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coffee with a "drop" of milk
1st Placecoffee with a "drop" of milk

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Brown (Basic Editing)
Camera: Nikon D50
Lens: Tamron SP AF 90mm f/2.8 Di for Nikon
Location: My kitchen
Date: Dec 16, 2006
Aperture: f16
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/500 s
Galleries: Macro, Food and Drink
Date Uploaded: Dec 19, 2006

This type of photography is a great passion of mine – in fact, for me it’s even more addictive than dpc (and that's saying something ;-)
I don’t use any sound/photogate triggers to get my splash/drop shots. Just good old shutter/finger coordination, patience and shooting sessions lasting for hours at a time. Those of you who do this type of shot will know exactly what I mean.
Anyway, I hope the voters like it.

WOW! Thanks, thanks, thanks to the voters and those who commented. I’ve been a nervous wreck this last week checking my score about a million times a day ;-)

It took a LOT of images and about 5 hours of drip, drip, dripping milk into coffee with a pipette to get this one but it’s been worth it in the end. For the lighting I used a Nikon SB 800 on one side of the coffee and a Metz slave flash on the other. The biggest problem I had (apart from getting the splash in the first place) was getting the coffee colour bright enough without blowing the white of the milk.

It’s around 6a.m. here in Germany and I have a few days off work. Had to set my alarm clock to make sure I didn’t miss roll-over.

Thanks again!

Place: 1 out of 306
Avg (all users): 7.6620
Avg (commenters): 8.3590
Avg (participants): 7.3900
Avg (non-participants): 7.8966
Views since voting: 312889
Views during voting: 773
Votes: 216
Comments: 117
Favorites: 175 (view)

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02/14/2010 11:19:39 PM
There is beauty in almost everything, even a drop of milk, thats what you have shown me today.
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12/10/2009 05:13:35 AM
Its amazing photograph specially when considering the Umbrella like shape of the splash.... EXCELLENT macro , i'm lovin it :)
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12/11/2008 10:45:58 PM
Awesome photo here and it is still a favorite of mine..... I am missing you my friend.....love from mshez
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10/14/2008 03:50:36 PM
Patience and dedication! You're teaching people that talent alone doesn't create masterpieces. Thank you.
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09/23/2008 01:22:21 PM
how in the freakin heck do u do that?
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09/08/2008 12:27:11 PM
A definite winner for me. You captured time in a bottle:-)
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03/18/2008 01:01:54 PM
Hey, I just wanted to tell you that I saw this posted in a Star Bucks yesterday.
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12/30/2007 12:58:08 PM
Awesome pic. Really beautiful and quite life affirming when you consider how much beauty there is in the detail we don't get to normally see. Thanks for this one.
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08/10/2007 09:21:56 AM
ive never gotten any that amazing... ive used milk, milk/water, milk/food coloring etc. its a lot of fun... frusterating at times, but fun!
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02/07/2007 02:21:45 PM
I wanna know how to do that! It looks so amazing!
Congrats on a blue!
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01/15/2007 07:19:01 AM
A very nice photograph with a great tonal range. I am a certified barrista, and would love to purchase a print around 11x14" to hang in my home. Any possibility of doing that?

Whether you are able to do that or not, I have really enjoyed viewing your photograph, which is a product of lots of hard work. Congratulations!


Message edited by author 2007-01-15 07:22:31.
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01/02/2007 10:58:35 AM
Great lighting and lovely character in the formation. Cute and satisfying.
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01/02/2007 10:20:52 AM
It's an amazing photo. I love the format of the milk drop. Great photo
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01/01/2007 06:17:00 PM
Stunning picture! Not only technically very good but also pleasing to the eye!
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01/01/2007 10:51:44 AM
Wow, Irene what a great talent and such a nice friend, congrats to you !!!
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01/01/2007 10:15:09 AM
Originally posted by legalbeagle:

Looks like you've been dugg! Lots more comments here...


Hi Matthew,
My first instinct is to join that site and get into the fray of things on the thread ;-) To tell some of them how wrong they are in their assumptions: It is not a stopped video clip, there are no backdrops, mirrors, umbrellas, no sound/photogate triggers etc.....and to tell them I'm not a "poor girl" because I use a Tamron 90 mm macro ;-)) But I won't...

Message edited by author 2007-01-02 11:16:21.
01/01/2007 08:32:45 AM
Looks like you've been dugg! Lots more comments here...

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01/01/2007 07:24:37 AM
Excellent shot!! Congratulations..
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01/01/2007 04:40:39 AM
CONGRATULATIONS..... Irene, as you have the honour of being the "Photo of the Week" at the WPL3.....

This is a n mighty image here.....

Message edited by author 2007-01-01 04:41:23.
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01/01/2007 12:53:03 AM
Wonderful image, congrats on your ribbon!
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12/31/2006 03:29:49 AM
back for another comment, I praised this for it's depiction of the milk drop in almost a perfect splashy sphere . Black coffee now is brown!
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12/30/2006 07:59:50 PM
Just outstanding work on this! Congratulations on a well deserved Blue!
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12/30/2006 11:43:15 AM
Big congrats!
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12/30/2006 09:30:40 AM
Congrats on the blue! This is just awesome.
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12/29/2006 06:27:46 PM
Fantastic capture!!

I like the symmetry, and detail of the drop.

Congratulations on taken the Blue Ribbon, a 10+ capture !!
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12/29/2006 04:31:05 PM
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12/29/2006 03:27:14 PM
Irene, many congratulations on your blue ribbon! Now you have one of each. :)
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12/28/2006 07:22:58 PM
Thats really cool. One drop is bouncing up the other is coming down and they crash in the air. I just spent quite a bit of time trying to recreate this shot, its really hard to catch it in the right moment. I think i need a drop dispensing machine.
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12/28/2006 05:11:15 PM
I am always amazed with all of your this kind of shots. Congrates on the well deserved Blue ribbon.
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12/28/2006 03:44:09 PM
this is just brilliant !
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12/28/2006 01:28:27 PM
Wow! Incredible shot!
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12/28/2006 11:57:44 AM
wow just beautiful; this shot inspires me to try the same type of photography.
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12/28/2006 11:34:12 AM
Beautiful technically, but more importantly there is a scientific artistic beauty to this shot that is dare I say for lack of a better term, life affirming; like the beauty of a snowflake, you show this, and its nice work.
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12/28/2006 10:46:27 AM
well... i knew it was only a matter of time before you took over the top spot in the tamron 90mm lens page. and you did so with authority. it'll be many moons before i get that spot back... :)

beautiful work. congrats!
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12/28/2006 09:19:29 AM
What an exercise in patience for this photograph, congratulations on winning the blue ribbon!
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12/28/2006 08:53:26 AM
this is truly amazing and the blue is well deserved, outstanding ;-)
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12/28/2006 03:51:48 AM
Amazing image
added it to my favorites
Great work well deserved blue ribbon
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12/28/2006 12:52:47 AM
All the way I watch your pic with my mouth open, you know what, Hmmm, I love this shoot.

you catch the great moment, in the next 0.000001 second it will gone.
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12/28/2006 12:27:07 AM
Great shot. WHO gives this 3's or 4's
I've been toyingwith this idea. Don't have flash,can I do it w/o? Wanted to try food coloring in milk or water etc.
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12/27/2006 09:58:13 PM
Congratulations on such an amazing photograph. A well deservrd win.
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12/27/2006 09:45:23 PM
Not only did you need the inspiration to make this shot but it also took a lot of perspiration. I often think that copious amounts of perspiration do not make for good art. But I think with your project you have proved that picture perfect, as a result of blood, sweat, and tears (of milk) can be very artful. Congratulations.
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12/27/2006 06:15:50 PM
Wirklich sehr sehr schoen. Ausgezeichnet!
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12/27/2006 06:08:11 PM
Great shot Irene! Didn't see this before challenge closed, otherwise you would have had 48 10's. Just omg amazing.
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12/27/2006 04:20:09 PM
Excellent! I really enjoy your work and these drop shots are my favorites - they will never get old. Congrats on the blue ribbon!!!
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12/27/2006 03:39:50 PM
Thank God you didn't miss rollover! This is awesome! Congrats! Even more awesome considering it was sheer eye/hand coordination. Amazing - I wish I had the patience to do these. You should change your username to "dripmaster" ;-)
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12/27/2006 02:44:02 PM
I've tried a few times to do this and can't for the life of me figure out how you get your results. just amazing!! I knew this was the blue within 5 seconds of looking at the challenge thumbnails. fantastic!
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12/27/2006 12:25:48 PM
Congratulations and HAPPY NEW YEAR, Irene! Michael
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12/27/2006 11:46:42 AM
As one of the voters who gave this a perfect <10>, I'm so pleased for your placing! This is definitely worth the coveted BLUE RIBBON! Into my FAVS it goes!
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12/27/2006 11:16:26 AM
Omg, spectacular image :o) Congratulations on this great capture, well deserved blue.
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12/27/2006 10:25:28 AM
Awesome picture!! Almost looks like a mushroom growing... great timing!!!! Congrats on the blue!
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12/27/2006 08:51:09 AM
Wow!!!! What a spectacular capture!!!! I can't even begin to imagine the patience this must have taken. Congratulations!!!!
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12/27/2006 08:11:34 AM
Congratulations on your blue! This is an incredible image!
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12/27/2006 06:36:54 AM
Congratulations Irene you really deserved this blue ribbon, what a fantastic photo, your team will be really proud of you, like we all are.
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12/27/2006 06:17:39 AM
I am glad I finally chose the winner during the voting process. AGAIN, WTG!!!!!!!!!!!!
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12/27/2006 06:14:48 AM
Congrats Irene! WTG!
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12/27/2006 05:14:04 AM
Wonderful image. Congratulations on the blue and a whopping PB!! Very nicely done!
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12/27/2006 03:58:32 AM
** Warning: This post has been hidden as it may content mature content. Click here to show the post.
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12/27/2006 03:35:47 AM
wow that is a monster score and well deserved!! congrats on your blue and great timing on your part! And Congrats on now having the highest score with the D50 camera! what a shot

Message edited by author 2006-12-27 03:37:19.
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12/27/2006 02:46:32 AM
Yah..... our girl does it, and not,only that, gets a ribbon, plus a great score, plus a fantastic team member, for the "Outcasts".....
What a girl and what a photo.....
This one definately belongs in my favorites.....
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12/27/2006 02:44:56 AM
Congratulations, Irene! This is such a great shot. One of the things that really means a lot to me is the wonderful and detailed description you've given. Wow, what an example of dedication to the art you are! Five hours for a basic challenge, and look at the awesome result. Thanks for being an inspiration.

Your profile page looks great with a ribbon of each color. Way to go!!
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12/27/2006 02:33:50 AM
Pretty flawless example of its kind, especially with basic editing :-) Congrats on a well-deserved blue!
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12/27/2006 02:33:47 AM
Knew this was BLUE, amazing shot congratulations
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12/27/2006 02:13:25 AM
wow. 47 x 10's. it's an impressive shot. well deserved.
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12/27/2006 01:45:38 AM
Wow, the top score for a Nikon D50, and a very high score too. Well done, with meticulous technique.
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12/27/2006 01:42:30 AM
Congratulations !! Excellent shot of course, I appreciate it very much !
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12/27/2006 12:58:11 AM
How exhilarating to meticulously take the time to get the shot perfect, and then be rewarded with something this awesome -- and get a 7.6!! and a Blue Ribbon! Congratulations on this well-deserved honor!

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12/27/2006 12:49:37 AM
Congratulations on your blue with this incredible image.
Well done!
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12/27/2006 12:34:10 AM
Absolutely stunning Irene! Big congratulations.
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12/27/2006 12:29:46 AM
An excellent execution and well deserved blue. Congratulations!
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12/27/2006 12:22:25 AM
Fantastic, Irene. A beautiful image and a great place for a Blue!
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12/27/2006 12:16:16 AM
This has got to be the best splash shot I have ever seen. Congrats Irene.
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12/27/2006 12:10:25 AM
WTG Irene!!!
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12/27/2006 12:06:19 AM
Congrats on your first place finish. A worthy shot.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/26/2006 11:21:07 PM
Great and creative speed shot sensor looks like it needs a wash. 7
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12/26/2006 08:42:08 PM
Very Nice Image!
Having done this type of shot, makes me wonder just how many takes you needed to get this one.
Good Luck!
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12/26/2006 06:48:51 PM
This is a cool shot, is that really milk that is splashing. Sweet shot, well done. 8!
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12/26/2006 02:51:38 PM
Wow. I don't know how much effore you would have to put in to get this shot, but I am sure it was a bunch. Wonderful. My guess is a ribbon of some sort.
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12/26/2006 12:17:21 PM
Spectacular shot! Maybe the only thing to comment is that the link to the challenge is a bit weak
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12/26/2006 10:51:26 AM
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12/26/2006 08:58:28 AM
excellent idea...great execution
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12/26/2006 08:18:36 AM
and the winner is.....nice job! (10)
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12/26/2006 06:09:08 AM
Just my favourite shot in this challenge. 10. The drop looks like a sea/rock-pool creature..as if it's growing out of the surface.
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12/25/2006 02:09:31 PM
Okay, I'll bite - how'dyadoit?
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12/25/2006 01:39:45 PM
Happy Holidays! 9
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12/25/2006 12:12:09 PM
Wow - what a great capture! Hope to read more about how you did this.
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12/24/2006 03:25:03 PM
Very cool effect! Bravo!
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12/24/2006 12:20:46 PM
Awesome, a 10+
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12/23/2006 05:12:23 PM
Pretty wild looking splash with that crown. Nicely done!
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12/23/2006 03:28:07 AM
Great shot, some color adjustment would have made this amazing.
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12/22/2006 10:50:33 PM
very cool.
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12/22/2006 06:33:43 PM
Whoa, this is awesome! It almost looks like a mushroom! Perfectly captured shot, great job!
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12/22/2006 04:16:30 PM
Stunning image. The white contrasts the brown wonderfully.
The reflections in front of the splash are slightly distracting but still and 8 from me...
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12/22/2006 12:05:40 PM
This is amazing! I hope you win the blue!
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12/22/2006 10:55:55 AM
nicely done
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12/22/2006 09:52:16 AM
This is an unbelievable capture. How many times did it take you to capture this splash?
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12/22/2006 08:39:04 AM
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12/22/2006 08:18:15 AM
Perfect timing. I would love to see all of the attempts. One day I want to try this. That drop shape is incredible.
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12/22/2006 08:11:49 AM
Excellent..... top shot here, and hope it does well.....
Definately one of my fav's.....
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12/22/2006 04:39:37 AM
This is so difficult to do. I know I have spent hours at my sink to get the right splash and crown. So I know how much patience you must have had (or did you use some kind of sensor trigger?) Love the brown and white together. a 10 from me.
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12/22/2006 12:40:53 AM
An easy 10...

Glad I missed this challenge by a few seconds (my 2nd miss like that this week) - I shot nearly the same thing but yours definitely succeeded where mine failed! I really felt the pang of not having strobes or TTL flashes cause I couldn't get my aperture up with only 2 650 watt tungstens & a 250 watt halogen - my DOF was so shallow I had a hard time getting a drop in focus. It was my first ever attempt at stop-motion work & I obviously need a schooling in the technique...

Good luck!
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12/21/2006 09:46:27 PM
Great corona shot with outstanding composition and clarity.
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12/21/2006 09:22:46 AM
great moment
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12/21/2006 06:47:47 AM
Well caught - either that or your milk arrives in some pretty freaky shapes :)
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12/21/2006 03:28:18 AM
coffee looks a bit "muddy", but the "crown" is very nice
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12/20/2006 10:23:07 PM
prediction...top 3! marvelous!
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12/20/2006 03:57:30 PM
love this sort of photography ...
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12/20/2006 02:30:40 PM
Good technical shot - how about a "how to?"
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12/20/2006 12:39:28 PM
I really like the detail in this photo. The only t hing I have to say about it, is that you could edit out this three white dots, in the coffee itself...but you couldnt have done that for this contest, being it was basic editing, so good job!
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12/20/2006 10:33:03 AM
wow, how did you get such a wonderful picture?
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12/20/2006 10:31:52 AM
Really, really cool shot!!!! Now, between the chocolate and nuts, I think I should have some coffee too. *smile*
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12/20/2006 09:50:41 AM
I never get tired of these shots. The milk drop is especially amazing in this one! 10
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12/20/2006 08:57:02 AM
great mushroom...how many did you have to take before you got this one?
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12/20/2006 07:56:22 AM
Wow! This is fantastic!
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12/20/2006 04:29:38 AM
This has got to be Irene. Nicely done.
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12/20/2006 03:23:32 AM
Oh my god! This is amazing!
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12/20/2006 02:57:04 AM
This should do really well...it's a standout from the thumbnails and the bigger version did not disappoint...love the composition and the colours...9
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12/20/2006 01:04:19 AM
Amazing capture, just not much brown color
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