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DPChallenge Forums >> Photography Discussion >> AI is now in Photoshop
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05/23/2023 09:57:04 AM · #1
There is a Beta version of Photoshop available today that you now can use your own photo for the main and add whatever you want through photoshop.

I'm trying to get excited about it. But it's not my work. Even if it's my idea - it's not my work. Why do I need to bother setting up complex shots anymore?

I'm trying to make money from my photography. It will make it easy to make money from compelling images, but they're not my images. My images won't be as impressive, because they're imperfect. Why wait for 5 days to try to get the bird flying directly at you? I can just generate it. I had my best art show ever this past weekend. But now anyone can do things that are better than mine.

I'm feeling depressed and sick. :(
05/23/2023 10:03:53 AM · #2
I hear ya.
05/23/2023 10:09:31 AM · #3
Rules warning ... even in Extended Editing you must have valid EXIF for any composites (i.e. proof for that extra bird or person added to your comp).

Not directed at you Wendy, just a heads-up for others that read this.
05/23/2023 10:13:21 AM · #4
Originally posted by vawendy:

There is a Beta version of Photoshop available today that you now can use your own photo for the main and add whatever you want through photoshop.

I'm trying to get excited about it. But it's not my work. Even if it's my idea - it's not my work. Why do I need to bother setting up complex shots anymore?

I'm trying to make money from my photography. It will make it easy to make money from compelling images, but they're not my images. My images won't be as impressive, because they're imperfect. Why wait for 5 days to try to get the bird flying directly at you? I can just generate it. I had my best art show ever this past weekend. But now anyone can do things that are better than mine.

I'm feeling depressed and sick. :(

Adobe Firefly? I am using it for a while now but not that good yet. still impressive to just type a command to have the edit done.

Message edited by author 2023-05-23 10:13:47.
05/23/2023 11:57:56 AM · #5
Originally posted by GeorgesBogaert:

Originally posted by vawendy:

There is a Beta version of Photoshop available today that you now can use your own photo for the main and add whatever you want through photoshop.

I'm trying to get excited about it. But it's not my work. Even if it's my idea - it's not my work. Why do I need to bother setting up complex shots anymore?

I'm trying to make money from my photography. It will make it easy to make money from compelling images, but they're not my images. My images won't be as impressive, because they're imperfect. Why wait for 5 days to try to get the bird flying directly at you? I can just generate it. I had my best art show ever this past weekend. But now anyone can do things that are better than mine.

I'm feeling depressed and sick. :(

Adobe Firefly? I am using it for a while now but not that good yet. still impressive to just type a command to have the edit done.

Whatever it is, it's incorporated into Photoshop beta version.
05/23/2023 01:33:25 PM · #6
I saw the announcement this morning. Scott Kelby seemed excited. I'm not. I agree with you, Wendy, that I want my photo to be my work. I don't even like sky replacements (unless it's my photo of the sky). I'm at the point where I create most of my texture layers rather than use someone else's.
05/23/2023 01:45:42 PM · #7
Originally posted by Elaine:

I saw the announcement this morning. Scott Kelby seemed excited. I'm not. I agree with you, Wendy, that I want my photo to be my work. I don't even like sky replacements (unless it's my photo of the sky). I'm at the point where I create most of my texture layers rather than use someone else's.

I'll go you one further... I don't even do sky replacements when it *is* my own sky image, LOL.
I'm certainly not a "purist" that eschews any artistic interpretation, but sky replacements just seem so disingenuous. As for AI in Ps, I can certainly see where it will make some content creators really happy if it works well, could save scads of time. For photographers, yeh, not so much. I guess if one thought about it in terms of being an enhancement to "content-aware fill" and used it for generating replacement data to cover a removal, perhaps there is value. For myself, I won't be spending any time on it anytime soon.
05/23/2023 02:13:08 PM · #8
Originally posted by kirbic:

Originally posted by Elaine:

I saw the announcement this morning. Scott Kelby seemed excited. I'm not. I agree with you, Wendy, that I want my photo to be my work. I don't even like sky replacements (unless it's my photo of the sky). I'm at the point where I create most of my texture layers rather than use someone else's.

I'll go you one further... I don't even do sky replacements when it *is* my own sky image, LOL.
I'm certainly not a "purist" that eschews any artistic interpretation, but sky replacements just seem so disingenuous. As for AI in Ps, I can certainly see where it will make some content creators really happy if it works well, could save scads of time. For photographers, yeh, not so much. I guess if one thought about it in terms of being an enhancement to "content-aware fill" and used it for generating replacement data to cover a removal, perhaps there is value. For myself, I won't be spending any time on it anytime soon.

The removal tool is spectacular now. It does an incredible job on the one thing on which I tried it. I never made friends with content aware fill and got it to work. This removal tool just WORKED! I'm very excited by that. And the ability to extend the canvas is extremely exciting.
05/23/2023 02:47:09 PM · #9
Has anyone tried it yet? I can't get it to work. generative fill isn't showing up on the new little toolbar. And I can't seem to find an answer as to why.
05/23/2023 03:11:11 PM · #10
Ok -- an answer to my previous question. If you try it and can't get the generative tool to work, you're not using the latest version. Even if it says that you are. You have to sign out of the creative cloud app and sign back in and then check for updates.
05/23/2023 03:16:02 PM · #11
Holy crap!!! While I'm against the big things it can do, the small things are incredible!! I needed to expand the canvas on a shot that I'm printing for a client. I did a quick and bad attempt a couple of days ago and was really NOT looking forward to doing it for real.

I just did it in less than a minute

05/23/2023 09:34:36 PM · #12
I downloaded the beta version, and when I hover over the Generative Fill area, it says "Generative Fill is currently not available." WHY?!?!?! :(
05/23/2023 09:58:24 PM · #13
Originally posted by alanfreed:

I downloaded the beta version, and when I hover over the Generative Fill area, it says "Generative Fill is currently not available." WHY?!?!?! :(

I haven't looked yet, but most of my greyed out issues is because it's not in 8-bit mode.
05/24/2023 10:53:18 AM · #14
I saw one review that reported the AI replacement parts tend to be a lower resolution than the original image but that this impact can be reduced by doing expansion/replacement in multiple smaller sections instead of all at once. Makes me wonder if full resolution will be made available at extra cost after beta period. I tend to avoid beta products generally, but this does look like some aspects may be useful (while other aspects will challenge our understanding of "photography" more generally).
05/24/2023 12:55:02 PM · #15
I tried calling Adobe, which ended up sending me back and forth to various barely-English speaking people who asked the same questions over and over... but while I was talking to them I did enough Googling to figure out how to add my date of birth to Adobe so that they knew I was over 18, and it finally magically worked! :)

Originally posted by tanguera:

Originally posted by alanfreed:

I downloaded the beta version, and when I hover over the Generative Fill area, it says "Generative Fill is currently not available." WHY?!?!?! :(

I haven't looked yet, but most of my greyed out issues is because it's not in 8-bit mode.
05/24/2023 01:28:52 PM · #16
Originally posted by alanfreed:

I tried calling Adobe, which ended up sending me back and forth to various barely-English speaking people who asked the same questions over and over... but while I was talking to them I did enough Googling to figure out how to add my date of birth to Adobe so that they knew I was over 18, and it finally magically worked! :)

Originally posted by tanguera:

Originally posted by alanfreed:

I downloaded the beta version, and when I hover over the Generative Fill area, it says "Generative Fill is currently not available." WHY?!?!?! :(

I haven't looked yet, but most of my greyed out issues is because it's not in 8-bit mode.

Seriously!? How bizarre
05/24/2023 01:39:46 PM · #17
Originally posted by bob350:

I saw one review that reported the AI replacement parts tend to be a lower resolution than the original image but that this impact can be reduced by doing expansion/replacement in multiple smaller sections instead of all at once. Makes me wonder if full resolution will be made available at extra cost after beta period. I tend to avoid beta products generally, but this does look like some aspects may be useful (while other aspects will challenge our understanding of "photography" more generally).

What I would find interesting is if the Generative fill will eventually give you the option of using your own images.
05/24/2023 02:58:02 PM · #18
Originally posted by tanguera:

Originally posted by bob350:

I saw one review that reported the AI replacement parts tend to be a lower resolution than the original image but that this impact can be reduced by doing expansion/replacement in multiple smaller sections instead of all at once. Makes me wonder if full resolution will be made available at extra cost after beta period. I tend to avoid beta products generally, but this does look like some aspects may be useful (while other aspects will challenge our understanding of "photography" more generally).

What I would find interesting is if the Generative fill will eventually give you the option of using your own images.

I asked that at the seminar, but they never answered that question. Then I would be very interested.
05/24/2023 06:10:43 PM · #19
I'd be very surprised if the generative AI could "source" from your own images exclusively... the training for the AI would likely involve (many) millions of images. Without that training, there can be no AI output.
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