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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Apologies to all My Nikon friends
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09/27/2007 04:26:07 PM · #1
I switched over to Canon.

09/27/2007 04:27:11 PM · #2
09/27/2007 04:27:54 PM · #3
Canon rules!!!
09/27/2007 04:29:32 PM · #4
Originally posted by MAK:

I switched over to Canon.


I was starting to consider it when the 40D came out with 14 bit A/D in the RAW. But then they announced the D3 and D300 with 14 bit, and I was saved from making a terrible mistake. hehehehhe
09/27/2007 04:32:23 PM · #5
Dude, what happened to the S5?
09/27/2007 04:53:44 PM · #6
Originally posted by wavelength:

Dude, what happened to the S5?

The S5 is a fantastic Camera in every respect. A friend of mine who is/was a Canon user really loved the tone and colour on the Fuji and she has not been shooting for ages because she felt she was not very good not getting the results she wanted and nearly gave it all up.. we traded cameras and a few lenses. Now she has found a renewed love for photography with the Fuji and the Nikon lenses. That makes me really happy because her photography is blooming brilliant. I asked her to join DPC..

I'm very happy with the 5D and the L glass (always had quality glass) and the extra challenge of trying to get on the front page of the 5D and the lenses page is a good idea too. I miss the Fuji but I feel I have a wonderful camera with the 5D and a great set of lenses too.
09/27/2007 04:59:50 PM · #7
Welcome aboard! You have some great lenses, good luck!
09/27/2007 06:29:55 PM · #8

This is like Yoda turning to the Dark Side.....say it ain't so!


Congrats man on the new rig.

Message edited by author 2007-09-27 18:30:56.
09/27/2007 06:34:22 PM · #9
WTF? Dude, your like a woman. You can't seem to make up your mind!!

09/27/2007 06:35:02 PM · #10
Just couldn't wait for the D3 huh? :-P

09/27/2007 06:35:54 PM · #11
Originally posted by breadfan35:

WTF? Dude, your like a woman. You can't seem to make up your mind!!


Not sure i agree or not...

Wanna watch out man you will have the woman jumping on you for that comment..haha
09/27/2007 06:48:26 PM · #12
Er... just curious but. WHY?

Haven't you bought quite a lot of Nikon lenses and gear over the last year? Have you sold those and if so did you get what you paid for them?

I'm really curious about why the sudden switch.

09/27/2007 06:50:30 PM · #13
Gotta ask the question as well. Why? Looking at your work and it's great. Esp. the shots with the Fuji. What made you switch??
09/27/2007 06:54:23 PM · #14
Hey I got first dibs on that 5D when you decide to sell it next week. :P
09/27/2007 07:12:24 PM · #15
The fuji is great yes indeed but resized as small as DPC permit I think you can get great pics with any camera and It's more about how you edit than what you shoot with...

I am looking to get the best gear I can with my very limited budget of absolutely nothing, so when this deal came along I saw it as an UPGRADE to what I already have.. One of the reasons is that I really wanted a full frame, I wanted a decent image stabalised version of the 70-200 but could never find the £1000 to buy the nikon one this deal was a direct swap for my Fuji plus 17-35/ 35-70 / 60mm macro. now I consider that a pretty good deal. I have often joked in the past with everyone about Nikon/Canon wars but to be fair there is very little difference between these 2 giants. The rest of my lenses are up for sale and I am pretty sure to get a great price for them as they are in great condition.

Yanko- sorry not next week, you may have to wait a tad longer my friend ..

Kavey- Thanks for the concern and thoughts I have not lost any money on the deal. Nikon really let me down with the service I recieved, not to say Canon is any better or worse at all but Im happy, that is the main thing for me. Yeh sure I swap and change a lot but that is my personality, Things are Things, I value life and people way above material objects. I keep my friends a lot longer than I do my guitars, Cameras, cars, computers, kettles, etc etc..
09/27/2007 07:15:29 PM · #16
Like I'm ever gonna trust you again :(
09/27/2007 07:15:31 PM · #17
Originally posted by MAK:

I switched over to Canon.


That's it, I'm removing you from my favorites.
09/27/2007 07:22:30 PM · #18
Welcome to the team.
09/27/2007 08:11:45 PM · #19
Originally posted by MAK:

I switched over to Canon.


Well, at least you'll be able to participate in more threads. It seems like there is a new one each day or so for another broken Canon. Canon makes cameras like Motorola makes phones...quick and cheap. Hang on to that Nikon to use while your Canon is off getting repaired.
09/27/2007 08:38:54 PM · #20
Originally posted by ericwoo:

quick and cheap.

Quick and cheap eh? Now you're making Canon sound hot.
09/27/2007 08:52:20 PM · #21
Originally posted by ericwoo:

Originally posted by MAK:

I switched over to Canon.


Well, at least you'll be able to participate in more threads. It seems like there is a new one each day or so for another broken Canon. Canon makes cameras like Motorola makes phones...quick and cheap. Hang on to that Nikon to use while your Canon is off getting repaired.

Funny you should say that: My D200 at home
09/27/2007 09:28:09 PM · #22
Originally posted by yanko:

Originally posted by ericwoo:

Originally posted by MAK:

I switched over to Canon.


Well, at least you'll be able to participate in more threads. It seems like there is a new one each day or so for another broken Canon. Canon makes cameras like Motorola makes phones...quick and cheap. Hang on to that Nikon to use while your Canon is off getting repaired.

Funny you should say that: My D200 at home

Yup, you found one. Now look for the many Canon issues. Nikon owners drop cameras in water, but the problems are few and far between.
09/27/2007 11:33:16 PM · #23
Originally posted by ericwoo:

Well, at least you'll be able to participate in more threads. It seems like there is a new one each day or so for another broken Canon.

Are you high?
09/27/2007 11:54:31 PM · #24
Originally posted by ericwoo:

Nikon owners drop cameras in water, but the problems are few and far between.

It almost seems that D80's are attracted to water in some weird way.
09/28/2007 02:14:25 AM · #25
Originally posted by JeffDay:

Originally posted by ericwoo:

Well, at least you'll be able to participate in more threads. It seems like there is a new one each day or so for another broken Canon.

Are you high?

So, with Canon being the best-selling brand, I guess you're telling that the factory hired more skilled, high-quality workers and trained them all to the highest Canon standards before putting them to work, thus creating a backlog of orders and holding up their short-term cash flow.


Temps were hired to fill the high order period and more crap is slipping though the QA process because the workers are less skilled and more warm body-esque. Profit drives the assembly line and we see a ton more Canon Problem threads on here than we do Nikon Problem threads.
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