DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
Challenges Entered: 38
Votes Cast: 2,197
Avg Vote Cast: 4.9176
Votes Received: 4,873
Avg Vote Received: 6.4874
  • Made: 211
  • Helpful: 179
  • Received: 604
  • Helpful: 587
  • Posts: 258
  • Threads Created: 11
    Profile Views: 8,610
    Total Image Views: 118,784
    Total Images Viewed: 7,138
  • Favorites
    Selected by other users:
  • Photographer: 46 times
  • Photographs: 284 times
    User's favorites: (view all)
  • Photographers: 34
  • Photographs: 60
  • Status
    User is currently offline.
    Free Study 2008-09 :: The Day Slips Away
    A Single Tree II :: Weathering Heights
    No-Sky Landscape IV (ARCHIVAL) :: Buried In The Mist
    Free Study 2007-11 :: King of Harts
    Honorable Mentions
    Free Study 2009-02 :: On The Rocks
    User Profile
    Name: Paulo Joaquim Campos
    Magno (Jul. 10th, 2008)
    Type: Registered User Location: Lancashire, England.
    Cameras: Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mark III
    Lenses: Olympus 12-45mm /f4.0 Pro
    Olympus 45mm f1.8 M.Zuiko Digital Micro Four Thirds
    Registered: May. 14th 2007
    Private Message

    View this photographer's portfolio!
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    Highest Rated Photographs
    The Day Slips Away
    1st PlaceThe Day Slips Away
    Free Study 2008-09
    Average: 7.6025
    Weathering Heights
    1st PlaceWeathering Heights
    A Single Tree II
    Average: 7.3526
    King of Harts
    3rd PlaceKing of Harts
    Free Study 2007-11
    Average: 7.1750
    Buried In The Mist
    3rd PlaceBuried In The Mist
    No-Sky Landscape IV (ARCHIVAL)
    Average: 6.8864
    Abbot's Bay
    Abbot's Bay
    Masters' Free Study II
    Average: 6.8433
    Challenge Entries
    Last 10 Forum Threads Posted To
    Thread   Section   Date
    Just wondering-what does your user name represent   General Discussion  202 months ago
    What do you think? How could it be improved?   Individual Photograph Discussion  203 months ago
    I just quit my job!!!...   General Discussion  203 months ago
    Best of 2008 scores here!   Current Challenge  203 months ago
    Best of 2008?   Current Challenge  203 months ago
    So, the way I see it...   Current Challenge  203 months ago
    77mm Polarizer   Hardware and Software  203 months ago
    Build a pc   Hardware and Software  204 months ago
    Help me name my new puppy.   General Discussion  204 months ago
    Anyone else get Christmas camera gear?   Hardware and Software  204 months ago

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