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Green .... and a wee bit of brown
Green .... and a wee bit of brown

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Color (Classic Editing)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 5700
Location: Butterfly Farm - Edinburgh
Date: Apr 2, 2003
Date Uploaded: Apr 4, 2003


Place: 5 out of 295
Avg (all users): 6.7122
Avg (commenters): 7.8571
Avg (participants): 6.7183
Avg (non-participants): 6.6984
Views since voting: 2178
Votes: 205
Comments: 23
Favorites: 2 (view)

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04/16/2003 01:30:12 AM
very very excellent. great focus and nearly monochromatic color. congrats on 5th.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/13/2003 12:51:18 PM
Very sharp, clear shot. Great DOF. The composition might have benefitted from croppin gthe leaf on the far right, but a matter of preference more than anything. Great, and good luck.
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04/12/2003 04:06:40 PM
perfect dof, awesome nature shot! great clarity, composition, everything! congrats!
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04/12/2003 12:38:24 PM
Very nice capture and composition.
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04/11/2003 05:49:02 PM
Not sure how his color is central to the theme of the picture. SUPERB shot however.
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04/11/2003 02:04:48 AM
Awesome detail on the predator. I wish the background was a different colour. It would make the catepillar stand out more. Great shot nonetheless.
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04/11/2003 01:36:16 AM
very nice, can i have some camera details.???
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04/10/2003 02:47:16 PM
Good DOF. I love macro shots. The detail on this guy is captured wonderfully.
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04/10/2003 08:22:02 AM
The colors are very vivid. The caterpillar is very well detailed. Good DOF, exposure, framing and focus =10
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04/09/2003 07:48:11 PM
Very nice shot! I feel green all over! Very interesting catapillar. The head seems just a tad fuzzy, but the body has more than enough detail. 10 Swash
(good luck! I hope you win!)
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04/09/2003 01:43:16 PM
This is fantastic. The color and detail are amazing! 9
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04/08/2003 11:49:04 PM
Terrific photo.
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04/08/2003 11:39:01 PM
I think I woud have macro'ed or cropped more on the catepiller. I like it though.
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04/08/2003 10:48:08 PM
this is a great macro shot and the color is strong as well.. excellent work :) - setzler
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04/08/2003 03:50:39 PM
Smash it quick! Very nice image. The varying tones and shades of green make this caterpillar pack a whollup.
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04/08/2003 02:18:27 PM
nice photo. good job.
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04/08/2003 06:01:29 AM
So many tones of green, it looks amazing! The caterpillar is so sharp and focused with the background nicely blurred, I love it. I've never seen a caterpillar like that before what is it? Looks scarey! Excellent photo - 9.
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04/08/2003 12:42:24 AM
great detail
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04/07/2003 05:12:34 PM
What a shot! Congrats on being at the right place at the right time. Beautiful, although the background "lights" are a wee bit distracting. But hey, you couldn't have it all, and what you captured was brilliant. One of the top 3 for me.
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04/07/2003 02:32:24 PM
Congratulation, nice color and sharp. It's look 3D! Very nice macro.
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04/07/2003 01:48:10 PM
nice clear image, good job
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04/07/2003 12:08:27 PM
And red and white,very nice composition and vibrant w/ good DOF
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04/07/2003 10:18:52 AM
good job
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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