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Showing posts 126 - 150 of 303, (reverse)
06/01/2005 10:42:03 PM · #126
i've gotten 116 votes but only 4 comments...it's distressing
06/01/2005 10:42:14 PM · #127
Originally posted by buzzmom:

for example taking a picture of lets say a balloon and titling it "to pop or not to pop" is not taking a photo of a decision...its still just a photo of a balloon

You hit that nail on the head...(and probably popped a lot of people's balloons.)

Message edited by author 2005-06-01 22:43:40.
06/01/2005 11:08:39 PM · #128
Originally posted by RolandB:

It's so easy to get attached to a picture and put the blinders on.

How very true no matter what the challenge is!!!
06/01/2005 11:10:18 PM · #129
Originally posted by art-inept:

i've gotten 116 votes but only 4 comments...it's distressing

I have gotten no comments...considering my entry that is most distressing.
06/01/2005 11:23:31 PM · #130
bummer. this challenge isn't fun

Originally posted by Alienyst:

Originally posted by art-inept:

i've gotten 116 votes but only 4 comments...it's distressing

I have gotten no comments...considering my entry that is most distressing.

06/01/2005 11:27:00 PM · #131
Originally posted by art-inept:

bummer. this challenge isn't fun

Originally posted by Alienyst:

Originally posted by art-inept:

i've gotten 116 votes but only 4 comments...it's distressing

I have gotten no comments...considering my entry that is most distressing.


Message edited by author 2005-06-01 23:27:20.
06/01/2005 11:27:20 PM · #132
Originally posted by art-inept:

this challenge isn't fun

Speak for yourself. I just noticed that this is the 8th entry out of my last 9 to get at least 1 favorite during the voting. That's pretty cool! :-D
06/01/2005 11:32:52 PM · #133
What if everyone ends at 5.0000? LOL

Currently at 5.1109, but it's a rollercoaster. Still fun though! :)
06/01/2005 11:37:39 PM · #134
i got my first favorite with my shot, but still...i was hoping i would break the 6 barrier so that i could allow myself to buy a dSLR
06/01/2005 11:43:24 PM · #135
4.3 avg? ouch... that hurts, especially because it already has 119 votes counted.
"If you feel a photograph deserves a vote of 1, 2 or 3, please include a comment with your vote explaining why you felt it deserved a "below average" score"
i really wish i knew why my picture sucked. i thought it was pretty good. so did lots of other people that saw it. i think people should justify bad scores.

06/01/2005 11:51:30 PM · #136
i was under the impression that submissions not fitting the challenge were to be disqualified and voters should give them the benefit of the doubt and vote as if it did fit the challenge.
06/01/2005 11:52:03 PM · #137
Alright you guys, you've left me no choice but to bring out a cheesy joke to bring up the moral. (I'm tellin' ya, between low scores, choices vs. decision, sad photo topics...) So here goes:

A pregnant woman from Oklahoma gets in a car accident and falls into a coma. When she wakes up, she sees she's no longer pregnant and she asks the doctor about her baby.
The doctor replies, "Ma'am you've had twins! a boy and a girl. Your brother from Arkansas came in and named them."
She asks him, "Well, what's the girl's name?"
"Wow, that's not a bad name, I like it! What's the boy's name?"
"Denephew. "

--> No offense to anyone from Arkansas (o:
06/01/2005 11:58:15 PM · #138
Originally posted by me_too:

i was under the impression that submissions not fitting the challenge were to be disqualified and voters should give them the benefit of the doubt and vote as if it did fit the challenge.

nope. "not meeting the challenge" is NOT a valid reason to DQ a photo.

if you don't think it meets the challenge, you can tell the photographer that with your vote and/or your comment, but please DO NOT request a DQ for that. disqualifications are for rule violations only... not for adherence to a topic.
06/02/2005 12:09:03 AM · #139

Originally posted by NightShy:

Alright you guys, you've left me no choice but to bring out a cheesy joke to bring up the moral. (I'm tellin' ya, between low scores, choices vs. decision, sad photo topics...) So here goes:

A pregnant woman from Oklahoma gets in a car accident and falls into a coma. When she wakes up, she sees she's no longer pregnant and she asks the doctor about her baby.
The doctor replies, "Ma'am you've had twins! a boy and a girl. Your brother from Arkansas came in and named them."
She asks him, "Well, what's the girl's name?"
"Wow, that's not a bad name, I like it! What's the boy's name?"
"Denephew. "

--> No offense to anyone from Arkansas (o:

06/02/2005 12:11:18 AM · #140
i was wrong. good thing i've never tried to dq for it
06/02/2005 12:19:20 AM · #141
Votes: 130
Views: 167
Avg Vote: 2.9538
Comments: 10
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0

This is on an image that most likely doesn't deserve (for various reasons) some of the charitable scores it's received so far. The Decision of significance to me when I submitted it was in fact the decision to submit. No, there's no way any voter will or should be expected to know that. Yes, it would be grossly unfair to presume they would -- which I have not done.

I came here to learn and grow .. and very slowly feel as if that's happening. Part of the learning and growing involves (for me, at least) the acceptance that there will always be photos I like or even love that others will yawn or gag over. I welcome the low scores and especially the comments this photo is getting. To a person, I believe the commenters and voters are doing their level best to help or instruct even if the comment may read harshly at first blush.

I'm thankful for a relatively abstract challenge that's given me the opportunity to experiment with a photo and notion that would have been much more inappropriate if shoe-horned into a more specific challenge.

Let the brown ribbon come if it will .. this experience is priceless.
06/02/2005 12:27:16 AM · #142
the problem is that my photo is receiving not only low scores, but few comments. i understand that my photo may not be good, but i can't learn or grow if i dont know what my problem is.
06/02/2005 12:44:18 AM · #143
i think this challenge should be curved, like the winner should get a 7.5 automatically and then everyone else just gets their score raised however many points the winner's was raised. that way i won't have to have a negative score
06/02/2005 12:44:27 AM · #144
the problem is that my photo is receiving not only low scores, but few comments. i understand that my photo may not be good, but i can't learn or grow if i dont know what my problem is.

Matt, I've not done it yet myself, but there's certainly no reason you can't PM the few commenters you do have after the voting closes and the results are posted and ask them if they'd be willing to expand on their thoughts. It doesn't put you in touch with other voters, but you might learn more about the thoughts (and details) they were working on when they did comment. You can also request more discussion of the photo in the general photography forum after the fact.

It's not really good form to break anonymity during the challenge's voting period by asking for more input but there's no good reason not to seek more input after it's closed.
06/02/2005 12:48:29 AM · #145
Originally posted by MrAnalogy:

Votes: 130
Views: 167
Avg Vote: 2.9538
Comments: 10
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0

This is on an image that most likely doesn't deserve (for various reasons) some of the charitable scores it's received so far. The Decision of significance to me when I submitted it was in fact the decision to submit. No, there's no way any voter will or should be expected to know that. Yes, it would be grossly unfair to presume they would -- which I have not done.

I came here to learn and grow .. and very slowly feel as if that's happening. Part of the learning and growing involves (for me, at least) the acceptance that there will always be photos I like or even love that others will yawn or gag over. I welcome the low scores and especially the comments this photo is getting. To a person, I believe the commenters and voters are doing their level best to help or instruct even if the comment may read harshly at first blush.

I'm thankful for a relatively abstract challenge that's given me the opportunity to experiment with a photo and notion that would have been much more inappropriate if shoe-horned into a more specific challenge.

Let the brown ribbon come if it will .. this experience is priceless.

An excellent view on how we should accept these challenges. I commend you on your outlook, well done.
06/02/2005 12:56:08 AM · #146
I couldn't agree more. When voters give a photograph a particularly low score they probably feel uncomfortable giving negative feedback, but at least for me, that is the best way to learn, so I really encourage feedback, especially for images you don't like.

Originally posted by me_too:

4.3 avg? ouch... that hurts, especially because it already has 119 votes counted.
"If you feel a photograph deserves a vote of 1, 2 or 3, please include a comment with your vote explaining why you felt it deserved a "below average" score"
i really wish i knew why my picture sucked. i thought it was pretty good. so did lots of other people that saw it. i think people should justify bad scores.
06/02/2005 01:00:26 AM · #147
If everyone had your attitude the world would probably be full of cool photographs!

Originally posted by MrAnalogy:

Votes: 130
Views: 167
Avg Vote: 2.9538
Comments: 10
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0

This is on an image that most likely doesn't deserve (for various reasons) some of the charitable scores it's received so far. The Decision of significance to me when I submitted it was in fact the decision to submit. No, there's no way any voter will or should be expected to know that. Yes, it would be grossly unfair to presume they would -- which I have not done.

I came here to learn and grow .. and very slowly feel as if that's happening. Part of the learning and growing involves (for me, at least) the acceptance that there will always be photos I like or even love that others will yawn or gag over. I welcome the low scores and especially the comments this photo is getting. To a person, I believe the commenters and voters are doing their level best to help or instruct even if the comment may read harshly at first blush.

I'm thankful for a relatively abstract challenge that's given me the opportunity to experiment with a photo and notion that would have been much more inappropriate if shoe-horned into a more specific challenge.

Let the brown ribbon come if it will .. this experience is priceless.
06/02/2005 01:03:53 AM · #148
LOL - I've had 14 comments saying how well I met the challenge and one just now who said it doesn't but nice attempt! It couldn't be more clear if I tatooted on his/her head.
06/02/2005 01:06:03 AM · #149
Votes: 0
Views: 65
Avg Vote: 0
Comments: 8
Favorites: 4

decided at the last minute not to submit it. Now I wish i did.
06/02/2005 01:11:22 AM · #150
there! i just commented on some 25 images, if you got a comment from me tell me what you think about what i said and if it helps you in any way. be honest!
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