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Speleothems - Jenolan Caves, Australia
1st PlaceSpeleothems - Jenolan Caves, Australia

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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Tunnels and Caves (Advanced Editing VII)
Collection: 2009 - CHALLENGES
Camera: Canon EOS-5D Mark II
Lens: Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L USM II
Location: The Orient Cave, Jenolan Caves, NSW, Australia
Date: Aug 8, 2009
Aperture: f2.8
ISO: 640
Shutter: 1/13 sec
Galleries: Nature, Textures
Date Uploaded: Aug 8, 2009

At Jenolan, the limestone includes the remains of a coral reef, though it is composed mainly of fine grained calcite (lime mud). Over millions of years, these sediments become buried under layers of volcanic rocks, formed when solid matter from explosive volcanic eruptions fell into the sea.

i've never taken photographs in a cave before & started out using the flash, but didnt like the results with the unnatural colours, lack of depth, shadows, etc .. so i changed to shooting without the flash, with longer exposures, wider aperture & higher iso's, changing them depending on the lighting in each of the caves ..
you're not allowed to take a tripod or monopod into these caves unless you have booked a photographic tour in advance with a certain number of ppl, which we hadnt .. you can use a gorillapod, but my camera is too heavy for the one i have ..
so to get a reasonable shot was quite a challenge in such low lighting conditions as i had to either lean against walls, stand very still or rest the camera on metal railings etc which ppl would bump against ..
the guides were brilliant tho and made it as easy as possible for ppl to take photographs ..
the colours were very similar to this in real life but a little less intense ..
the two caves we went thru were the Orient Cave and the River Cave ..
i cant remember which cave i took this pic in .. !!!
about Jenolan Caves

after voting ..
its been an amazing week .. unfortunately i now have to go to the doctor for RSI .. !!!..:)
i'm sure you all know wot for .. !!..:)

after sandy's comment .. RSI .. Repetitive Strain Injury .. !!

and after ken's comment ..
rsi from the update button .. !!

Place: 1 out of 93
Avg (all users): 7.2535
Avg (commenters): 8.3529
Avg (participants): 7.0789
Avg (non-participants): 7.3173
Views since voting: 9272
Views during voting: 312
Votes: 142
Comments: 64
Favorites: 19 (view)

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08/09/2010 08:16:26 PM
Wow! a mystery and amazing place to photograph. You did excellent job on this!
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12/10/2009 10:51:53 PM
WOW I thought I was going to see the inside of some animal. I may be tired right now from a long week of work and no sleep though. lol

Beautiful capture.
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08/23/2009 09:59:00 PM
Roz, you're amazing! What a wonderful gift from your first cave shoot :) Congratulations! Beautifully done, of course.
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08/20/2009 11:59:41 PM
Oh, so they're installed new lighting in the caves.

SMH Photo gallery.

I'm sorry to say that I've never been to the Jenolan Caves. Maybe next time I'm in Australia...
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08/19/2009 11:32:04 AM
Great work. You should sell that photo to the advertising agent in charge of making those websites!
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08/19/2009 09:18:17 AM
Absolutely brilliant !!!! Big congrats & hugs :)
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08/19/2009 01:06:25 AM
Congratulations on YET ANOTHER ribbon. Amazing photo, especially considering the fact you couldn't use a tripod... bonus points for that in my book. Well done.
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08/18/2009 07:02:53 AM
Wow got a shock to see your name here Rozzy. Big congrats mate. Love the colours.
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08/18/2009 12:29:38 AM
Congrats on the ribbon Roz! RSI for your trigger finger?
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08/17/2009 10:50:04 PM
Roz - the colors in this are gorgeous! What a wonderful capture of light. Congrats on the blue!
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08/17/2009 09:13:10 PM
Gorgeous, brilliant shot Roz. Fantastic to achieve that without a tripod. I know what you mean about flash photography in caves. Congratulations on the blue ribbon.
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08/17/2009 07:40:33 PM
stunning,well done and congratulations
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08/17/2009 05:19:24 PM
Great capture. Huge congrats on your ribbon sweet!
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08/17/2009 02:03:01 PM
When the challenge was posted these caves were the first to come to my mind and I cursed that I'm 6 gazillion miles away. But now I'm not so upset, because I know I'd never have been able to compete with this anyway! :D
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08/17/2009 01:33:13 PM
Roz, this is fantastic!! Gorgeous shot. Congrats on that blue ribbon!
(if I come visit, will you take me there, lol??) :P
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08/17/2009 01:23:29 PM
God, this is gorgeous. Roz, what a fabulous image. MEGA congrats on winning.
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08/17/2009 12:22:10 PM
Not too shabby, kiddo!.....8>)
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08/17/2009 11:22:57 AM
Brilliant Roz. Huge congrats on the blue.
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08/17/2009 10:12:46 AM
Where's the Robberfly? I can't find it.

It's good anyway. *wink*

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08/17/2009 10:06:21 AM
Great job Roz!! Congrats on your BLUE!!
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08/17/2009 09:32:19 AM
Congrats Roz! Marvelous image!!!
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08/17/2009 09:28:07 AM
Very big congrats. I was in some caves after the challenge, using a tripod and mine didn't come out anywhere near as good as this.

As for RSI...to me it means something completely different...Rapid Sequence Intubation...when a paramedic induces paralysis to place a tube down your throat.
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08/17/2009 09:23:34 AM
Great shot Roz. Congrats!
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08/17/2009 08:47:45 AM
You go girl...excellent job...yea!!!
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08/17/2009 08:44:54 AM
Totally acing this one, roz. Got a 9 from me. FAB FAB!! Congratulations.
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08/17/2009 07:41:13 AM
Oh Roz! This is absolutely stunning! You did the job of a tru professional photographer making what you had work for you!

I don't know about RSI??????

MEGA CONGRATULATIONS for winning the top spot!
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08/17/2009 07:41:07 AM
What a score.....So deserved.....MY ONLY 10.....
I had no idea it was yours my friend....
I miss everyone here, especially YOU.....love shez
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08/17/2009 07:02:41 AM
Congratulations Roz! So nice to see you on the front page again! : )
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08/17/2009 06:53:56 AM
Congratulations!! Fantastic shot, I must be hungry this morning or something because I see a strip of bacon in the middle of the shot.
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08/17/2009 06:04:27 AM
Congratulations Roz on the blue ribbon.

Great to see two Aussies in the top two places this week!
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08/17/2009 03:41:16 AM
stunning colors Roz and a fantastic image congrats on the blue
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08/17/2009 03:19:38 AM
Gorgeous shot, especially given the conditions it was taken under. Congrats on a very well deserved blue!
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08/17/2009 02:11:32 AM
Super! Congratulations, Roz!
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08/17/2009 02:01:46 AM
congrats, top shot
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08/17/2009 01:17:14 AM
Congrats, Wonder Woman. It's a good thing that there were no bugs down there or you would have missed this completely : )
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08/17/2009 01:01:13 AM
Congrats Roz, beautiful image!
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08/17/2009 12:42:52 AM
very colorful! Now i wish I could visit these beautiful caves!
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08/17/2009 12:27:39 AM
Congartulations! Well deserved.
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08/17/2009 12:20:54 AM
Whoooooot!!! Congrats and many hugs Roz!! Beautiful shot!
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08/17/2009 12:17:25 AM
WOW! Gorgeous detail! A Big Congrats!
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08/17/2009 12:09:40 AM
WTG Roz! Congrats on the Blue! Fabulous image! ...and it looks like the Aussies are out in force again this week...
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08/17/2009 12:08:11 AM
Congratulations Roz...nice to be on the podium with you!
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08/17/2009 12:06:17 AM
OUTstanding, Roz!!!

Another blue for you - you talented woman!

So happy for you, and amazed at this breath-taking image.

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08/17/2009 12:02:50 AM
Hey, way to go Gal..................! Congrats!
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08/17/2009 12:02:28 AM
Congrats, Roz! Great to see an Aussie Caving Icon on the front page. ;-Þ
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08/17/2009 12:02:07 AM
Great job!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/16/2009 04:05:29 PM
wow, great colours, love the walls, 10 and it's made my favorites
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08/16/2009 02:01:59 PM
Beautiful details. Looks like an interesting cave.
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08/16/2009 11:59:12 AM
Great colors.
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08/16/2009 04:21:47 AM
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08/14/2009 07:08:49 AM
Nicely caught & composed
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08/13/2009 04:33:00 PM
Amazing colors. I'm not sure about the square crop, there's maybe
a bit too much in the picture. Still, one of my favourites. (9)
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08/13/2009 01:34:41 PM
I've been giving good scores to these lovely cave shots because I visited a cave the day before the challenge went out, and I didn't get SQUAT!!! LOL!!! Really well done.......7
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08/12/2009 09:08:44 PM
Smart thinking, making sure to identify this as NOT Antelope Canyon!
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08/12/2009 07:05:50 PM
Very nice, great colors and I like the processing
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08/12/2009 04:05:51 PM
beautiful spot and lighting..nicely handled
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08/11/2009 06:53:20 PM
I like the colors and the differnt textures in this cave
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08/11/2009 04:25:47 PM
Looks like an alien world. The lighting is perfect, beautiful work!
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08/11/2009 02:03:36 AM
Lovely colors in this. Nicely presented.
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08/10/2009 04:58:09 PM
One of my two 10's
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08/10/2009 08:38:34 AM
WOAH. Very dramatic. The focus, lighting and colors are spectacular. I can see this in a National Parks magazine, or in National Geographic. I think this might be a winner. :~)
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08/10/2009 02:43:08 AM
Lucky you, having access to this colourful underground world. Dare I say that in this environment it would be difficult not to capture a pretty good image but you have certainly used your skills to maximize the photographic potential of this cave system. Brilliant!
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08/10/2009 01:02:10 AM
How fortunate to live near this! Stunning photo!
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08/10/2009 12:24:47 AM
Wow...I went there in 1983! awesome shot...good luck 8
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