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Dreams vs. Career
1st PlaceDreams vs. Career

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Choices (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Nikon D100
Lens: Nikon AF-S Zoom-Nikkor 24-85mm f/3.5-4.5G IF-ED
Location: Studio
Date: Jun 14, 2004
Aperture: F/14
ISO: 200
Shutter: 160
Galleries: Portraiture
Date Uploaded: Jun 14, 2004


Place: 1 out of 227
Avg (all users): 7.0578
Avg (commenters): 8.0222
Avg (participants): 6.8283
Avg (non-participants): 7.1854
Views since voting: 8140
Votes: 277
Comments: 81
Favorites: 5 (view)

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08/16/2004 03:25:10 PM
Yeah. I really like this picture. Alot. But it just can't hold a candle to second place. I think the background needs some work. And maybe the face. Not enough separation. Very good idea though.
08/16/2004 03:23:58 PM
Yeah. I really like this picture. Alot. But it just can't hold a candle to second place. I think the background needs some work. And maybe the face. Not enough separation. Very good idea though.
06/29/2004 12:04:58 AM
Originally posted by difarnecio:

I have to agree. I can't see how this photo could have won a ribbon. It's just. . . well . . .it's just not good. sorry. All the faults have already been listed.

i agreetext
06/25/2004 02:02:47 PM
I also voted 10 on this photo. Yes I must agree there were several great photos in this contest with diverse emotion. I voted then went back and reviewed my votes, (all 270+); to make sure I was fair to everyone that entered. I guess everyone has his or her own opinion but this photo jumped out at me from the beginning. The word Choices was plastered all across the photo. So to me it met the challenge. After voting I went back and seen if my opinion of the photo was the same after reviewing all other photos. At that time I seen subtleties that really made me raise my vote from a 9 to a 10. Career or Dream! A choice that most all of us had to make; you know the choice you would made it you could. I liked the way the subject was grasping the ball, as if grasping for his dream. And it seemed as if the laptop was weighing him down, as if stuck in a boring career. Just my opinion, Great Photo and a well deserved ribbon.
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06/24/2004 06:36:30 PM
You deserved this ribbon, without a doubt. Congrats!
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06/24/2004 06:34:51 PM
I kinda like this photo alot! I'm one of those 32 voters that gave a 10! photo composition and lighting were excellent....the idea were great too! i mean...it project a person having to choose between his dream and career (or reality i would say!) which some of us have encounter.....having to sacrifice your dream and aspiration and pursue a "stable (sometime boring) career"!! Once again, congratulation.....you deserved the ribbon! :)
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06/24/2004 02:32:00 PM
Everyone is so kind. It's a good thing. But sometimes it's good to be honest. Compare first palce to second place. It just doesn't make much sense. Not attacking the blue ribbon winner. so hopefully I don't get the usual dribbling flames. Just take a good look. Not sure what to make of the winning shot. It's a good idea, and it fits the challenge perfectly. But is it a good photograph? What do people base ratings on? The degree to which the photo meets the challenge? Technical details? Aesthetics? all-of-the-above? I hate to post this here, b/c you won fair and square. I congratulate you on the ribbon, you should be proud. But people on this forum are almost disgustingly "sweet". Stop with the sycophantic panting and consider what is being said. To say this shot is great or awsome is, well. . . Congrats on the ribbon, really. Sorry to post this during your parade.

Message edited by author 2004-06-24 14:36:34.
06/24/2004 10:59:42 AM
this picture is very good..while not my top pick, it is clean & the concept is clear. Not particularly emotional or moving, but still FUN! good job!
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06/24/2004 04:58:01 AM
Congrats on the win! Good idea!

Originally posted by Nazgul:

How come the graph sais it has ZERO 1´s then?

He probably didn't vote on 20% of the photos so his votes got deleted.
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06/24/2004 04:41:27 AM
Originally posted by abreul:

Can some please tell how or why his picture is the winner? I give this a 1 and is not even showing I read some of the comments but they dont really make sense. Are this contest more like Title contest or pictures contest? I have to Admit a title is important for any composition but please...c'mon this pic got nothing to me. but anyway I have to congratulate aaron532 for the ribbon... work pays.
Things I notice:
Poor Background
The model should it have a half of a baseball hat to complete the idea.
I saw this kind of idea on different pics a TV comercial is not very original.

How come the graph sais it has ZERO 1´s then?
06/24/2004 03:51:37 AM
Great Picture, Great Idea,...Deserved Ranking... Congrats...
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06/24/2004 03:30:56 AM
Great shot,well deserved ribbon.
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06/24/2004 02:18:58 AM
I didn't vote, but I would have personally given it an 8. Although this picture may not have brought out the emotions in some people, it brought out the emotions in a lot of people. Lighting is right on, without anything over- or underexposed. When I first look at it, I immediatly felt the mixed emotions of humour, sense of past, and achievement. Expression? I didn't mind it, b/c there's feeling in it (although it doesn't seem positive ;). Some people may have given it a 1 b/c it doesn't mean anything to them. But "half a baseball cap"? Give me a break. From a holistic standpoint, w/o all the nitty-gritty distractions, you deserved the ribbon.
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06/24/2004 01:57:25 AM
Thank-you for your post on my entry. You are a true gentleman!
Your picture was extremely deserving and well done. An interested group of talented and competent photographers say so!
Keep in mind that most of those voters who selected you as a 1st place finisher were in competition AGAINST you which makes winning even more sweet and meaningful.
Be proud of your achievment and don't let dissenters ruin it for you.

Again, a most deserving win. You put in a lot of hard work.

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06/24/2004 01:10:35 AM
Aaron, I said during the challenge this was my top pick for the ribbon, and look at that -- you won. It's a fantastic interpretation of the challange and you deserve your placement. I don't quite know the right words to describe how awful I feel that there are those who would post such bitter, negative, insensitive, thoughtless, and shallow comments as I've seen below on your winning image. If people have to be petty, there are forums for that. But to stain your ribbon with this dribbel is infuriating to me. Every time you pull up your winning picture to enjoy your victory, you have to see that junk. Please know that you won, fair and square, well deserve your victory, and the VAST majority of us on this site are proud of this image and your work.
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06/23/2004 06:15:21 PM
Originally posted by longlivenyhc:

Originally posted by abreul:

Can some please tell how or why his picture is the winner? I give this a 1 and is not even showing I read some of the comments but they dont really make sense. Are this contest more like Title contest or pictures contest? I have to Admit a title is important for any composition but please...c'mon this pic got nothing to me. but anyway I have to congratulate aaron532 for the ribbon... work pays.
Things I notice:
Poor Background
The model should it have a half of a baseball hat to complete the idea.
I saw this kind of idea on different pics a TV comercial is not very original.

people are entitled to their opinions, you have yours, and we have ours. he deserves the ribbon, it has alot of emotion and the picture invokes a feeling of having to make a choice without a title. most people have thought about a dream career before.

You are right people are entitled to their emotion,that is why you were able to reply me, but see this a PHOTO contest and we suppose to choose the best or at least the most well taked picture and there was really nice pictures representing choices. I dont have anything against this pic though, is just to me is not the #1.
P.S: If you are working in a picture on a studio just make sure all the details are cover for your presentation. if you tell me this shot was taked just because it was your lucky day them I will consider my vote diferenly regardless of the mistake on the picture.

06/23/2004 04:49:14 PM
I have to agree. I can't see how this photo could have won a ribbon. It's just. . . well . . .it's just not good. sorry. All the faults have already been listed.
06/23/2004 04:05:14 PM
Congrats on the ribbon, but I have to agree to a point with abreul, I think this looks like a senior portrait, albeit a wierd one, and doesn't evoke any sense of choice for me. To me it looks static and contrived, whereas the second place shot evokes a truly powerful sense of choice even without a title.

Can any of the voters explain why they voted the way they did on this? I must be missing something. I didn't vote on this one, but it doesn't look like my vote would have made a difference here.
06/23/2004 03:51:32 PM
Originally posted by abreul:

Can some please tell how or why his picture is the winner? I give this a 1 and is not even showing I read some of the comments but they dont really make sense. Are this contest more like Title contest or pictures contest? I have to Admit a title is important for any composition but please...c'mon this pic got nothing to me. but anyway I have to congratulate aaron532 for the ribbon... work pays.
Things I notice:
Poor Background
The model should it have a half of a baseball hat to complete the idea.
I saw this kind of idea on different pics a TV comercial is not very original.

people are entitled to their opinions, you have yours, and we have ours. he deserves the ribbon, it has alot of emotion and the picture invokes a feeling of having to make a choice without a title. most people have thought about a dream career before.
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06/23/2004 12:02:55 PM
Congratulations. This was my top choice in this challenge. You did an excellent job of coming up with an interesting concept and photographing it well. Ann
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06/23/2004 11:05:01 AM
Wow, what an incredible photograph. The story it tells is heart-tugging. Congratulations on your win.
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06/23/2004 10:43:19 AM
Can some please tell how or why his picture is the winner? I give this a 1 and is not even showing I read some of the comments but they dont really make sense. Are this contest more like Title contest or pictures contest? I have to Admit a title is important for any composition but please...c'mon this pic got nothing to me. but anyway I have to congratulate aaron532 for the ribbon... work pays.
Things I notice:
Poor Background
The model should it have a half of a baseball hat to complete the idea.
I saw this kind of idea on different pics a TV comercial is not very original.

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06/23/2004 08:21:01 AM
i gave this one a 10, i loved it
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06/23/2004 08:16:21 AM
Congratulations on the blue ribbon. It was certainly my top choice.
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06/23/2004 07:43:59 AM
wow! I didn't even get to really see "choices"- but this evokes so much emotion, and is done so well! congrats!!!
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06/23/2004 07:20:07 AM
didnt vote but i think this is an awesome picture
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06/23/2004 12:59:58 AM
Congratulations. Very good photo..one of my favourites!
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06/23/2004 12:56:49 AM
Congrats... I love it. I expect a good showing in the portrait challenge ;)
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06/23/2004 12:15:42 AM
Originally posted by BradP:

Thought I recognized that mug shot from the Multiple Light Sources challenge!


LOL, I knew someone would! I need to find a model other then myself from now on! Now if only there was someone as good looking... ;)
06/23/2004 12:13:30 AM
Thought I recognized that mug shot from the Multiple Light Sources challenge!

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06/23/2004 12:08:52 AM
Congratulations! Great take on the challenge!!! :o)
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06/23/2004 12:07:46 AM
Sorry for not placing this in the "Photographers Comments" I was planning on doing that before the challenge started but I ran out of time.

Well, I certainly didn’t expect to get the blue ribbon! I was aiming for a 6.0+ score and maybe a top ten finish. Thank you all for the great comments! Some were really helpful, plus it’s nice to hear praises!

Anyway, as many of you guessed, a lot of thought went into this shot. The idea was the easy part, making it happen was a bit of a challenge. I started with the baseball uniform, which I bought at the local Big5 store for about $25. Next the dress pants which I held up with the belt going through both sets of pants. I tucked the extra leg into the back of my belt. The jacket was next, with the rest just hanging down in the back. With a few of my test shots it was hanging a little to low so I tucked it into the belt too.

As for the props, I started with a baseball bat and a briefcase, but they looked to awkward so I went with the smaller ball and computer. I think they worked much better!

The hardest part of this whole setup was the background. I spent three days trying to come up with something that went well with both “halves”. I didn’t, so I just used our studio setup at work with a pretty generic color.

Post Processing: Pretty simple really, its nice being able to control everything in a studio setup!
-Minor Levels Adjustment
~Run though Neat Image
-Added Border

Sorry for the long-winded comments! I get carried away late at night.
Again, thanks for the comments and the votes! I hope to do this well again in the future!

 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/22/2004 07:51:36 PM
Hey - where's your collar, you're fired!!!
06/22/2004 06:15:46 PM
Colors are a bit flat, and the suit jacket rides a bit too far to the left. However this is still my favorite in the challenge, great choice of subject, well executed. If you had gotten rid of the blue in the laptop or used it again in the uniformor as the batting glove it could have been a bit better balanced, but a very good shot anyway.
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06/22/2004 12:41:09 PM
Very inventive. The subject looks a bit awkward, but then anyone wearing half-clothing on both sides would be likely to feel a little odd! Good choice of using a standard studio portrait-type background.
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06/22/2004 11:32:36 AM
Good interpretation of the challenge theme...as well as good lighting, focus, and color. Well done. :o)
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06/22/2004 09:44:35 AM
Nice!! Too bad I can't give a higher score than 10.
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06/22/2004 12:21:41 AM
Since this is one of my very top scores - I thought I'd try to give you my best shot at constructive comments.

First - let's talk technical: Exposure = perfect, composition = classic but effective, DoF = perfect.

On the artistic side: Idea = stunning, model = wonderful, background = a bit "commercial" for me, border = un-needed

Make it better by: 1) A logo on the baseball shirt (doesn't matter what it is - just something for the added impact) 2) No glove on the baseball hand - they don't use them.

Overall: I will be extremely surprised if you don't end up with a ribbon.

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06/21/2004 10:06:14 PM
Very clever, creative. My pick for Best in Show. Didn't fancy the model's facial expression, however. Too serious or something. But great shot nonetheless...
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06/21/2004 05:43:44 PM
Great photo - presents real choice
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06/21/2004 01:39:49 PM
Great concept and well executed. Good expression and pose, with nice lighting making this very effective. Perhaps a darker suit would have added to the contrast (the jacket and pants on the suit side don't really match). Good work though.
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06/21/2004 01:16:46 PM
Very Creative.
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06/21/2004 06:42:47 AM
This is technically a very good image, and the idea is great as well.. The backdrop is a little too close to the model, or possibly could have done with some lighting to bring out the shadows behind him..
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06/21/2004 02:52:05 AM
intersting idea.. but the background doesnt work well with the composition
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06/21/2004 12:20:04 AM
What a fun picture!
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06/20/2004 10:30:27 PM
The Challenge has been met, Great job!
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06/20/2004 09:06:18 PM
very creative take on the challenge, well done!
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06/20/2004 07:23:17 AM
Excellent, well executed, very clever idea indeed. Love it. 10
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06/20/2004 07:04:55 AM
Very nice shot!!!
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06/19/2004 08:05:23 PM
Clever set up, nice shot, 9
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06/19/2004 03:37:18 AM
creative idea ! if you made the hairdo half and half, it would be a perfect one.
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06/18/2004 10:22:17 PM
If you cut the goatee in half, and or smiled, i might have given you a higher score.

Congatulations in post script- I'll change from a nine to a ten though if you cut the goatee! great job

Message edited by author 2004-06-23 07:22:47.
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06/18/2004 09:29:41 PM
Very professional image. I like it. 10
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06/18/2004 07:37:27 PM
Clever idea, well shot. The lighting is optimal!
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06/18/2004 12:08:11 PM
Please explain how You did it ...
06/17/2004 10:19:47 PM
I love the photo and the concept. Not sure about the background..
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06/17/2004 08:29:07 PM
Great to see all the thought as gone into your composition. The lighting, focus and the general 'feel' of this shot are all very good...Well done.
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06/17/2004 08:01:38 PM
The best I have seen for this challenge, I hope you ribbon with this one.
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06/17/2004 06:16:43 PM
a lot of effort for a real cliche shot
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06/17/2004 11:58:37 AM
Nice picture, good idea. 9
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06/17/2004 10:50:55 AM
very good
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06/17/2004 10:17:55 AM
Good shot, very original.
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06/17/2004 12:10:47 AM
LOVE THIS. So well-planned. 10!
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06/16/2004 07:59:29 PM
background is fade... but the idea is good
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06/16/2004 05:49:23 PM
well taken and composed image ,this will in my opinion be in top three
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06/16/2004 04:53:33 PM
Clever and I like it.
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06/16/2004 04:02:46 PM
creative idea....must have taken a lot of work to get it to look right. Well done
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06/16/2004 03:48:11 PM
Very creative, and a great background, lighting, etc. It's not an exciting image, but it's a quality stock image.
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06/16/2004 02:44:26 PM
One of the better interpretations of this challenge. Well lit, well posed. Good job!
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06/16/2004 01:05:45 PM
Well done! Neat idea and it's a great portrait. I might have shaved the right side of his face too! :)
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06/16/2004 12:01:28 PM
You are 1 of my top 3 favorites. 10!
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06/16/2004 11:31:15 AM
Good juxtaposition
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06/16/2004 11:02:11 AM
Nothing much to say here, but its a nice and original idea, I like it.
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06/16/2004 09:08:42 AM
Outstanding - Love it!
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06/16/2004 08:57:02 AM
This one catches my eye from emotional and composition perspectives. The focus is perfect, the colors are well done and the positioning of the right leg forward is suggestive of wanting to choose the sport.
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06/16/2004 06:30:51 AM
Great idea and very well executed -
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06/16/2004 05:09:59 AM
genius shot. everything works very well here. i don't like your backdrop but thats my problem.
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06/16/2004 02:47:02 AM
there is nothing really wrong with this picture, but somehow it doesn't make me go "wow". Maybe because it lacks all spontanity (or whatever it's called)
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06/16/2004 01:19:42 AM
Nice concept and very well executed. Cool!
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06/16/2004 01:09:27 AM
Nice picture....I like it a lot... you got the idea of the Challenge... a9
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06/16/2004 12:24:21 AM
Wow! This is great!
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