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Doom Watch
1st PlaceDoom Watch

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study VIII (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-20D
Lens: Canon EF 28-105mm F4-5.6
Location: Willows Farm, London Colney, UK
Date: Apr 14, 2005
Aperture: f13
ISO: 800
Shutter: 1/160
Galleries: Portraiture, Animals
Date Uploaded: Apr 14, 2005

A Hooded Vulture (called Baldrick) stares purposefully at me - as I stare back at him, thinking that I'm glad to be alive!

Shot through the cage wire using my 28-105mm zoom at 78mm and focused on the ruff of his neck in order to get the whole head in focus. His handler Mandy loves him dearly and he is exercised frequently in huge, open space.

Shortly after I took this Mandy came into his enclosure and fed him dead chicks, which he tore to shreds with consumate ease. Nice.

I hope you agree though, that he does look a rather special character.

The moment I took it I knew his pose was exactly what I wanted, but the high ISO (low light) and background were not. So this is one shot I knew I'd have to edit more than usual to get it looking the way it deserved.

> crop
> soften background + clone out prominences
> levels to deepen background and bring Baldrick forward
> dodge + burn on feathers and face
> convert to lab colour for sharpen on Lightness channel
> increase saturation around face and some feathers
> reduce some subtle noise on colour channels (result of high ISO)
> save for web

Place: 1 out of 507
Avg (all users): 8.0729
Avg (commenters): 8.9577
Avg (participants): 8.0677
Avg (non-participants): 8.0909
Views since voting: 1907145
Views during voting: 491
Votes: 247
Comments: 185
Favorites: 219 (view)

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06/03/2009 12:13:57 AM
I must say that my appreciation for this type of shot has grown exponentially over the years (I'm a bird lover from way back). I only gave this a 6 in my naivete of the expertise it took to capture something so graceful. Today, it would have easily garnered a 10.

I'm very sorry to hear of demise; however, I'm sure that he has been appreciated the world over because of your essentially flawless capture. Congratulations on your achievement (and his) - I hope that it is some comfort in your grief. [213 favorites is certainly nothing to sneeze at!]

He'll live on through your love for both the subject and photography. Thank you for the privilege of sharing him with us.

Message edited by author 2009-06-03 00:14:37.
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01/01/2009 05:12:32 PM
I cannot express in words the feelings I felt when I first looked at this photograph. And the second time I looked. And the third. Spectacular Mr. Simon !

I am an amateur wildlife/nature photographer--with an obsession for photographing birds--and take some excellent photos with my Leica. However, my editing skills on the computer are poor and I have not yet even mastered my camera. I spend much time on each photograph and am never satisfied. I am using PSP XI--probably too amateur for the work you accomplish. I do own Photoshop but have much difficulty with the program. So frustating.

Congratulations !
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04/25/2008 08:29:01 AM

Computers, within the rules of this website at least, cannot alter composition save by cropping. The balance, poise and urgency of this image are very much real, and I believe are the reason this obtained a well deserved average of over 8. To avoid taking this shot or press the delete button would have been greater affronts to photography, not reducing unavoidable noise and background disturbances. If a "great image with terrfic impact" posted on a digital photography website with strict editing rules leaves you "kind of sick to [your] stomach", may I suggest that you're in the wrong place.

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03/07/2008 10:12:22 AM
Wow, that stare is awesome and the eyes, piercing.

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12/24/2006 01:25:57 AM
Phenomenal shot. Nicely done!
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11/14/2006 04:19:54 PM
Truly inspirational shot. Made me want to join the site just so I could let you know how impressed I am. Great photo, superb editing. 10
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08/05/2006 08:36:30 AM
Originally posted by Lowell Simon:

This is a great image with teriffic impact. The computer manipulation is outstanding. The original image however is mediocre. I am still using film and have to take good images to start with. True photography seems to be a lost art and computer manipulation the present and future. Great computer manipulations like this one leave me kind of sick to my stomach.

this type of comment makes me wish i could catch up with lowell in a few years, after he's caught up with the rest of the world and understands how little he knew when he made this comment. this image would have been impossible, had it not been perfectly captured to begin with.
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02/19/2006 07:37:20 AM
wow very sharp good catch man
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01/25/2006 06:36:06 AM
Lowell - I agree that digital editing is sometimes very disappointing when it's abused. However, in defence of this particular shot it was one (as acknowledged above) which was a victim of very poor light. This photo is all about the subject, his stance and character. This was the basis of my shot and the element which I wished to capture above all else. In this instance, despite an equally purist stance on most editing (which helps me take better pictures), I accepted that the out-of-camera shot would need my help in post-processing to achieve my vision.
01/25/2006 01:39:16 AM
This is a great image with teriffic impact. The computer manipulation is outstanding. The original image however is mediocre. I am still using film and have to take good images to start with. True photography
seems to be a lost art and computer manipulation the present and future. Great computer manipulations like this one leave me kind of sick to my stomach.
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11/07/2005 09:05:01 PM
I've come back to this photo again and again, - and each time I just see more and more in it. It really is one of the very best photos I've seen in my whole life.
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10/06/2005 06:01:31 PM
What a stare!!! Truly captivating.
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06/09/2005 01:50:49 AM
this is the most amazing picture I think I have ever seen!
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05/10/2005 08:27:06 AM
No problem Digitalknight - the original is here for anyone who is interested in seeing the out-of-camera shot.

I could have used fill-flash for subject like this, but it would have destroyed the subtlety of the light. On checking the histogram I knew that I had all the data I needed, but it just needed to be brought out with some help in post-processing.
05/02/2005 04:23:27 PM
Do you dare show the original? :p

It's a beautiful photo, well done.
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05/01/2005 11:47:29 AM
I have to say that this is one of my favorite photos. Every time I come to the site I have to look at it. Great Job!
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04/30/2005 01:25:54 PM
Remarkable Texture. I just wondering though did they let you in the cage I 've never been able to rid of the cage in my shots.
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04/30/2005 05:28:39 AM
Beautiful picture of scarly bird. The small light falling on the top makes it a perfect shot. Congs!
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04/30/2005 05:26:15 AM
Beautiful picture of scarly bird. The small light falling on the top makes it a perfect shot. Congs!
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04/29/2005 04:07:57 PM
That is simply stunning. Congrats on a rare 8+ score!
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04/29/2005 12:54:41 PM
Wow! Amazing shot. You got the composition just right.
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04/29/2005 11:31:34 AM
Gratitude Update

Thanks again for some kind words - and spending the time to view and consider the photo.

- Peterish, the shot was softly backlit with natural light and there was a lot of shadow on his front side. All I have done is lift some of that gloom with curves and levels. I also deepened the background (which was linear plank panels) to knock them right back and leave him to loom out of the darkness.

That is how I wanted him to look - and how it felt at the time.
04/29/2005 10:50:52 AM

Wow, what a captivating photo...that bird scares me. The textures and reflections on the wing feathers look almost surreal; how did you make it like that?
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04/29/2005 01:42:07 AM
I was so tempted to try to turn this image into an animated gif...it's head just felt like it was moving and nodding.
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04/28/2005 04:54:18 PM
I can't believe that I didn't comment on this during the voting, I probably took it for granted that I already did since I gave it a 10. This is excellent! Good work at capturing the soul of such a creature. You somehow made an eerie icon look beautiful! The detail, the lighting, the composition... everything is superb! Congrats on the blue.
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04/28/2005 10:05:17 AM
I have been meaning to comment for a while on this one - I can't believe how perfectly you captured this carrion-eater. He looks absolutely haunting. Best dramatic photo of a vulture that I have ever seen.
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04/27/2005 07:52:12 PM
Wow Jon, what a wonderful shot!!!!
Another one of yours to add to our "favorites".
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04/27/2005 07:46:13 PM
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04/27/2005 07:26:28 PM
Congratulations on your Blue with a well deserved high score for this technically and aesthetically wonderful image! A great capture of an intriguing subject!
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04/27/2005 05:07:15 PM
Congratulations on this extremely amazing photo!!! And the 8+ score and the blue ribbon, in that order :)
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04/27/2005 12:02:02 PM
I really love this picture. It is very intense. I think I will make this my desktop for a while, if you don;t mind.

Congrats on a well deserved win!
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04/27/2005 02:44:43 AM
I didn't have time to vote on this challenge but I did have a quick glance through the thumbnails during voting. One image caught my eye above all others, and it, fine sir, was yours.

Congratulations on your entry into the rarefied air of the 8+ club :).

In case my opinion wasn't clear. This is a ridiculously cool photo.

Though I do have to say... sheesh - that's one ugly animal! Looks like a turkey with a sharp beak and a hunch-back.
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04/27/2005 01:47:24 AM
Very intense image!!! The face is so striking against the darker background. Great shot!
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04/26/2005 09:47:30 PM
Awesome Jon !! Just Awesome

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04/26/2005 07:33:55 PM
ok. Wow. :)
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04/26/2005 05:47:22 PM
Congratulations! A very nice shot.
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04/26/2005 05:35:36 PM
Stunning and intense image. Congratulations on your blue.
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04/26/2005 05:02:55 PM
i owe you an apology....i rated this photo middle of the road....the other day i got a new computer and when i saw this photo won i didnt ever remember seeing it....it turns out my monitor was set too dark probably a child of mine....anyway i was unable to see the details that i now can...wonderful job ...beautiful model
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04/26/2005 05:00:43 PM
Well done Jon, nice Blue!!

Message edited by author 2005-04-26 19:58:06.
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04/26/2005 03:35:53 PM
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04/26/2005 02:30:13 PM
I'm so glad this got first!!! This was the most awesome picture I thought!!! It's soooo sharp....but most of all...the eyes....they are scary as hell and you caught it! Congratulations and great job!!! :)
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04/26/2005 12:36:53 PM

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04/26/2005 12:07:22 PM
Awesome picture and congrats on the win. I gave it a 10! I had to stand between a few of these and my horse that had passed while I was waiting on the guy to bury her. SCARY! This picture brings back bad memories. So that means you did an excellent job... Looks like he is looking at me. Eeeewwwwww
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04/26/2005 11:59:01 AM
What a haunting, slightly unnerving connection you have captured here. Unusually strong composition for a bird portrait too and I like the darkness of it... CONGRATS on the ribbon (again)!
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04/26/2005 11:53:37 AM
Quite a masterful image. There is no dof shortchange here. A great and impressive image because the body contribute to the framing of the head. Well, the tones and textures are just breathtaking and once again the talent of Imagineer rises to the top to claim this Blue prize.
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04/26/2005 10:17:54 AM
really nice image. Congrats as well on the 8.073 score.
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04/26/2005 09:06:53 AM
That is one photographs I've ever seen. It is exquisitely executed. Worthy of the blue ribbon.
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04/26/2005 08:54:15 AM
Gratitude Update

Thanks indeed for the compliments from a great many people I respect here - you're all too kind. It'll take me a month of Sunbdays to respond individually but I'll try to do some profile vists later !

... and Gordon I'm used to drinking Guinness so I'm no stranger to patience. Lucky? Hmmm - looking at some of the images in this challenge I think you're right Mike...
: )
04/26/2005 08:52:27 AM
congrats on a blue win, it's a great shot.well done
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04/26/2005 08:25:06 AM
Congratulations! It is a spectacular picture and deserves the blue.
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04/26/2005 08:06:22 AM
"Everything comes to he/she who waits"

Well done Jon and congratulations.
Truly exceptional pic reflected by the exceptional score.
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04/26/2005 07:41:19 AM
Another Lucky win Lucas!!...well...ok..its not too bad!


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04/26/2005 07:35:43 AM
damn. that's insane. you did a great job. :)
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04/26/2005 07:32:19 AM
An amazing photograph. What an awesome expression. Esp. considering how hard it is to get a nice shot of a caged bird without wires and other structure in the background.
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04/26/2005 07:32:18 AM
Unbelievable photo. Good work.
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04/26/2005 07:28:53 AM
I'm still deaming of the 8 club!!! Congrats on an outstanding image!! Great post-processing!!!
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04/26/2005 07:26:01 AM
You did really well. I'm glad a photo like this won, it actually contains emotion instead of just being a nice graphic. Good work!
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04/26/2005 07:12:55 AM
indescribably good
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04/26/2005 07:11:32 AM
Incredible! Glad I'm not a dead chick (or dead guy for that matter - LOL!)
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04/26/2005 07:09:27 AM
Gonzo!! u won!
congrats and respect
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04/26/2005 07:05:15 AM
Congratulations! This shot is so amazing and deserving of your ribbon!!!
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04/26/2005 06:52:26 AM
Oh it's you! Congratulations :)
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04/26/2005 06:50:37 AM
Fantastic photo, well done, your deserved to win with this one
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04/26/2005 06:31:03 AM
Great shot! Congratulations!

PS: You took my 20D top-score! Grr ;-)
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04/26/2005 05:22:03 AM
Didn't get to this one in voting ... what a shot! Welcome to the 8+ club : )
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04/26/2005 05:21:19 AM
Wow, John. Top stuff indeed. That background was what disturbed me, I think, looking at it - and I was convinced this had to be a stuffed bird - surely, I thought, in this kind of light, you just couldn't get this detail on this bird without really being some kind of monster-full time wildlife photographer. Really outstanding. And an 8 ...
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04/26/2005 05:06:22 AM
Congratulations on your ribbon, stunning shot.
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04/26/2005 05:03:28 AM
I knew this was a special picture when I gave it one of my two tens for this challenge. Well done!

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04/26/2005 04:54:57 AM
A well deserved ribbon Jon, great shot, what a pose!
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04/26/2005 04:53:31 AM
Congratulations! I didn't get a chance to vote on the entire challenge, but wow! You've done it greatly. My hat is off.

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04/26/2005 04:25:45 AM
Thanks so much for all these heartwarmingly exciting comments! They're what makes it all worth it - honestly. This was a lovely surprise to wake up to - especially since I genuinely believed there'd be a few above mine.

I'm really quite fond of Bladrick now, and after seeing his face so much recently I factually find him quite handsome!
04/26/2005 04:17:27 AM
This was my top pick and is so well deserved to win Congratulations
An amazing image
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04/26/2005 03:47:02 AM
Congratulations Imagineer!
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04/26/2005 03:24:26 AM
an 8 !! so deserved. This is one of the best photos ive ever seen !
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04/26/2005 02:41:04 AM
Congratulations on a fantastic picture and a giant score!
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04/26/2005 02:40:34 AM
I had to come back a second time Jon.
I am simply astounded at the pose and 3D feel this shot has.
It defies a 2-dimensional plane and has so much depth to it. I doubt this could be reproduced in the best of studios or controlled environments.
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04/26/2005 02:36:39 AM
Congratulations! awesome picture
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04/26/2005 02:30:24 AM
One of the most STUNNING photo's I have seen in DPC!
WOW to the 3rd Power.
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04/26/2005 02:29:35 AM
Nice Imagineer!
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04/26/2005 01:58:47 AM
Wow, an 8+ score, congratulations.
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04/26/2005 01:55:32 AM
Congratulations on your ribbon jon and a 8 score ;-)
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04/26/2005 01:47:33 AM
wow jon, the clarity of this shot is just phenomenal. well done indeed.
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04/26/2005 01:47:16 AM
Congratulations on your ribbon.
I didn't expect anything less then that.
It is... WOW... I just don't have any words for this shot.
The most amazing one I have ever seen!!!
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04/26/2005 01:43:56 AM
Superb shot!!!! You can feel the texture and softness of his feathers. Congrats on the blue Jon.
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04/26/2005 01:43:15 AM
Hey Jon! What a great capture! Welcome to the 8 club.
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04/26/2005 01:39:13 AM
Instant Fav' ! Talk about impact and ditto to the others !
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04/26/2005 01:26:27 AM
Amazing ! Congratulations on your ribbon !
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04/26/2005 01:06:43 AM
This sure is an amazing shot, you can almost touch the feathers , and the eyes seems to be evaluating how long will it take for them to eat you. Thanks for sharing it with us :))
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04/26/2005 01:05:24 AM
what a shot, fantastic
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04/26/2005 01:02:03 AM
this IS awesome! well done dude
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04/26/2005 12:49:11 AM
Congrats Jon! You managed to find the U-gliest bird I ever saw. :)
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04/26/2005 12:49:06 AM
Congrats!...it definetly has the WOW factor ;)
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04/26/2005 12:44:43 AM
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04/26/2005 12:35:00 AM
Incredible photo, and what a score. Well done.
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04/26/2005 12:32:58 AM
Stunning shot... excellent work, a win well earned... congrats
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04/26/2005 12:16:51 AM
Amazing!! Congratulations Jon, this is just superb.
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04/26/2005 12:14:41 AM
I am without words... never seen something like this before... Just have to say WOW!!! I have seen such a good picture for sometime know... this will go directly to my favorites... it's really hard to get me so WOWED but this picture is just wonderful... gos to my favorites and i hope you will do a print of this... i usually don't buy other peoples work but this one i'll buy for sure... Congratulations on a VERY well deserved ribbon... WONDERFUL.
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04/26/2005 12:12:49 AM
This is just an awesome shot. Congratulations, well deserved. Renee :)
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04/26/2005 12:12:49 AM
Great shot! Congratulations Jon!
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04/26/2005 12:12:14 AM
Wow. I don't remember this one. Congrats on 1st. Best Score for the 20D

Message edited by author 2005-04-26 00:44:55.
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04/26/2005 12:09:33 AM
Take a bow Jon.
This one was superb and well deserving of the Blue!

*grumbles under his breath at the 20D...*
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04/26/2005 12:04:47 AM
Yes! Very glad to see this one ribbon. Not surprised to see that it's yours, Jon. Congrats!
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04/26/2005 12:04:04 AM
Congratulations on an exquisite image.
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04/26/2005 12:03:04 AM
Doesn't get any better, and loved your commentary. Very happy to see you win for this. Congrats!!!
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04/26/2005 12:02:39 AM
fantasic shot of an extraordinary creature. a well deserved blue for this great point of view!
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04/26/2005 12:02:31 AM
well, jon, i see you found a way to improve the shot ;-)
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04/26/2005 12:02:20 AM
Wow, past the 8.0 marks! A huge fucking congrats to you man. Totally deserving.
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04/26/2005 12:01:41 AM
congrats beautiful shot :)
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04/26/2005 12:01:31 AM
Wow - Didn't vote and didn't preview this challenge, but this is simply magnificent!
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04/26/2005 12:01:20 AM
Congratulations on a wonderful entry!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/25/2005 11:55:24 PM
Great shot! Two word comments suck, but I cant think of anything else to say. There is nothing I would change about this. It has quite a presence about it.
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04/25/2005 09:04:23 PM
Great composition and exposure.
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04/25/2005 07:47:05 PM
I would like this more if it looked like a natural surrounding and not a zoo shot! Just the same very well done, great focus. A high 8!
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04/25/2005 07:23:56 PM
Gorgeous dark capture. Technically superior, nicely framed. A top three choice.
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04/25/2005 06:49:27 PM
Whoa! Very nice. I love the pose. The light reveals the feathers in a very nice way. - In my final top 3!
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04/25/2005 06:46:50 PM
Maybe a ribbon, top 10 for sure
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04/25/2005 05:48:22 PM
Love the detail you have managed to catch here and the composition is first class.8
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04/25/2005 04:11:39 PM
well, this one has WOW factor, in spades. hope you take the blue.
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04/25/2005 02:53:31 PM
I particularly like the lighting here. Great capture.
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04/25/2005 02:50:26 PM
The detail and lighting is amazing!
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04/25/2005 08:34:35 AM
wow, you got close, excellent detail and depth of field, not sure if I like the lack of a bg, this should do well
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04/25/2005 06:23:18 AM
Creepy creature but an excellent photograph...8
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04/25/2005 01:22:24 AM
Holy Schniekies. Someone's using a good lens here. Not much to say except this is excellent. Zoo shot or out in the wild? Either way, the lighting and pose are absolutely spot-on. 10 from me.
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04/25/2005 01:22:13 AM
Stunning portrait. I'm guessing it in the zoo though. Even if it is, it is a great capture!
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04/25/2005 12:55:59 AM
Wow! This must be a zoon shot or a very very long lens. Great exposure.
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04/24/2005 10:37:03 PM
Ok, I'm starting to feel like I am on the menue here.... Excellent composition, DOF, clarity and sharpness, nice job not losing the focus on the beak. Perfect shot to my view. 10
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04/24/2005 10:33:10 PM
Great sharpness, butI would havegone with a tighter crop on the head
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04/24/2005 10:07:22 PM
Great shopt good dark background.
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04/24/2005 09:15:49 PM
Superb detail and lighting! Very nice composition. This almost makes a vulture/buzzard pretty! Very nice.
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04/24/2005 08:49:32 PM
what a cheerfull looking bird
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04/24/2005 08:21:10 PM
Well here it is. This is a perfect photograph of this bird. 10
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04/24/2005 04:15:25 PM
Photography doesn't get much better than this! This is spectacular, ominous, and powerful..congratulations on an awesome picture..the darkness in background and on subject, the position of head make a formidable portrait....10. I keep coming back to look at this picture: and it is perfect.
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04/24/2005 03:50:43 PM
How creepy. Great shot!
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04/24/2005 01:35:39 PM
Really an amazing picture. The clarity and sharpness of focus are great. The dark lighting really suits the mood of the picture. I love it! 10
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04/24/2005 10:13:13 AM
This is a good photo..full of atmosphere.
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04/24/2005 09:52:16 AM
WOW!...the focus in this image is excellent!...I love the lighting aswell as the textures. Good Luck ;)
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04/24/2005 06:57:35 AM
colours & clarity superb
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04/24/2005 02:23:52 AM
Excellent focus.
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04/24/2005 01:51:19 AM
Amazing shot. You’ve done a great job of eliminating background distractions. The perspective, color, clarity and detail are all excellent. 10
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04/24/2005 01:47:54 AM
SUPER, definition and contrast, top three for sure
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04/24/2005 01:42:36 AM
my clear fovorite in this challenge 10
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04/23/2005 11:53:47 PM
This is amazing! Such detail, looks like he is going to jump out of my screen eeek! Wonderful lighting, the eyes are so detailed. Wonderful capture!
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04/23/2005 11:22:38 PM
beautiful!!! my favorite so far. 9
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04/23/2005 09:41:31 PM
Absolutely incredible detail, and fabulous lighting. 10
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04/23/2005 06:07:42 PM
Very good shot indeed.
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04/23/2005 01:32:18 PM
I am in awe of this. What a great piece.
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04/23/2005 07:49:15 AM
Just incredible, and made me make an awestruck noise out loud when I saw it! It's the colours/ saturation that really makes this special. Very effective deep dof. Wonderful light. A winner.
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04/22/2005 10:46:48 PM
Wow, I really like the shot - great capture of the expression of the bird.
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04/22/2005 10:39:11 PM
This is really cool. Very creepy bird too. How did you get the lighting so well and yet have a black background? Nice job.. 8
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04/22/2005 04:05:56 PM
Wow! Amazing!
It looks like it has "thinking lines" on it's forehead.
So sharp and clear, beautiful colors and light.
The best bird shot I have ever seen! 10
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04/22/2005 01:35:29 PM
this is awesome and has a real creepy feel to it. Feels like the bird is looking at me. Excellent shot!
10 !
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04/22/2005 03:08:20 AM
Coming back for comments...bumping to 10, adding to favorites. This is an absolutely great shot. Very intense.
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04/21/2005 09:14:50 PM
wow. I am impressed. Incredible shot and no blown highlights. Great angle here too.
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04/21/2005 02:32:30 PM
Wow. I do love this shot. Stunning, strong.
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04/21/2005 08:10:16 AM
Don't know what to make of this at all. The light seems terribly false (looking at reflections in eyes. A hell of an image though. No idea what score to give you.
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04/21/2005 07:55:45 AM
W O W!!! When did Art Morris join DPC? I have nothing constructive for you - this image is perfect in every conceivable way. I'm jealous of this shot in a big way!!!
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04/21/2005 06:22:29 AM
ooh scarey what fabulous detail and those beady eyes a 10 for you
I can't fault this but cant say I like the bird either
Excellent work
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04/20/2005 11:55:08 PM
wow! great capture! 10 good luck
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04/20/2005 10:30:58 PM
Beautiful shot with great lighting. I like the solid background and it gives this an eerie and creepy mood. Wonderful!
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04/20/2005 10:05:38 PM
If I didn't know better I would swear this bird was right inside my monitor (man is this a sharp pic). Super job! (deserves a double digit)
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04/20/2005 09:29:05 PM
Awesome shot.
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04/20/2005 08:27:28 PM
This is an excellent shot, I love the intense look on his face, what a great capture!
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04/20/2005 07:57:59 PM
extra ordinary!
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04/20/2005 03:46:12 PM
ehm, woa! stunning everything
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04/20/2005 01:11:08 PM
A W E S O M E shot, my only 10 in the challenge and just WOW. Added it to my favorites and while I don´t want to jinx you, hope to see you on the front page in a week. Love everything about it, great job especially on the lighting and capturing that killer expression.
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04/20/2005 09:26:56 AM
Just stunning. I am looking forward to seeing how this was taken. For me, this should ribbon (in a tough field). 10.
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04/20/2005 05:21:08 AM
wow, nice one! 10
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04/19/2005 09:17:07 PM
I'll give you a 10 and shut up.
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04/19/2005 09:09:07 PM
Wow! What an awesome shot! Everything about this is perfect, the focus, lighting, composition - I have to give it a 10!
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04/19/2005 06:15:51 PM
Now I know my nightmares have a real-life counterpart!! This guy looks as if he is going to eat all the duck photos in this challenge. Briliant capture of the essence of this bird.
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04/19/2005 05:49:21 PM
Oh how incredibly awesome!!! What a shot!!!!!
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04/19/2005 03:04:48 PM
yikes, very menacing pose, nice shot
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04/19/2005 02:47:18 PM
The light and the colors are fab-u-lous!!!! 9
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04/19/2005 01:50:15 PM
the bird as well as the image
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04/19/2005 01:35:34 PM
excellent shot. absolutely nothing could be improved, except to see this ribbon.
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04/19/2005 01:14:21 PM
Amazing picture, perfectly framed, excellent composition, nice subtle light...gorgeous.
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04/19/2005 12:53:05 PM
excellent buzzard
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04/19/2005 09:55:11 AM
wow. nice pix. great color. great comp. barely got the whites in. nice texture.
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04/19/2005 09:31:18 AM
great quality!!!
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04/19/2005 08:26:04 AM
Wow..!! Great job!
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04/19/2005 02:24:55 AM
WOW, who knew such an ugly bird could be made to look so beautiful...
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04/19/2005 02:17:26 AM
Wow!!! 10
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04/19/2005 01:54:57 AM
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04/19/2005 01:23:08 AM
Very good photograph of a very ugly bird. Title fits. Like the dark colors and I am really impressed with the excellent focus you obtained. Fantastic feather, eye, beak, detail. Excellent composition. One of my favorites in this challenge.
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04/19/2005 01:08:53 AM
so far this image is one of the most striking...fabulous! 10
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