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Potential Greeting Card?
Potential Greeting Card?

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Hidden Gem -- 1,000th Challenge! (Advanced Editing VII*)
Camera: Sony DSC-T200
Location: Sanibel Island, FL
Date: May 20, 2007
Aperture: f/9.0
ISO: 125
Shutter: 1/1000
Galleries: Sky, Seascapes
Date Uploaded: Mar 10, 2009

I have always liked the feeling of this shot and am excited to make it my first challenge entry. This photo has not been edited...I just wish I had a better camera. I hope you enjoy it!

Place: 1068 out of 1129
Avg (all users): 4.3866
Avg (commenters): 4.2167
Avg (participants): 4.3594
Avg (non-participants): 4.5479
Views since voting: 758
Views during voting: 704
Votes: 507
Comments: 62
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/17/2009 09:05:49 PM
Your card idea is nice.. When in the dark, let there be dark on the beach.
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03/17/2009 04:31:05 PM
Nice lighting.
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03/17/2009 01:38:57 PM
The sun rays are nice, but I find that there is a lack of sharpness throughout the rest of the photo.
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03/17/2009 12:52:20 PM
Most certainly. Lovely scene.
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03/17/2009 11:51:05 AM
I think it's from compression but it's quite blurry on my monitor. The lighting looks nice.
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03/17/2009 09:22:02 AM
Seems really pixalized.
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03/17/2009 04:43:19 AM
nice image but a little bland on the color front
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03/17/2009 02:17:56 AM
Nice shot.
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03/16/2009 11:25:18 PM
too bad this is so grainy. just seems like it was too small and you blew it up for the challenge
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03/16/2009 09:39:03 PM
Life's most beautiful places just aren't the same without you.
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03/16/2009 09:12:04 PM
Not going on a greeting card with that much compression showing, I'm afraid. Lots of pixelated artifacts, and a 27k file size. Check your compression settings when you save your file. Always adjust JPEG compression so that your file size is as large as possible, but within the challenge limit. (200k for this one)
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03/16/2009 07:54:47 AM
well composed, but techincally it looks like a mobile phone shot, full of artefacts and overall too soft
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03/16/2009 02:22:40 AM
Well captured and presented.
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03/15/2009 07:01:15 PM
Beautiful. Love the light coming through the clouds.
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03/15/2009 04:21:56 PM
wow, what happened to this one?? why did you only save it at 29kb?
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03/15/2009 12:03:30 PM
Well you captured a nice scene but the photo is very pixelated, that probably has to deal with how you saved it. Better luck next time.
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03/15/2009 11:49:05 AM
i can see a version of this on a card, i like how the sun is illuminating the scene
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03/15/2009 10:09:24 AM
Shame about the pixelation, lovely serene shot
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03/15/2009 07:08:12 AM
is this scan, or?
if it wasnt for the quality...
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03/15/2009 04:37:16 AM
the silhoutte shots, the silhouttes needs to better defined. the large mass of dark tones does not really add to the image.
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03/15/2009 03:02:36 AM
Great light in the sky and nice silhouette of someone walking.
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03/14/2009 10:14:29 PM
wondering why the sky has banding, or is it pixelated from sizing?
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03/14/2009 08:13:40 PM
I like the composition on this and I think it has some potential. However, I am seeing some major pixelation type things. Your file size is a fraction of what it can be, so that may be a contributing picture. I also recognize that this could be taken on an earlier camera, but it is especially visible in the cloud line around the sun which is where the eyes are first drawn. Also, the color is okay, but I think playing with the hue and/or saturation could bring out some of the golden tones which make this an even more inviting photograph.
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03/14/2009 10:53:10 AM
Nice photo. I'm assuming the subject is the small figure to the bottom left? Quite difficult to see, which is unfortunate.
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03/14/2009 10:15:47 AM
Interesting use of sepia.
03/14/2009 09:58:13 AM
way to grainy and soft in the focus
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03/14/2009 09:26:59 AM
Love the way the sun is just poking through
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03/14/2009 04:29:55 AM
You've compressed this shot a little too much, meaning it looks quite blocky. Your file size is only 26k, you were allowed to use 200!
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03/13/2009 05:30:23 PM
A nice shot, but the pixellation is really distracting. Maybe not greeting card material...
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03/13/2009 04:06:08 PM
Nice image with great colors and silhouettes. However the low resolution kills it, it's a shame.
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03/13/2009 03:10:57 PM
Overall, I like the composition of the picture. The sun, the water, the shoreline all works. However, there seems to be some weird digital thing going on in the sky below and in the clouds. I'm not sure if that was in the processing or not. Keep it up though, you have a good eye for composition.
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03/13/2009 03:08:16 PM
everything looks sort of pixelated. aside from that, it's beautiful
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03/13/2009 02:20:36 PM
too much noise
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03/13/2009 01:25:38 PM
This is probably a pretty good shot. Unfortunately, at 27k it's got massive compression issues.
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03/13/2009 12:22:29 PM
Very mood evoking, nice soft hues and good sense of darks and lights.
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03/13/2009 11:58:13 AM
wow, this is beautiful
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03/13/2009 05:55:32 AM
nice tones in the sky
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03/12/2009 11:16:14 PM
Good composition but blurry? Can't tell if it's focus or depixelation?
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03/12/2009 11:12:43 PM
Needs better focus and better compression
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03/12/2009 10:12:02 PM
Can see the pixelation on the screen. Hurts the score.
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03/12/2009 08:13:52 PM
very bad image quality - sorry
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03/12/2009 03:17:06 PM
Fold it over and sign the back! Nice work!
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03/12/2009 01:31:43 PM
a bit to dark and noisy.
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03/12/2009 01:24:20 PM
Lots of jpg artifacts going on here. You might want to try saving it at a higher quality.
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03/12/2009 12:29:49 PM
not with this pixalation happening. it's a well composed image, and nicely lit, but the pixels are ruining the shot
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03/12/2009 12:28:31 PM
Nice scene, though photo seems very pixelated.
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03/12/2009 06:37:24 AM
nice tone like the rays of the sun/moon?
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03/12/2009 03:23:15 AM
Very possibly. The are a few JPEG artifacts and the gradations of the sky aren't very smooth. I think when you were saving this you set your JPEG quality very low to reduce the file size. I'd recommend upping this to the maximum you can get away with under the rules (i.e. 200KB) this came out at about 27KB on my computer.

Apologies if I'm being a bit patronising, it's tricky as I've no idea who you are your your level of experience :-)
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03/11/2009 09:00:35 PM
03/11/2009 06:58:53 PM
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03/11/2009 06:00:52 PM
it's a little dark on my monitor.
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03/11/2009 05:25:35 PM
Way to over processed and pixelized. Looks like you tried to make it much bigger then it was. Looks like it would have been a nice story telling picture tho.
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03/11/2009 03:18:34 PM
Not enough detail in the foreground.
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03/11/2009 12:54:03 PM
Nice and peaceful.
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03/11/2009 09:58:53 AM
waaaay too much compression to send to print. not much potential there.
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03/11/2009 08:41:40 AM
Interesting mood. Photo seems a little pixelated.
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03/11/2009 07:51:02 AM
Good shot but needs to be sharper.
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03/11/2009 07:17:12 AM
Moce composition but i think this would have benefited from a better exposure with some more light in the foreground. Good luck: 5.
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03/11/2009 06:57:56 AM
Great moment. It looks a little pixelated on my screen like it was enlarged quite a bit.
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03/11/2009 05:42:33 AM
cool capture
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03/11/2009 02:35:53 AM
Lovely scene, the composition is very intriguing, and adds interest. The photograph is hindered by prominent compression artifact or lack of resolution. I wonder if this is a severe crop.
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03/11/2009 12:53:16 AM
Makes me think of...
And God said "Let there be light"
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