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Singled Out
07/31/2003 03:01:46 AM
Singled Out
by crabappl3

This is my highest rated shot of the challenge - Congrats on a beautiful entry. 10
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garden tap
07/31/2003 02:58:12 AM
garden tap
by GinaRothfels

Is this a legal effect?
07/09/2003 10:29:23 PM
by BAMartin

Great detail and expression. Nice utilization of the rule of thirds. The very bright orange of the life vest is just a bit over saturated for my taste; it’s pulling my eye away from the face of this perfect subject. The reflection in the water adds an artistic touch and the over-all theme meets the challenge well.
Great work. 9
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Go Jesus, it's your birthday...
07/08/2003 02:28:29 AM
Go Jesus, it's your birthday...
by roo

I see this as the answer to every question, I don't see this as un-answered at all.
E for effort
07/08/2003 02:23:45 AM
by crabappl3

This is a classic shot. I wonder what the girls on the left are looking at, and I wonder what the girl on the right is thinking about. The long grass is a nice touch and the over-all countryish look of this is top-notch - 10
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Are You Kidding Me?
07/08/2003 02:15:49 AM
Are You Kidding Me?2nd Place
by sagestudio

Now Thats A Shot. I had that same barber once.
Great detail, perfect pose and expression.
The left side collar is just a little over exposed for my taste showing only one small dark spot. The crop is just a bit tight on the left to me.
Great work, - 10
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07/08/2003 02:07:10 AM
by kosmikkreeper

My technical thought: This is a very clean shot. Impressive DOF, the angle, the color tone and the theme all right on target here.

My artistic thought: The model is far too beautiful for this theme. She looks more like snow white sleeping than death at the end of a hard day. Her hair is too perfect to show stress, as are her perfect nails (French Manicure?) newly polished hardwood floors, show a very neat and organized life.

My guess is the butler did it. – Nice work – 10
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07/08/2003 01:47:35 AM
Bugophobia1st Place
by Shiiizzzam

I can actually see the condensation on this poor bugger. Congratulations on a heck of a shot.
Mobile Home
05/29/2003 03:34:01 AM
Mobile Home
by simkin

I love your crop on this shot. I think it leaves the "who is this" thought in the mind of the viewer. It could be any one we know. I rarely show the faces of the homeless in my work. Im sure you will get a few negative comments for this crop, but I think it adds volumes to this shot. - Good Luck - 8
Photographer found comment helpful.
Chasing the wind
04/15/2003 04:47:10 PM
Chasing the wind
by John White

Great shot - in my top three -10
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