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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> The photo's BLACK, the SCORE is WHITE...
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Showing posts 1 - 25 of 348, (reverse)
04/04/2011 12:01:05 AM · #1
Together they show, reflected light...
04/04/2011 12:02:32 AM · #2
229 entries...wow...that's the highest amount of entries in a non-freestudy in a while!

Message edited by author 2011-04-04 00:03:28.
04/04/2011 12:08:48 AM · #3
Originally posted by Judi:

229 entries...wow...that's the highest amount of entries in a non-freestudy in a while!

I was noticing the same thing. It's a subject that is easy to find something for. Pretty much a freestudy, as long as you find a subject that works well in mono.
04/04/2011 12:10:04 AM · #4
Ground control to Major Kevin.
Ground control to Major Kevin.
Your first vote's in! It is a sucky 5...
Abort mission!
Repeat. Abort mission!
04/04/2011 12:10:48 AM · #5
Votes: 1
Views: 2
Avg Vote: 7.0000
Comments: 0
Favorites: 0

Going to bed now......8~)

Votes: 1
Views: 8
Avg Vote: 7.0000
Comments: 1
Favorites: 0

KILLER comment!!!

I owe someone a neat comment......8~)

Message edited by author 2011-04-04 00:16:26.
04/04/2011 12:12:16 AM · #6
Originally posted by Judi:

229 entries...wow...that's the highest amount of entries in a non-freestudy in a while!

Originally posted by Yo_Spiff:

I was noticing the same thing. It's a subject that is easy to find something for. Pretty much a freestudy, as long as you find a subject that works well in mono.

I hope people pay particular attention to the parameters of the description when voting.....

Reduce the world to a palette of grays, and focus on light, shade, line, texture and form.

Not really a Free Study at all IMNSHO.....

04/04/2011 12:12:59 AM · #7
I hope people pay particular attention to the parameters of the description when voting.....

Reduce the world to a palette of grays, and focus on light, shade, line, texture and form.
04/04/2011 12:13:53 AM · #8
Post it while it's good

Votes: 1
Views: 5
Avg Vote: 7.0000
04/04/2011 12:16:37 AM · #9
Another long week of "why did I bother..."

3 votes, 5.0000 big fat MEH
04/04/2011 12:22:01 AM · #10
I'm getting the views that for sure. I wonder what could be enticing people to look and not vote???? Hmmmm....!
04/04/2011 12:23:24 AM · #11
Votes: 4
Views: 10
Avg Vote: 5.5000

started out with a 5, slowly rising. Common 6!
04/04/2011 12:24:21 AM · #12
Votes: 4
Views: 10
Avg Vote: 5.5000

... my head is just not right.

I forgot this is advanced. hmmm
04/04/2011 12:26:07 AM · #13
Votes: 4
Views: 10
Avg Vote: 5.5000

04/04/2011 12:27:28 AM · #14
My photo is NOT a FOUR......wake up people!
04/04/2011 12:28:48 AM · #15
Votes: 10
Views: 22
Avg Vote: 6.5000
Comments: 0
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 04/04/11 12:28 am

I'll take it...
04/04/2011 12:30:30 AM · #16
Votes: 6
Views: 14
Avg Vote: 6.0000

I'd be happy to hold here after the last 2 challenges!
04/04/2011 12:33:25 AM · #17
6 votes

Absolutely floored! had to post before I (or the voters) wake up!
04/04/2011 12:34:25 AM · #18
Originally posted by vawendy:

6 votes

Absolutely floored! had to post before I (or the voters) wake up!

Me too!

Votes: 7
Views: 15
Avg Vote: 5.1429

A score this high won't last for me!
04/04/2011 12:37:21 AM · #19
wooo, mine has crawled from a 4.0 to a 6.2.

And that is probably as high as I will see for a while. :P
04/04/2011 12:38:25 AM · #20
Originally posted by karmat:

wooo, mine has crawled from a 4.0 to a 6.2.

And that is probably as high as I will see for a while. :P

You deserve to be higher!
04/04/2011 12:39:02 AM · #21
Started with a 6....dropped to a 4.5. I'm beginning to think I will never do well in these challenges.
04/04/2011 12:39:09 AM · #22
Originally posted by vawendy:

6 votes

Absolutely floored! had to post before I (or the voters) wake up!

Oh, shutup, Wendy! You're *such* a ribbon hawg! LOL!!!.....8~)
04/04/2011 12:41:24 AM · #23
Votes: 7
Views: 14
Avg Vote: 4.7143
Comments: 0
04/04/2011 12:41:37 AM · #24
It's been a while since I've seen numbers like this:

Votes: 6
Views: 15
Avg Vote: 6.8333

Some very happy voters out there right now.


Awesome challenge, folks.
04/04/2011 12:42:46 AM · #25
Dropping fast...I give up!
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