DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
Other Rule Sets
  • Common Editing
  • Extended Editing
  • Minimal Editing
  • Standard Editing
  • Voting Rules
  • Challenge Rules - Extended Editing

    Extended Editing


    In addition to the requirements outlined in the Common Editing Rule Set, specific requirements for Extended Editing can be found below.


    You must...

    • create your entry from images captured by you during the challenge dates.

    You may...

    • combine multiple photographs to produce your entry. All additional photographs must be taken by you after the challenge is announced with a digital camera that records EXIF data.
    • use any feature of your camera while photographing your entry.
    • use images that do not meet the source or date requirements as textures in your entry if they function specifically as textures and not to circumvent other rules.
    • use any feature of image processing software to manipulate/enhance the images in your submission.
    • use text in your submission, with the exception of copyright notices or ANY text that would identify you as the photographer.

    Last Updated: Apr. 15th 2016

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    DPChallenge, and website content and design, Copyright © 2001-2024 Challenging Technologies, LLC.
    All digital photo copyrights belong to the photographers and may not be used without permission.
    Current Server Time: 09/01/2024 12:32:35 AM EDT.