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DPChallenge Forums >> Challenge Results >> Just Wondering?
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07/22/2019 03:21:12 PM · #1
Could you tell that this picture was a composite? Would you have scored it higher if you didn't know it was and found out after the challenge? A simple yes or no is all I ask. Thank you.

07/22/2019 03:32:47 PM · #2
Yes, I was reasonably certain it was a composite. I don't think my score would be any different had it been a straight single shot photo in standard editing.
07/22/2019 03:33:16 PM · #3
I think if there were that many individuals of one species in one place some of them would be "interacting" with each other and not just the flowers.
07/22/2019 04:05:08 PM · #4
I thought it was likely a composite. In general, I will reward a shot that I think is captured naturally a higher score than one that appears might be a) composited or b) staged.
07/22/2019 04:38:16 PM · #5
I suspected it was a composite. Maybe you added too many butterflies. Sometimes less is more.
07/22/2019 04:43:27 PM · #6
Yes, I knew it was a composite.

No, I would have scored it the same.

I agree with Gina.
07/22/2019 05:44:27 PM · #7
Yes, I thought it was a composite. No, I would have scored it the same.
07/22/2019 05:49:59 PM · #8
Thought it was a composite. A natural-looking image would have garnered a higher score from me,
07/22/2019 05:49:59 PM · #9
Yes, I knew it was a composite, and no, my score would not have changed.
07/22/2019 06:28:50 PM · #10
Definitely knew it was a composite. It definitely would have scored higher if it was real -- because this was obviously not real. I've seen batches of butterflies and they aren't that evenly spaced and perfectly set up on flowers. There would be many different angles, more in flight, as general E said, some would be interacting. I didn't score it very high because it was too obviously fake.
07/22/2019 07:10:24 PM · #11
Originally posted by GolferDDS:

Could you tell that this picture was a composite? Would you have scored it higher if you didn't know it was and found out after the challenge? A simple yes or no is all I ask. Thank you.

No. No.

I couldn't tell but because extended editing was allowed, I thought it might be. Didn't mind one way or the other.
07/22/2019 07:12:13 PM · #12
like i said in my comment after voting .. i did wonder if it was a composite .. i wasnt really sure .. especially as i couldnt see that you duplicated any of the butterflies .. the only 'negative' was that butterfly top lhs .. with the blueish blur around it ..
also having so many butterflies in one place might be have been real ..

when i see an image in voting i go on my first gut reaction .. and whether it was a composite or not would not have changed the high vote i gave you .. and i dont get too intellectual .. i go on my feelings .. :)
07/22/2019 07:20:48 PM · #13
Yes, I knew it was a composite.
07/22/2019 08:17:38 PM · #14
I thought so. Pleasing image.
07/22/2019 08:32:59 PM · #15
Yes, I knew it was a composite. I cannot answer the next question. But look here, if you enjoy making composites, go for it.
07/22/2019 09:06:04 PM · #16
I knew it was a composite. Too many butterflies that looked too much alike for it to be as-shot.

Score would not have changed.

Message edited by author 2019-07-22 21:06:46.
07/22/2019 09:17:59 PM · #17
Thanks all for the input. It helps a lot:)

Paul, I especially liked your comment! I had not given much thought to the social interactions of butterflies, but you may have a point!

Message edited by author 2019-07-22 21:21:58.
07/26/2019 08:00:33 AM · #18
I was not sure at first but it would have been hard to take them all in the same shot.
Here in Taiwan there are many butterfly valleys. Some are really difficult to access.
When I get older maybe.... :)

Message edited by author 2019-07-26 08:00:52.
07/26/2019 10:07:26 AM · #19
Yes, it looked like a composite to me. Yes, it gets a higher vote from me than any one of the images used to create it.
07/26/2019 09:22:40 PM · #20
Today I saw 20-30 swallowtails like the ones in the picture - all in small grotto of flowering bergamot. So the number of them in close quarters doesn't seem to be a problem. However, they were in all different poses - some fluttering, some feeding. What clued me in about the picture in question was the coloration (and also the odd blur), which probably owed to the white balance challenge. Swallowtail wings are a beautiful buttery yellow. Can't imagine someone wanting to change that.
07/26/2019 10:05:22 PM · #21
Originally posted by skewsme:

Today I saw 20-30 swallowtails like the ones in the picture - all in small grotto of flowering bergamot. So the number of them in close quarters doesn't seem to be a problem. However, they were in all different poses - some fluttering, some feeding. What clued me in about the picture in question was the coloration (and also the odd blur), which probably owed to the white balance challenge. Swallowtail wings are a beautiful buttery yellow. Can't imagine someone wanting to change that.

You are absolutely correct. I was shooting for the “White Balance” challenge. The idea of using all the butterfly pictures I took in the Extended Free study came later. I tried to reverse the white balance to normal but trying to match up 20 butterflies was too difficult so I had to leave the beautiful yellow somewhat washed out.
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