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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Brenizer Method Standard Editing
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 51, (reverse)
04/04/2021 06:43:02 PM · #1
From just a quick search online, as well as in the description, one of the main focuses of this style is panorama, yet it is Standard Editing. do I understand correctly that you canât do a stitched panorama in Standard Editing?
04/04/2021 06:54:40 PM · #2
good question, I did search and you tube and all it says the method does work well with stitching so in this case the ribbon winner will then need to submit all images those were part of the stitching?
04/04/2021 06:56:22 PM · #3
I mean, the rule specifically states â This rule is intended to allow ... panoramic or other techniques that use multiple, nearly simultaneous, images of a scene stitched together into a single image.â I guess it could be a very loose interpretation of the rule, being that the sequenced images would be nearly simultaneous.
04/04/2021 07:02:46 PM · #4
From the Standard editing ruleset ...
You must
"create your entry from 1 or more captures of a single scene (defined as a scene whose overall composition/framing does not change). All captures used must be shot within the challenge submission dates and as part of a single series in relatively short time frame (e.g NOT time-lapse photography) This rule is intended to allow HDR imaging, focus-stacking, "crowd removal" composites, "light painting", astro-photography, and panoramic or other techniques that use multiple, nearly simultaneous, images of a scene stitched together into a single image."

In the past (for examples) the following multi-image entries were validated under the Standard editing rules.

04/04/2021 10:42:22 PM · #5
You can definitely do Brenizer "panos" in Standard Editing.
04/05/2021 08:20:04 AM · #6
I've done them before. Combined sixty or so shots.
I use PTGui as my software of choice.
04/05/2021 12:12:11 PM · #7
Originally posted by Venser:

...I use PTGui as my software of choice.

+100 on PTGUI for stitching tasks... I've not used it for Brenzier though. Do you find that you need to customize the blend lines?
04/06/2021 09:35:22 AM · #8
Originally posted by kirbic:

Originally posted by Venser:

...I use PTGui as my software of choice.

+100 on PTGUI for stitching tasks... I've not used it for Brenzier though. Do you find that you need to customize the blend lines?

Only when I do a bad job during the setup.
Otherwise it's always been insert photos and do nothing while it grinds through the stitching.
04/06/2021 03:23:13 PM · #9
Good to know... Certainly something to try out. PTGUI is certainly a marvel, can't believe how much it has evolved. Very active update cycle as well.
04/06/2021 04:09:42 PM · #10
Originally posted by kirbic:

Good to know... Certainly something to try out. PTGUI is certainly a marvel, can't believe how much it has evolved. Very active update cycle as well.
PTGUI is not cheap ($150) for a piece of software that I would only rarely use...
04/06/2021 04:26:41 PM · #11
Originally posted by LevT:

Originally posted by kirbic:

Good to know... Certainly something to try out. PTGUI is certainly a marvel, can't believe how much it has evolved. Very active update cycle as well.
PTGUI is not cheap ($150) for a piece of software that I would only rarely use...

Nope, it is not cheap... but they also don't gouge you with an upgrade fee for every version. Only when they roll out a really major overhaul. And there is no forced upgrade. For me, it's a no-brainer. I stitch panos regularly, and it is the best tool I have found.
04/06/2021 04:52:58 PM · #12
Is if really that much better than Photoshop in this regard? I found Photoshop adequate in those rare cases I needed stitching
04/06/2021 04:56:20 PM · #13
Originally posted by LevT:

Is if really that much better than Photoshop in this regard? I found Photoshop adequate in those rare cases I needed stitching

They're not playing the same sport.
PTGui is far superior.

04/06/2021 11:04:03 PM · #14
Originally posted by Venser:

...PTGui is far superior.

Yep. Speed, accuracy, flexibility, capability, color handling... if you are serious about stitching panos, PTGUI is pretty much the top of the heap.
04/15/2021 07:06:39 PM · #15
pretty good chance to get Top Ten in this one
04/15/2021 07:46:37 PM · #16
so far it's taken about an hour to try to stitch. For a photo that's not even any good! Interesting challenge though
04/15/2021 08:47:40 PM · #17
I agree, I learned something new thanks to it. I also saw the point that Venser and kirbic made earlier - I ended up making a lot of manual fixes. Photoshop's stitching algorithm is indeed far from perfect.
04/15/2021 09:32:25 PM · #18
Please explain. Do you have to use multiple stitched images to satisfy this challenge or can you use 1 panoramic image to get the defined result?
04/15/2021 09:41:30 PM · #19
Originally posted by GolferDDS:

Please explain. Do you have to use multiple stitched images to satisfy this challenge or can you use 1 panoramic image to get the defined result?

There's two hours left to rollover ... not a good time to ask this question IMO.

The description states:
"The Brenizer Method, sometimes referred to as Bokeh Panorama or Bokehrama, is a photographic technique characterized by the creation of a digital image exhibiting a shallow depth of field in tandem with a wide angle of view. Google it to see how it's done; there are many tutorials available."

The above doesn't tell anyone specifically HOW to obtain the result, only to pursue it via tutorials, etc.
04/15/2021 09:46:45 PM · #20
Originally posted by glad2badad:

Originally posted by GolferDDS:

Please explain. Do you have to use multiple stitched images to satisfy this challenge or can you use 1 panoramic image to get the defined result?

There's two hours left to rollover ... not a good time to ask this question IMO.

The description states:
"The Brenizer Method, sometimes referred to as Bokeh Panorama or Bokehrama, is a photographic technique characterized by the creation of a digital image exhibiting a shallow depth of field in tandem with a wide angle of view. Google it to see how it's done; there are many tutorials available."

The above doesn't tell anyone specifically HOW to obtain the result, only to pursue it via tutorials, etc.

So then itâs the effect that is the challenge and not how you got it? Sorry about asking this so late but I reread the challenge and the definition was confusing so I started to second guess myself. I would withdraw if multiple stitched images were required.
04/15/2021 10:16:37 PM · #21
I don't know if using a single image would be a reason for DQ, but it definitely would be against the spirit of this challenge. If you use a single image, you are not using "Brenizer Method", only trying to fake it.
04/15/2021 10:21:21 PM · #22
I apparently misunderstood. I have withdrawn my entry.
04/15/2021 10:27:12 PM · #23
Originally posted by GolferDDS:

I apparently misunderstood. I have withdrawn my entry.
oh, that's too bad, we had very few entries even before it. It was only one person's opinion, could very well be wrong, feel free to ignore it...
04/15/2021 10:30:59 PM · #24
Originally posted by LevT:

Originally posted by GolferDDS:

I apparently misunderstood. I have withdrawn my entry.
oh, that's too bad, we had very few entries even before it. It was only one person's opinion, could very well be wrong, feel free to ignore it...

No worries. There are plenty of challenges. All for the fun of it!
04/16/2021 09:22:33 AM · #25
I think this is the only challenge in DPC where we have least number of entries and I can proudly say now that I am in top 10 :D

It fun to submit an entry and I know it is not doing well but who cares I am still in top 10 :D

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