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DPChallenge Forums >> Tips, Tricks, and Q&A >> Critique Club Phase IV
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12/03/2002 08:34:34 PM · #1

Any ideas on the current process or how we should proceed from here?

12/03/2002 08:40:57 PM · #2
I really have nothing to add.
I think it's going well and like how your doing the assingments.
Seems about right to me.
Your a good manager. <clapping>

12/03/2002 08:43:49 PM · #3
My 2 cents are here, but 2 cents don't make a dollar, so it's okay. You guys are doing a marvelous job. Keep it up!
12/03/2002 08:46:22 PM · #4
Originally posted by Gracechild7:
My 2 cents are here, but 2 cents don't make a dollar, so it's okay. You guys are doing a marvelous job. Keep it up!

I believe that for the 'blue' challenge, I will spread out the critiques over the entire range of photos... :)

12/03/2002 08:46:22 PM · #5
I like the way it works, so far. Nice going John. <pat on the back>

My only suggestion is to start further down in the pack so that more "middle" to "low" end pictures get the feedback, causes the top ones are already doing something right, but that was addressed in "Phase III."

12/03/2002 08:47:46 PM · #6
Originally posted by karmat:
I like the way it works, so far. Nice going John. <pat on the back>

My only suggestion is to start further down in the pack so that more "middle" to "low" end pictures get the feedback, causes the top ones are already doing something right, but that was addressed in "Phase III."


I agree that the top ones are doing more 'right', but, I also believe they are entitled to in depth critique as well... I will spread out more in the next challenge...

12/03/2002 08:49:10 PM · #7
I vote that we MAKE SURE all critique club members get a critique from another member... This is only fair since all of you are volunteering your own time to make this project successful :)

12/03/2002 08:51:48 PM · #8
Originally posted by jmsetzler:
I vote that we MAKE SURE all critique club members get a critique from another member... This is only fair since all of you are volunteering your own time to make this project successful :)

Sounds like a good and fair idea.

12/03/2002 08:53:17 PM · #9
Originally posted by jmsetzler:
I vote that we MAKE SURE all critique club members get a critique from another member... This is only fair since all of you are volunteering your own time to make this project successful :)

I'll second that.

* This message has been edited by the author on 12/3/2002 8:50:09 PM.
12/03/2002 08:57:26 PM · #10
Ok.. here's the deal then.......

When the assignments come out on Sunday, take a look on Monday and make sure that your finishing number is on the list somewhere. If it is not, let me know and I will see that it gets a critique...
12/03/2002 09:10:30 PM · #11
Originally posted by jmsetzler:
Ok.. here's the deal then.......

When the assignments come out on Sunday, take a look on Monday and make sure that your finishing number is on the list somewhere. If it is not, let me know and I will see that it gets a critique...

That's very fair.
On the otherhand, if you spread them out top to bottom, we all have a high probability of being covered.
Having gone through four on Monday, and probably another 4 or so on Thurs , and seeing where others are hitting more than 4 each, I think we have a good shot at routinely getting through all of them - as long as the expectation by the submitters is that we don't get to all of them by Mon night. Finishing all by Sat is probably a good guess.
12/03/2002 09:19:28 PM · #12
If everyone gets 4 done, I may try 6 each next week...

12/03/2002 09:28:07 PM · #13
the only thing I wonder is, it feels like we put up these comments, but don't really know if they ever get looked at.

Maybe dpc needs a notification of comments feature, for after the challenge time or something.
12/03/2002 09:34:32 PM · #14
Originally posted by Gordon:
the only thing I wonder is, it feels like we put up these comments, but don't really know if they ever get looked at.

Maybe dpc needs a notification of comments feature, for after the challenge time or something.

your photo is done, Gord. :)
12/03/2002 09:35:35 PM · #15
Originally posted by jmsetzler:
If everyone gets 4 done, I may try 6 each next week...

mine are done...wouldn't mind doing a couple more...5-10 minutes each is not too bad spread out over a week.
12/03/2002 09:36:07 PM · #16
Originally posted by zadore:
Originally posted by Gordon:
[i]the only thing I wonder is, it feels like we put up these comments, but don't really know if they ever get looked at.

Maybe dpc needs a notification of comments feature, for after the challenge time or something.

your photo is done, Gord. :)[/i]

See I didn't know :)

12/03/2002 09:37:06 PM · #17
Originally posted by Gordon:
the only thing I wonder is, it feels like we put up these comments, but don't really know if they ever get looked at.

Maybe dpc needs a notification of comments feature, for after the challenge time or something.

I can speak for two examples. I saw one on mine, and corresponded with the originator ( thanks, comment, question, etc)
I also got a note tonight from a person I had left a critique for - along with a new version of the photo which attempted to eliminate the major defect. I thought that this one response was worth the work put in on all 4 that I have done so far.
12/03/2002 09:37:29 PM · #18
Originally posted by jmsetzler:
Ok.. here's the deal then.......

When the assignments come out on Sunday, take a look on Monday and make sure that your finishing number is on the list somewhere. If it is not, let me know and I will see that it gets a critique...

Can we do it for last week's?? I finished a STRONG 121st :)
12/03/2002 09:45:28 PM · #19
Probably not practical but being someone with too many details to keep track of, I'd sort of like to keep my numbers week after week. 18,43,68,83. Nice numbers, don't you think? Sure would make all the communicating easier.
12/03/2002 09:46:50 PM · #20
Originally posted by emorgan49:
Probably not practical but being someone with too many details to keep track of, I'd sort of like to keep my numbers week after week. 18,43,68,83. Nice numbers, don't you think? Sure would make all the communicating easier.

I don't have a problem with that, but I thought everyone would enjoy mixing up the numbers and getting into the top 10 photos occasionally...

12/03/2002 09:55:53 PM · #21
Personally I think that doing the middle 60% of the photos is the easiest. The top few are usually in the top few for a good reason - they're quality photos with few flaws. The ones I really like to do are the photos that you can really see potential in because of strong composition, just a few problems were encountered taking the photo for any number of reasons, some beyond the control of the photographer. Those are the ones that make me feel helpful in this process.

You're doing a great job as CC CEO John, thanks for assuming the role.
12/03/2002 10:58:56 PM · #22
Thanks for critiqueing my photo,#20. After commenting on the submissions tonight I found myself telling it like I see it and at the same time trying not to hurt any feelings. I think I commented on 90 of the photos in the Blue challenge.
You guys need another critiquer? I'll be glad to do some. I'll just have to catch up on how you're doing it. I've read some of the Critique Club forums and could read the rest to catch up. Let me know if you need me. Richard Carter (goodtempo)
If you need more moderators for the new DPC2 let me know on that too.
12/03/2002 11:04:47 PM · #23
Originally posted by goodtempo:
Thanks for critiqueing my photo,#20. After commenting on the submissions tonight I found myself telling it like I see it and at the same time trying not to hurt any feelings. I think I commented on 90 of the photos in the Blue challenge.
You guys need another critiquer? I'll be glad to do some. I'll just have to catch up on how you're doing it. I've read some of the Critique Club forums and could read the rest to catch up. Let me know if you need me. Richard Carter (goodtempo)
If you need more moderators for the new DPC2 let me know on that too.

Richard, we would love to have you... send me an email to setzler@chart.net and i'll add you to the list...

12/03/2002 11:14:14 PM · #24
I think 6 photos should be OK--perhaps we should send a pm after the crit is done to let the person know?
12/03/2002 11:26:03 PM · #25
Ok John, it's in the mail! lol
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