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DPChallenge Forums >> Administrator Announcements >> DPL (Digital Photography League) is Returning!
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04/12/2023 02:37:49 PM · #1
We plan to open DPL5 registration for returning captains/teams on Saturday the 15th April, with open registration beginning Saturday the 22nd and the competition beginning with the Monday challenge, May 15th.

Last time around, with DPL4 we had 24 teams of 6 participants, in 2 divisions with 2 conferences per division, meaning 144 players participating. We'd love to reach that goal this time around :-)

Failing that, we have options: 5-player or even 4-player teams, or if we can't reach that level then maybe 12 teams with 2 divisions/2 conferences or possibly with no conferences. What it ends up being will depend on response.

As we did last time around, the Monday Members Challenges and the Wednesday Open Challenges will be counted in team scores. So Members will be able to use their best score of 2, whilst non-members will have 1 challenge each week.

We are fervently hoping that the community will help make this work by NOT stacking their teams with “ribbon hogs”: we'd like to see each team have at least 1 each of non-ribboners and DPC newbies. It makes the competition so much more interesting.

As before, dedicated team threads will be available so you can bounce ideas off your teammates and offer suggestions for the improvement of images. It's a terrific learning opportunity if it's done this way.

So let's get all the wayward DPCers back into the fold and have some fun this summer!
04/12/2023 06:43:33 PM · #2
Here's to hoping we get enough participation! I may dust off the team logo and see if I can get at least some of the old gang back together.
04/13/2023 01:51:02 AM · #3
I'm going into hiding before Wendy drags me kicking and screaming into it.
04/13/2023 06:34:41 AM · #4
Originally posted by Yo_Spiff:

I'm going into hiding before Wendy drags me kicking and screaming into it.

ToO late. You're doing it and you know it. :P
04/13/2023 01:57:50 PM · #5
This was so much fun. I hope we can pull together the PIXELISTAS, would be a great reunion.
04/13/2023 04:05:43 PM · #6
I'd like to get in on this
04/13/2023 05:06:08 PM · #7
Awesome! Count me in
04/14/2023 02:33:35 AM · #8
This could be the very tonic to get me back out shooting again. I’ll play if anyone wants me.
04/14/2023 04:40:02 AM · #9
Good news! My best memories here are from the past DPL, so I'm ready to jump in :)
04/14/2023 05:17:55 AM · #10
04/14/2023 05:22:47 AM · #11
Just got the message, I haven't taken many photos lately, maybe I should :) Ready to join any team that would want me!
04/14/2023 05:31:55 AM · #12
Hooray!!!! I'm ready!!!
04/14/2023 06:07:13 AM · #13
I've never participated in one of these because I'm scared of letting my team down when I don't enter enough. I really want to try, but should I? The power situation in South Africa is so bad at the moment that I can never be sure when I'll be able to edit my photos.
04/14/2023 06:40:00 AM · #14
Originally posted by GinaRothfels:

I've never participated in one of these because I'm scared of letting my team down when I don't enter enough. I really want to try, but should I? The power situation in South Africa is so bad at the moment that I can never be sure when I'll be able to edit my photos.

Yes, you should! :-)
04/14/2023 06:50:44 AM · #15
Originally posted by GinaRothfels:

I've never participated in one of these because I'm scared of letting my team down when I don't enter enough. I really want to try, but should I? The power situation in South Africa is so bad at the moment that I can never be sure when I'll be able to edit my photos.

Part of how this is a good thing is that as long as you do your best to help your team, the vagaries of life are understood.
04/14/2023 08:02:59 AM · #16
I’ve never done this either. Maybe this is the year.
04/14/2023 09:25:42 AM · #17
Well this sounds fun! I'm half way through a month or so of really heavy workload here hence my drop in participation but I'll be right back in the saddle for this.
04/14/2023 09:33:58 AM · #18
Did someone say "DPL"?
04/14/2023 09:45:05 AM · #19

I'll be away with no way to participate until May 21.

Does anyone want me?
04/14/2023 10:21:15 AM · #20
I'm in! Don't mean to brag, but I'm pretty good at getting last place.
04/14/2023 10:24:43 AM · #21
I want to give it a go.
04/14/2023 10:52:21 AM · #22
I'm probably missing something but . . . how many weeks? I can't remember.
04/14/2023 10:58:20 AM · #23
I'm with Nan.... exactly how many entries / weeks are we looking at? I have travel plans in June.

I learned so much participating in the 2015 DPL, and I would love to showcase some of my new skills, but with a full-time job and running a business I am hesitant to commit to too much and let a team down. Last time we had several team members that didn't participate and that was really frustrating.
04/14/2023 11:53:58 AM · #24
Wellll - here we are again!!!
04/14/2023 12:30:48 PM · #25
This was my fondest memory on DPC being a part of the JawBones taught me so much. Given the numbers I love the suggestion to have diversity on the teams.

As someone who was one of the lowest abilities on a team of immense talent the feedback from our group discussions really helped me in my photography journey.
Current Server Time: 06/16/2024 03:46:10 AM

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