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Death at the Lake
Death at the Lake

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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study VIII (Advanced Editing IV)
Collection: Various & Sundry
Camera: Fujifilm FinePix S602Z
Location: Mississippi
Date: Apr 10, 2005
Galleries: Still Life, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Apr 18, 2005


Place: 139 out of 507
Avg (all users): 5.9095
Avg (commenters): 8.0000
Avg (participants): 5.8901
Avg (non-participants): 5.9808
Views since voting: 3913
Views during voting: 360
Votes: 243
Comments: 42
Favorites: 37 (view)

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03/16/2009 05:22:05 PM
i still love this!!!
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06/27/2008 05:19:57 AM
This is awesome! It almost looks like your found a fossil. It works perfectly as a duotone, I don't think you'd have the same image if you kept it in color.
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04/13/2008 08:58:34 AM
This is so awesome (wink).
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11/19/2007 01:53:01 PM
Originally posted by pawdrix:

Wow...what a great shot!!!

lol...*hug*...this gave me a much needed smile. :)
11/19/2007 09:23:47 AM
Wow...what a great shot!!!
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05/02/2007 10:45:26 PM
Awesome shot.

Hope you don't mind me commenting every few months on this one...

And fwiw I only gave this a 9...my bad.
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04/04/2007 02:20:08 AM
The second dead fish to go to favs. Great shot Sher.
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02/10/2007 10:01:25 AM
Has anyone bought this print yet, lol? Hmm, bad use of punctuation, I'm not asking if I'm laughing. My view of photography is: "You've taken a great shot if it raises emotion out of your viewer". I think this is a great shot. The contrast, the brightness levels; they all work for this picture. Plus, it's something everyone can relate to. Who hasn't seen a dead fish on the bank of a river or lake?
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11/09/2006 10:26:42 AM
I wish I took this shot.
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04/30/2006 10:09:38 AM
I'm really impressed by the depth of the textures in your image. They reflect they gravity of your subject well, so does the B&W conversion.
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03/24/2006 01:30:36 AM
I read the story behind this one in your interview. I can completely relate, being a physical athro major and all. I love this shot. It reminds me of fossils too.

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02/25/2006 02:05:25 PM
Very cool shot. Love the contrast & tones.
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01/14/2006 08:22:14 PM
Originally posted by BradP:

I added this as a fav 270 days ago - can I add it again?

i wish you could! you know how much i love getting favs! :)
01/14/2006 08:01:23 PM
I added this as a fav 270 days ago - can I add it again?
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01/14/2006 07:20:34 PM
death never looked so good 8~}
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09/06/2005 03:45:01 PM
Superb shot and processing!
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06/18/2005 07:03:46 PM
Sepia is the perfect coloration for this. Nice depth.
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06/18/2005 07:02:37 PM
Absolutely love the contrast in this shot!
Perfect color tone and composition! Very, very nice! :)
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05/21/2005 08:58:10 PM
The tones and the shot and the (ewww) fish. Add up to one great shot. Wow.
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05/18/2005 05:16:31 PM
how did i miss seeing this and why didn't you point it out to me. you knew i'd love it.
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04/29/2005 02:45:10 PM
Did I not comment on this already? Sher, I think this is a marvellous shot - I love the overtones of antique life about it; it almost might be pre-historic. Marvellous photography.
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04/29/2005 02:20:56 PM
I love this!
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04/26/2005 08:39:30 AM
Every time I see a dead fish shot I wish the title was 'I've found Nemo!'. Seriously, this is a great shot and I'm surprised it didn't come in MUCH higher. Ben
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04/26/2005 01:13:33 AM
sher i see a conspiracy here! lol

this is way cool, would like to paint it :D

tell me what bait did you use, again?
[agh i'm so corny]

Message edited by author 2005-04-26 02:37:00.
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04/26/2005 12:38:09 AM
Art - Plain & simple.
THIS, I can imagine, framed and on the wall.

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/25/2005 11:59:25 PM
I like this type of art. it make's a great stock photo for environmentalist uses and it also fits well with any prehistoric theme. I love the coloring and the sharpness in the subject and the background. The border is perfect for cleaning up the edges without taking away from the picture. 9
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04/25/2005 02:47:52 PM
Not too keen on the colour of the border, but I think it's a superb shot and your processing is most excellent. Great work.
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04/25/2005 01:30:39 PM
It feels like a lithograph to me and it is this graphic quality that attracts me to this. Excellent work.
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04/25/2005 01:36:39 AM
Stunning capture! Nice find. I like the duotone you've used.
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04/25/2005 01:06:48 AM
Great picture. I love the texture and tones in the dirt. The carcass looks awsome. My hightest vote in this challenge: 10.
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04/25/2005 12:57:55 AM
Nice find and capture. Works well in duotone.
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04/24/2005 08:17:23 PM
The tones really make this image stand out--oh and also the fact that it's a grisly looking dead fish. 8
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04/24/2005 10:31:31 AM
Good contrast excellent mood. Great shot
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04/24/2005 10:19:43 AM
Very interesting...great use of the dodge and burn tool ;)...wish the border where black but that is just a personal opinion...good luck ;)
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04/24/2005 09:14:55 AM
Looks prehistoric. I like the post editing.
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04/24/2005 06:52:42 AM
great tones & textures
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04/22/2005 07:32:42 PM
great image. nice choice of sepia tones. inspires me to comb the beaches and look for similar stuff to photo.
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04/22/2005 05:32:51 PM
I thought that I was the only one with pictures of dead fish. Good picture
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04/21/2005 07:18:38 AM
that is a gripping image. i doubt if any dpc score will do it justice. expert treatment. good luck!
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04/21/2005 03:18:32 AM
Dramatic!! Good choice of B&W conversion!!
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04/20/2005 02:19:52 PM
Appears almost fossilised: very nice B/W conversion. Excellent composition making it seem like a page from a Victorian natural history book.
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04/19/2005 12:23:04 AM
Awesome photo, definitely unique and a great choice using that tone. Having not seen any other angles to this shot, I don' t know if they'd be better but they'd be worth seeing. Shooting straight down like this is okay but I wonder if there'd be something even more interesting. Solid 8, might bump up later.
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