa58
07/19/2002 08:16:00 AM
I love this
07/19/2002 12:55:00 AM
Very nice dof; good composition; maybe i would've had the large flower a little more offcenter 5 sjgleah
07/19/2002 12:52:00 AM
I like all the contrasts of shapes and color.
07/18/2002 10:37:00 PM
Great shot 10
07/18/2002 06:08:00 PM
10. great imagery, perfect colors... everything. 10!
07/18/2002 02:16:00 PM
I love this shot!!!!!!! 10
07/18/2002 02:14:00 PM
In most of these challenges since I have been a member at DPC, one photos float to the top as my overall favorites for the challenge. Two have done that this week and yours is one of them. This is a truly amazing image. The yellow blossoms on these flowers jump out of the flat background and say 'good morning' to me :) the depth of field is fantastic... i will stop here and give this photo a 10 - jmsetzler
07/18/2002 12:43:00 PM
Good capture, great setting
07/18/2002 12:34:00 PM
excellent 6
07/18/2002 09:10:00 AM
vrey nice photo; good contrast, darks and lights, depth of field works well for details of flower; excellent color
07/17/2002 06:25:00 PM
07/17/2002 05:00:00 PM
Nice shot, well titled. Well composed shot, subtle. 8 Swash
07/17/2002 02:52:00 PM
I love the shapes of the stones. and the way the water is inthe background it almost looks like ice or snow..
07/17/2002 02:05:00 PM
Simply beautiful. If this was set up, you did a wonderful job. If you just found it, good eye! I love the sharpness of the yellow against the drabness of the grays, and the blur in the background creates good depth. Nothing negative. karmat
07/17/2002 01:25:00 PM
nice composition. Great contrast between teh flower and the rocks.
07/17/2002 01:00:00 PM
yes, i loved it, nice composition. 10
07/17/2002 11:29:00 AM
Great job showing isolation in this shot with the DOF. The yellow is a good contrast against the darker background. The framing I think could be a little better, but I'm not sure what I would suggest. One of my top 5 this week.
07/17/2002 11:09:00 AM
I enjoy this shot quite a bit. It's nicely composed and has a nice contrast.
07/17/2002 09:39:00 AM
Beautiful. Now go look in the forums about Rule of Thirds. Because its bending to the left I would put this on the right 3rd mark so that its bending into the picture.
07/17/2002 08:19:00 AM
I like the short DOF
07/17/2002 07:19:00 AM
nicely done
07/17/2002 12:45:00 AM
nice use of desaturating the channels
07/16/2002 09:10:00 PM
good contrast of objects. Background is distracting though
07/16/2002 04:07:00 PM
Great title, great picture.
07/16/2002 03:11:00 PM
This is a wonderful photo--I really enjoy the contrast between the charcoal grey stones and the bright yellow daisy--great work
07/16/2002 01:29:00 PM
I like the contrasts..!
07/16/2002 11:21:00 AM
Beautiful!!! No improvements :-) 9
07/16/2002 11:04:00 AM
What a wonderful shot..Good job!
07/16/2002 10:57:00 AM
I love this...great colors, contrast, focus, composition. A tiny tiny bit grainy. 9 Lisa
07/16/2002 10:12:00 AM
This is my favorite photo this week I believe. Besides being technically perfect (to me), it speaks to me with emotion. I don't know what else to say except..perfect. 10 - KDJohnson
07/16/2002 09:51:00 AM
the splash of colour works well with everything else being so monochromatic. Might like it more from a different angle, showing the flowers with the rocks behind, rather than the water ?
07/16/2002 08:46:00 AM
I really like this photo. Keep returning to it.
07/16/2002 07:15:00 AM
ODE TO SOME YELLOW FLOWERS: Rolling its blues against another blue, the sea, and against the sky some yellow flowers. October is on its way. And although the sea may well be important, with its unfolding myths, its purpose and its risings, when the gold of a single yellow plant explodes in the sand your eyes are bound to the soil. They flee the wide sea and its heavings.
We are dust and to dust return. In the end we're neither air, nor fire, nor water, just dirt, neither more nor less, just dirt, and maybe some yellow flowers.

07/16/2002 05:10:00 AM
I love it.. colors.. the focusing.. 9
07/16/2002 01:06:00 AM
Great color/non-color contrast. Nice DOF.
07/16/2002 12:46:00 AM
Very good shot... Nice framing, Correct DOF, Very good colors ... 10 ... RLS
07/15/2002 10:45:00 PM
lovely scene. simply stated photo. nicely done.
07/15/2002 09:45:00 PM
i like this photo. i know it's not, but with the rocks it almost looks like you desaturated everything except the flowers. also like the DOF. wish the flowers were just a tad more in the lower left corner to follow the rule of third. now, they are just not quite centered and not quite ROT. -- gr8photos (7)
07/15/2002 08:32:00 PM
like the title
07/15/2002 07:22:00 PM
Well done. I like it a lot...probably because it reminds me of someplace that has a personal meaning to me. But this is well composed. The yellow really stands out well. And I like how the rocks have that slight mossy seaweedy greenish tinge to them :-)
07/15/2002 05:09:00 PM
Excellent concept !!
07/15/2002 04:31:00 PM
I like this. MJ 7
07/15/2002 04:21:00 PM
I assume the flower is suppose to be the subject here, if so it is out of focus. Looks like you focused on the rock directly in front of it... it appears to be the sharpest object in the image.
07/15/2002 03:36:00 PM
I love that the flower is the only color. This would make a GREAT texture photo this coming week as well. The softness of the flower and water against the stone. Nice job ! = 9 Shiiizzzam
07/15/2002 03:20:00 PM
Finally, a flower shot that is different, dosn't fill the frame with flower reproductive organs, refreshing breathing space. I like the contrast between the yellow flower and the grey/black suroundings. The best flower shot I have seen so far. One of my top ten.
07/15/2002 02:39:00 PM
Great depth of field, but I think this would have been better if the background was completely filled with the dark rocks and not broken up with the water (if that is what it is). It just seems distracting. Still, a great shot and a fantastic idea.
07/15/2002 02:30:00 PM
Nice shot, nice eye. Some folks could only do this in photoshop.
07/15/2002 01:28:00 PM
very nice...
07/15/2002 10:53:00 AM
Idea very nice. Love the contrast of the yellow. One of my favorites.
07/15/2002 09:22:00 AM
It's rare to see creative pictures of flowers :) This one is beautiful and funny. I would have liked the focus a little bit further, and the flowers more centered, but it's already a really good shot. Congratulations.
07/15/2002 07:51:00 AM
Nice use of color.
07/15/2002 06:51:00 AM
Wonderful D.O.F....
07/15/2002 04:57:00 AM
Nice composition, color. Kee
07/15/2002 01:32:00 AM
Nice use of selective color. *7* --balynch
07/15/2002 01:27:00 AM
Good job! You could have used more of the 150k limit, but the composition looks good to me, and I like how the yellow is pretty much the only color in the image. Gives a feeling of solitude.
07/15/2002 01:20:00 AM
perhaps a little oversharpened, but very nice, best so far
07/15/2002 12:58:00 AM
great capture!

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