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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Calling All North Americans.
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04/17/2007 01:02:35 PM · #1
Guys & Gals,
my boy has just told me he has 6 weeks to complete his project on the history of any country in the world, he has decided to choose the USA, fair enough, however he should of mentioned this to us 5.5 weeks ago and thus has 3 days in which to get it started, completed and handed in. I know, bless him. grrrrrr.

So, what I am asking, is, do you know any sites where I can grab a history of the states, aimed at 9 - 10 year olds, or can you guys throw us a bone regarding important dates and other things he should mention like thanksgiving, founding fathers,presidents etc. I need a digest version of events etc. links etc would be welcome to.. sorry for the quick and prompt posting, but I need to go and beat him.

then do his project.

PS, rest assured he has been told if he gets bad marks the PS2 is strictly off limits for at least a month.
thanks everso much..

Message edited by author 2007-04-17 13:03:05.
04/17/2007 01:04:12 PM · #2
wikipedia knows everything
04/17/2007 01:06:14 PM · #3
Originally posted by option:

wikipedia knows everything

hardly kid friendly.. I havent got time to trawl through it all. just stuff thats `important`..

I heard about somethign called the civil war, man the moon, dollars, tea parties, indians, columbus. Just stuff that you would think is intersting for a 9 year old british kid who doesnt want to incur the wrath of his old man.

sorry if I sound a bit sharp, but not in the best of moods here as a result of him keeping his gob shut regarding homework. epsecially since he has had 2 and a half weeks off for easter and goes back tomorrow.

Message edited by author 2007-04-17 13:09:05.
04/17/2007 01:09:45 PM · #4
04/17/2007 01:11:08 PM · #5
oh dad...i'm sure you did the same thing when you were his age! i know i did...lol. i'll browse around and see what i can find that might help. :)
04/17/2007 01:11:35 PM · #6

My mom's a 6th grade teacher and here are some I know she has used in the past.
04/17/2007 01:13:01 PM · #7
CIA - The World Factbook (US)
04/17/2007 01:13:49 PM · #8
Start here:

The Offical Kids Portal for US Government
04/17/2007 01:14:19 PM · #9

They have a section History for Kids.
He can hook up any number of events in and around Ohio (Western Reserve) with British history as well.

Best of luck
04/17/2007 01:15:09 PM · #10
There's always "simple wikipedia": //simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States

04/17/2007 01:16:02 PM · #11
This site should be helpful.
04/17/2007 01:16:26 PM · #12
Originally posted by Simms:

Originally posted by option:

wikipedia knows everything

hardly kid friendly.. I havent got time to trawl through it all. just stuff thats `important`..

I heard about somethign called the civil war, man the moon, dollars, tea parties, indians, columbus. Just stuff that you would think is intersting for a 9 year old british kid who doesnt want to incur the wrath of his old man.

sorry if I sound a bit sharp, but not in the best of moods here as a result of him keeping his gob shut regarding homework. epsecially since he has had 2 and a half weeks off for easter and goes back tomorrow.

Hope this helps;

civil war,
man the moon
tea parties,

Message edited by author 2007-04-17 13:16:57.
04/17/2007 01:16:32 PM · #13
Wayback: US History for Kids
America's Library
04/17/2007 01:16:45 PM · #14
If you need any critical information about Groundhog Day, let me know :)
04/17/2007 01:16:54 PM · #15
Battle of Oriskany, (New York), known as the turning point of the Revolution

don't know if it is kid friendly enough....but with helpful interpretation.... Shows NY history and Revolutionary History...

Also Google Adam Helmer's Run for the same important local history.

hope it helps

oops...looks like Sher has it covered.

Message edited by author 2007-04-17 13:18:28.
04/17/2007 01:17:54 PM · #16
Okay WOW we blew this thread up quick, With all these links you should be able to find something to use. Good luck


Message edited by author 2007-04-17 13:18:18.
04/17/2007 01:18:54 PM · #17
WOW, thank you all so much. I know wikipedia etc, but need something easy for him to trawl through as I refuse to do it for him.

Once again, THANKS TO YOU ALL.
04/17/2007 01:18:57 PM · #18
This always cracked me up as a kid.
Pig War

"The Pig War (also called the Pig Episode, the San Juan Boundary Dispute or the Northwestern Boundary Dispute) was a confrontation in 1859 between American and British authorities, resulting from a dispute over the boundary between the United States and British North America, specifically in regards to San Juan Island, one of many islands which separate Washington state and British Columbia. It is so called because the war was triggered by a pig. The pig was the only casualty of the war making it essentially bloodless."

That might be getting to specific for a 9 year old report, but I was close to that age when I learned about it, and I still remember it to this day.
04/17/2007 01:23:44 PM · #19
Of course there was always that time when we marched in and burned the White House, haha.

04/17/2007 01:27:49 PM · #20
I am brainstorming things with him to research and I said how about finding out about Independance Day, to which he said "We've got that on DVD!"

I have a mammoth task ahead of me.. lol
04/17/2007 01:29:35 PM · #21
omg Boss is gonna hear me laugh out loud...
04/17/2007 01:30:45 PM · #22
"What is the USA famous for"..



04/17/2007 01:32:07 PM · #23
haha .. this is funny :D
04/17/2007 01:33:23 PM · #24
And mass shootings...

Originally posted by Simms:

"What is the USA famous for"..



04/17/2007 01:33:26 PM · #25
Simms, now's the time to use those left over props from "Chains".
Attach the little monster to his desk until the he write the report.
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