DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
Challenges Entered: 3
Votes Cast: 1,458
Avg Vote Cast: 5.1523
Votes Received: 630
Avg Vote Received: 5.2397
  • Made: 78
  • Helpful: 63
  • Received: 35
  • Helpful: 18
  • Posts: 198
  • Threads Created: 25
    Profile Views: 2,681
    Total Image Views: 4,640
    Total Images Viewed: 183
  • Favorites
    Selected by other users:
  • Photographer: 2 times
  • Photographs: 2 times
    User's favorites: (view all)
  • Photographers: 8
  • Photographs: 11
  • Status
    User is currently offline.
    User Profile
    Name: Richard Ryerson Age: 54
    Username: CarpeNoctem
    Gender: M
    Type: Registered User Location: Akron, Ohio
    Cameras: Canon EOS-20D
    Lenses: Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II
    Canon EF 75-300mm f/4.0-5.6 III
    Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6
    Registered: May. 3rd 2004
    Private Message
    Signature: "Missie, missie - yo massah done made me polish dat whole corridor, an it done made my knees hurt terrible - fo' shizzle ma nizzle, an no mistake!" - Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell

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    Highest Rated Photographs
    Kaydet Trainer
    Kaydet Trainer
    Technology II
    Average: 5.5085
    Scissors and Thread
    Scissors and Thread
    Square Crop
    Average: 5.1827
    Spring Is Here
    Spring Is Here
    Something New III
    Average: 5.0977
    Challenge Entries
    Last 10 Forum Threads Posted To
    Thread   Section   Date
    The race for the hot spot is over...   Challenge Results  240 months ago
    Charging for unplanned shots?   Photography Discussion  240 months ago
    Show Your New Scores   Current Challenge  240 months ago
    Submitting to Something New and Something Old   Current Challenge  240 months ago
    Using Channels to Select   Hardware and Software  241 months ago
    Photo Archives Folder Structure   Hardware and Software  241 months ago
    ACR Exposure Slider UOM   Hardware and Software  241 months ago
    8 bit vs. 16 bit   Hardware and Software  241 months ago
    Heal -> Sharpen or Sharpen -> Heal   Hardware and Software  241 months ago
    Canon Picture Styles   Hardware and Software  241 months ago

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