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DPChallenge Forums >> Individual Photograph Discussion >> Thoughts on this photo?
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06/25/2013 06:33:13 PM · #1
Finished this up this evening and am looking to get some feedback.
06/25/2013 06:49:53 PM · #2
Very harsh lighting on the figures makes the cut of the jacket look very poor, especially around the left shoulder. Light direction on figures has nothing to do with light direction in the BG photo, though some might not object to that. Dichotomy between the misty-romantic BG look and the harsh, angular look of the figures is offputting to me. The masking on the woman's head is poor, it looks very artificial. The rest of the masking is pretty good at first glance.

Overall, though, there is good drama and good color.

ETA: one other thing, the leftmost pier light is WAY too dominant, it pulls the eye away from where we should be looking, I'd mute it considerably.

Message edited by author 2013-06-25 18:52:27.
06/25/2013 07:26:04 PM · #3
I like the coulors and the POV.

for me there's two things in this photo that don't work for me. First is the bride and groom body position. Is awkerd ever for contemplating the BG. I would defenitively change that. The second is the unrealistic treatment of the light/background with a kind of mist feeling, when there's no wist in the sky, or the harbour could'nt apear so clearly in the photo.

But I like the concept a lot.
06/25/2013 07:34:56 PM · #4
the light seems off, maybe burn down the males right arm? other than that i like the tones and colors, but im not sure the background works well with the attire of the subjects..
06/25/2013 07:44:51 PM · #5
It's a treat to see your style evolving, Joshua. Applied to wedding photography, it will be unique--I predict you will make a name for yourself, & have many assistants who will tote the lighting equipment around for you. And wrangler to manage the models clients hair, makeup, clothes, etc. "D

What I see here, is a landscape that's a little too dominant. And the newly married couple is looking into the sunset (IMO a sunrise would be more appropriate, symbolically). The composition is excellent. I hope you post more of these!
06/25/2013 07:45:59 PM · #6
I made a few changes, I kinda like their pose with the background, it is almost a surreal look to me.

Also tried it as a black and white

06/25/2013 07:58:19 PM · #7
I like the BW version!
06/25/2013 08:36:13 PM · #8
That's quite a bit better, but redo the masking on here hair, okay? Zoom in on the original and look how blocky it is, and there's a darkish halo.
06/25/2013 08:38:45 PM · #9
I like the BW one better...The color version almost looks fake.
06/25/2013 08:44:41 PM · #10
Originally posted by cowboy221977:

I like the BW one better...The color version almost looks fake.

Well it is fake :) But I know what you mean.

Robert I will see what I can do, the original background is making it very difficult to properly extract the hair, at least at my level.
06/25/2013 08:58:27 PM · #11
I really like the concept, Joshua, and don't really mind the prominence of the pier. But for me the couple does not look incorporated into the image, rather like they're standing in front of a big screen with that photo :-)
06/25/2013 09:37:26 PM · #12
Originally posted by tanguera:

I really like the concept, Joshua, and don't really mind the prominence of the pier. But for me the couple does not look incorporated into the image, rather like they're standing in front of a big screen with that photo :-)

I can see that. I believe a big part of that is the beach was shot with a wide angle while the couple was around 50mm. Normally I make sure to shoot the same or at least very close focal lengths when doing a composite. I just wanted to use a bride and these are all I have, I am hoping to get more bridal sessions in the near future.
06/25/2013 10:14:08 PM · #13
No, I don't think it's that so much as what Bear pointed out: the lighting is both a different quality and a different direction.
06/25/2013 10:19:15 PM · #14
Joshua on the color version the reason it looks a little off is the obviously the color. If you stamp the layer, create a duplicate, and go to filter>>blur>>average, change the layer to color and reduce opacity it should help with the overall color scheme.

If not make a new layer, select your brush, pick a color closest to them and paint over the subjects. Double click the layer and on the lower section of your layer styles, you will see the blend if section: hold down the alt/option key and split the black slider and drag it left. It will only allow those colors you selected to show in the highlights, do the opposite for the shadows. Reduce your opacity.
06/25/2013 10:29:05 PM · #15
Hope you dont mind I just toyed with it for a sec but it would be much better in full res.


06/25/2013 10:30:57 PM · #16
I did do an average blur from the big onto the subjects. I understand about the lighting but my thinking is if I actually shit this on location I would likely have used a similar setup for the lights and it would look the same or similar lighting wise. But I will look again at the overall shot after leaving it for a bit and hopefully I will be able to see it better.
06/25/2013 10:32:10 PM · #17
Originally posted by MinsoPhoto:

I did do an average blur from the big onto the subjects. I understand about the lighting but my thinking is if I actually shit this on location I would likely have used a similar setup for the lights and it would look the same or similar lighting wise. But I will look again at the overall shot after leaving it for a bit and hopefully I will be able to see it better.

I'm thinking if you shit this on location, the clients would be mightily impressed.
06/25/2013 10:51:15 PM · #18
Originally posted by Cory:

Originally posted by MinsoPhoto:

I did do an average blur from the big onto the subjects. I understand about the lighting but my thinking is if I actually shit this on location I would likely have used a similar setup for the lights and it would look the same or similar lighting wise. But I will look again at the overall shot after leaving it for a bit and hopefully I will be able to see it better.

I'm thinking if you shit this on location, the clients would be mightily impressed.

I really hope you mean shot :)
06/26/2013 06:13:57 AM · #19
Originally posted by Sirashley:

Originally posted by Cory:

Originally posted by MinsoPhoto:

I did do an average blur from the big onto the subjects. I understand about the lighting but my thinking is if I actually shit this on location I would likely have used a similar setup for the lights and it would look the same or similar lighting wise. But I will look again at the overall shot after leaving it for a bit and hopefully I will be able to see it better.

I'm thinking if you shit this on location, the clients would be mightily impressed.

I really hope you mean shot :)

Either way the clients would be impressed, but for different reasons. Very different reasons. Disturbing reasons.
06/26/2013 07:50:02 AM · #20
my big problem with the image is the background, it just doesn't fit. I just cant picture why those two would be standing there looking at that pier.

to me, the image as a whole is too reliant on the processing, not enough on composition, lighting and has no emotion.

edited for clarity, this is my opinion, the couple or you may feel differently :)

Message edited by author 2013-06-26 09:54:09.
06/26/2013 09:49:02 AM · #21
oops, yes I meant shot, see I should have went to bed just a few minutes earlier. I don't know I like the couple standing there, I am someone who would do this, just stare out at the ocean thinking about life. With the couple in their wedding dress it is as if they are looking out into the unknown future, the vast open of uncertainty and while they look timid about the future their grasp on each other will get them through. Maybe it is just because thie couple are very close friends and I am looking at it in more than a technical way but don't think I don't listen to advice.
06/26/2013 01:07:14 PM · #22
To me, your photo is very creative, and the right couple would absolutely love it. You can see that most of the suggestions here were spot on. I like the color version much better - a lot less stark than the b&w version to me.

Considering that my wife & I got engaged on a similar beach, unaware that the tide was coming in around my VW Rabbit (yes, I'm that old...), it would be very conceivable that we would revisit that location in wedding attire. My wife grew up across a narrow road from the beach, and loves the ocean.
06/26/2013 09:31:55 PM · #23
Your 2nd edit definitely has better shadows, more dramatic lighting. It would show more emotion of the couple looking at each other not into the water like the Great Gatsby. I would also like to see the circular sun between them, that might indicate a warm bond. You can try some Fog-Misty f/x filter from NIK Software, now owned by Google. For our "Fantastic" wedding photo taken in Film days, we snuck away from the reception, just at sunset. We were turned 3/4 toward the camera, with the sunset at chest and hand level. It was a hand hold and maybe a kiss. These are just my opinions.
06/27/2013 04:44:32 AM · #24
It's seems strange to me, surely the message of the newly weds looking forward would be at the end of the pier looking out to the vast emptiness that they are yet to fill as a married couple, not at the underside of the pier

Or just setting foot on the pier with its entire length to go as a metaphor for their journey through life together to reach the end of the pier together etc

I don't like the angle of the two either seems awkward and stiff
06/27/2013 09:00:17 AM · #25
Originally posted by Giles:

It's seems strange to me, surely the message of the newly weds looking forward would be at the end of the pier looking out to the vast emptiness that they are yet to fill as a married couple, not at the underside of the pier

Or just setting foot on the pier with its entire length to go as a metaphor for their journey through life together to reach the end of the pier together etc

I don't like the angle of the two either seems awkward and stiff

Excellent thoughts, I will rember to get some photos looking down the pier next time I visit the beach. And the pose isn't even a pose, this was shot while they were walking to get in position for their formals in the church and I was testing the lights. 2.5 years ago, I really need more brides...
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