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End of the Line
End of the Line

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Perspective (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-D30
Location: Southern Illinois
Date: Feb 9, 2003
Aperture: f22
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/6th of a second
Date Uploaded: Feb 9, 2003

Not much to tell. Real dark subject on real Hazy, Snowy day. Metered off the darkest part of the wood and went about +3 or 4 stops. Blew everything out.

Place: 4 out of 94
Avg (all users): 7.0556
Avg (commenters): 8.1176
Avg (participants): 6.9296
Avg (non-participants): 7.2973
Views since voting: 3900
Votes: 108
Comments: 21
Favorites: 9 (view)

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03/18/2005 03:05:28 PM
Love the "stuff" in front; I adore this whole image.
02/17/2003 10:21:12 PM
great work, Dave :)
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02/17/2003 12:41:00 PM
Thanks to all the wonderful comments on this image. I knew the "stuff" in front would be a like or don't like thing. This is the way it was by the way, no set up involved. This is a new spur they are putting in to a factory in town and all the stuff was just laying there... Thanks again... Dave
 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/16/2003 10:56:27 PM
Nice focusing on the foreground objects and then letting the viewer wander down the tracks.
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02/16/2003 03:48:28 PM
I think the foreground objects detract from a otherwise fine photo.
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02/16/2003 11:05:42 AM
One of my favs this week. The color is brilliant, and the perspective is awesome. I wish there was a bit of color in the sky. Great job nonetheless...good luck :)
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02/16/2003 09:40:10 AM
This is really nice. I love all the textures. The overexposed look adds to the bleakness, so it works. That's some real perspective there.
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02/14/2003 05:39:20 PM
Well, I guess so! Good perspective shot. Framing is good, oooh, while commenting, I tried a little different crop that I really like better where the top is cropped just below the horizon (flat pic like this, that works really well) I think the buildings are not needed, but seeing the tracks disappear at the edge of the frame seems more exciting to me (more infinate). Focus is very strong. Color - well, the rust looks like rust, so it's good, too. Easy 8 - Swash
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02/13/2003 03:53:09 PM
LIke the use of foreground elements - I wonder if just the bolts on the sleeper would have simplified things and made it more dramatic ?
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02/13/2003 09:21:17 AM
The positioning and choice of this subject are great. The dark colors along with the burnt orange rust color against the snow, it all adds up to be a very good choice for this weeks challenge... 10! - xertion
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02/12/2003 11:00:56 PM
That's a great picture... did you arrange those peices at the bottom or were they like that? Anyway, great!!
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02/12/2003 03:24:28 PM
Though I like the "story" the debris in front adds, I think it would have been effective to crop it out so that the tracks run into the corner.
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02/12/2003 11:20:37 AM
ah.. nice twist to the railroad track shot. like how it is centered. my eye begins at the scattered hardware, and then shoots to the distance.. then is inevitably brought back to the hardware again. do you have any outtakes taken from the opposite direction with the hardware in the background? just curious. I'd like to compare the two if you have it.
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02/11/2003 04:14:54 PM
nice shot, old warn out subject though...still scores high with me. Hope you cleaned that track off when you were done shooting!...LOL
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02/11/2003 09:00:26 AM
The picture is very good, I don't like much the huge frame though but a very nice image!
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02/11/2003 01:43:39 AM
always a good idea to work rust into a photo, signs of time and age are compelling. picked just the right spot, just the right crop.
borders don't really do anything for me, but everybody else is using them,
so after this week you won't hear any more moaning about it. go for what you know.
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02/10/2003 10:59:54 PM
Beautiful. Nice job with the rusty pieces. You may have been able to crop a little more of the sky out for more impact though.
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02/10/2003 09:16:04 PM
great color and dof! a favorite this week!
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02/10/2003 06:44:24 PM
Very nice angles. Really like the way the tow rails converge. I like the inclusion of the rusty metal bolts and plates in front. Good just with the saturation of the rust. Jacko. 9
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02/10/2003 05:22:44 PM
excellent perspective shot... the deep depth of field works very well here also... the symmetry of the tracks and the clutter in the bottom of the frame offset each other nicely... great shot :) - setzler
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02/10/2003 12:40:05 PM
The colors are excellent and the bolts laying about really add something 'different' to the shot of tracks that we see so often. Nice work. 8
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