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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Color Portrait (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-1D Mark II
Location: Vista, California
Date: Sep 11, 2005
Aperture: f 13
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/250
Galleries: Urban, Portraiture
Date Uploaded: Sep 11, 2005

desaturaded slightly, bumped up contrast, some spot editing

Place: 18 out of 284
Avg (all users): 6.5860
Avg (commenters): 7.9459
Avg (participants): 6.3986
Avg (non-participants): 6.7530
Views since voting: 2412
Views during voting: 576
Votes: 314
Comments: 43
Favorites: 3 (view)

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01/03/2007 07:06:57 PM
Another beautifully done portrait! Excellent and very sensitive.
I just bought a used 1DMKII and can't wait to try it out! (not that having the same camera will instantly bless me with such a superb sense of vision :)
09/19/2005 08:10:15 AM
Congrats on such a high placement. It really is an emotive image and you did quite well!! WOO HOO
 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/18/2005 11:19:44 PM
Nice composition. Expressive photograph. Good luck!
09/18/2005 08:58:50 PM
Love it. Not much more i can say about that.
09/18/2005 08:35:29 PM
great lighting and enviroment one of the best in this challenge
09/18/2005 05:42:34 PM
Extremely Moving.
09/17/2005 06:08:33 PM
very expressive image. I like how his pose is echosed by the diagonal wood beam behind him. the lighting is excellent.
09/17/2005 02:45:45 PM
Great background and contrast... The pose fits very good in this atmosphere...
09/17/2005 12:03:33 AM
The mood you've created here is palpable. A good writer could make an entire life story from this. Great work.
09/15/2005 06:29:39 PM
Freat light, nice background. Love it!
09/15/2005 04:02:04 PM
Really like the dark edgy feel of this photograph. Great capture, and hope voters stop and really look at this one. Deserves a very high finish Good luck!!
09/15/2005 08:24:28 AM
09/15/2005 08:15:59 AM
nice rugged feel with the bg.
09/14/2005 11:31:29 PM
Excellent. 10
09/14/2005 10:59:53 PM
looks like a record album cover!
09/14/2005 07:51:08 PM
great image... good crop as well... :)
09/14/2005 12:36:38 PM
amazing frame i really like it, good skin tone
09/14/2005 09:09:09 AM
This is a fabulous portrait. It's perfectly lit. The composition is absolutely brilliant ... well conceived and meticulously executed. And you have retained a totally appropriate soft and muted feel to it in processing, providing further evidence that the masterful composition was no fluke. 10.
09/14/2005 03:30:30 AM
fantastic work. a top shot in the challenge.
09/14/2005 02:11:40 AM
I like the lighting , pose and background. Very good. 10
09/14/2005 01:08:14 AM
I really liked the lighting. I am not sure if the angles of his arms and legs works that well with the angle of the wood behind him.
09/14/2005 01:00:34 AM
Nice shot, I like the lighting.
09/13/2005 11:53:04 PM
this has a nice feel to it
09/13/2005 11:33:54 PM
Subtle tones and nice pose....I like it. Good luck in the challenge. 8
09/13/2005 11:24:00 PM
Very Very nice! Choice of location is really good and helps portray the mood of the model. Lighting is pretty perfect in my eyes. And the subdued coloring works very well. I like it alot. bumping to an 8
09/13/2005 04:25:22 PM
I like this one because it's unique. The man model and the well chosen rugged background fit so well. Great lighting and subdued colours. Hope this reaches the top position.
09/13/2005 03:55:10 PM
One of my personal favorites in the challenge. Emotive, telling, and technically well-executed. Lovely treatment as well. Excellent work. :)
09/13/2005 03:12:18 PM
nice, rustic, creative
09/13/2005 12:07:52 PM
Nice posing, light and hues. Refreshing entry.
09/13/2005 07:40:14 AM
Well done. I like this on a lot. Good crop and really presents a feeling to me.
09/13/2005 06:45:29 AM
This is a great study of thought,using good light and texture....9..Bump 10, because I have been through the challenge and your image I perceived befor voting, Good luck
09/13/2005 12:44:44 AM
what a great emotion you've conveyed. very nice lighting and color pallette.
09/13/2005 12:37:21 AM
Very nice. Great pose, great idea and soft, pleasing colors.
09/12/2005 09:01:32 PM
Nice subdue lighting creates interesting shadows. Make a change from harsh lighting often seen here. Interesting decor.
09/12/2005 06:51:20 PM
This shot really makes me wonder what's going on in his life. Has he just lost the woman he loves? His job? or is he just contemplating the universe and "undone" by its vastness. Nice to see another shot that tells a story.
09/12/2005 05:24:03 PM
I love this picture..you really captured his emotion.
09/12/2005 02:53:24 PM
Nice job. The lighting is awesome on the model for such a low light area. I really love the natural feel to this. Good luck!
09/12/2005 01:02:40 PM
Great relaxed feeling, nice mood, nice lighting. 9
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09/12/2005 12:43:42 PM
Nice! Almost has a painting feel to it. Love the lighting and colors.
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09/12/2005 12:19:19 PM
Lighting is perfect for this emotive picture. Good job.
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09/12/2005 07:17:01 AM
Nice lighting and pose. His expression is what I really find appealing about this. Definitely brings across emotion. I think the model would have been better barefoot, but I realize that's personal preference...the one he's wearing doesn't ruin the shot or anything. ;)
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09/12/2005 01:31:28 AM
Nice. I think this is more of a study than a true portrait, but the lighting and the composition is so good, that I don't care. This is a work of art.
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09/12/2005 12:51:42 AM
This is a wonderful portrait that tells a story or mainly stories. The lighting rocks and great subject. Good luck.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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