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Showing posts 101 - 125 of 132, (reverse)
04/20/2006 03:16:57 PM · #101
I am still only hovering above 5, and I really think thisone deserved better..Will I ever figure out these DPC voters!!??!!

I have just finished voting on about half, and I will say, there seemed to be Alot of entries that are OOF...I know I need to get glasses, but I did see some nice sharp images, too, so I know it isnt my poor eyesight.

Did anyone else notice this? Maybe I just hit a bunch of OOF and the rest will be stunning...?
04/20/2006 03:52:11 PM · #102
Originally posted by Rae-Ann:

I am still only hovering above 5, and I really think thisone deserved better..Will I ever figure out these DPC voters!!??!!

I have just finished voting on about half, and I will say, there seemed to be Alot of entries that are OOF...I know I need to get glasses, but I did see some nice sharp images, too, so I know it isnt my poor eyesight.

Did anyone else notice this? Maybe I just hit a bunch of OOF and the rest will be stunning...?

I am just a bit over 1/3 done voting and I noticed the same thing. In my opinion, a large percentage of these pictures are also over-processed. It seems like they were trying to go for a certain effect and it failed. The pics would have been better if they did minimal processing.

04/20/2006 04:37:18 PM · #103
Originally posted by shaileshivyas:

And its a good contest, but I dont know if its great one. I think a mid 6 will do real well.

Actually with the low scoring like this, it may one of the ribbon; if not at least top 5.

Thanks for the sentiment, but I highly doubt it in a 400 entry challenge (even if it does turn out to be low scoring). For example, I am aware of a 7+ score out there (won't say who). I am a little bit more confident I might Top 10 now, but I highly doubt a Top 5...

Votes: 95
Views: 156
Avg Vote: 6.5579
Comments: 13
Favorites: 1

Message edited by author 2006-04-20 16:38:07.
04/20/2006 09:53:18 PM · #104
Note to self, next time shoot something older than 15 years. Oh well, so much for getting evaluated on the photo's merits.

Votes: 87
Views: 126
Avg Vote: 4.2414
Comments: 2
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 04/20/06 09:45 pm
04/20/2006 10:05:54 PM · #105
Votes: 104
Views: 124
Avg Vote: 4.6250
Comments: 1

dragging itself out of the primordial ooze. still pretty sucky.
04/20/2006 10:18:48 PM · #106
Originally posted by xianart:

Comments: 1

Ha! I'm beating you in commments!

Message edited by author 2006-04-20 22:18:56.
04/20/2006 10:26:33 PM · #107
Originally posted by yanko:

Originally posted by xianart:

Comments: 1

Ha! I'm beating you in commments!

i had two, but someone took theirs away. :-(
04/20/2006 10:40:56 PM · #108
Has anybody else notice the lack of comments?!
04/20/2006 10:44:45 PM · #109
Votes: 108
Views: 129
Avg Vote: 5.9259
Comments: 4
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 04/20/06 10:41 pm

Slowly moving up. Hope to reach 6
Not enough comments yet.
04/20/2006 10:45:50 PM · #110
After voting more, about 3/4's of the way through...this is a pretty strong contest. Is it textures 4 good? Maybe.

Its very good, much better then I originally thought.

04/20/2006 10:56:03 PM · #111
Originally posted by bmora:

Has anybody else notice the lack of comments?!

Yeah. I think everyone is just commenting in Color Portraits for whatever reason.
04/20/2006 10:57:27 PM · #112
Votes: 94
Views: 119
Avg Vote: 5.7979
Comments: 3

Agreed..a slow moving up through today. Now if it could just creep it's way past 6! Happy voters? :)
04/21/2006 12:38:18 AM · #113
I am very happy with my image, and it is slowly creeping up now, as yesterday it seemed to be going down more than up.

Votes: 107
Views: 133
Avg Vote: 5.8692
Comments: 8

What I am most happiest about is that I now have 8 comments, and all good.....

I would like it to be in the 6's, but still not quite there yet, but we still have some time up our sleeve.

Message edited by author 2006-04-21 00:40:20.
04/21/2006 02:44:20 PM · #114
Votes: 125
Views: 147
Avg Vote: 4.6720
Comments: 1

slowly slowly. could it even reach 5? somehow, i doubt it. after all, i suck! ;)
04/21/2006 02:53:12 PM · #115
Votes: 112
Views: 141
Avg Vote: 5.5268
Comments: 1
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 04/21/06 02:10 pm

hmmm, that's about what I was expecting...
04/21/2006 03:29:37 PM · #116
Votes: 120
Views: 150
Avg Vote: 4.8167
Comments: 3
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 04/21/06 03:24 pm
Status: Thank you for submitting your proof file. Your submission is being reviewed by the administrators and is pending further action.

This is not what I was expecting. Without giving away much about my picture, I think it's a real stretch to submit it for DQ. But that's up to the SC to decide.
04/21/2006 06:38:59 PM · #117
i am 3/4 way thru voting, i have a bit of a hectic life, i am only commenting on submissions i give high marks to or low marks to (and for the record there has only been one low mark) There are some really good photos in this, I have alot of work to do to get up to the standard here, and save for a better camera ha ha ha
04/21/2006 06:40:17 PM · #118
Votes: 123
Views: 146
Avg Vote: 4.4797
Comments: 3
04/21/2006 07:42:03 PM · #119
Votes: 133
Views: 155
Avg Vote: 4.7218
Comments: 1

woohoo! 4.7! ;-p
04/21/2006 09:33:44 PM · #120
I am having some really unusual results with the "Old" voting -- many more swings in the score than I've experienced before. When I first checked Wednesday morning, my score was about 6.7 (with pretty few votes so far). Then a few hours later (maybe noon or so), the score had dropped to around 4.6, if I recall. That means I got a LOT of very low scores, I assume (1's, 2's and 3's), to drop that drastically. Then it has climbed consistently since then back to a more respectable 5.63 or so now. I find it really odd that during those few hours- and seemingly only during those few hours- there were so many extremely low votes.

Could it be the timing of which parts of the world have the heaviest voting at that time of day and certain subjects may have different appeal in different part of the world or just pure coincidence. I'm past the point of ever trying to figure out the voting here, but just found these results particularly interesting.

04/22/2006 09:04:18 PM · #121
I have just finished voting each and every entry and also commented on 25% as there were to many to comment on all of them.

I was quite pleased with the entries, but to many old vechicles to really respect them all, and also so many camersa as well.

I really enjoyed this challenge, but I only found a very small number of entries, that actually "POPPED".

Best wishes to you all.....
04/22/2006 10:41:52 PM · #122
Votes: 163
Views: 213
Avg Vote: 5.8221
Comments: 5
Favorites: 0

Getting a little better.

Message edited by author 2006-04-23 09:09:52.
04/23/2006 09:44:07 PM · #123
Votes: 174
Views: 205
Avg Vote: 4.7471
Comments: 2

it would seem my place in team suck is safe...
04/24/2006 05:46:20 AM · #124
Will everyone who voted the Something Old II challenge during the first 24 hours please go back and review your votes. And I hope you're in a better mood this time. :)

My score was miserably low on the first day but has been inching it's way back up to almost respectable ever since. Hope it keeps climbing a little more.

04/24/2006 05:18:40 PM · #125
Originally posted by coolhar:

Will everyone who voted the Something Old II challenge during the first 24 hours please go back and review your votes. And I hope you're in a better mood this time. :)

My score was miserably low on the first day but has been inching it's way back up to almost respectable ever since. Hope it keeps climbing a little more.

I agree, The first day or two as very disappointing, the scores I am getting now must be much better as my total score is gradually climbing.
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