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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Laser Shots
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10/21/2002 01:06:56 PM · #1
OK, I'm NOT asking anybody to give away their shots...

I've never seen the laser pointer type of shots before and I think they're very clever. While I guess it's possible that half a dozen of you all came up with a similar method on your own, I kind of think the odds of that are high. So, given that, where did the idea come from? I'd like to see some of the originals.
10/21/2002 01:10:15 PM · #2
There have been similar shots here on dpc before... I think there was one in the curves challenge... maybe not with laser, but the same concept... there was another one with a model robot too....

10/21/2002 01:12:41 PM · #3
btw- i can't wait to try some of this myself :) I think it's a neat concept and I hope those that have done it here don't mind if I give the concept a try on my own :)

10/21/2002 01:21:17 PM · #4
Shows how observant I've been -- didn't see either (any) of the shots you mentioned, John. Oh well....

I thoroughly agree -- great idea and a number executed it brilliantly this week. Now I'm thinking of subjects to pair with the idea....
10/21/2002 01:24:53 PM · #5
Originally posted by Patella:
Shows how observant I've been -- didn't see either (any) of the shots you mentioned, John. Oh well....

I thoroughly agree -- great idea and a number executed it brilliantly this week. Now I'm thinking of subjects to pair with the idea....

I'm thinking about building myself a little device to attach the laser pointer to where i can spin it at a constant speed and move it across my subject at a constant speed where the lines created are close to the same distance apart...
10/21/2002 01:46:21 PM · #6
I think if you buy a small 'disco' laser you have a certain amount of control how it moves.. these are relatively inexpensive..
10/21/2002 01:47:28 PM · #7
Or John, you could use a Apple Peeler :)
10/21/2002 01:50:35 PM · #8
The laser disco lights from Spencer gifts and the like are pretty much useless. I just returned one. In time delay shots the pattern generated becomes the same, a big spirograph looking circle. I'm trying to design my own to generate grids and other patterns. John, let me know if you come up with something before I do. I'd be interested in the design.
10/21/2002 01:53:04 PM · #9
Originally posted by Seeker:
The laser disco lights from Spencer gifts and the like are pretty much useless. I just returned one. In time delay shots the pattern generated becomes the same, a big spirograph looking circle. I'm trying to design my own to generate grids and other patterns. John, let me know if you come up with something before I do. I'd be interested in the design.

I can tell u what i'm gonna probably do... I'm gonna get a small 9v dc motor that I can control the speed... I'm going to affix a circular piece of plastic to the drive spindle on the motor. I will then attach my pointer to the plastic disc. This should make a cheap hand held 'spinner' for the laser pointer...

10/21/2002 02:03:54 PM · #10
My friend did a photo with a laser for this challenge. I've seen him do it before but it wasn't done as well as I thought it could be. So, after I saw the challenge I looked at the photo that he did and urged him to re-do it with some of my suggestions. It turned out very well..perhaps a touch too dark but I think he did a great job with it. Then I urged him to submit it to the challenge which he did...I bet you he's going to get a much higher score than me :) but at least he learned that he can manual focus with the lights on..then turn the lights off and shoot :) I think this challenge was worth it for me.
10/21/2002 02:09:33 PM · #11
I can't speak for others, but the laser shot i got was by accident :)

Basically the idea is this: if you can do slow exposure with your camera in a completely dark room, any light you project on the "canvas" (i.e. a black board) will be aborbed. The thing i'll try to mess with next is different COLORS, hopefully i can find high intensity color lights with a small radius, say R/G/B. Then you can basically do "painting" with the camera.

unfortunately my G2 can only do a 15 second exposure, i wish i have a D60 because then you can take as much time as you want. If the room is totally dark, there shouldn't be any issues when a BULB setting. The aperture in this case controls how much of that intense light gets through. Obviously if you leave the light on ONE spot, it will be quite bright.

10/21/2002 02:14:29 PM · #12
Originally posted by jmsetzler:

I'm thinking about building myself a little device to attach the laser pointer to where i can spin it at a constant speed and move it across my subject at a constant speed where the lines created are close to the same distance apart...

A raster image...with a laser instead of an electron beam.
10/21/2002 02:27:13 PM · #13
John, FWIW I tried something like that. The problem is that the laser has to spin 360 degrees before it comes back to the image you are lighting. To get a decent "rep" rate so that you're hitting the target often enough to be useful you have to have the motor speed up. This causes the problem that the beam is swept so fast over the target that it is almost (but not quite) too dim to shoot. It's the old trade off factor again. If you can figure out how to make it work let us know. I'm thinking about picking up a surplus barcode scanner from one of the online surplus houses. They have a six-sided mirror that sweeps only a 60 degree swath so I can slow down the motor to allow the beam to "paint" longer for brighter shots. I also don't have to worry as much about all the other directions the laser is getting thrown.

* This message has been edited by the author on 10/21/2002 2:25:27 PM.
10/21/2002 02:30:28 PM · #14
Let me think, a laser and a grid? Sounds like a feature on a particular camera I know of : ) How to control it is another matter.

10/21/2002 02:33:49 PM · #15
LOL Tim but the non-707ers aren't going to understand.
10/21/2002 02:46:46 PM · #16
Originally posted by Seeker:
John, FWIW I tried something like that. The problem is that the laser has to spin 360 degrees before it comes back to the image you are lighting. To get a decent "rep" rate so that you're hitting the target often enough to be useful you have to have the motor speed up. This causes the problem that the beam is swept so fast over the target that it is almost (but not quite) too dim to shoot. It's the old trade off factor again. If you can figure out how to make it work let us know. I'm thinking about picking up a surplus barcode scanner from one of the online surplus houses. They have a six-sided mirror that sweeps only a 60 degree swath so I can slow down the motor to allow the beam to "paint" longer for brighter shots. I also don't have to worry as much about all the other directions the laser is getting thrown.

James Watt revolutionized the world by figuring out how to practically translate rotatonal and oscillating motion...the rotating mirror is similar to the technique used by the original Linotronic laser imagesetters; they would roll the paper slowly (1/1270") past the sweeping laser beam (which was also flashing on and off).
Those pointers are also pretty cheap -- you could put two or more on the wheel or platform. Now you've got me wanting to make one, and I have no time for that!
10/21/2002 02:48:20 PM · #17
Originally posted by timj351:
Let me think, a laser and a grid? Sounds like a feature on a particular camera I know of : ) How to control it is another matter.


Tim, I was thinking the same thing, but i would need to F707s to do the job... lol

10/21/2002 02:48:50 PM · #18
Originally posted by Patella:
OK, I'm NOT asking anybody to give away their shots...

I've never seen the laser pointer type of shots before and I think they're very clever. While I guess it's possible that half a dozen of you all came up with a similar method on your own, I kind of think the odds of that are high. So, given that, where did the idea come from? I'd like to see some of the originals.

I've seen the shots and I think I won't give away mine by explaining: I have done a lot of experimenting with laser, and seeing how useless it is for light painting, so when I saw the challenge I tried to come up with a way that would allow me to do some light painting with a laser beam. I came up with a crumpled aluminum foil recipient that softened and allowed for control of the "hot" yellow spots laser beams create. I moved the laser by hand along a well-rehearsed path.

And in exchange for that work I'm barely over 4... oh well...

10/21/2002 02:50:02 PM · #19
Originally posted by Seeker:
John, FWIW I tried something like that. The problem is that the laser has to spin 360 degrees before it comes back to the image you are lighting. To get a decent "rep" rate so that you're hitting the target often enough to be useful you have to have the motor speed up. This causes the problem that the beam is swept so fast over the target that it is almost (but not quite) too dim to shoot. It's the old trade off factor again. If you can figure out how to make it work let us know. I'm thinking about picking up a surplus barcode scanner from one of the online surplus houses. They have a six-sided mirror that sweeps only a 60 degree swath so I can slow down the motor to allow the beam to "paint" longer for brighter shots. I also don't have to worry as much about all the other directions the laser is getting thrown.

I have a variable speed dremel tool... i wonder if it would spin slow enough to do the job... if not, I have a black and decker power drill that could possibly be my rotator... ummmm... i definitely think that my ghetto studio is getting high tech now :))))

10/21/2002 02:57:32 PM · #20
Look for an old piston & flywheel aquarium pump? Do you have a Lazy Susan in the kitchen? I don't think I can set my camera to hold the shutter open though...
10/29/2002 08:58:34 AM · #21
My laser shot was done all by hand. I left the shutter open for 30 seconds and waved my Radio Shack laser pointer back and forth like crazy for 15 seconds in one direction and then another 15 seconds in a cross direction. I ended up taking about 30 shots before settling on one I liked.

10/29/2002 10:11:33 AM · #22
That's a nice photo you submitted - I'm surprised you didn't get a higher mark.

It's funny, the tablecloth looks like it's made from tartan material!
10/29/2002 02:55:49 PM · #23
Originally posted by SSonnentag:
My laser shot was done all by hand. I left the shutter open for 30 seconds and waved my Radio Shack laser pointer back and forth like crazy for 15 seconds in one direction and then another 15 seconds in a cross direction. I ended up taking about 30 shots before settling on one I liked.


You didn't do the plaid tablecloth with the laser?! Shawn, it's amazing. Yours was one of the best this time around.
10/29/2002 03:04:20 PM · #24
Im impressed with the shots that did work out. I bought one to try for the single light source challenge but ended up giving up on it as I couldnt get it to be light enough. Admittedly buying the cheapest laser pointer I could find probably didnt help at all.
10/29/2002 03:09:25 PM · #25
I have been playing with the laser pointer some also... the cheap pointers WILL work... the key to getting it the way you want it is to move the pointer more slowly across your subject... finding that correct point speed will resolve that issue...

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