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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Album Cover
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 60, (reverse)
01/16/2014 10:40:57 AM · #1
It's a bit difficult to create a cover without including text!

Any thoughts?
01/16/2014 10:57:07 AM · #2
Not really, its called a photograph.
01/16/2014 11:01:38 AM · #3
Originally posted by GeneralE:

Originally posted by illini75:

Yes but it doesn't say text is allowed on this challenge

Under the current rules you can print out some text, take a picture of it (high-contrast recommended!), delete the background, and paste the remaining text onto your image.

It is also still *possible* (but not certain) that the special rule allowing text to be entered directly will be added later ... keep your fingers crossed and save your text file ... :-)
01/16/2014 12:28:42 PM · #4
Originally posted by Tiny:

Originally posted by GeneralE:

Originally posted by illini75:

Yes but it doesn't say text is allowed on this challenge

Under the current rules you can print out some text, take a picture of it (high-contrast recommended!), delete the background, and paste the remaining text onto your image.

It is also still *possible* (but not certain) that the special rule allowing text to be entered directly will be added later ... keep your fingers crossed and save your text file ... :-)

It would be a lot easier if they would just add a special ruleset
01/16/2014 12:38:51 PM · #5
Originally posted by illini75:

Originally posted by Tiny:

Originally posted by GeneralE:

Originally posted by illini75:

Yes but it doesn't say text is allowed on this challenge

Under the current rules you can print out some text, take a picture of it (high-contrast recommended!), delete the background, and paste the remaining text onto your image.

It is also still *possible* (but not certain) that the special rule allowing text to be entered directly will be added later ... keep your fingers crossed and save your text file ... :-)

It would be a lot easier if they would just add a special ruleset

But no where near as much fun.
01/16/2014 06:47:08 PM · #6
Text is a kinda sorta IMPORTANT design element, especially in a challenge like that.

If peeps can be bothered to do so, google album covers for, say, 1970s Yes and Led Zeppelin respectively. The fonts couldn't be farther apart in terms of style, like the bands represented. The lush, fat font used for Yes albums of that era contrast sharply with the more angular linear fonts of Led Zep.

Langdon, are you listening?!

Message edited by author 2014-01-16 18:48:23.
01/16/2014 06:50:54 PM · #7
Originally posted by snaffles:

Text is a kinda sorta IMPORTANT design element, especially in a challenge like that.

If peeps can be bothered to do so, google album covers for, say, 1970s Yes and Led Zeppelin respectively. The fonts couldn't be farther apart in terms of style, like the bands represented. The lush, fat font used for Yes albums of that era contrast sharply with the more angular linear fonts of Led Zep.

Langdon, are you listening?!

I have to agree. Text on album covers adds to the design. If we can't use text then this is just a free study
01/17/2014 01:25:14 AM · #8
I totally am baffled as to how i could make a photo look like an album cover without at least a name of the band or album somewhere on it..

Pm'ed admin as well

Message edited by author 2014-01-17 02:11:05.
01/17/2014 01:33:02 AM · #9
I sent an admin request for text. Join me.
01/17/2014 08:31:36 AM · #10
Originally posted by Tiny:

Not really, its called a photograph.

Very helpful. Bet you're a barrel of laughs at xmas...
01/17/2014 09:17:44 AM · #11
I object. I've already planned my cover according to the current ruleset.
01/17/2014 09:35:45 AM · #12
there is saying somewhere
about a pic and a 1000 words:)
01/17/2014 03:54:48 PM · #13
Though I probably will shoot for this challenge, though doubtful I'll enter if the dumbass text thing isn't resolved.
01/17/2014 04:09:26 PM · #14
One of the best albums. EVER.

How can you forget this gem?


Message edited by author 2014-01-17 16:12:09.
01/17/2014 04:22:10 PM · #15
Yes, good point. However, the Beatles are instantly recognizable so it's pretty obvious who the artist is. Of course you could always just go ahead and straight-out plagiarize the '4 guys walking across an intersection'.
01/17/2014 04:24:38 PM · #16
That old dude with the sticks on his back looks a lot like Robert Plant.

This album sold pretty well, too:

Message edited by author 2014-01-17 16:27:04.
01/17/2014 04:40:53 PM · #17
It's not that hard to print out some text, shoot it and paste it in, as I suggested earlier. It's what I plan to do myself. But shooting a wordless cover (remember you can still type in the title field) is probably more of a "challenge" and could conceivably earn a bonus from folks who appreciate such things ...
01/17/2014 07:58:19 PM · #18
Photographer Henry Diltz Still Rockin' Into His Seventies

Profile of the official photographer of the Woodstock music festival and of hundreds of album covers ...

Transcript (slightly paraphrased) available now, audio available later ...
01/17/2014 08:14:13 PM · #19
Originally posted by GeneralE:

It's not that hard to print out some text, shoot it and paste it in, as I suggested earlier. It's what I plan to do myself. But shooting a wordless cover (remember you can still type in the title field) is probably more of a "challenge" and could conceivably earn a bonus from folks who appreciate such things ...

True but it's a PITA if you don't have a printer. Furthermore how do you know which font will work best with your idea right off the bat? I never do.

Without text allowed, this is nothing but an Expert-level free study, which will probably be won by gyaban anyway.

Someone on SC please take a cattle prod to Langdon. Have him sign over the final authority on matters like this to the SC. Plain and simple.

Message edited by author 2014-01-17 20:30:10.
01/17/2014 08:53:26 PM · #20
Originally posted by snaffles:

Originally posted by GeneralE:

It's not that hard to print out some text, shoot it and paste it in, as I suggested earlier. It's what I plan to do myself. But shooting a wordless cover (remember you can still type in the title field) is probably more of a "challenge" and could conceivably earn a bonus from folks who appreciate such things ...

True but it's a PITA if you don't have a printer. Furthermore how do you know which font will work best with your idea right off the bat? I never do.

I don't have a printer either, but access to one at work and the public library -- I can print a letter-sized PDF for fifteen cents; I might include two or more versions on a page.

You can design your image with the type on top, then just print the type without all the background elements.

ETA: I already sent a ticket to Langdon.

Message edited by author 2014-01-17 20:54:37.
01/17/2014 11:27:12 PM · #21
Likewise you CAN take a picture of the text on your screen... then use that image to overlay the text outline.

Where there's a will, there's a way within the ruleset.
01/18/2014 12:37:45 AM · #22
Half a week into the challenge... most who plan to enter have already started.

IMHO, it's too late to change a challenge topic's description or rules.

Work around stuff... :D
01/18/2014 08:43:22 AM · #23
Originally posted by klkitchens:

Likewise you CAN take a picture of the text on your screen... then use that image to overlay the text outline.

Where there's a will, there's a way within the ruleset.

Clever, and saves me a trip to the library....thanks! :-)
01/18/2014 09:29:10 AM · #24
What's the rule re shooting their logo right off the cover art & pasting it in your comp like clip art?
01/18/2014 10:28:23 AM · #25
Originally posted by pixelpig:

What's the rule re shooting their logo right off the cover art & pasting it in your comp like clip art?

Not sure, but I would be careful about it falling under the "taking a picture of somebody else's art:" rule.

The album can be fact or fictitious right, we could make our own logo?
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