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Boronia Ledifolia & Bee Fly
1st PlaceBoronia Ledifolia & Bee Fly

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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Pink II (Basic Editing)
Collection: 2009 - CHALLENGES
Camera: Canon EOS-40D
Lens: Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 USM Macro
Location: on the firetrail
Date: Aug 16, 2009
Aperture: f5.6
ISO: 125
Shutter: 1/125
Galleries: Floral, Insects, etc
Date Uploaded: Aug 16, 2009

when this challenge was announced i wanted to get a bee on one of these very small pink flowers that only flower at this time of the year on the firetrail ..
i had taken a few shots of bees when i heard a slightly different buzzing and noticed this insect doing what bees do .. i havent ever seen one before and thought it was just a different type of bee .. it buzzed around for a while, landed on a few flowers, and then flew off ..
i wanted to give this a 'real' title & after a lot of research i found out that the flower is a Boronia Ledifolia & i'm pretty sure the insect is a variety of bee fly altho i couldnt find a bee fly exactly the same as this one in all the sites i went to .. i also think its a female coz the eyes are joined in the middle ..
she works better for the pink challenge than a bee coz of her neutral colouring .. also pink is for girls .. !!..:)

used Canon Speedlight 580EXII external flash with a Sto-Fen Omni-Bounce plastic diffuser ..
also 36mm Kenko Extension Tube and cropped heaps ..

after voting ...
i'm sitting here with a grin from ear to ear .. splitting my face ...
i was hoping i'd do well, but i didnt think i'd do THIS well, especially considering the competition ..
thankyou thankyou everyone who got over their aversion to small insects and gave me a great score .. and thankyou for the fantastic comments and the 2 favs during voting .. YIPPEE .. !!!

Place: 1 out of 161
Avg (all users): 6.9670
Avg (commenters): 9.0000
Avg (participants): 6.8947
Avg (non-participants): 7.0000
Views since voting: 7416
Views during voting: 331
Votes: 182
Comments: 75
Favorites: 24 (view)

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03/23/2011 12:17:06 PM
Amazing Roz. Love the colors and sharpness of the bee fuzz and flower. Amazing.
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10/01/2009 02:11:55 AM
Why don't I see bees like this here? That's a goofy lookin bug...some color!
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09/04/2009 11:38:27 PM
I just found this. CRAP~~~ That is just too fantastic.
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08/31/2009 11:19:15 AM
Congratulations Roz, this is so lovely!
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08/30/2009 02:11:55 PM
excellent macro!
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08/30/2009 01:48:39 AM
Ohhhh-mygosh, Roz! This is my favorite macro that I've ever seen. It is just downright BEAUTIFUL! We've been on vacation this week, so I just now logged in to see your win. I'm so happy to see you adding this jewel to your storehouse of ribbons :) CONGRATULATIONS!!!
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08/29/2009 09:26:24 AM
Excellent Detail and well deserved Ribbon..

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08/29/2009 01:09:17 AM
Congrats on the ribbon Roz!
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08/28/2009 06:33:50 PM
One of my tens!!!! You rock with your insects! Well done, well deserved!
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08/27/2009 07:46:11 PM
Cool, Roz. Congrats! :)
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08/27/2009 06:10:03 PM
Wow Roz! That's a truly amazing image. The reflection in his/her eye is just, wow! Congrats on a well deserved blue!
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08/27/2009 12:10:13 PM
Really lovely, Roz - and it just FEELS pink, you know? A nice gentle delicate pink. And the fly is kinda cute in a fly sorta way. 'Grats on another ribbon for the collection!
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08/27/2009 11:17:45 AM
roz means pink in greek :) congratz
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08/27/2009 04:06:12 AM
Congrats Roz! Great work!
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08/27/2009 01:37:51 AM
I knew her when she was just starting out here and before she got famous! hehe : )
Lovely work and congrats Roz! : )

Message edited by author 2009-08-27 01:38:21.
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08/27/2009 01:07:01 AM
Whoa.... you dont like sharing those blue ribbons much do you :D

Awesome photo, and congrats on the result.
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08/26/2009 11:42:13 PM
Huge congrats Roz! This is a super macro. Great work.
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08/26/2009 06:10:32 PM
roz, congratulations! you just continue to amaze.
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08/26/2009 05:53:55 PM
I just never ever see bugs like this anywhere! What a great macro for the theme. Congratulations!
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08/26/2009 05:06:50 PM
well done roz! another great macro ! pink indeed.
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08/26/2009 04:31:09 PM
Great Pic!
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08/26/2009 02:56:13 PM
Amazing photo Roz. Congrats!
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08/26/2009 01:58:10 PM
Roz, congratulatons - I love the colour of this insect, and the way its 'fur' looks so very soft.
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08/26/2009 01:44:27 PM
Roz - exquisite detail, another well deserved ribbon :- )
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08/26/2009 01:42:04 PM
WOW! roz! great work!! CONGRATS on the BR!! wooT!!!
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08/26/2009 11:55:29 AM
way to go Roz! Congrats on the ribbon
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08/26/2009 11:38:14 AM
There goes Roz again. I remember emailing you when you had no ribbons. You've come a long way. This one even has a "Rosy" background color. Well done.
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08/26/2009 11:29:52 AM
Congratulations - I'm very happy, I gave you a 10! :)
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08/26/2009 10:43:49 AM
Congrats! This is lovely!
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08/26/2009 10:27:10 AM
Congratulations, Roz. Great pink pic, and I think your comments are fascinating.
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08/26/2009 10:24:03 AM
Congrts Roz on your Blue!! Beautiful colors and detail!!
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08/26/2009 09:47:48 AM
Beautifully done. Love the color on the bee's body and the wings. Brilliant! Congrats! :)
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08/26/2009 09:34:24 AM
Congrats, Roz!! Fantastic macro!!!
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08/26/2009 09:23:52 AM
OMG girl- you need a big wall for all your ribbons !!! Stupendous shot my dear !
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08/26/2009 09:15:42 AM
Congratulations Roz on your Blue, great image.
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08/26/2009 08:44:10 AM
Another Blue for you!!! This is super, super sharp and clear...excellent job!!
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08/26/2009 08:13:00 AM
Who on earth gave this a 1? Are they blind? This is an outstanding shot roz, well done. Definitely should have scored higher, much higher.

A much deserved 1st place. Congratulations.
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08/26/2009 07:59:59 AM
this is a 10 not a 7 and the participants are the only reason you didn't break 7 the magic number for dpReview

inshallah you will have your 7 one day if you desire and are willing to work and sacrifice to achieve it
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08/26/2009 07:16:16 AM
Fabulous macro and fabulously pink - congratulations!
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08/26/2009 04:52:28 AM
Beautiful shot Rozzy. The colour, the angle and clarity all spot on. Well done mate.
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08/26/2009 04:11:19 AM
Beautiful capture, amazing colors, congratulations!
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08/26/2009 03:45:16 AM
Beautifully photographed Congratulations
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08/26/2009 03:13:03 AM
Holy smokes! This is one of the finest Macro shots I have seen. Wow. Just Wow!
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08/26/2009 03:07:00 AM
Well done! I am totally fascinated by the macro world around us that we rarely see.
This type of photography is not easy, makes you look (and feel) like a hunchback and requires oodles of patience. 2 of my top 3 came in and I predicted you #1!
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08/26/2009 03:00:08 AM
Congratulations again Roz! I thought that this had to be your work. It is a fabulous shot.
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08/26/2009 02:39:05 AM
Super shot! Well done Roz!
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08/26/2009 02:34:48 AM
That's it, Roz! I need a "congrats" stamp for you now as well! :D
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08/26/2009 01:26:41 AM
Roz, you sure do manage to find bugs. One of the advantages of your climate I think. Nice one and well done on another blue ribbon!
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08/26/2009 12:48:56 AM
Wicked shot! Congrats on your well deserved blue Roz (((hugs)))
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08/26/2009 12:44:48 AM
Stunning, really stunning! Roz, congrats on the blue. So well deserved for such excellent work ((Hugs)).
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08/26/2009 12:39:43 AM
freakin spectacular.. and congratulations on the blue :)
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08/26/2009 12:32:06 AM
Beautiful. Those eyes...
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08/26/2009 12:13:04 AM
Woo Hoo! You go Roz!
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08/26/2009 12:08:26 AM
Roz - this is beautiful! All the pink in the background and the color of the bug gives off such a feminine essence. Congrats on the blue!!!
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08/26/2009 12:07:20 AM
Congratulations, Roz. Only you would find the perfect insect on the perfect flower.
Hope you gave the beastie a modeling fee!
Well done.
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08/26/2009 12:06:22 AM
Congratulations! A well deserved BLUE ribbon.
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08/26/2009 12:05:31 AM
Oh Well DONE! This is spectacular!
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08/26/2009 12:04:28 AM
well, I don't mind being second to this shot! Brilliant, roz.
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08/26/2009 12:03:26 AM
Congratulations! Looks beautiful with nice colors!
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08/26/2009 12:02:08 AM
I knew it!!! Congratulations!!! Most well deserved blue!!!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/25/2009 10:40:07 AM
beautiful macro!
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08/24/2009 09:16:00 PM
Amazing shot... great reflection on its eyes!
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08/23/2009 12:57:46 PM
Great macro! Even a touch of pink in the eye.
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08/23/2009 02:36:01 AM
Superb shot,
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08/22/2009 10:40:12 PM
nice, my favourite of the challenge
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08/21/2009 06:06:47 PM
Beautiful Macro, top 10?
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08/21/2009 12:38:08 PM
Great macro. Focus is perfect. 8 from me
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08/21/2009 09:41:38 AM
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08/21/2009 12:50:47 AM
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08/20/2009 11:04:16 AM
My choice for the red. Great job! 9
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08/19/2009 09:49:48 AM
My favourite!!!
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08/19/2009 02:59:51 AM
Excellent detail, I particularly like the pink hues reflected in the eyes.

Message edited by author 2009-08-26 00:31:12.
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08/19/2009 01:55:29 AM
Oh wow! Wonderful shot, superb focus. 10
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08/19/2009 01:54:30 AM
very very nice!
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08/19/2009 01:17:57 AM
Stunning! 10
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