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"The Story of the Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was"
1st Place"The Story of the Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was"

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: The Brothers Grimm (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Canon EOS-5D
Lens: Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM
Location: Cyrstal Cove, California
Date: Oct 4, 2008
Aperture: 22
ISO: 50
Shutter: 0.8sec
Galleries: Landscape, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Oct 2, 2008


Place: 1 out of 82
Avg (all users): 7.9854
Avg (commenters): 8.6739
Avg (participants): 7.9268
Avg (non-participants): 8.0000
Views since voting: 13366
Views during voting: 563
Votes: 205
Comments: 112
Favorites: 104 (view)

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07/20/2011 04:19:18 AM
I am the 100th to add as a favourite!

I truly love the contrast: the motion of the water and the stillness of the girl. It's like she is the only stable living point in the world, stable as the rocks. On the other hand, she looks sooo innocent. Adorable story very well performed.
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07/08/2011 03:50:13 PM
I'm sure many ppl are looking at this image (as well as the color version) due to the fact that you are the inspiration for the latest challenge.

I just wanted to say that I think the reason the black+white version is really effective on an image like this is that (while the color version is beautiful) the colorless version allows the eye to really experience the movement and concept without any distractions. Really effective on DPC because the first glance almost fools the eye into thinking it is moving or being pulled in. That initial view is captivating and forces the hand to click on a high score - haha - No need to tell you how good the image is - the score says it all =)
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10/28/2010 02:26:26 AM
Wwooww this photo is amazingggg!!! Adding to my faves.
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09/21/2010 09:17:32 PM
oo I gave you a 10 for this, and blatantly stealing all your notes as to where this is, so i can go out there in OCt!!!
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06/04/2010 07:19:25 AM
Brilliant work!

Message edited by author 2010-06-04 07:19:36.
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03/19/2010 07:45:25 PM
Wowzers! I like it.
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10/23/2008 11:44:32 AM
Absolutely amazing - beautiful.
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10/19/2008 09:55:38 PM
Wonderful! Congrats.
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10/19/2008 08:36:51 AM
Beautiful image, congrats on your ribbon!
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10/17/2008 08:34:47 AM
Well done Ben!!! I knew I'd be seeing your name on the front page soon... it was just a matter of time. Please pass along a huge congrats to Abigail as well.
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10/16/2008 06:55:05 PM
I just realized this was yours....many congrats on this stunning image- Abigail is a wonderful girl - U must be so proud :)
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10/15/2008 06:48:13 AM
excellent image and the B&W is just superb for this type of shot. congrats on the ribbon.
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10/15/2008 05:57:29 AM
To me, this is a lovely example of B&W, and the water power is tremendous - very well done, a deserved ribbon!!

Comparing with the colour, the dress is so much better, more visible, a completely different mood, and the only possible thing which in my view could perhaps make a difference, would be to lighten the hair some, so that we could see a bit more texture. My apologies if you can, but my CRT monitor can't show me any. The water looks so powerful, as it has texture - I think a longer exposure would show it more as smoke, which would destroy the power - most effective just as is.

I must admit that if I were going for a shot of the scene with no figure, I would love the colour shot, as they are lovely subtle colours - I don't seem to be able to capture such myself, though I live just on the coast - sigh!

Well done - will keep an eye for your future pix
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10/14/2008 02:41:50 PM
amazing shot
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10/14/2008 10:44:18 AM
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10/13/2008 08:21:45 PM
first ribbon, almost an 8, and a PB by wide margins. Beautiful shot, CONGRATS on this awesome image and (wow) 43 faves! So nice
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10/13/2008 07:54:24 PM
My eyes immediately went to this image in thumbnail when I woke up an hour past roll-over last week and began to scope out my competition. At the time I had 20 votes and an 8.667 and I had the feeling that yours was ahead of mine...and so it was, and deservedly so!! Magnificant capture that perfectly meets the challenge. I'm so pleased to take the red behind this blue ribbon winner. Congratulations on your first ribbon and a WHOPPER of a PB!! Adding to fav's.
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10/13/2008 06:46:21 PM
WHO gives an image like this a score of 3 or 4? Really. I want to know. And if they do, I'd really like for them to leave a comment so I can learn from their obviously-superior photography skills.

Really. Please tell me what makes this a 3 or a 4. *sigh*

I'll just NEVER figure out DPC voters.

Anyway, my ten still stands for this beautiful image that deserves the blue. :)
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10/13/2008 06:39:35 PM
WHOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I am so proud and happy for you, this is an amazing shot, you rocked this beyond belief.
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10/13/2008 01:29:10 PM
What a fabulous shot - very impressive and a deserved ribbon winner.
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10/13/2008 12:26:18 PM
Congrats on your first place ribbon. This was my favorite.
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10/13/2008 12:24:42 PM
Congratulations, Ben, on a well deserved blue ribbon! This was beautifully conceived and technically proficient as well. Kudos to your young model, too.
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10/13/2008 12:09:04 PM
Well done. This image drives the emotion of a fairy tale. Great concept and well executed.
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10/13/2008 12:05:16 PM
This is wonderful! Well-deserved blue.
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10/13/2008 11:34:42 AM
WOW, great shot and just think you now have the 42nd highest rated photo on the site.
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10/13/2008 11:27:23 AM
Definitely a Wow image when I first saw it. Drops the jaw just like an "8"-ish image should. As I mentioned during vote - the leading lines suck the viewer right in here.
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10/13/2008 11:17:58 AM
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10/13/2008 10:58:02 AM
gave you a 10.
just incredible
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10/13/2008 10:03:45 AM
Congratulations on your first ribbon and MONSTER score!
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10/13/2008 09:45:26 AM
Gasp! What a breathtaking photo. Fine art at its very best. And look at that SCORE! Sheeeeeesh. But don't stop now. . .if you can turn out photos like this, I want to see MORE! :) MEGA CONGRATULATIONS!!

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10/13/2008 09:39:32 AM
This is so amazing! Big congrats!!
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10/13/2008 09:09:51 AM
I can't believe we both won a first ribbon in this challenge ... and with the same number of entries too! Great work, Congratulations!
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10/13/2008 07:19:44 AM
Congratulations on your Blue Ribbon and your first ribbon. Was one of my favorites. Great score!!! :)
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10/13/2008 07:10:08 AM
Wonderful storytelling image, fantastic work!! Congrats on the Blue!!!
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10/13/2008 06:52:28 AM
Huge congratulations Ben, on a very deserving photo. There's nothing I can say about it that hasn't already been said in the other comments except go (ex)JOKERS!
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10/13/2008 06:36:21 AM
Probably the best shot I have ever seen on DPchallenge.. seriously.
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10/13/2008 05:06:52 AM
So you're tellin' me that you couldn't have held out on this image for the DPCO?? :-p Not a bad shot to forever have on your profile. When you were talking about how high a score you were probably going to get, I thought this one might be yours. It had blue all over it.
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10/13/2008 05:02:55 AM
very nice indeed. Congrats ont he ribbon, one of my picks for ribbon
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10/13/2008 04:12:41 AM
Absolutely spectacular! Congrats on a rockin good shot and the ribbon!
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10/13/2008 04:05:43 AM
That's one heck of a score for a first ribbon! Way to go! Gorgeous image.
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10/13/2008 03:32:51 AM
Congrats on the fantastic score and blue, absolutely deserved. One of the finest images I've seen lately.
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10/13/2008 01:48:05 AM
This is a fantastic image Ben! Congratulations on the blue ribbon, and congratulations to Abigail for being such a great model!

Message edited by author 2009-02-16 04:17:51.
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10/13/2008 01:06:15 AM
A highly deserved winner, and a bumper score
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10/13/2008 12:55:49 AM
Amazing capture. Awesome job with this!
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10/13/2008 12:48:13 AM
This is one of the most beautiful images I've ever seen. Congrats on your well deserved win and your new PB.
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10/13/2008 12:45:18 AM
Excellent shot congrats on the Blue! You give all hope on someday winning a ribbon!
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10/13/2008 12:37:34 AM
Congratulations on your first ribbon and a great score. Truly a stunning image.
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10/13/2008 12:24:39 AM
Congrats! Love the shot, would like to see your color version.
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10/13/2008 12:24:15 AM
Sweet! So glad to see this up top. A fine image for any challenge. Congrats!
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10/13/2008 12:23:23 AM
Gorgeous shot and a well-deserved blue!
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10/13/2008 12:22:50 AM
I didn't vote in the challenge and now I'm sorry that I didn't - this would have been a 10 from me. Excellent choice to use B&W. I sure hope you make a big print of this and display it on a prominent place. Congrats on the ribbon.
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10/13/2008 12:15:43 AM
If you dont enter again there will be one very disappointed person on this end of the keyboard. Well done, well done, well done!
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10/13/2008 12:14:19 AM
congratulations! this image is perfect
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10/13/2008 12:12:53 AM
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10/13/2008 12:10:55 AM
Oh yeah, this is some sweet action. Congrats on the big blue!
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10/13/2008 12:09:22 AM
congrats this is a beautiful shot.
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10/13/2008 12:04:03 AM
Congrats on the Bluey !!!
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10/13/2008 12:03:55 AM
This is very beautiful. I feel like the soft water is flowing right at me. Gorgeous lighting and great sky. Congrats on the blue ribbon and your new personal best!
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10/13/2008 12:03:55 AM
Just LOOK at that SCORE! Congratulations, Ben! Magnificent!
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10/13/2008 12:03:51 AM
Fantastic job and well deserved! It's good the water was only ankle deep-- you had me wondering, LOL!
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10/13/2008 12:02:39 AM
Now this is art. This photo has such an impact at first sight. I love it. I can't believe anyone would give this anything less than an 8 really. But that's just my opinion. I think this is a very well deserved 1st place, and I can't say much about this photo other than it's going into my favorites. Very well done and congratulations.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/12/2008 10:05:36 PM
Wow...this is a beautiful image full of emotion. I'm guessing the water makes me feel this way...like it's rushing in to take the little girl!
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10/12/2008 09:45:24 PM
This will do well ... Strong for composition and levels. A very thought provoking image ... well done
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10/12/2008 08:46:21 PM
Beautiful! I like the B&W and the slow shutter for the water while keeping the girl sharp is just magical.
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10/12/2008 08:13:14 PM
A rare ten from me. A beautiful image.
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10/12/2008 07:55:33 PM
the flow of the water gives this a nice dreamy feel
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10/12/2008 07:49:38 PM
He has long hair and is wearing a dress .. OK, a variant on the tale. And a VERY cool image with all the motion in the water.
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10/12/2008 07:44:52 PM
Very nice image, indeed.
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10/12/2008 10:38:30 AM
I lost my balance when this popped up on the screen. Very nice composition. I wish the model were better separated from the rock . But that's just a nit pic. My choice for the yellow. Congrats.
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10/11/2008 10:49:37 PM
Wonderful motion and composition - nicely done.
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10/11/2008 06:39:39 PM
8 - Whoa, what an image... I'm not familiar with this story, but can surmise enough...
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10/11/2008 06:06:10 PM
very nice....10
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10/11/2008 05:39:15 PM
Gorgeous! Love the b&w, the water is perfect! 9
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10/10/2008 03:05:44 PM
A truly masterful shot - if this places anywhere below 4th place it will be under-rated. You have captured a sense of mystery and fearsomeness in this shot. I am amazed at how her hair and arms remain crisp with the slow shutter speed that has created the water effect. The movement in the water has the effect of sucking the viewer into the picture - pulling and drawing into itself, while she seems so delicate and fragile in contrast. Lovely, bold move to go B+W in an otherwise colourful, over-saturated challenge.
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10/10/2008 08:43:54 AM
Great photo. The water adds a lot of movement to the photo.
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10/09/2008 06:08:59 PM
Beautiful!!! A 10 from me :-)
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10/09/2008 02:53:47 PM
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10/09/2008 11:20:47 AM
lovely shot. great movement. good luck! 9
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10/09/2008 06:51:40 AM
One of my favs in the challenge. Great B&W processing, water movement. Only teeny-tiny nit -- the dark rock behind her dark hair. Commenting only.
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10/09/2008 01:04:22 AM
It really has a moving water feeling to it, and looks like it's all draining between the rocks. I wonder how you got the time exposure in the foreground but have a fairly sharp wave break in the background.
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10/09/2008 12:17:07 AM
Very good, nice long exposure
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10/08/2008 09:15:39 PM
lovely to look at. well done.
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10/08/2008 08:44:54 PM
Wow, this looks awesome!
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10/08/2008 07:12:33 PM
I read this story and there is no girl...except the princess and she wasn't looking to find out what fear was. That being said, I love this shot too much to let a little thing like that get in the way.

As all Grimms' tales are dark & forboding, so is this shot. You have captured a fantasy-like feeling with the long exposure and the b&w presentation. I saw this and I said "Wow!" Only 3 shots got that response from me.

My only thing is that it is tough to distinguish her head from the rock, but that is minor.
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10/08/2008 12:27:44 PM
Beautiful movement in the water
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10/08/2008 10:37:08 AM
Nice in B/W great capture
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10/08/2008 10:06:31 AM
Killer shot. My choice fo #1
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10/07/2008 10:01:07 PM
I love the motion of the water in this shot!
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10/07/2008 07:47:36 PM
stunning, well done
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10/07/2008 07:41:18 PM
Fabulous photo. 10
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10/07/2008 03:52:17 AM
My favorite and the only 9 I gave in the challenge. Beautiful shot and a lovely title that really tells a story.
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10/06/2008 11:24:02 PM
Fabulous work, I gave only two 10's in this challenge, and this is one of them
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10/06/2008 10:59:17 PM
wow....my 2nd 10 in this challenge...awesome image, good luck!!
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10/06/2008 08:22:52 PM
That does look scary. Very well done. 10
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10/06/2008 07:30:34 PM
Beautiful and very atmospheric. As much as I like the use of long exposure, I think maybe using regular exposure and not smoothing over the water would've maybe shown the 'fear' better, if the water looked rougher. This looks wonderful too though :)
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10/06/2008 07:24:48 PM
Exceptional shot. I think the original youth referred to was a boy, though I don't think it matters here. Love the B&W, Great work!
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10/06/2008 03:09:55 PM
I see how the title describes the photo, but i don't see a scene or character out of the actual story. however, this is a beautiful shot.
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10/06/2008 02:14:26 PM
The leading lines are killer here. Great use of camera and shutter speed.
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10/06/2008 01:31:18 PM
Enzo is this yours? Either way excellent shot. Best of the bunch. 10 If I predict right, this will win first place.
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10/06/2008 11:36:43 AM
Wow !! like it. though it
was a little boy who went
forth to learn what fear was.
This is still within the challenge
and you made it you own so good
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10/06/2008 11:07:48 AM
Dramatic sea and creative interpretation. Very inspiring. 9
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10/06/2008 10:10:57 AM
Awesome, I don't know this fairy tail but the shot is amazing 10
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10/06/2008 05:32:52 AM
Fantastic! The water looks alive like it's rushing in to take her. 10
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10/06/2008 03:44:05 AM
This is amazing photography and style B&W suites...
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10/06/2008 03:31:54 AM
stunning shot. this is just the third image I'm looking at, but I'm sure it will be the blue ribboner. 10 and a fav.
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10/06/2008 03:21:27 AM
Amazing. PERfect in B&W
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10/06/2008 01:30:34 AM
perfect...congrats on your ribbon in advance 9
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10/06/2008 01:18:23 AM
this picture just grabs me for some reason...Love it
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10/06/2008 01:02:07 AM
Super, at first glance one of my favorites of all time. I'll nitpic and wish her hair had a little more separation from the midground rock but not a big deal. Lovely!
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10/06/2008 12:40:43 AM
My pick for the BLUE - excellent shot here.
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10/06/2008 12:39:22 AM
So gorgeous!!
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10/06/2008 12:23:42 AM
Saw this Grimm title while working up my own idea and thought it would be an excellent creative choice, but went with another story ultimately - you produced a really nice take on it here, I like this long(ish) exposure, gives a sense of the water pulling on her, gives you a sense of the exhilaration/fear. The wide perspective suits it too, gets across the potential to overwhelm.
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