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Stuff Magazine - or - Playboy
Stuff Magazine - or - Playboy

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Magazine Cover (Classic Editing)
Camera: Nikon D1X
Location: Cuba- Cayo Santa Maria
Date: Jun 5, 2003
Aperture: 5.6
ISO: 125
Shutter: 1/180
Galleries: Fashion, Nude
Date Uploaded: Jun 8, 2003

I was down in Cuba last week shooting swimsuits with this model. This photo was shot June 5th on a beach in Cayo Santa Maria. We were very lucky because when we arrived at the beach to shoot (we had planned to shoot at sunset), the sky rapidly became black with thunder clouds.

Although I had never shot under these conditions, I knew from readings and other photos that this was quite an opportunity to get very dramatic shots colorwize. A flash was used to light up the model and the exposure was set to expose properly the background and clouds. Fortunately, I had a helper there to hold the flash and be ready with an umbrella for when the rain would start.

Postproduction: In photoshop, levels and contrasts were adjusted. Master saturation was boosted a bit, then individually Red, Yellow, and Blue. The image was then recropped a littlebit for composition, sized was reduced for DPChallenge and unsharp mask was applied. I then threw the image in Neat Image and cleaned it up to give the "perfect skin look" magazines seem to love these days.

I wanted to call the shot "Sports illustrated Swimsuit Edition". I also thought of SHAPE and FITNESS... The model's boobsies may be a bit big for these mags. Perhaps STUFF Magazine would be more appropriate. I think on DPChallenge the shot might get some low scores because of its revealing aspects and because of the boobs size. So I'll call it Playboy to back it up.

Hope you enjoy.

Place: 21 out of 232
Avg (all users): 6.5279
Avg (commenters): 8.8070
Avg (participants): 6.5758
Avg (non-participants): 6.4818
Views since voting: 119897
Votes: 269
Comments: 90
Favorites: 60 (view)

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12/15/2007 06:52:01 PM
great photograph :) the model is extremely sexy :)
06/26/2007 01:53:09 AM
Wow so many 1s yet it still scored a 6.52. I wonder if there has ever been another image at DPC that scored better with as many 1s.
06/26/2007 01:31:00 AM
Gotta love models....especially ones who are a bit top heavy!
12/25/2005 11:32:54 AM
While this is a pretty girl,I question why you would not just do a total nude?
Rather than use this swim wear,which made her in my mind look like she was in pain..but the overall photo is very
nice as far as color and comp. As are most of yours..I do enjoy your work and thank you for sharing.
12/21/2004 10:09:33 PM
Amazing that a picture can have so many one's and still do so well. Good job.
12/17/2004 12:28:37 AM
No wonder it's a nice photo.... look at the subject he has to work with!
11/11/2004 02:01:31 PM

Message edited by author 2004-11-12 01:27:46.
09/23/2004 05:16:10 PM
amazing light, colors, she just jumps at you. Beautiful in many way (not just sexy) nice work
11/06/2003 01:52:18 PM
the background looks amazing. great shot.
07/07/2003 07:50:02 PM
This is a booby trap! Unfair submission! :)
06/20/2003 04:23:59 AM
I just joined this CLUB and as a new SNAPPER I am willing to learn from the Pros. Who am I to judge, however my eye sees so much talent here. The Contrast, Clarity and the message is Clear.

The thong is small....got any more pix like this? LOL

06/19/2003 01:25:30 AM
I gave your pic a 7, a high score. You did a very professional job on this pic, however, it is not Playboy quality but due to dpc editing restrictions you had no control over that. It's not Playboy quality because you can see the stretch marks of clothing she wore before the shoot. I doubt that even on the cover of Playboy nipples and pubic hair would be that visible and it indeed borders on the vulgar. You did that to bring in your 10s from those who were envisioning a good f.... So, they did offset your 25 1s. And yes, i'm pissed too that the anti-nudity crowd deliberately and routinely turn their nudity filter back off so that they can dish out their 1s.
Personally, i like nude pictures of female and male models but i prefer subtlety, i.e. rather less than more, so that the viewer is left with the pleasant task of imagining :) With this picture, even though the model wears a bikini, there is not much left to imagine. It's a 'Wanna F... Me' picture. I like sensuality, like to see the beauty of a beautiful body portrayed in an artistic, not sleazy, manner.
While voting was going on, i sure hoped that the Laughing Horse would win out over these booooooobs. Am glad it did. Btw, i got just about the same number of votes your pic got, i.e. nothing unusual in the high number of votes.

Sorry DrJones for having made the above remark. You surprised me greatly that you even marked it helpful :) Guess i can learn a thing or two about tolerance from you. Guess i can also learn a great deal about photography from you.

Message edited by author 2003-07-11 19:58:11.
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06/18/2003 12:06:11 PM
This should've won first place IMHO. The ones are from the religious nuts on here. Great shot.
06/18/2003 11:50:20 AM
To all:
again, thank you for your comments, before and after the voting procedures.
I would like to clarify one thing: My intentions in my post after the voting results were not to hit on the laughing horse shot. I think it is a well done shot, (I gave it a 7). I was just using a little sarcasm to laugh a bit at the situation simply because I found it ironic. I didn't mean to be disrespectful to the photographer who shot it, or to anyone who loved that shot. If I offended anyone with my remark, I honestly appologize.

One thing I would like to add.
I want to say that I am not surprised at the voting results in a negative way. Of course, the twenty-five 1's are a real downer, but it's true that I expected to get some negative marks beause of the nature of the shot. The numbers speak for themselves and I find them to be quite interesting when we anylise them. For instance, this photo go an extremely high number of votes compared to many. When you think about the difference, this means that some visitors saw the thumbnail and decided to click because the photo, in thumbnail format, already had standed out on its own. I suspect many people who voted these 1's came to see the photo out of curiosity even if they knew they would be shocked. In other words, they wanted to give 1's.

I;'m not complaining. I really do find the numbers to be interesting.

And on a final note, I sincerely would like to thank again everybody who left comments during the voting process. You have all surprised me in a very good way with your positive feedback. Some of you have commented on not liking the subject of the photo, but you've also said that you recognized its technical qualities and such. I thought the shot would offend women a lot more than men for obvious reasons. But the women of this site proved me wrong in the comments they left during the voting procedures. 1/4th of the comments were left by women, and all of them were positive and respectful. You all have my utmost respect.

06/18/2003 10:49:11 AM
i skipped voting on this picture as well, because i didn't think i could be fair... too much skin for my taste, but technically very well done and appropriate for this particular magazine... so, i couldn't give it a ten it deserved because i didn't like it, and didn't want to score it lower because it was really good...

that said i find the references to the "laughing horse" inappropriate... you don't have to make disparaging remarks about somebody else's work to discuss the merits of your own.
06/18/2003 07:42:34 AM
I did not vote on this image because I felt I could not step back far enough to give it a score it would have deserved. She is a very pretty model, she has a nice complexion and great hair however I felt you were pushing it just a bit too much with the revealing bikini (which is tied too tight on the hips btw) So I didn't vote on it cuz I would have likely added another 1 to that list. However, when I look at it again it doesn't deserve a 1, but it does not deserve a 10 either. I would have likely given this a 6 due to small imperfections in the shot itself and also due to what I felt was a bit of tastelessness (her nipples should be covered up completely if it's to be a cover shot..)
06/18/2003 07:29:53 AM
Man oh man do I feel your pain... laughing horse indeed!!
06/18/2003 06:25:45 AM
Your 25 1s will be from the people who found the partial nudity offensive. Not a shock really. Sad but surely somewhat predictable.

For what it's worth I think it's unfair to hit out at the laughing horse shot - like it or not I think it's a superb shot and also one that would be likely to make it onto a cover of magazines on that subject.

Edit to correct typo. Sheesh! :o)

Message edited by author 2003-06-18 08:02:11.
06/18/2003 06:20:14 AM
I feel your pain in seeing some of the voting scores! The picture is not offensive, is very well composed and executed. I say you got everything right. Don't tell the model her "Boobsies" :) were probably too big as she must have spent a fortune getting them! If you need someone to be there when you tell her a laughing horse beat her in the challenge ....Give me a ring!!!!!!
06/18/2003 02:48:38 AM
wierd, i didn't even see this shot when i was voting. i could have sworn i voted on all the pictures. anyway, this is excellent and I would have given it a 10 for sure. A 1 is insane.
06/18/2003 02:10:50 AM
i wish i had posted earlier when i noticed it--but yeah--25 ones? i dont get it.
06/18/2003 01:29:02 AM
I can't believe you received twenty five 1's!!! That's a f*****g joke! How did a laughing horse score better than this? Goes to show you can't take this site too seriously... i mean comon'?

For what it's worth, i think you got robbed!
06/18/2003 12:04:46 AM
Thanks to everybody who left comments. I appreciate the fact that most of you were very respectful in your comments even though the photo was riské for DPC.

I knew when submiting this photo that it was risky. But I honestly question its ranking position... I think it deserved more, especially in the context of the challenge "Magazine Cover". What amazes me is how subjective the voting process can be, regardless of the photo quality. I mean, twenty-five 1's ???. How more unfair can it be? Anyway...

Interesting facts though about the votes this photo received (total approx. 320 votes):
Average Vote per Commenters:8.807 (67 comments!)
Average Vote per Users w/ Cameras: 6.577
Average Vote per Users w/out Cameras: 3.250

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to break the news to this model that a laughing horse beat her in the Magazine Cover challenge...


Message edited by author 2003-06-18 01:24:38.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/17/2003 10:40:31 PM
06/17/2003 06:10:06 PM
DrJones I presume? Anyway, I can't wait to see how the conervative voters must have bashed this one to bits. As for me, the picture quality is an absolute 10 without question. The lighting, the pose, the contrasting sky....it's perfect. However, I think that if the magazine cover is revealing THAT much, then the contents of the magazine are perhaps a little inapproriate for this site. More so than the ones you have in the title. Just my opinion. Oh, by the way.....GOOD GOD THAT WOMAN IS HOT!!!!
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06/17/2003 04:58:41 PM
nice model, nice pose. i would have used a different background
06/17/2003 02:15:25 PM
could the bikini be any smaller? yikes! good photo, though. nice light.
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06/17/2003 11:02:52 AM
Well taken and very well lit.
I must admit to being put off a little by the amount of pubic area showing. I'm sooo not puritanical so it's not that - it just looks really odd in this particular image. I think I'd prefer pubic area covered or completely nude.
However, the part hidden part on display style works much better on the bosom area.
Great background and that beautiful dark sky and greenery really looks good against her skin. Is it real or a photo backdrop? Just curious.
This really isn't my cup of tea but I do think it's very well taken, so giving it a 9.
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06/17/2003 10:11:56 AM
My only question is, why is the background so ominously dark? It strikes me as odd, especially since the lighting on the model is flawless. I kinda wish she was wearing something slightly less revealing, but that's just me. Oh, and why the border? It goes well with the color of her bikini, but this isn't National Geographic.
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06/17/2003 06:46:54 AM
Fantastic image, great detail till we get to the reflections in her hair. Great model, expression and composition. Would have been nice to show full length, but I don't think the photographer wanted that. Great imgae though.
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06/17/2003 12:56:34 AM
Gorgeous girl. I think definatly Stuff Magazine. Playboy would work if the outfit was different, and she had blonde hair.
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06/16/2003 09:18:10 PM
maybe a little too much nipple and "love path" for stuff, but could certainly see it on a racier magazine cover. I love how you have gotten her skin to look so smooth, I guess that's the neat image. Composition is very nice, and I like the simple background, the blue looks good against the yellow.
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06/16/2003 09:10:03 PM
Great photo! Out-takes please...............
06/16/2003 05:51:45 PM
rest of series pleaze lol!1!11!! this is teh pr0n
06/16/2003 05:33:09 PM
nice shot :-)
06/16/2003 11:27:33 AM
i dont know about stuff, but I know that playboy claims to be "classy".. this shot is showing a little too much to fit into a "classy" playboy cover. other than that, both the exposure and color are pretty damn good.
06/16/2003 07:55:20 AM
Wow, would suit 'Stuff' magazine very well, not sure about Playboy though... this model is a bit too edgy for Playboy. Great hair, nice saturation. The dark, brooding background works well. Good lighting. Love the model's attitude. 10
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06/16/2003 12:21:36 AM
UMm-- ugg-, oh my!! uhh- 10!
06/15/2003 11:13:45 PM
All I can say is WOW!
You get a 15.
Outstanding quality, outstanding model.
My one and only 10 for the challenge.
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06/15/2003 04:33:32 PM
Drool, drool, drool!
06/15/2003 03:00:32 PM
wo. a 10 for a 10. Great shot. This must be Dr Jones, aka lucky sumbitch. Good work. This might sound crazy, but the bikini is a bit small. Would like to see her covered up a tad more, or completely nude. Good luck. Jacko. 10
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06/15/2003 12:22:51 PM
I find it difficult to believe that this picture has not been through some airbrushing. In any case, despite not particularly liking the picture it is tack-sharp and has a very close approximation to the kind of cover photos we are trying to take. 10.
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06/14/2003 07:09:54 PM
A nicely done portrait. Bonus points for the title =P
06/14/2003 05:55:29 PM
I think this would work well for Stuff. I just wish that background sky wasnt so dark, we kind of lose her hair in some places. Great shot DrJones. You can't really lose with this girl...
06/14/2003 04:05:18 PM
A high quality image. A bit racy for this site, but well done. The darker tropical background highlights your subject;as if she needs more to attract the viewer's eye to her. :)

Good technical quality, focus and lighting.
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06/14/2003 07:52:53 AM
Great image, suits the theme of this week's challenge very well. 8 Morgan [wow]
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06/14/2003 07:37:20 AM
I could see that on a cover. Great lighting, pose and model. Very professional. 10.
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06/14/2003 06:04:39 AM
A nice model with a good expression considering the magazine(s). The contrast between the background and foreground works quite well.
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06/14/2003 01:52:25 AM
Good God, i never thought i'd see this here. 10.
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06/13/2003 11:51:51 PM
Great color contrast, ok, great model as well. Amazingly I'm drawn to her hair, I know.... I don't believe it either, but the coloring in her hair really stands out.
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06/13/2003 09:58:59 PM
at this time I think we all know very well this model!
very professional shot
06/13/2003 06:33:12 PM
Oh dear, I'll never be able to think of trinity the same way again. = )
Just kidding. For what it is, it's well done. I particularly like how the sky is overcast in the background with what looks like stormy weather on the way. It's a nice change from the norm. This is probably one of the few shots I could actually see as making it onto a magazine cover. However, I think this style of photograph has a limited extent of artistic accomplishment, no matter how well you do it. (By that I don't mean nude or errotic photography, I mean cover girl straightforward pose cheesecake photography). So... how about a 7.
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06/13/2003 06:17:54 PM
she's pretty, but her suit is not fitting her at all. see how her boob is falling out the bottom on the right side of the photo (her left boob). also, see how tight it is around the bottoms?? It's making an indent in her hip. not very attractive at all. it's like when a girls bra is too small, and it makes these ripples in her back. ugh.
Anyway, the shot is beautiful. it really is. the sky is perfect, the skin tones are really good, and she's fake looking enough to really be on the cover of a magazine.
Something else that is bothering me though, is this tiny mark above her strap on the bottoms. looks like a tattoo that was covered up, or like she missed a patch of hair when shaving or something. it's right above the little plastic circle on the left of her bottoms. (her right) Great shot anyway.
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06/13/2003 04:40:08 PM
Although those magazines are not known for being overly classy. I can't imagine they would allow that much nudity on the cover. A well-done photo though.
06/13/2003 03:54:46 PM
Very good skin tones, lots of vavva-va-voom! 10 Rob the Swash
06/13/2003 11:35:42 AM
the border detracts - You don't want to draw the viewers eyes away from the yellow bathing suit with a competeing yellow
06/13/2003 07:38:06 AM
What can i say...Nice even lighting, great shot, Fantastic choice of subject.
Is the background real or a screen?
Definitely would catch your eye on a magazine stand.
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06/13/2003 03:40:23 AM
Amm Do U need an assistant ?
06/13/2003 01:13:25 AM
Looks more like Hustler then Playboy. :) Great lighting but the background doesn't look real (magazine quality). Nice job anyway.
06/12/2003 11:24:39 PM
holy moly
06/12/2003 10:50:19 PM
I think this would be best on stuff....good image
06/12/2003 06:48:45 PM
really nice, I love the lighting, where did u find this model?? my god... I WOULD BUY THIS MAGAZINE!!!
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06/12/2003 06:16:05 PM
06/12/2003 06:02:03 PM
Wow, what an entry. Great lighting, focus, and superb color. The model is posed very nicely, and conveys pure sexuality which would make this a great Playboy cover. :)
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06/12/2003 05:25:27 PM
Beautiful model, Excellent shot, skin tones are great, just a first rate shot-10
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06/12/2003 04:44:28 PM
Not my favorite choice of subjec matter, but a very well done composition.
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06/12/2003 11:59:12 AM
Sexy, great lighting and very professional looking. 10
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06/12/2003 08:39:42 AM
dpprints anyone? :)
06/12/2003 08:14:30 AM
Awesome color. Love the sky. 10.
06/12/2003 06:36:52 AM
this is comical
06/12/2003 03:40:36 AM
Definately a cover girl, 10 from me!
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06/12/2003 01:18:33 AM
nice 9
06/11/2003 11:20:13 PM
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06/11/2003 11:09:26 PM
Well done, good pose. A couple of things bother me though. her "crack" is peeking out at the top of her suit and the shadow cast on her boob by her other boob, a little fill light on your right would have helped fill this in. Otherwise an excellent shot.
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06/11/2003 09:49:29 PM
I thought I had a screen on here to protect me from this. Gee what can I say? Nice whore?
06/11/2003 09:37:43 PM
God Bless America! Your image: a 10 - your model: a 10 too!
06/11/2003 09:21:30 PM
nice contrasted image that what I like little shadow on her nose other than that a 10 but a 9 with the shadow beautiful model
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06/11/2003 09:00:38 PM
Ya, well, she does have the stuff! I think the little finger on the right hand should be under the strap, but everything else seems faultless for your genre.
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06/11/2003 08:50:09 PM
Wow... lucky you having someone like that to model for you! I could definitely see this on the cover of Playboy... I love how you got down and shot up making her bigger than all of the scrub and stuff behind her. Also the dramatic blue of the sky is awesome. Great lighting... everything is done really well here. You'll prolly get cut down by some for the nudity, but others will rate you up for it. I'm not offended, because I knew there was going to be some playboy stuff like this in this challenge. I don't specifically care for the border, I think it could have done without. Nice job though... and tell your model to call playboy ;-)
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06/11/2003 06:03:38 PM
06/11/2003 06:00:54 PM
I want to shot this one... nice setup
06/11/2003 01:10:11 PM
wojow.. =) very nice shoot.. =)
06/11/2003 12:43:10 PM
Nice shot, very glamour, beautiful model, perfect lightning. Keep it coming! 10
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06/11/2003 11:49:52 AM
yeah, um, i'd say this is a 10
06/11/2003 11:38:30 AM
Oh my! It's rather hard to say much beyond that! Nice job with the DOF, which is of course what I'm concentrating on here. Beautiful model, and great job of getting the skin tones and sharpness right on! I guess my only nitpick would be a couple of the shadows -- on her right leg and upper body. They might be a bit over-done.
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06/11/2003 11:06:48 AM
Great. good light, cute girl, good composition, pose! good clean shot.
06/11/2003 09:31:58 AM
Is this a self portrait ???
06/11/2003 08:49:07 AM
Great shot! Very provokative! It has an intimate quality to it. And the contrast with the dark clouds really brings our focus back to the model! 9 :o)
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06/11/2003 02:26:43 AM
06/11/2003 01:48:48 AM
It's taking a great deal of concentration to focus on the photographic elements here. . .
I'm bothered by the strong shadows on the inside thigh and between the breasts. But not too much.
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