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City Lights
3rd PlaceCity Lights

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Lighting III (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-30D
Lens: Sigma 18-50mm f/2.8 EX DC for Canon
Location: Vancouver BC Canada
Date: Oct 13, 2006
Aperture: 5
ISO: 100
Shutter: 8
Galleries: Cityscape, Seascapes
Date Uploaded: Oct 13, 2006

Wanted to initially get this shot of a bridge here in town ... took my bike out and rode around the sea wall heading out to town. Sumbled across this marina that I've been to about a million times, though not usually at night. Really loved the reflection of the boats in the water ... good thing because the bridge happened to have most of it's lights off that night!

Post challenge: Yahoo! First ribbon! Thanks for all the great comments and votes. Never thought this would put me over the 7.0 hump

Channel adjustment (to remove some of that yellow hue)
Level adjustment
Hue/Sat (to remove some red and blue tinges)
Neat Image (to remove the granularity from the sky)
(would have loved to burn the buildings in the back, really makes the shot stand out more .. but alas basic editing applies!)

Place: 3 out of 311
Avg (all users): 7.1276
Avg (commenters): 7.9545
Avg (participants): 6.8333
Avg (non-participants): 7.3007
Views since voting: 14427
Views during voting: 409
Votes: 243
Comments: 52
Favorites: 43 (view)

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10/09/2007 12:00:38 PM
WOW! fabulous lighting and lines
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10/31/2006 03:53:57 PM
Very clear photo. Very excellent photography.
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10/31/2006 12:54:48 AM
Originally posted by graphicfunk:

The sheer strenthg of this lovely image rests in the gradual blackness that approaches the foreground down to the very edge. A winner! Congratulations on your Yellow.

Totally agree but along with the contrast of the city lights on the other side... WoW. Congratulations!
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10/30/2006 05:35:41 PM
This is really beautiful. Excellent choice of crop. Congrats on the ribbon!!!!
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10/30/2006 10:52:02 AM
oh yes, wicked photo ... really moddy,
excellent ! congratz
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10/29/2006 09:25:21 PM
The sheer strenthg of this lovely image rests in the gradual blackness that approaches the foreground down to the very edge. A winner! Congratulations on your Yellow.
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10/29/2006 08:45:15 PM
Whoever voted 1's or 3's should have to explain....
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10/27/2006 09:57:09 PM
ohhh my god. this is good as. congrats
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10/27/2006 06:37:18 PM
This is a fantastic shot!!! Very, very well done. Congrats on your ribbon and scoring!
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10/27/2006 01:48:20 PM
Dude !
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10/27/2006 12:29:54 PM
This is simply amazing! Buildings and all!
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10/26/2006 01:29:18 PM
Congrats on your first ribbon, very good shot!
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10/26/2006 04:17:16 AM
one of those overexposed photos that work ! well done!
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10/25/2006 07:36:44 PM
[quote] (would have loved to burn the buildings in the back, really makes the shot stand out more .. but alas basic editing applies!)

No no no! It's because the buildings and the boats share the same values and colours the picture is interersting. The buildings go very well with the boats.
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10/25/2006 04:04:21 PM
Wow, way sweet shot! Love the glow and color. Beautiful!
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10/25/2006 04:00:35 PM
Wonderful image, congrats on your first ribbon!
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10/25/2006 03:56:47 PM
Congrstulations on your first ribbon with this wonderful capture!! Great work!
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10/25/2006 11:35:12 AM
This is one of those photos that looks terrific from a distance -with the interesting horizontal band of light and jagged verticals, but it also increases in interest as it is viewed more closely. A true gem for wall hanging.
I love it.
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10/25/2006 10:18:34 AM
Wow! What a BEAUTIFUL photo! It looks like a crystal city. I can't get over how awesome it is! Mega Congratulations on your deserving ribbon!
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10/25/2006 10:17:03 AM
Congratulations on your first ribbon Chad. It's a great image.
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10/25/2006 08:53:15 AM
amazing image worthy of a ribbon...congratulations Chad...I love the verticals and the colours...well done
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10/25/2006 08:15:22 AM
Absolutely stunning !!
Well done!
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10/25/2006 07:50:51 AM
Fantabulous shot, congratulations!
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10/25/2006 06:50:03 AM
that's really good.
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10/25/2006 03:59:58 AM
Congrats Chad, u can change your username to Seeyellow ;-)
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10/25/2006 01:38:11 AM
Uh huh! yep yep yep. How could this NOT have ribboned? :)
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10/25/2006 01:07:30 AM
great scott... you got 2 1's. watch out for the trolls.
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10/25/2006 12:17:30 AM
I gasp
 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/24/2006 11:16:14 PM
Fantastic color and this also makes a really interesting abstract...very nicely done.
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10/24/2006 04:20:54 PM
Meets Challenge: 10
Lighting/Processing: 8
Composition: 7
Overall Impression: 8
"WOW" factor: 7

Average Score: 8.0
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10/24/2006 12:27:19 PM
Nice photo, but I think it would have been more dramatic if the buildings were also reflected.
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10/24/2006 02:18:36 AM
Very nicely done - 10
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10/24/2006 12:03:58 AM
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10/22/2006 12:25:24 AM
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10/21/2006 09:54:12 PM
well composed and perfect exposed
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10/21/2006 05:32:57 PM
Great capture and fab colours
Good luck
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10/21/2006 02:47:47 PM
Of course I come across an image like this when I about used up my ribbon predictions! Now I have to go back and reassess the others cuz you have just raised the bar! Stunning, magnificent and yes, I predict a ribbon. 10
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10/21/2006 01:26:00 PM
great picture... awesome reflection.
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10/20/2006 05:32:17 PM
very cool photo - it would be nice if the line of boats crossed the shot directly at the midline - but I still love it.
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10/20/2006 09:16:06 AM
Curious to know what city it is.... Great colors and crop!
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10/20/2006 05:40:43 AM
Beautiful... really like the lights and coloring.
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10/19/2006 11:23:04 PM
wow. really cool, memorable
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10/19/2006 09:49:24 PM
i love this.
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10/19/2006 03:21:40 PM
Great shot almost appears to be two photos stitched together, almost sureal effect. Well done...
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10/19/2006 01:08:32 PM
There have been a lot of shots of boats in this challenge and this is the first one to really give me any Wow factor. Nice job. Great graudation of blues to blacks. Only my 3rd 10 out of 260 reviewed. Should be a ribbon and if not, definitely a top 10 IMO.
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10/19/2006 01:24:03 AM
wow - that's really sparkling!
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10/18/2006 10:56:31 AM
Sweet! My only suggestion would be to crop the bottom so it's symetrical. Definitely in my top 20.
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10/18/2006 08:03:33 AM
Nice processing
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10/18/2006 07:05:42 AM
great image...love the colour and the composition...well done 9
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10/18/2006 04:33:58 AM
Looks like the lens has created a bit of distortion but the overall effect I like.
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10/18/2006 12:27:24 AM
Pretty buy busy.
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10/18/2006 12:15:54 AM
wow! the champagne view of the city
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