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Seagull's Playground
Seagull's Playground

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Best of 2005 (Advanced Editing IV*)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Location: Cannon Beach, Oregon
Date: Oct 2, 2005
Galleries: Travel, Seascapes
Date Uploaded: Jan 2, 2006


Place: 34 out of 833
Avg (all users): 6.7564
Avg (commenters): 7.7000
Avg (participants): 6.6847
Avg (non-participants): 7.0759
Views since voting: 2865
Views during voting: 634
Votes: 431
Comments: 43
Favorites: 12 (view)

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11/09/2006 08:55:05 AM
I really dig the use of brown tones, the textures from gritty to glassy, the compostional elements. Everything above make this shot surreal, mysterious, and perfect.
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06/15/2006 10:51:14 AM
Beautiful rendition.
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06/06/2006 10:43:20 PM
This was one of my top picks in this challenge. The tones are beautiful and the title is just perfect!
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04/27/2006 08:52:49 PM
Quite surreal and warm.
A bit of banding in the clouds, but hey, 150k limits do that.
Certainly a shot I would be proud to have my name under.
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02/05/2006 04:41:20 PM
* Greetings from the Critique Club *
It figures I would get a fantastic shot like this to critique! Finished 34th out of 829 with a final score of 6.756. That's REALLY something to be proud of in the field of Best of 2005 challenge entries. Congratulations.

First Impression:
Well, I scored this a 9 during the challenge. My first impression was WOW and that it certainly had strong emotional appeal.

That being said and upon closer inspection (and after reading the other comments given), I will do my best to provide some constructive feedback. [Next time it might help the CC if you also left some photographer comments regarding your intentions, post-processing steps, etc. - Thanks!]

I think this is probably the strongest point of the image. You've got the foreground and background covered beautifully with plenty of things to keep the viewer engaged, yet never allowing him/her to take his/her eyes out of the frame. The landscape in and of itself is exceptionally interesting and you captured it well.

It's tough to go wrong with a seascape, but tougher still to pull it off well - and you do. There were several comments about the apparent lack of seagulls (vs the title) and I have to admit it crossed my mind during the challenge as well, but then I noticed them on top of the far rock. Not sure if voters knocked anything off for this (I didn't), but worth noting.

Technical (Color, focus, and light):
The unusual color tones really make this shot stand out, and while there were some differences of opinion regarding your choices here, I think it was a masterful stroke. By going against the "normal" hues, you made this beautiful scene stand out even more. The dark tones really added to the mood of the piece too, giving it much more emotional appeal. Your lighting control is fantastic. My only minor nit (and I mean tiny) was with the focus/DOF. It seemed to me (and a couple of other commenters) that it was slightly off. Of course, this didn't seem to hurt your score too much. :-)

To grow its vote?:
Not sure what else you could have done here outside of slightly sharper focus and including more visible birds. Again, your score was exceptionally good in an unusually large, very competitive challenge.

From reviewing your profile & portfolio, I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know... You're an accomplished photographer already and have a great eye for composition. You obviously have the technical savvy to pull off a winning shot (and will soon have the ribbons to prove it I'm sure!) - I think it's just a matter of getting everything to click at the the right time in the right place. :-)

Congratulations again - beautiful job.

Just my 2 cents...

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02/02/2006 11:27:26 PM
Beautiful shot
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02/02/2006 02:08:39 PM
Heck yeah, Cannon Beach! Love it. (and I guessed you correctly )
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02/01/2006 05:02:45 AM
Congratulations on your great capture of Cannon Beach. It is a place I know very well and you have photographed it exceptionally good with this fine sepia.
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02/01/2006 03:00:04 AM
Noice...a lot better than my 550th place:P
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/28/2006 04:07:12 AM
I love this photo!!!!!!!!! 10 and Good luck
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01/27/2006 01:23:03 AM
Am I correct in guessing NightShy?
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01/26/2006 09:54:29 PM
Nice take on a seascape, normally dont see the brown in these types of shots. I like it. 7
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01/26/2006 05:43:30 PM
nice job, long exposure?? great light, great texture, great dof, blacks need work, whites need a bit of tweeking, great comp, interesting color, overall have a print available
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01/26/2006 11:41:57 AM
Eerie sky set the mood here in this pleasing image.....
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01/25/2006 05:52:24 PM
Amazing. :)
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01/23/2006 02:28:38 PM
Pretty composition... yet the hue is off-putting.
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01/23/2006 06:12:21 AM
Nice tones but lost out on details in the rock mass.
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01/22/2006 10:18:09 PM
Love all the seagulls! Beautiful just beautiful!
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01/22/2006 01:39:00 PM
well done, love the mood
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01/22/2006 06:28:40 AM
Dark, moody and atmospheric - one of my favourites in the challenge.
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01/21/2006 09:10:15 PM
Love the color cast
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01/21/2006 10:26:38 AM
this look stoo orange... and there are no seagulls....its also plastic looking...and the stones look over sharpened...


I went back and finally found the specks that might be seagulls...
01/20/2006 07:52:14 PM
Great photo for a wall size print.
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01/20/2006 04:52:38 PM
i really like this shot, great use of sepia....8
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01/20/2006 01:25:47 PM
I think I would have voted this higher if there'd been more shadow detail in the rocks (esp. the big cliff on the left). It doesn't really look as if it was that dark outside (just judging from the sky and the reflections in the sand), and I guess that impression clashes too much with the overall darkness of the scene.
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01/20/2006 01:45:51 AM
Beautiful Image well done
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01/19/2006 07:27:22 PM
Great contrast in this shot, but I think the sepia colouring is a bit too strong. Also would be nice if there were actually some seagulls in the shot :)
01/19/2006 07:17:56 PM
But.. where are the seagulls?! That's not a very good playground if they aren't there! Maybe it's because the nuclear holocaust wiped them all out when it created this scary sepia light.
01/19/2006 06:13:40 PM
Excellent composition and tint
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01/19/2006 10:31:23 AM
What a peaceful place! 9
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01/19/2006 08:33:59 AM
like the sepia tones...but feel the rocks could have done with a little more detail..super shot
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01/18/2006 06:55:54 PM
good composition
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01/18/2006 04:08:36 PM
Wow - I love the warm colors. Beautifully composed shot. You have captured the water pefectly for this one. Nice detail in the rocks - sharp!
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01/18/2006 09:16:14 AM
beautiful feel to this photo....
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01/18/2006 01:21:22 AM
10 from me...good luck!
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01/17/2006 10:15:48 PM
a beautiful serene scene, I really like the warm tones and soft light
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01/17/2006 07:01:59 PM
I like what you did with the colors in this. Nice job.
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01/17/2006 02:11:26 PM
Really like the overall moodiness the lighting in this photo portrays.
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01/17/2006 04:32:24 AM
Wow. you must have been confused when you submitted this crapola. it was supposed to be "Best of 2005", not "Enter Whatever Shit I Found at the Bottom of the Recycle Bin in 2005".

this blows.
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01/17/2006 01:32:01 AM
Very, very good photo!
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01/16/2006 04:56:54 PM
THIS is SPECTACULAR!! The colors are so rich! The contrasts are so perfect. This couldn't be any more perfect in my opinion. I think this better go stratight to my favorites folder! 10
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01/16/2006 11:05:41 AM
Love the tones. (9)
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01/16/2006 01:46:28 AM
Wow... nice! THis is a hard comp... slow shutter but clear water in the foreground... Congrats!
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