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DPChallenge Forums >> Administrator Announcements >> Congrats to the finalists!
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07/12/2023 09:13:16 AM · #1
Congrats to Smite Council II and The Fauxtographers for getting to the final and well done everyone for a great season of competition.

Do we get a prize for getting the highest percentage?

07/12/2023 11:03:06 AM · #2
Congratulations to everyone who participated in DPL5 and to the top two teams the Fauxtographers and Smite Council.

It was a lot of fun and pushed me to participate more fully; at times I did not meet my goals and other times I did. I got to know some people I had not met before on here, which is always fun. All in all a great time!
07/12/2023 12:02:21 PM · #3
I'm so clueless I didn't realize until now that we made it to the finals........

Congrats to everyone for the camaraderie, for participating and for creating such marvelous images. Also, for so graciously dealing with the technical issues as they arose.
07/12/2023 01:12:25 PM · #4
Originally posted by tanguera:

I'm so clueless I didn't realize until now that we made it to the finals........

Congrats to everyone for the camaraderie, for participating and for creating such marvelous images. Also, for so graciously dealing with the technical issues as they arose.

Ha! Smite Council is the only team who never lost a round!

Congratulations to all who participated.

I had a bunch of fun.
07/12/2023 02:20:37 PM · #5
Great DPL season, and pleasantly surprised that the team I'm on (Fauxtographers) is in the final because it came down to the last challenge, and having a higher average!
07/12/2023 03:10:09 PM · #6
Thanks to PAUL for making this spontaneous announcement, since I felt weird about doing it on behalf of the site since Smite Council went undefeated in the regular season :-(

So as he said, congratulations one and all! It has been a lot of fun, a real blast from the past, and wonderful to see so many old friends back out and participating. If we promise you guys more DPLs will you stick around? :-)
07/12/2023 03:13:32 PM · #7
Originally posted by P-A-U-L:

Do we get a prize for getting the highest percentage?

OMG, how on earth did that happen? The highest percentage of all 24 teams and only 2 victories? Geeze...
07/12/2023 03:20:21 PM · #8
Originally posted by Zoomdak:

Great DPL season, and pleasantly surprised that the team I'm on (Fauxtographers) is in the final because it came down to the last challenge, and having a higher average!

Represent the Eastern Conference well!!! Congrats and thanks to all that played...it was really fun!

Go Faux...

Message edited by author 2023-07-12 15:23:29.
07/12/2023 03:38:30 PM · #9
Congrats to the finalists! We (Melodious clicks) were really close to beating the Smite Council in the last round, but in the end of the day were not quite good enough. Our consolation is that we also have a higher percentage score than them :). Good luck in the finals guys!

It was great to see such a big spike in participation. Let's hope at least a few of those who came back to play, will stick around. I will.
07/13/2023 12:21:05 AM · #10
Originally posted by LevT:

Congrats to the finalists! We (Melodious clicks) were really close to beating the Smite Council in the last round, but in the end of the day were not quite good enough. Our consolation is that we also have a higher percentage score than them :). Good luck in the finals guys!

We thought you had us, actually... I was surprised to see the 5-0 the next day :-)
07/13/2023 03:34:40 AM · #11
Originally posted by Bear_Music:

So as he said, congratulations one and all! It has been a lot of fun, a real blast from the past, and wonderful to see so many old friends back out and participating. If we promise you guys more DPLs will you stick around? :-)

It was a LOT of fun, and as you said, so nice to see old friends and make new friends. Please, please, please make good on that promise for more DPLs. I will stick around. We came so close and I am not at all ready to say good-bye to the amazing folks on my team :)

Good luck to you all in the Finals!!

Message edited by author 2023-07-13 03:35:59.
07/13/2023 07:14:40 AM · #12
Congratulations to the winners which REALLY is everyone who was in a league and pushed to do all the challenges. We all learned, worked hard and have special connects to our team mates.
Let's do it again soon. Thank you each and everyone who made these leagues great.
07/13/2023 10:20:18 AM · #13
Originally posted by Barroness:

Congratulations to the winners which REALLY is everyone who was in a league and pushed to do all the challenges. We all learned, worked hard and have special connects to our team mates.
Let's do it again soon. Thank you each and everyone who made these leagues great.

I was writing to say almost the exact same thing Debbi did but when I "went away" to double check the spelling of camaraderie, her post popped up.

I'll just paste mine anyway.

Congrats to the finalists!

And a special thank you to EVERYONE who participated - I mean that seriously because without everyone, we could not even have had the league and would have missed out on all the camaraderie. In spite of some busy work schedules and lots of traveling, our 7-person team managed to have perfect participation in all but two challenges (and we were only off one entry in each of those). It really was great fun.
07/13/2023 01:15:31 PM · #14
Team Spleen and Smite Council are the only teams with perfect records.
07/13/2023 01:57:03 PM · #15
Originally posted by posthumous:

Team Spleen and Smite Council are the only teams with perfect records.

ROFLOL. It has been fun being back and seeing old friends and acquaintances. Congratulations to all of the players and thanks to Don and my amazing team for making this another exciting game. Can’t believe we aren’t in the finals.
07/13/2023 02:52:55 PM · #16
Originally posted by posthumous:

Team Spleen and Smite Council are the only teams with perfect records.

I definitely think you guys should face off!! Maybe next week's first two challenges?
07/13/2023 06:51:45 PM · #17
Originally posted by posthumous:

Team Spleen and Smite Council are the only teams with perfect records.

I never thought of it that way, but you're right!
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