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Registered Usershiva5381

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Comments Made by shiva5381
Showing 1 - 10 of ~13
Image Comment
Happy Side Up
12/09/2004 05:35:38 PM
Happy Side Up3rd Place
by typologic

awesome. nice lighting
Photographer found comment helpful.
 Born Yellow
12/09/2004 05:24:36 PM
Born Yellow
by sailracer_98

be careful it can melt you
Photographer found comment helpful.
SINKing in the rain
12/09/2004 05:23:45 PM
SINKing in the rain
by bairas

good photo but sink hole is distracting
Photographer found comment helpful.
12/09/2004 05:22:25 PM
Lemonheads1st Place
by terje

awesome. nice color and lighting. congrats
Photographer found comment helpful.
'Let your fingers do the walking'
12/09/2004 05:11:27 PM
'Let your fingers do the walking'
by snackwells

good idea. nicely taken picture
Photographer found comment helpful.
Splish Splash Splosh
12/09/2004 05:10:13 PM
Splish Splash Splosh
by L1

if uve managed this within basic editing rules.. uve done a great job. nice theme
Photographer found comment helpful.
Color of Fall
12/09/2004 05:05:07 PM
Color of Fall
by lilnukee

good picture. not much emphasis on yellow
Photographer found comment helpful.
Bright Yellow on Blue
12/09/2004 05:03:48 PM
Bright Yellow on Blue
by Kathryn8

nice theme. lighting could have made picture more attractractive
Photographer found comment helpful.
The Yellow Caboose
12/09/2004 05:01:26 PM
The Yellow Caboose
by SamT

bueautiful colors. croping woul have helped.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Legend of the Fall
12/09/2004 04:59:05 PM
Legend of the Fall
by charmayne

beautiful. nice background and details. Good focus.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~13

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