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Showing posts 1501 - 1516 of 1516, (reverse)
04/01/2007 10:34:56 PM · #1501
OMG and I just scrolled down on DPC homepage and there is a photo of mine on the "feature photos" which should be a good thing right? WRONG it's one of my worst photos ever entered here and it's sentimental (student of mine wearing Southern colors) gawdddddddddddd shoot me now!
04/01/2007 11:09:58 PM · #1502
hang in there ladies!!! 45 minutes to go . .. ;)

and for what it is worth, my free study is currently at 3.56
04/01/2007 11:17:41 PM · #1503
april fool score should be something not possible...not something TYPICAL for me...when I usually score 4.2 .. 4.1 for april fool just ain't funny...now when all you 7s score my usual 3/4 maybeeeeeeeeeeee...I dunno...boy has a birthday and loses his mind...can we shoot him now?
04/07/2007 06:57:34 PM · #1504
sorry i have been away. we went to mexico for srping break and my special needs daughter did dolphin therapy. i posted some photos on my flickr
visit if you have time

i promise to start entering again....soon
04/07/2007 10:54:10 PM · #1505
dolphin therapy. how cool is that? were you able to see any results? did she enjoy it? did YOU enjoy it?

this is going to be a loooonnnngggg week for us. bernard goes to the hospital on Monday for pre-OP, Tuesday for a heart catheterization, and on Wednesday he has open heart surgery. :/

The good thing is that as far as open heart surgery goes, this is the "simplest" one (repairing a congenital heart defect), but it is still open heart. I would say i won't be around much, but the hospital has free wireless. i'll probably be online a lot at first, then less when he comes home.

so, if you pray, please keep him in your prayers.
04/07/2007 11:03:20 PM · #1506
i just looked at your dolphin pictures. that is awesome!

one question. the holga shot at the stairs. do the stairs go anywhere? it looks like they just go up and up and up. I know that is not one of the dolphin shots, but it is one that really spoke to me about the obstacles people with different disabilities have, and the strength and perserverance they exhibit overcoming.
04/08/2007 06:52:56 AM · #1507
Jude - I love your dolphin pic's. Looks like an incredible and memorable experience.

Karma - I am praying for you and your husband. Hang in there this week.
04/09/2007 10:32:21 AM · #1508
felt I should open link and send hugs to all...after reading updates I KNOW I should!

karma, both my brother and grandmother have had open-heart...thank God for modern medicine. I will pray most diligently for you and your family this week!!!

Jude, LOVE the dolphin shots...shall we hope mom got some R&R also? ;-) Your a remarkable woman. God knows your strong!

Aimee,thank you for sweet kindness in comments :-)

Rinac & Karma thanks for calming me during "April fool's day" what a trip!!!

Hanae...Praying for your back to heal :-)

ALL of YOU...thank you thank you thank you for being part of my life!!! I admire and appreciate ALL of you! I promise to get caught up on comments on all your shots ASAP...April 15th is on horizon...yeah!!!!!!!
04/12/2007 08:31:39 AM · #1509
thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers. He went into the surgery a little late yesterday, so my blood pressure was probably higher than normal, but everything went well. The Dr. said that the hole in his heart was substantially larger than originally thought. All previous "looking" had indicated it was about the size of a quarter, but in reality it was more the size of a half-dollar. (Instead of 35- 38 mm or so, it was probably more like 45 or 50, if I've done the guesstimating correctly).

Last night, he said his chest was hurting like the devil, but the nurses and all are really surprised at well he was doing. He came off of the ventilator easily and came to recovery from OR with about half as many tubes as most people do, most of which he should lose today or tomorrow.

They're saying possibly discharged on Sunday.

Again, thanks for the thoughts and prayers.
04/12/2007 09:06:15 AM · #1510
hallelujah!!!!!! WONDERFUL news Karmat...thanks for the update...and I'll keep up the prayers for everyone :-)

captain oh captain, Natayla..hope your doing MUCH better :-)
04/12/2007 07:02:08 PM · #1511
YAY Karma! Wonderful news!
04/12/2007 07:12:45 PM · #1512
Great news! Praying for a speedy recovery.
04/12/2007 07:28:16 PM · #1513
thanks again.

today has been uneventful, and that is a good thing. he's still having trouble seeing, and they don't know if that is a heart condition result, or all the happy pills he's on (I strongly suspect the latter), but other than that, he's plugging right along.

I may post some pictures of him later. muahhahahahahhaah
04/19/2007 11:48:08 AM · #1514
There are pictures of him in my portfolio.

Since dpl is quickly approaching, is it okay if we lock this thread and start another? Just for tidiness sakes. Or, would your rather just change the title of this one?

new season, new thread

(edited this post so we wouldn't have two on the front at one time)

Message edited by author 2007-04-19 21:50:20.
04/19/2007 12:32:35 PM · #1515
new one works for me.

ALSO, please note and understand that I am more than willing to withdraw as part of team if ANYONE would like that (cause I certainly don't help the scores!) All ya gotta do is let the captain know...Natayla let's me know I'm off I promise not to ask who made the request, I'd still love you all, and I'll forever cheer for your team!!!

wonderful news about your hubby Karmat!

Love to all,
04/19/2007 12:39:10 PM · #1516
Dear Ladies,

I have just sent a PM to you all.

With love,

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