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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> There's a Hole in my score.
Showing posts 1 - 14 of 14, (reverse)
06/28/2018 06:40:09 AM · #1
Votes: 18
Views: 35
Avg Vote: 4.7778
Comments: 0

Pretty much just tossed something in for the heck of it ... could end up with a fancy ribbon (brown) for it. HA! :-)
06/28/2018 07:17:20 AM · #2
Didn't have too high expectations for this one, so it's okay:

Votes: 19
Views: 33
Avg Vote: 5.2105
Comments: 0
06/28/2018 07:22:03 AM · #3
Votes: 20
Views: 32
Avg Vote: 5.0000
Comments: 0

All in the same boat, late entry, didn't have high hopes for, about where I thought it would be
06/28/2018 07:33:50 AM · #4
Votes: 20
Views: 42
Avg Vote:5.5000

I liked my entry oh will, first entry in few years. My bags entry is doing better. :)
06/28/2018 10:15:45 AM · #5
Originally posted by glad2badad:

Votes: 18
Views: 35
Avg Vote: 4.7778
Comments: 0

Pretty much just tossed something in for the heck of it ... could end up with a fancy ribbon (brown) for it. HA! :-)

Votes: 21
Views: 38
Avg Vote: 4.7143
Comments: 0
06/28/2018 11:07:25 AM · #6
Sorry Barry, hope you didn't have your heart set on that ribbon. I've got you beat lol. I didn't think mine was THIS bad but c'est la vie!

Votes: 22
Views: 37
Avg Vote: 4.0455
06/28/2018 11:32:08 AM · #7
Still 5 1/2 days of voting left. I could still catch you. :-P
06/28/2018 01:06:25 PM · #8
Votes: 25
Views: 40
Avg Vote: 5.0800
Comments: 0

I was completely wrong on this one.
06/28/2018 01:13:15 PM · #9
Wow! I thought my score was bad, until I saw all of these! Ha!

Votes: 25
Views: 45
Avg Vote: 5.5200
Comments: 0
06/29/2018 10:32:38 AM · #10
Votes: 31
Views: 52
Avg Vote: 6.0968
Comments: 0

So far this is turning out to be my best challenge ever.

Message edited by author 2018-06-29 10:33:15.
06/29/2018 06:37:29 PM · #11
Mine is turning into a race for the brown
07/01/2018 12:15:15 AM · #12
Votes: 46
Views: 84
Avg Vote: 6.0652
Comments: 0
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 07/01/18 12:14 am

07/02/2018 11:54:45 AM · #13
Holding steady in the low 6's

Votes: 62
Views: 89
Avg Vote: 6.2581
07/02/2018 12:09:43 PM · #14
Came up some ...

Votes: 57
Views: 91
Avg Vote: 5.1053
Comments: 0
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