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caught by the boogeyman !
1st Placecaught by the boogeyman !

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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Nightmares II (Advanced Editing VII)
Collection: 2009 - CHALLENGES
Camera: Canon EOS-40D
Lens: Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 USM Macro
Location: on the firetrail
Date: Apr 16, 2009
Aperture: f9
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/125+ExtFlash
Galleries: Macro, Insects, etc
Date Uploaded: Apr 16, 2009

i might get marked down coz this isnt a realistic representation .. like i'm not a small insect . . but wotever .. !!! .. it's either a metaphor or symbolic .. i'm not sure which .. but i hope you get the idea ...
i cant imagine a creature more visually scarey than a robberfly & in a few challenges where i've entered a robberfly i considered the title the stuff of nightmares, so i thought this photograph represented very well a nightmare that i've had and i'm sure lots of other ppl have too ..
there's a terrifying presence behind me..
i'm running but my legs are taking me nowhere ..
i start to get that horrible feeling down my back .. like a tingling and an expectation of pain ..
is it catching up?? ..
i'm too afraid to turn around, but i can almost feel the heat of it's rancid breath ..
but if i do look behind me, then something very much like this horrifying creature is wot i'd see...
i cant imagine exactly what will happen if it catches me, but my heart is nearly bursting out'v my chest in panic ..

robberflies seize their prey in flight and inject their victims with saliva containing neurotoxic and proteolytic enzymes .. this injection, inflicted by their modified mouthparts (hypotharynx), rapidly immobilizes prey and digests bodily contents .. the robberfly soon has access to a liquid meal, which is generally consumed upon returning to a perched position.

i reckon if this happened to you it could constitute your worst nightmare .. well, that's if you were very very small or the robberfly was extremely large .. which could happen quite easily if you were dreaming .. !!!
check this out .. about robberflies

after voting ... for ppl who are unfamiliar with these insects the robberfly has caught the wasp and is 'eating' it .. and yes they are alive in in the wild ..

i use Canon Speedlight 580EXII with a Sto-Fen Omni-Bounce plastic diffuser fitted over it.
also in the last couple of months a Canon Extension Tube EF12II ...

Place: 1 out of 95
Avg (all users): 7.1875
Avg (commenters): 8.9375
Avg (participants): 6.8049
Avg (non-participants): 7.3193
Views since voting: 11289
Views during voting: 447
Votes: 160
Comments: 62
Favorites: 25 (view)

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05/27/2009 02:48:02 PM
Colours contrast well with the shady background.

Very well deserves 2 Gold ribbons, not just the single Blue.

Message edited by author 2009-05-27 14:48:30.
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05/03/2009 12:53:59 AM
Roz, I've been meaning to comment all week and figured I better do it before this goes off the front page. You are the master of these insect shots and you just keep getting better. Besides this being a good insect "action shot", what appeals to me are the technicals. Focus, colors, lighting, background, composition, everything is spot on here. Congrats on the ribbon.
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05/02/2009 07:55:29 PM
Excellent macro - jacko must be jealous ;-)
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05/02/2009 07:04:22 AM
Wow Rozzy. The more I look at this the more impressed I am. You're definitely perfecting the art of macro. Congrats on your winning the BLUE and on the awesome capture.
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04/29/2009 08:09:00 AM
ROz Roz Roz- you blow me away !!!!! Utterly fantastic- I feel the nightmare coming on !!!
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04/29/2009 01:51:26 AM
Another blue..........you ribbon hog! Excellent work as always Roz.......
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04/28/2009 11:58:32 PM
Wow! While it may not be a nightmare for me, I'm pretty sure that was a nightmare for the wasp. Amazing detail and color.
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04/28/2009 08:29:26 AM
I gueass all people who eat meat or kill insects and rodents are part of this symbolic metaphor. Think of your poor victims. Eat or be eaten.

Reminds me of the old horror movie "Fly" and "Fly-II". Extreme sharpness and the red, a symbol of blood, really draw you to this nighmare themed photo. Scary, yet delicious for a fly.
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04/28/2009 03:29:03 AM
Your Majesty, Queen of Bugdom. Congratulations and WOW WOW WOW at the image. Incredible.
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04/28/2009 12:37:11 AM
What!!?? Again!!??? : )
hehe, congratulations you blue ribbon winner, you!! : )
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04/27/2009 08:04:19 PM
Congratulations Roz. Brilliant shot.
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04/27/2009 05:07:46 PM
Wow! Another great macro Roz. I'd hate to walk around in your backyard.
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04/27/2009 02:24:33 PM
entomologist's book on robber flies is what you should do with these.
your's are the best!!!
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04/27/2009 01:41:07 PM
Awesome detail, Roz! Big congrats on your blue!
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04/27/2009 01:02:53 PM
Congratulations on the blue for another wonderful macro shot!
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04/27/2009 11:16:29 AM

CONGRATS ROZZIE!! Though I have to say, I have no idea how you sleep at night! LOL

Strong work AGAIN woman!!
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04/27/2009 11:02:06 AM
You have become the "Robber Fly of Blue Ribbons" Roz! : )
That's a "Killer" shot. You have that macro bugs technique perfected. I knew that blue ribbons were in your future here when you posted your first macro shot in a S C and were all excited about getting the new gear.
Congrats my friend.
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04/27/2009 09:41:51 AM
I'm seriously going to rename you the BUG LADY. You just kill me. Way to go roz. You are turning into the ribbon queen. CONGRATS.
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04/27/2009 09:36:01 AM
I thought this flawless macro might be yours. Any time there is a macro that is better than anything I've ever seen, I think it has to be yours :) Congratulations again! Doesn't get much more nightmarish than this, does it. But a dream come true in the end. Yayyyy! :)
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04/27/2009 08:37:19 AM
Roz, you need to send some of these shots to that website about the robber flies. I'm sure they'd be DELIGHTED to have them!
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04/27/2009 06:58:55 AM
I keep looking at this and liking it more. WOnderful wonderful. Congratulations - you're on a roll!!!
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04/27/2009 05:56:45 AM
This just gets better and better. Amazingly wonderful work, Roz. HUGE congrats on your blue.
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04/27/2009 05:28:54 AM
hey roz, what flash did you use?
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04/27/2009 05:03:17 AM
Damn! he's not wearing a napkin..... your insect macro work is second to none, simply the best there is. Congratulations
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04/27/2009 04:07:32 AM
On a roll here, roz. Absolutely stunning image. I'm surprised it's not your highest scoring. Congratulations on consecutive Blues.
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04/27/2009 03:23:24 AM
just incredible Roz congrats
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04/27/2009 02:58:03 AM
How do you continue to get these great detailed shots with that lens? Really, I struggle to get anything like this - please do tell.
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04/27/2009 02:40:21 AM
Wow! This is such an amazing shot!! Congrats on your very well deserved blue Roz (((hugs)))
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04/27/2009 01:54:15 AM
Originally posted by hotpasta:

here is the winner...congrats in advance 10

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04/27/2009 01:00:40 AM
Amazing image and it fitted the challenge perfectly. Congratulations on a well deserved blue!
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04/27/2009 12:55:57 AM
You are the Mistress of Insects - truly amazing!
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04/27/2009 12:32:20 AM
I knew it was yours, I voted 10, fit the theme and it's also a great Macro shot, these Robberflies are interesting, thanks for the details, Congrats on another Blue!
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04/27/2009 12:28:47 AM
Congratulations Roz, awesome processing.
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04/27/2009 12:19:57 AM
Eeeek, what a nightmare. good interpretation and great presentation. Congratulations on your lovely color of ribbon.
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04/27/2009 12:19:14 AM
Scary, indeed, Roz! Congrats on the capture and the ribbon!
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04/27/2009 12:16:50 AM
Great job Roz! I tried all week to get a creepy insect shot and title after you! I'm sure these guys run when they see you coming! I finally gave up, I just can't do this. Congrats on the blue.
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04/27/2009 12:11:58 AM
good going roz! turning bugs into blue ribbons! never would I've thought it.
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04/27/2009 12:06:02 AM
Holy cow, Roz! Not only creepy, but awesome macro. But then you know that. :-) You're a macro machine! I'm always amazed at the clarity you get with these little guys. And now I know way more about them than I want to. Truly the stuff of nightmares!
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04/27/2009 12:05:10 AM
eww eww eww bugs!! hehe. Amazing close up and colors. Congrats on the blue!
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04/27/2009 12:03:55 AM
This was one of the few insects shots that absolutely rocked! You took the insect and what about them is a nightmare.
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04/27/2009 12:02:54 AM
Congrats Roz!
This was the only 10 I gave out. Well deserved!
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04/27/2009 12:02:25 AM
Huge congrats Roz , handsdown a clear winner. Top notch shot and I can't believe you got such a low score from the participants , this is ridiculous.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/26/2009 10:25:49 PM
Another fantastic macro! No matter how hard I try I cannot get macros to turn out this good. 10
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04/25/2009 01:56:54 PM
Coming back to comment...

Super delicious! This is so full of drama, spectacular colors, awesome details! 10
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04/25/2009 12:41:29 AM
wow! That picture is amazing! I would vote a 10 if i could!
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04/24/2009 11:27:30 PM
What on earth is that? Awesome pic btw :D
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04/23/2009 02:49:59 PM
amazing! is this reall?
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04/23/2009 02:07:04 PM
Man, that is super creepy. What a macro.
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04/22/2009 10:47:33 PM
Amazing photo, I gave it a 10!
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04/22/2009 05:09:50 PM
This is a amazing macro.
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04/21/2009 01:26:58 PM
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04/20/2009 10:37:33 PM
WHOA! Can't say enough about this...10

Its amazing, the insect species are basically rediscovered with all these great macros I've been seeing. It fits the challenge, allthough the little guy looks like its the same species as the bigger one, could be its parent, but it does look like the little one has a scared look to it.
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04/20/2009 10:15:21 PM
A good composition which is a very effective presentation of a nightmarish subject.
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04/20/2009 03:34:11 PM
The winning entry for me, with punchy colours and suitably nightmarish subject.
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04/20/2009 02:32:35 PM
Stunning picture - love the colours and clarity
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04/20/2009 02:02:52 PM
bound to do well - it could give anyone nightmares! (I'm glad we're normally spared this close-up view. They say there's more horror in a hedgerow than anywhere else in the world.)
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04/20/2009 12:56:07 PM
whoa...I have no idea what kind of bug that is but I bet it's an Aussie bug! very clear and very fearsome. 8
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04/20/2009 11:47:22 AM
More metaphoric than literal but my word, what an image; slightly shoe-horned (given the detailed brief) so just a 9 from me. I'm surprised you didn't hold this back for the Free Study. Wonderful stuff
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04/20/2009 01:10:00 AM
This is insane. Total shoehorn, but that makes this entry a nightmare for my entry!
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04/20/2009 12:31:09 AM
wow great photo.
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04/20/2009 12:25:43 AM
lol roz im guessing? as usual, excellent capture. love the color in the legs and the mini bug. its like a scene from the old 'honey i shrunk the kids' movie
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04/20/2009 12:12:37 AM
here is the winner...congrats in advance 10
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